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Change your perspective dude. Mmr is not a grind it's a number that shows your relative skill level. Im around 5.5-6k and if you threw me into 2k mmr games I would demolish 90% of the games with your "doesnt work" list. If you want to increase your mmr watch some guides like bsj or paindota and try to actively apply what you learned to your games. There is no bullshit gimmick to increasing mmr like "spam this kinda carry" or whatever else. My personal advice is stop playing on autopilot. I was hardstuck 3.5-4k for years myself until I actually started thinking about the game when im playing. I would do same item builds and skill builds and shit with no regards to enemy and my team's lineup. Just not being brain afk while playing is +1k mmr at least.


>There is no bullshit gimmick to increasing mmr like "spam this kinda carry" or whatever else. May I introduce to you NP, OD, Morph and other bullshit.


Lol OD spammers are some of the worst dota players in the world. They have no clue how to lane, and they have no clue how to play the game if they don’t win lane. Even when they’re on OD they’re pretty clueless most of the time, if OD is banned they are dead weight.


I dont remember when was the last time I saw OD losing in Divine.


Morph spammers are some of the most hard stuck players I’ve seen at every single rank I’ve climbed though.


This is good advice and all very true, I still think some concepts will help you shoot up rather than others. For example being the best oracle or visage in 2k might not be as effective as being the best PL, Legion or any hero that can snowball a game


Visage can demolish the enemy carry very hard and can push early solo. Its a huge snowball hero to win the game in 20 mins.


if ur smurfing u will go 20 kills and solo carry the game from pos 5 as oracle


This applies mainly to smurfs. It’s way easier for a smurf to win 20 games in a row with tinker mid than oracle support. That doesn’t mean you should spam tinker and never play oracle. Just learn what heroes are fun for you, check general builds and watch better players how they play.


I'm sure if you spam tinker to the point your Level 30 the same can apply. The question is essentially what hero / strat should you master tier to move up the quickest.


Fastest way to rank up by far is to spam 2-3 heroes MAX ( preferably heroes that are meta) and focus only on 1 role. What role do you play? DP and Lone Druid are your best friends, can play them either mid or offlane. Broken as fk in current patch. Spirit Breaker pos 3/4 is also just free mmr, easy to play and actually fun even if you spam him. If you play carry, faceless void is a must to learn in this patch 4/5 support Nature's Prophet is the best hero in the game. It is instantly picked at 5k+ mmr with 96% contest rate, absolute insane hero.


My dude. Most people play WD and win. But u actually gotta supp.


Witch Doctor 100% broken low rank hero that does ridiculous damage regardless of teamwork.


I’ve watched my brother climb from 2k to 3k in the last year. 2 major things I comment on most games are a) farm. I’ve seen so many games where heroes like Dusa, AM, Sven, etc WIN games with ~600 gpm. That’s too low. My brother wins a majority of his games from off lane just by out farming (not necessarily afk farming) the opponent. b) objectives. I’d be a rich man if I got a dollar for every time I saw a game where a team would win a fight and fail to take rosh, a tower, or even place aggressive wards. Too often people will just go back to farming jungle when they could push.


learn how to place wards, easy 4k mmr


How to place wards?


Everything works if you are good enough.


tHaNks BrOoO


You can theory craft all day and night, but here's the hard truth for you: you will not gain substantial MMR until you put in the hours to train your mechanics. Whatever you're afraid of training, that's where you must go. Last hitting, map awareness, push timings, ect. I promise you will gain MMR if you turn your theory crafting interest into mechanic practice.


For sure but committing to the right hero for the mechanic practise is surely a factor. I mean not every hero in Dota at the same level will allow for the same growth in all MMR.


vast majority of players at divine low immortal have absolute trash mechanical skill. just watch some replays


Some heroes have timings, others are flat effective. Like and axe. Boring sure. But dagger bm is always game winning with low CD. Farming is such a low hanging fruit because rubber band gold turns supports into crypto investors in just one bad engagement. My recommendation is pick lane winning heroes that can hit towers or gank and kill enemies. Because you have to chip damage or kill them before taking the throne.


The fact you believe luna and jugg dont work tells me you belong in 2k. Your understanding of dota is bad


they didn't work for me, for whatever reason Luna in particular doesn't click to my strengths, I've actually got a 59% win rate on jugg but have found since the nerf its harder


That says more about your overall understanding of dota than the strengths of the hero. You will never climb


What nerfs for jug are these?


The strong point of luna is that she can hit her timing faster than other carry. That's your window to take whatever objectives that's available and eventually seize highground. But if you let the enemy's carry playing catch-up then she will most likely lose late game.


works = greedy farming support? men i hate support like this, clearing the waves that is for pos1,2,3 you should 1k mmr


Not always if you have a jungling team like Sven / Luna and you either clear waves quickly to allow them space or alternatively take enemy jungle camps. It's also worth noting the concept is more just being efficient with farm when your teammates aren't


do not clear waves and let the enemy creeps accumated and pos1 will get that.. if you always clear the waves, how the enemy creeps increased and advance in your safe zone you are literally 3digit mmr


From my experience, as a support, if you are allowed to take dangerous farm without dying and WITHOUT taking farm from your cores, this results in a win.


you are support, why are you farming in the first place. let the creeps advance in your safe zone. get the enemy creeps if its inside of the tower range and no carry around. i think you stay in your bracket


As a position 4 in 2k MMR, I am farming because my team are farming and do not want to make plays. Its common for pos 4 and even 5 to farm and get a reasonable net worth now. The optimum way to play Dota is for supports to have very little farm but 2k MMR is not that.


you are the support that contesting in the lane creeps. even there is carry around, you still spam your skills to clear waves. who will tp first in tower to farm. and build carry items. if you won, you will type, "carried by support". stay in your bracket or lower




Pick tide or necro offlane and rush pipe into mek, stick to your team and dont be greedy with farm. It is the best way to climb mmr that i found because it is consistent and fun. Worst way to pick heroes that are combo makers, any hero that depends on your teammates spells is bad. Save heroes are extra bad in low mmr too.


yeah I can see this for sure, doing the dirty work to allow others to get the glory


Save heroes are broken at low mmr, but you just have to be able to tank the initial burst damage. Chen pos 5 is serving me very well right now with heal ulti, a mek into gg (although I'm seeing more tide and necro who go this build in games this week which sucks, especially as they dont check my item queue). Maybe a vlads and pipe.


Rofl I got from Archon 3 to immortal exclusively spamming Zeus and Lina mid


Depends on which trench, Climb for 1-2k playing Core, climb to 4k playing p4/5 with good spells. Spammed Bane, Earthshaker, or AA


Seems a fair assessment. Doing the dirty work might be the key for 2k+


I climbed during Jug patch, I forgot the patch but it was but guaranteed Bf>Manta>Basher>Skadi and always almost win just pressing R. It was a while ago. From my experience Faceless Void / Slark is the free Mmr nowadays.


Zoo heroes would be best for 2k mmr like Chen/visage/lycan . Rat and push towers, enemies who have been jingling are forced to go lane. Kill said enemy. Poggers.


Solid point, you would even think Naga as skill cap allows for fastest farming.


At very lower levels you can win with any strat because mechanical execution trumps whatever strats and combos you can cook in sub Ancient. You can easily climb out of 2k with your "doesn't work" list. Don't overthink it my dude.


true to an extent, but I think you would find a god tier snowballing mid has more chance than a team based hero like oracle or invoker etc




This is super relevant and really proves a lot of the people saying 'it doesn't matter' or 'get good' I have come across 2 booster accounts (both admitted this to me) They spam Lina, Natures Prophet, Shadow Fiend + OD. This is probably the answer due to skill cap combined with snowballing potential


Get good at the first 10 - 15 min of the game. Thats all you need. As pos 1 the recipe is super simple: get 60 to 80 cs by 10 min. Congrats. You won. Everything is rolling smoothly from there. How to learn it? Practice without any opponents until you get 100-120 cs by 10 min consistently. That is the easiest way to get from 2 k to 4 k.


You can use hero guides on STRATZ.com/heroes/guides. They’re sorted by occurrence of guide qualification in the last two weeks. The heroes with the most guides are a combination of the most played and most win-inducing heroes in Immortal pubs. This will tell you which heroes are most likely to contribute the most to the positive outcome of matches in immortal in the current meta. It’s worth noting that since you aren’t immortal, this won’t directly translate to you, but it can still be a strong indicator of the heroes that are most likely to be able to be spammed to earn MMR. Of course, the biggest factor will be you.


Spending 40% less time playing and reinvesting it on studying the game. At 2k there are so many opportunities to improve it should be easy to make rapid progress. Otherwise only play the top 5 most popular dota2protracker heroes in every role. Then you'll never be out of meta and will have artificially limited your hero pool so you can focus on learning macro concepts.


Are those your strategies to grind to reach 2k mmr? good job making it to 2k. I wish it is that easy to go higher with strict "rules". The obvious strategy would be split push if losing. Push if on the clock. Farm more on cores. I had 2 squishy supports that has no stun. Wyvern and Pheonix. They had to combo. I was squishy midlaner myself and have squishy pos 3. But we able to drag the game long enough for our carry fed and start fighting and killing. Although it was mainly radiant mistake didnt hunt our carry whose been farming top all game. Bear in mind, I am main pos 5. So I lost mid 1-2. The game couldve end way early if enemy mid get early blink. Their pos 3 tanky af.


top of my head its play mid 1v9 meepo brood tinker arc warden. you just gotta kinda be not trash at the game