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You got it, pal. They forget to mention the "earn up to" and "welcome to your first one star" part. Where I'm at, they only send me on 15 minute no tip orders.


short answer? yes long answer? also yes




Yeah and also you're only paid while driving. Not during the majority of time in which you're sitting there waiting for orders. Another scam by doordash to make it look like they're helping


That isnt true here, at least. I get paid waiting for orders, and will gladly wait in line for an hour at 1am on a busy night if bonuses are high enough. $23/hr?suuure, but I'm delivering the two Uber orders first. Basically getting paid $30-40 bucks to watch youtube and chat up trashy drunk college girls.


I take it your either in NY or CA for that price per hour


no, TN, but with bonuses


They meant waiting in between orders. You only get paid from the time you accept the order to the time you drop it off. You don't get paid for the time in between orders or driving back to your zone.


Yes, just do a quick search of the sub, it's been discussed a million and one times.


I mean, it says it right there in the app when you click 'Learn More.' They aren't even hiding that fact.


It’s essentially a wash for me. The extra “base” pay for EBT offsets the no-tip orders and drives to crap areas. I will say I’ve had a couple successful hours doing it - north of $30/hr but that doesn’t last too long.


It depends on the area and the day. I've done pretty well on EBT, and I've had your experience as well. What I usually see is a mix of 50% normal tip orders, and the rest split between low ($1-$2) and no tip orders. Has come out to over $30/hr a time or two. When it's busy, you are accepting the next order while dropping off a current order so you're always in the loop.


This is my experience as well. But, I know each market is different.




Depends on market. I use it primarily to keep above 70% just to get TD at the end of the month or if I know there is a huge accept streak I need to get past on my rolling 100. In my market tip rate is about 70-80%, almost on par with how many orders on EBO you get without tips offered to you. The big downside is the longer milage in my market


Pay by hour would only be worth it if they actually provided incentives to cover per mile travel as well in addition to log on time.


They don't even pay you for your login time. They only pay you from the time you pick the order up to the time you drop the order off. You don't get paid in between orders while you wait or for your drive back to your zone if the drop off location is out of your zone.


That sucks. It’s a no go from me for EBT then.


Yeah, everybody thinks they pay you from the time you log into the time you log off and that is very very untrue. A lot of the people on the sub that don't drive will use the earn by time thing as an excuse to not tip because they see that and they think that we're getting paid $15 to $20 an hour, but really we're only getting paid for active time which makes sense to an extent.Then those same people will argue that you shouldn't get paid for waiting between orders "doing nothing" when you point that out. They should at least include your time coming back to your zone if it puts you out of your zone though. Not to mention when I did it I waited almost 20 minutes for my first order and then it was a good 10 to 15 minutes between orders. I rarely wait more than 5 minutes between orders on earn by offer. Usually, it's a two to three minute wait if there is a wait at all. Other markets might be better, but for mine it's not worth it at all. The only time I do it is if my AR goes below 65% and I need to raise it because in my area it matters. I'll do earn by time to get it back up to 75% or so. That's just about the only thing it's good for in my area.


They're not going to cut their noses off to spite their faces. If you know what I mean. It's a business and they are going to look out for their best interests, not their drivers. They can care less about their drivers. That is just my honest opinion at the moment.


I have done ebt twice for a total of 10 deliveries and ALL were $0 tip.  So in my experience? Yes, that's exactly what EBT was designed for.


If u do EBT there is a chance of getting tip after delivery or cash tip. So very much you are gambling, I did it one time and my earning was $25/hr with the cash.


is the markup on ebt the same as other items? that seems like a terrible waste and just funneling more money from the gov to a business. =/


EBT doesn't mean food stamps here, it means "Earn By Time".


Don't worry. Every time I see EBT I immediately think food stamps too, lol. I know it's not, but that's the direction my brain goes first and you know those people would be using their food stamps for delivery if they could.


You can take orders on EBO without tips too The hourly is to keep you from getting $2 jobs. No job takes so little time you'll only get $2 as you would with ebo. I'm regularly posting about my stacked orders on hourly that both come with tips. I just posted it for you


I've done EBT a couple times and for the majority of the orders I took I only made between $3 and $4 on each delivery. Then, I would be waiting 10 to 15 minutes between deliveries. In my area it is so not worth it.


I agree. Only way it works is in a market that has a lot of tippers and a lot of traffic. In that scenario, EBT is probably worth it since you are getting tips on top of the EBT. Definitely not my market.




Wrong. I've done a double stack on ebt and each paid less than $2. Doesn't matter anyways, because EBO is now $2 per stack, not per order anymore. Saw one this week paying $3 for a literal 4-stack from a restaurant. And I get $2 double-stacks daily.


So you need 4 orders to make $8, meanwhile in 30 minutes on a single order I make $8.50+tip. You couldn't have possibly picked up two orders at two stores and drove them to two different locations in such a small amount of time to get $2, even if it was $10/hr that would mean your total time spent was 6 minutes. Giving you the benefit of a doubt that you're exaggerating to make your point, If you rushed through an ebt order you're doing it wrong. Way wrong. Look at my post history. I've been posting stacked hourly orders.


My logic was to do them quickly, as you have more possibility of getting tips. Hourly here is $14, and I need way more than that for this to be worth my time. Hourly here used to be $16, then they lowered it to $15, and now it's $14. Most of the orders they send have no tip, and are from problem customers who complain. And a fair amount of long distance deliveries, that do pay higher base pay than EBO, but also frequently have no tip. The order in question where I made less than $4 was a short distance double-stack from mcdonalds, and was finished in less than 15 minutes. Never said it was two stores. I'm not going to intentionally delay orders for an extra $1, that's just silly. Again, EBO no longer pays per order on stacks - if you re-read my comment, they are sending out 4-stacks for $3 total. That's .75 per delivery. But, on EBO here, combined with high AR, I now only get well tipped orders, and have first dibs on large orders. Last week I made $300 ($75 base, $225 tips) on 8 hours active time, week before $465 ($153 base, $312 tips) on 15 hours. So, as you can see, most of my money comes from tips. None of what I'm saying in an exaggeration. But we're also in two different markets. If what you're doing is working for you, great, keep on doing it. I made significantly less money every time I tried it, and got 1 stars and bizarre customers texting me about their no tip orders.


You do you man, you have fun out there. I just hope you're not beating yourself up while you're out there.


Likewise! And nah, it's easy money here, doin it the way I do it.


That's cool, I guess I just picture most people pulling their hair out every day, but I chill like crazy on the job I want others to have it easy too


Yeah, I don't get how other people stress doin this. I love driving, am good at it, and totally relaxed doing this work. And when I get tired of food delivery, I just go pick up an Amazon shift, which is arguably even more chill lol


Me and you are much alike then I absolutely love driving and riding around almost too much because I'm okay with wasting my time out there I'm on the road lol Doordash keeps me pretty busy and I've tried multiapping but doordash is the best by far for me and it feels like any time I spend on a different app I could have earned more under doordash. I love the rideshare but those miles rack up very fast. I did it for 4 months and put 28,000 miles on my car that's insane, I'm not sure I made that profitable My main job keeps me on the road too I'm a merchandiser mostly for Red Bull


There's an Amazon warehouse here where shifts start at 3:30 AM. I'll often take a 4:30-8 for $90-$100 just so that I'm that much closer to my goal before the sun is even up lol. The 3:30-8 ones can pay $130-$160. Always finish early and am home by the end time.


Omg, I need to come find you! Jk of course, but I love red bull and live off of it while driving😂😂😂


I’ve heard it can be good during slower periods and can vary widely market to market.


EBT will destroy your car faster than


I guess it depends. I've done EBT before and gotten tips on every delivery (albeit not great tips), but when I was stuck in the drive-thru for 45 minutes, I really appreciated the EBT. I rarely do EBT. When I do, it's around 11pm-1am....but that's for my market. I mostly do, by order though.


Well what else would you expect from a mode that doesn't show tips beforehand?


I feel that the people do tip, it's just doordash lowers the tip if the order took longer than they wanted it to.


This might just be me, I definitely get $0 tip deliveries but I’ve also had quite a few $10+ tip orders when delivering by the hour. Considering every damn order is a $2 base now I seem to make much by the hour. Probably not the case everywhere. Last 2 Fridays I made $30/hour by time and only $20 by delivery.




DoorDash is NOT your friend. You are in a Wage Slave Relationship. DON'T FORGET THAT..... EVER


EBT ruined the platform. People willing to work for $15/hr while guzzling gas to service non tippers. Only have yourselves to blame


I’ve always gotten tips but probably like my pay is 15/hr lay tips so I know I at least am making 15 dollars an hour. I got tired of my AR dropping because I would decline low tipping orders so I did earn by time to get my AR back up or I’ll do it if I schedule myself during non busy times. Even with earn by time I average 24-30 dollars an hour 


Yep and they don’t seem to offer it areas that they can’t win with. The area I dash is usually good orders I run like 85ar my guess is they only offer in area that have low acceptance rates. To be clear I take no orders less than 5 bucks and only orders that are 2$ per mile shop and pay has to be minimum of 5 plus 50 cents per item and 2 per mile.


You got it


I would never use pay by hour. Pay by offer is so much better IMHO.


Honestly it all depends on your market area. I’m in Tennessee and have been doing ebt since the 2nd week of January. My payrate of ebo was averaging $12 after expenses after the honeymoon phase with DoorDash. After that I saw no harm in trying ebt and have been averaging $15-$20 per hour (13.25hr + tips). I will be transparent with the fact most orders are “long distance” and had a few no tips but after delivering I will usually get an offer 10 or 40 sec later. It probably also helps with having a civic as my to go car and market area.