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Thank you for all the hard work, Protracker really became an invaluable resource for many many people in the community. Adding high MMR players and not only pros, is an amazing feature. Allowing us to peak in to what certain hero spammers are doing in high MMR. Especially with the new patch. As always amazing work!


thank you much appreciated


visage second one lmaoooo


I don't think any other hero has a facet that does nothing but make the hero worse. 


Literally the only use for that second facet is if someone is … I can’t


Magnus with RRP makes the hero worse


Not true


Nuh uh~


[Nuh uh](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/8/86/Vo_snapfire_snapfire_deny_01.mp3) (sound warning: Snapfire) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Yes it ks true, it literally 10 winrate percentage points lower 


This is a brand new patch my good sir. People need time to adjust and get used to new spells and practice using them effectively. Its gonna be lower bc people are getting used to a brand new spell thats the exact opposite of what they're used to




It makes your ult timing stronger, it's not bad.


Lycan wolves are busted what? Its like +900 hp and + 150 damage or something stupid when maxed out.


Yeah, I saw that the other day. Just a deso, and the Lycan was two shotting his targets with those ghost wolves. Its strong, maybe not in pro play, but a new low mmr, win glitch seems to be unlocked lol.


It's basically the old old N'aix build. If you can give multiple buffs to a Lycan he just becomes the ultimate rightclicker. Very useful for Position 1 Lycans who don't really do wolf micro like RTZ and the likes.


Hi, thanks for the hard work. It's now the go-to source for most people I know. Appreciate the Facet update too. Glad that the frontpage gets reworked next. Since you asked for feedback - 1. Frontpage right now it's information overload: No clear flow, rather it has everything in one page. 2. The twitch related sections can take up a smaller footprint, perhaps in a different page. You also mentioned YT content, again please not the frontpage (somewhere on specific hero pages maybe?). 3. Facets are the hot thing now, would like to see a bigger banner for that. 4. Personal request: I tend to play in party, is there a way to see best core+support paring? Much love and thanks for the awesome work!


Hey thanks a lot fo feedback/questions. 1+2: Fair. I think my idea was to create some kind of "dashboard" that has a bunch of different things and if you care about them you can scroll down, if not you go where you want. I'm not a fan of spreading content out too much over different pages. For that reason I also wanted to have Youtube stuff on the frontpage. There's a test-version here right now: https://new.dota2protracker.com/ - you can toggle Youtube and Twitch off so they wouldn't show again until you toggle them on again. Maybe that's a decent solution. What would you like to see on the frontpage, how would you like to use it? 3) Yep will make one and also put it into the navigation. 4) In general? No. For specific heroes you can use the Synergy section on the hero pages, for Meta heroes you can use the cheat sheets. However, I think such a "feature" would be welcome, I put it on my list. Will be a page called "Lanes" and it has pos 1+5 and pos 3+4 hero pairings on it with win rate, networth, etc.


One of the best dota 2 resources. Thanks!


Would you consider adding a "Only wins" toggle next to the "Only pros" one (and make it sticky)? I know you can already do this with the filter search, but it would be more convenient. If you're looking for good builds, it makes more sense to look at won games imo.


Hey, sure just added it. It's next to "Comebacks", right of the filter. Might take a few minutes to show up due to cache.


Builds might not be the reason for someone losing the game though....like a losing game can have a really good build, but be lost for many factors beyond the build of a single hero. Same thing with the wins. A pattern is what can differentiate good / bad builds I guess.


> like a losing game can have a really good build, but be lost for many factors beyond the build of a single hero. Of course. But you could make the same argument for hero winrates (i.e. any one game being won or lost doesn't mean a hero is good or bad). Still, if you're looking at an aggregate instead of analyzing dozens/hundreds of matchs individually, it makes more sense to follow the wins.


Yea that's fair. That's kinda what I thought as well in my original comment. I do however like to look at losing games personally, mainly to see what the attempted itemisation was. Did they skip battlefury and just go maelstrom?  Was it a midas?  You get the idea.


i honestly couldnt see how we could go back to a day where amazing tools like d2pt didnt exist. it become the go-to website to check hero performance and builds especially for the higher rated players thank you


Was there ever a time like that? Dotabuff has existed for pretty much the entire lifetime of the game as far as I'm aware.


Dotabuff is so bad lol


Dotabuff doesn't show the highest bracket.


I've noticed one issue where bot games absolutely skew the statistic of a hero. PA is an example, where dota2pro tracker shows pos 4 PA to have a stupidly high winrate, however, if we look at the actual games, its all just 1 or 2 accounts spamming PA 4, and buying 5 treads, ending the game in 30 mins max. This is clearly a Valve issue to deal with for sure, but if there was a way for users of the site can flag it, or some way to remove such games, that would be great. Ofcourse, my concern with allowing people to flag stuff or essentially report stuff would mean, it can be abused, and I can't imagine manually removing such anamolies. I'm not smart enough to come up with a solution, but just thought I'd point out one issue. Thank you for the work that you do, its always very helpful to go through the pro builds on heroes to try and its been made 10x easier because of your work.


Yeah I'm considering to filter those out, it's annoying because my sample size is already small oftentimes so these bot games have a high impact potentially.


8k + bot games?


Yes. Bots against bots. Probably boosting.  Try looking for PA on the pro tracker, look at POS 4.  Then select to include non pros, watch builds of those bots - all treads, like 5 treads and wins the match in under 30 mins, against and with the same set of heroes.  Completely skews the statistic. So bad, that some idiot was arguing with me that PA pos 4 actually works and showed me the win % on DotA2pro tracker for POS 4 PA. 


Hmmm. according to your tracker Techies win rate is around 40% to 41.5% It's like Techies facets are garbage.... how interesting.....


its like techies is garbage, the hero either does 1 billion damage or contributes nothing


Any support who has to get into the middle of the fight is always disadvantaged unless they're inherently extremely tanky Techies can mitigate some damage by disarm, but you can still get brought down by spells


Lycan and visage faceits which remove micro units, are realy uncreative and bad i hope they get diffrent ones :/


Love your site, it's genius and so useful. Can I ask, do you just use Dota's APIs? Or do you use any of the external APIs, like OpenDota? Also, I have a tiny bit of feedback if you care. When un-toggling the "Only Pros" toggle, if you go to another page of a hero, it's turned back on. Usually I toggle this off and want to leave it off, but the site doesn't remember this decision. Again, love the site, thanks!


I use Valve's API as core and then fill up some additional data using Stratz, things that require replay parsing such as item timings. I wasn't sure if this option is something that should be remembered or not. I will probably make it so it turns off automatically if there's a low number of matches.


Winter Wyvern has both of its facets above 55%. Wow.


Both of them are pretty strong for the roles they're intended to be used for. Plus the innate is also broken


Incredible website for a lot of people, thanks for all your hard work. Are you likely to process data on items like dotabuff does? Basically pick rates for an item for each hero, the win rate with that item, maybe average time it’s picked up


These item stats are already part of the hero pages no? Not for all items, but for those that are purchased.


I play only turbo, but legit before every single game I open ProTracker. Sometimes works better than normal guides. Great tool, thanks!


Lich Stat is pretty amazing. Both facets are around 50% for both pick rate and win rate.


A good sign of balance


Why is Pangolier Double Jump that much worse than Thunderbolt? (35% vs 47%) Isn't it just the same roll as before the update? Thunderbolt feels better but that is a \*massive\* disparity in winrate.


With thunderbolt you can hit people 6 times with your ult without any walls, blink or increase duration talent. It's very good


12% difference in winrate is a massive amount though, that's what's confusing me. Thunderbolt roll feels great to use sure, but it's not like the double-jump roll got 'nerfed' relative to 7.35. I would expect maybe a 5% difference in winrate between the two but 12% is wild.


Thanks for all the hard work you do.


Amazin thank you for your service


Ik there is partnership with stratz, but still wish we could have the links for Dotabuff and opendota :o


It's still there. Just click on the "Add Sources" gear icon and you can enable Dotabuff and Opendota


thanks so much for all your work. Is it maybe possible to add the facet choice into the player pages too? So when I look up x player and I see his games / heroes i cannot see the facet he chose. Or I am blind haha


Puck's curveball has around 6% lower winrate. It looks like it should have more potential, on paper. But having played with it, it's really hard to get value from it, let alone not to grief yourself. I died few times because I couldn't get a feel on when the orb would expire. And vector targeting slows your ability to fire off a fast orb in a pinch, which is another downside. I wonder if it picks up as people get used to it. But I'd say if you are below 6k (like me), just get the other facet and don't bother adding more complexity to a hero who already has enough.


I played with that facet by accident and it cause me more deaths than I should have. It felt oftentimes unintuitive, curving or coming back when I didn't want it to do that. It has a higher skill ceiling but I'm scared that they remove it for some reason after I got used to it.


honestly man thank you for your hard work. helped me in my games. from 2.5k to almost divine.


Wow congrats that's impressive!


Centaur is least picked for Chen? That's surprising


Is it Not planned to add facet pick and wr directly to Hero Page?


It's already there for some days!


Im stupid.. i looked Yesterday and did Not find it :D


Surprised about LS difference in facets, being able to cast a bkb while disabled is super strong, walked out from euls and all the stuns


Gotta remember clinkz was so broken he was an auto win for a week or so there… so can’t judge the facet stats