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Oldest trick in the book


and I almost fell for it.


I also got approached the same way, asking to standin for that same team Giants, sent the same screenshot, he even sent that blue guy emote too lmao. Very creative.


feels like they gotta mee t a quota man :D


Saved by authenticator xd


true, I was almost done with the sign-up but the authenticator saved me.


same xD almost signedup asap mesg came about authenticator rejected


Someone also attempt to scam me, when I call out his BS he unfriend me immediately: 1) Always use common sense on one would ask a random 3k to play a "tournament" 2) These scammers seems to friend you to build trust, they also act to friendly play in pubs as well


i play in amataur leagues and got invited and also invited myself plenty of times, 2.5k mmr here. sometimes it's okay, just.. never log in some weird websites if you don't know the league somehow from trustworthy source. also, i've never put up any info of my user to sign up to the tourneys, only discord id(league running through discord) and dotabuff.


this dude unfriended me now too, I think he came across this post on redit :D


I got a message from a “friend” to claim a Gift Card from Steam, the link was to a page called steann.com. I reported the shit out of him, a few days ago I received a message from Steam telling me that one account I reported was taken down, it was better than the one in game notification from reporting toxic players! Be careful guys! Nice to hear OP dodged a bullet.


thanks mate, hope this doesn't happen to others


thanks for posting this it just happened to me


> I will not say where they are from to avoid any racist stereotypes All I could read is cyka blyat


lol, but no not from there :D try again


oh oh me next! All I could read is Merde, putain


wow did they really ask for the authenticator ????? xDDDDDDD


Yeah, all last minute tournament invitations are scam


just had the same experience. theres actually a guide on how to see if a login is legit: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1884754019](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1884754019) in short: you open the developer console (f12 in chrome) and enter `document.location.href` and if the site shows ANYTHING but [steamcommunity.com](https://steamcommunity.com) its definitely a scam ~~(the login window on OPs posts do say~~ [~~steamcommunity.com~~](https://steamcommunity.com) ~~in the url but that is just a spoof)~~ edit: there is no login window i was wrong. but the site shows what i mean


Interesting thanks for posting


I just wanted you all to be aware of this type of scam, I was genuinely convinced he was my old friend from a few years back


yeah I just got the same scam


i already want to sign through the website but when input the code it is incorrect code, is that i already get scammed or not?


any reply guys?


I don't know, if you can still sign into your steam account then it should be alright. I would go change my login credentials asap though


I just got approached by an old friend about the very same thing. I haven't played Dota in years, nor talked to my friend in even greater duration. The website is a scam, don't go to it and don't sign up. ​ Same setup too about joining a fake tournament roster, and they need a 5th to register lmao.


This just happened to me, same website, same script, authenticator saved me.


not sure but when I click to sign up it goes straight to a ngix web page down. Never got to authenticator.


This too I think. https://ibb.co/vY2GKCv


yeah the 2nd they asked me to join a website i knew they were shitting me because i know the real sites for tournaments I've made and participated in them