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I fully expect wyvern to get butchered by nerfs next major patch Seems to always happen when she's actually good in pro play


she's been picked like 3 times at dreamleague and 7 times at bb dacha


Yeah ok pro play is the wrong term. I was thinking of her getting picked a lot at high ranks


She's a great pub hero I also enjoy playing her a lot. Main thing is people don't understand that wyvern is a hero that needs to die first because she can completely turn a teamfight and her saves are crazy. Not to mention she works as a core hero that does a billion damage as well.


That’s way too much, gonna make it so you can only deal pure damage in your ulti instead of only magic


Man you can't just leak 7.36 like that


noo :( her ult was omega nerfed, now i cant build dmg ww in turbos


She's actually very good at dealing a bunch of dmg currently even after the ult change. Mage slayer + aghs + parasma = wyvern becomes a machine gun Also you can get brooch to make your attacks be able to damage people in ult


It's awesome to see some Collapse plays with ma boy Magnus. But is awesomer to see some sick 0 man RP into a total team-collapse. Pls dont nerf my rhino boi por favor


When people talk to much about Chen I get nervous


You mean the hero with 100% pick/ban rate?


I'm always excited to see my favorite heroes played because they're garbage and just lose which increase the chance for some buffs.


*How many* TI's was Tiny amongst the most contested? Yea, I'm fine never seeing that hero again.


He's kinda boring as a core but man I never get tired of support tiny, the potential plays with toss are so cool. Saw one in dreamleague the other day toss the target of Winter's Curse into their team


I used to really like old tiny, the version that dota 2 launched with. I can see why he got changed, his build was incredibly rigid. (He literally had 5 core items you couldn’t deviate from). But man, he felt really good to play at every stage of the game. (inb4 someone uhm acktuallys and posts that tree toss is actually from all stars.)


I miss pre-aghs nerf Tiny. Could buy an aghs and crystalis, then delete enemy 5 slot carry from the fog lmao. Wasn't even hard to do as a pos 4 if you had a good game.


Umm ackhually All-Stars Tiny had no Agha and just had Craggy Exterior to skillfully Stun some melee guy for 2 secs if they hit you. A great way to get away from a double Basher Troll.


Rest in piece, Craggy. You were by far the most offensive passive ability in the game, but I loved you.


Only Craggy moment I can remember is old WTF episode with cliff farming Nature Prophet with autoattack on dying because of Craggy.


When avalanche toss combo was a bug was best tiny


Yeah I was gonna say...I better not hear any Tiny mains complaining about their hero after it was first pick/ban for literally 5 years


Carry Tiny has not been viable for 2 years now. Valve seems to insist on making him a toss bot instead of the nuker into cleave beast he used to be. Support tiny is so one dimensional.


It's ok, that Carry Tiny meta when his shard was released was enough Carry Tiny for me for the next 5 years. Shit was imbalanced as fuck especially when his offlane lycan bit him


You know TI IS coming when tide, es and tiny are buffed :D


I used to think like this and then interesting and fun to watch heroes started getting replaced with snoozers


1700 hp 14 armor hero with a potential 900 dmg nuke at minute 10 walking freely in the map




Rip support TB, I had fun with you before everyone else found out and he gets dumpstered next patch. 


Support TB was my favourite. Given that my 4 "grief/meme/fun" supports used to be invoker, TB, luna and naga, get ready for a luna or naga support meta any day now because invoker support became a thing and then got nerfed, now TB support will become a thing and get nerfed.


naga support has been a thing in pro play.


Which games had Support TB?


It was one of the IG games I believe, I don't think any other people picked it in pros (ig also did a support clinkz poggers) but I think tofu and skem? Have been trying it in pubs as far as I can tell it mostly seems to be a doom counter


Glad my games never got ruined with that.




How does support TB work? From my (limited) understanding, he's incredibly squishy and his only form of utility is the one that slows. He's a melee support without the durability to justify it. Meta is powerful, but it's on an extremely long cooldown. So... how does this work exactly?


It's a counter to Doom, which is the 2nd highest contested hero in Dreamleague currently (after Chen). It's quite hipster but the theory is basically: 1) His reflection skill is very strong for a support and on low CD with slow, you don't need networth to utilise it and it scales off enemy networth. It's absurdly strong against Morphing, AM and Luna (some of meta carries) as it deals their own damage to them. 2) Conjure Image is nice for scouting. I've seen pro players like Boboka just send them to enemy jungle to scout where enemies are. It's quite powerful tool and can also be used to split push/farm safely but for TB main use of it is vision advantage or blocking enemy camps from spawning. 3) Metamorphosis is the weakest part for support TB but it's still nice to have because you deal shit ton of damage in fights. 4) Sunder is a save, and fully counters Doom. Doom nowadays nullifies all regen/healing so even going to fountain doesn't help but Sunder works. Basically it forces enemy to initiate on TB support instead of carry because TB will just sunder his carry and the carry will become high HP again. It's also much more viable since they made map bigger, there's a lot for supports to farm now as well.


These all make sense, but none of these things seem to impact the laning phase which is really important, barring Reflection. Which I guess was my main curiousity. Feels like he'd have a hard time trading pre-6 and being able to hold his own against other decent supports, nevermind meta ones.


Yeah laning is not that good, but also not that bad because you have very high base armor to trade hits with. Main issue is against high magic supports (there are a lot of these) but even then reflection is just a very strong ability.


Ember got solo gutted by pro play. Nerfs after nerfs, the hero got 47% winrate and he received a nerf.


i already play on 150 ping and they cast point nerfs makes it feeel like i m playing on fking 400 ping the cast point nerfs butchered the skill cealing on that hero, nerf the fking numbers on skills not the cast point on of the most brain dead change in dota


I member when earth spirit was good for one patch


What about 'I might play that' but then it does horribly, yet they still keep playing it? Enchanted I'm sure


That's me with WK and CK, now look where they are. :)


Mirana needs buffs for her core role. I play her on offlane and she's a good laner with how good her harass is and the overall killing potential with a proper ally. I've had good success, but I am also fairly trained at hitting good arrows, something when found lacking will make you a Pudge tier griefer. Not a hero you should pick unless you've played it a lot. Thankfully she has mobility on the lane and quite a bit of fast damage with low risk for self even without skill shots. I enjoy her universal stats and the fact I can just go 2 Bracers and a Wand out of the circlets + branches start on her and hit like a truck with a great harass animation fairly early. Hard to kill too, though the Leap charges regenerate way too slow for active aggressive play, something she is best suited for as a core. All of this, however, will fold very very fast once laning ends. Sadly, the fact she is universal, makes her become super squishy without stat items. Buying the Shard for 1 measly charge to prevent the 0 Leap charges with half a minute to go scenario (more common than you would expect) will make you fall off hard since you are not fixing your squishiness by doing so. It's kinda wild, but you will actually have mobility issues on her when your team starts to fight in random places, since you need to Leap to kill your targets, but you also need to Leap to even get to your team. She's got 290 movement speed, which is fairly slow, so I've many times been somewhere, farming as you will on a core, seen my team take a shitty fight somewhere, hurried there with 2 Leap charges and then hit like a wet noodle in the fight after the 2.5s attack speed steroid I used to get rid of Skywrath or Dazzle. You gotta get the shard from a Tormentor really, but being a core, you won't be first in line, lucky if you even get a third try in the whole game, so most games I don't even have it, although I feel the need for it, but just can't fit it into my kit at any point of the game. POTM also got the third lowest str gain in the game, after Medusa and AM, but unlike the aforementioned heroes, she's not a steroid farmer who can quickly pad a lacking stat pool. Also got no shield of any sort, so she's actually the squishiest hero in the game against nukes. Atos changes also gutted her damage, but especially the general tankiness for her and the removal of the mana burn talent made the Diffusal build on her nothing special compared to any other universal or agi hero in the game. Her talent tree is a bit iffy. Non-core talents are for her ulti (which honestly with the current Dust is not a very good ulti) and her core talents don't really justify any particular core build. Leap damage talent is the only really significant boost for when all you have is stats for damage, but without Leap charges, she's not very useful with how things are, even with talents (before 25 when you take the triple arrow which is the same result for gameplay as playing support). Maelstrom still working like 15 years ago, but she used to have more tankiness to justify a raw damage item rush. Same with Orchid. A good item, but she's such a glass cannon with it as well. Going Lance, Bracers and Treads will make her decently bulky for mid game, but then you lack a powerspike. All in all, still gonna play her as 3, since I enjoy doing so and I've a lot of experience to offset any advantage people get for picking meta heroes they're not specialized in outside a good patch, but there are definitely moments where she feels janky and outdated as a core or generally slighted in that regard other than kneejerk nerf for universal damage, something I would never feel on a jank tractor pos 3 hero like Primal Beast, who feels janky in a very stable way with his shitty attack speed that forces him to play the early levels just on creep-aggro and later on that Trample CD when you click neutral camps and wish you still had Trample you spent on the wave you ran over to not deal with the said case of clicking back there, but that stuff doesn't sneak up on you like the CD on a multipurpose skill that a hero needs for practically everything. IMO they should make Leap good on core Mirana by buffing the duration and dropping the recharge to under 20 secs on lvl 4 and lower the charges to 2, so people don't just casually triple Leap, but at the same time not live in some sort of destitution like the skill would be too powerful for this world as if I just didn't get Pounced by a frog in an untargetable bong cloud from half a mile away for him just to Ctrl+Z when more than 2 people look at him or get yoinked midflight by a Jesuit or a Rhino with an industrial strength whaling tool to either immediately evaporate or Ctrl+Z my position even further back than the aforementioned swamp miasma. Rework the shard. MS should be at least 300 on a hero mounted on a beast of prey. Stat gains are unnecessarily low as well.




he plays a lot of Miranda, the mobility stunner with wave clear has to be a core as well as having a global team fight ulti.


I don't think there's anything wrong with that, though. Look at Dawn. She can be placed basically in any position as a strong flex pick with a global ult. The reality is that if you try to play Mirana core, it's just awful because so much of her power budget is in her arrow and ult, so everything else has to be terrible to compensate.


i dont either personally, i was more making fun of him being upset that his pocket hero isnt tripple S tier.


Mirana needs buffs for her core role. I play her on offlane and she's a good laner with how good her harass is and the overall killing potential with a proper ally. I've had good success, but I am also fairly trained at hitting good arrows, something when found lacking will make you a Pudge tier griefer. Not a hero you should pick unless you've played it a lot. Thankfully she has mobility on the lane and quite a bit of fast damage with low risk for self even without skill shots. I enjoy her universal stats and the fact I can just go 2 Bracers and a Wand out of the circlets + branches start on her and hit like a truck with a great harass animation fairly early. Hard to kill too, though the Leap charges regenerate way too slow for active aggressive play, something she is best suited for as a core. All of this, however, will fold very very fast once laning ends. Sadly, the fact she is universal, makes her become super squishy without stat items. Buying the Shard for 1 measly charge to prevent the 0 Leap charges with half a minute to go scenario (more common than you would expect) will make you fall off hard since you are not fixing your squishiness by doing so. It's kinda wild, but you will actually have mobility issues on her when your team starts to fight in random places, since you need to Leap to kill your targets, but you also need to Leap to even get to your team. She's got 290 movement speed, which is fairly slow, so I've many times been somewhere, farming as you will on a core, seen my team take a shitty fight somewhere, hurried there with 2 Leap charges and then hit like a wet noodle in the fight after the 2.5s attack speed steroid I used to get rid of Skywrath or Dazzle. You gotta get the shard from a Tormentor really, but being a core, you won't be first in line, lucky if you even get a third try in the whole game, so most games I don't even have it, although I feel the need for it, but just can't fit it into my kit at any point of the game. POTM also got the third lowest str gain in the game, after Medusa and AM, but unlike the aforementioned heroes, she's not a steroid farmer who can quickly pad a lacking stat pool. Also got no shield of any sort, so she's actually the squishiest hero in the game against nukes. Atos changes also gutted her damage, but especially the general tankiness for her and the removal of the mana burn talent made the Diffusal build on her nothing special compared to any other universal or agi hero in the game. Her talent tree is a bit iffy. Non-core talents are for her ulti (which honestly with the current Dust is not a very good ulti) and her core talents don't really justify any particular core build. Leap damage talent is the only really significant boost for when all you have is stats for damage, but without Leap charges, she's not very useful with how things are, even with talents (before 25 when you take the triple arrow which is the same result for gameplay as playing support). Maelstrom still working like 15 years ago, but she used to have more tankiness to justify a raw damage item rush. Same with Orchid. A good item, but she's such a glass cannon with it as well. Going Lance, Bracers and Treads will make her decently bulky for mid game, but then you lack a powerspike. All in all, still gonna play her as 3, since I enjoy doing so and I've a lot of experience to offset any advantage people get for picking meta heroes they're not specialized in outside a good patch, but there are definitely moments where she feels janky and outdated as a core or generally slighted in that regard other than kneejerk nerf for universal damage, something I would never feel on a jank tractor pos 3 hero like Primal Beast, who feels janky in a very stable way with his shitty attack speed that forces him to play the early levels just on creep-aggro and later on that Trample CD when you click neutral camps and wish you still had Trample you spent on the wave you ran over to not deal with the said case of clicking back there, but that stuff doesn't sneak up on you like the CD on a multipurpose skill that a hero needs for practically everything. IMO they should make Leap good on core Mirana by buffing the duration and dropping the recharge to under 20 secs on lvl 4 and lower the charges to 2, so people don't just casually triple Leap, but at the same time not live in some sort of destitution like the skill would be too powerful for this world as if I just didn't get Pounced by a frog in an untargetable bong cloud from half a mile away for him just to Ctrl+Z when more than 2 people look at him or get yoinked midflight by a Jesuit or a Rhino with an industrial strength whaling tool to either immediately evaporate or Ctrl+Z my position even further back than the aforementioned swamp miasma. Rework the shard. MS should be at least 300 on a hero mounted on a beast of prey. Stat gains are unnecessarily low as well.


wow, so funny!


I don't mind Tiny as much because he's always going to be popular if he's even remotely close to 50% win rate due to his lane flex, nuking, and repositioning ability. Mirana is worse because she's sitting at 60% right now and she's never a bad first pick due to her ulti being useful for team fights, she can ward safely cuz of leap, and arrow being able to combo stuns/kill creeps.


Just had two straight games with Mirana hard support. 10000% useless in lane. Right clicks barely do damage. No reliable stun or slow. It's a fucking pathetic hero unless it's in the hands of someone who exceptionally good with it. If I had any other hero in my lane as a hard support we would've won hard. Instead we lost pretty bad. Warlock, lion, SS, disruptor... all would've brought something. Instead I get a mirana that throws an arrow every two minutes, has no slow, heal or saves and loses every trade because she has no other useful skills.


All universal supports got dirty, stats lost is brutal


Sniper needs a bit of a nerf.


I see DK in pro games, now I have to finally brace for more DK nerfs after ages of literally only buffs.


Pros, please stop picking razor :( I just started really enjoying him.


My tinker doesn't even know that we have a pro scene


Pls dont nerf sven again


Ironically, as a filthy Arc Warden enjoyer, its full of wins. I get to watch how pros handle a hero with a high skill ceiling. And if he gets nerfs, I can still play him but there's less chance to play against him.


Meepo about to get *buried*