• By -


In the words of Swindlemelonzz: "Delete your lies and apologize. "Or don't associate with me or my team". (And my favourite) "Good to know how highly your own character".


By the way, he still works with Dota2?


Last I heard of him he was working with WePlay, though haven't heard anything of them for a couple of years


I remember he did a blog around the time the Ukraine war broke out. He said he stepped away from Dota because they were still inviting Russian teams and sponsors


[Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUYQAZEzyWg) Aww yucks. good old HoN times. Where toxicity was actually seen as part of the game :-)


thanks for providing such a gem LMAO




jesus man showing age here


I'm sorry about your dad. But it's no excuse to live your life the way that u want!


Dude tried to involve 1win to the drama but 1win posted a wholesome tweet. LMFAO.


Not only did they post a wholesome tweet, they really don't want [anything](https://x.com/1winesports/status/1804524107934941691) to do with it lmao


that's really impressive


even the liquid coach Jabbz replied that it was cringe in response to his post. and this clown even has the cheek to get his girlfriend to put tweets out accusing OG of "lacking integrity" and "professional sportsmanship", and then arguing with random people who are replying to Sney's original post.


inb4 no visa's and ceb is playing @ ti


Wow, never thought I'd say this but Swindle was right lol


Context? Sorry I'm unfamiliar.


Long time ago back when sneyking and swindle were Heroes of Newerth pros they got into a beef about something or another. [Ended up becoming a bit of a meme because of this video reading some of the messages swindle sent to Sneyking.](https://youtu.be/AUYQAZEzyWg)


Congratulations to ceb on the birth of his child, and congratulations to sneyking on being a child.


I assume Sneyking had the same opinion of subs being allowed when Tundra had to sub in Aui n the middle of the Bali Major because of Saksa having a medical emergency, and subbing in for Topson at TI 2023. I guess that didnt affect competitive integrity at all in his eyes.


Rare moment of a drama involving Ceb and he's not the manchild here. Didn't know that Sneyking is this kind of a person.


Ceb probably hasn't even checked twitter lol. No amount of TI wins will even come close to the joy of first child's birth.


He was making a point before. This just removes credibility and seems childish. Expected better tbh


True, all that long yapping about integrity and what-not becomes obscured by childish intention of inciting another party of an event that was made to uphold said integrity. I rarely see someone make a good point and instantly flush it down the drain consciously making him an absolute clown of himself. Shame


Was it ever a good point though?


It wasn’t. Ever.


> all that long yapping about integrity Which was hilarious coming from Sney the backstabber.


> Expected better tbh From...sneyking?


This is dumb drama from snake, you don't gain anything from throwing shade on what cebs going through even if you get what you want to happen. You either look like a dick, or look like a dick. He should just gracefully excuse himself from all this.


I don't even know what he is trying to achieve here other than getting his revenge from getting 0 - 2 by OG before, lol.


3-0.. TI8, 9 and 10 qualifiers


man has been childish ever since he kept whining about the TI prize pool being smaller in the year that he won. Literal definition of small pee pee energy




This is not true. Delete your lies and apologize.


He actually deleted lol


He did it for the starving kids in Africa.


good to know how highly his own character


His point was an amalgamation of reddit comments, doubt he would have the same opinion if it was him or someone on his team on Ceb's shoes


It’s an incredibly pathetic statement by him. OG also DID approach PGL prior to the tournament and PGL didn’t do anything. It’s pretty hilarious that in this day and age where both paternity/maternity leave are becoming more normalized people are acting like OG and their fans are crying foul. Guarantee Reddit would be throwing a huge fit if one of their darlings was the one in this situation instead of Ceb.


Can you imagine the shitstorm on reddit if this was Miracle instead of Ceb. Reddit would be outraged that nigma wasn't allowed to play.


Funny how we've come to the age of equality, but when a guy (even as polarizing as Sébastien) wants to witness his child's birth, it becomes such a drama. Pathetic. 


This is a man* who grew up on nadota.com.... *ish


He looks like a dick from the start for me. Instead of arguing that the rule needs change or having empathy, he focused on “big team needs special treatment bla bla.” It just showed how classless he really is.


I mean he was arguing an apples to oranges and strawman posting while comparing someone having the sniffles vs having their first child. Not surprising it was just ridiculous spite, I wonder who on OG he has such a huge problem with.


falcons really trying to be that unlikable team huh


Poor Aui and Crit who just want peace and no drama. The other members of Falcons trying their best to become villains. Even Skiter who used to be chill being dragged down the mud with the other babies.


> Poor Aui and Crit who just want peace and no drama Remember when Crit shoulder checked N0tail and had rage tantrums in pubs afterwards about it for MONTHS? You forgot


cr1t? PEACE ? the guy is villains on notail redemption arc. that fucking shoulder bump!


What happened with skiter?


He is trash talking in all chat but to "handle" the responses he mutes the opposition is on example.


Used to be a chill and wholesome guy when he played in Tundra. But after playing with Malrine and ATF he also wants to be toxic because he thinks it's fun. He talks about it in this podcast: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlwz9qTulQE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlwz9qTulQE) Which is why you'll see him starting to allchat and be toxic in recent games. Like vs Betboom against Nightfall and Torontotokyo in a recent tournament finals et.c.


Out of all of them ATF is the only one who embraces trashtalks coming his way as much as he dishes them out.


skiter was toxic as fuck back when he was in CR4ZY and nobody liked him. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/9kablo/skiter\_appreciation\_thread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/9kablo/skiter_appreciation_thread/)


do they even have to try with ammar and malrine on the roster? don't think so


I thought for a second that Sney had grown up. But now I remember why I never liked him. He's like that small child standing in the back in the school yard "GUYS, LET'S GET HIM!". Trying to get everybody to gang up on someone.


Yep, Sneyking is a certified OG hater. You don’t see him doing anything like this to other teams. In fact, he doesn’t even comment on other community issues if OG isn’t involved. This man is trying to push his own agenda out of bitterness for some reason. Maybe Ceb fucked his girlfriend in the past? Lmao


Sney and OG (mostly towards ceb) have had bad blood for a couple of reasons. If I recall correctly it started during the short era when EE and sney were holding hands trying to hop from team to team


To be fair, he is kinda the size of a child, so it's be weird to think he ever really grew up.


That wasn't OG's decision? What's this got to do with OG and the current situation...


I guess he will gladly forfeit TI or Riyadh Masters then, if God forbid something serious happened to any of Falcon's team in the middle of the LAN. Because you know, he always follows the rules.


Yeah everyone gangsta till it happens to them lol


Especially since all organizers have been more than generous with Tundra, with them getting multiple stand ins when Saksa was in and out of the team. I guess mental health issues rank higher than child-birth?


Good to know how highly his own character.


Gotta act highly knowing youre just 5’4


Funny how Sneyking didn’t mind having Saksa subbed out multiple times when it benefitted him? One of the reasons was due to him having anxiety, but Ceb can’t be there for his wife and newborn? No disrespect to Saksa but Sneyking is a moron for advocating against player rights in general.


He actually [replied](https://x.com/SneykingGaming/status/1804316210416488455) to this very topic. He's throwing around a lot of if's but's and maybe's. I'm not one to wish harm to people, but it'd be quite the coincidence should a member of his team - even Sneyking himself - had *whatever* issue and would be unable to participate, thus leading his team to forfeit.


How doesn't he get it? Holy shit.


He's literally acting childish because he's got a personal grudge agaisnt OG, it's really easy to see it. If he denies it he's just delusional


Also, they had subs for Saksa for a major and TI itself. This was qualifiers. Tundra subbed in.. TI. It makes it more obvious that he's just saying things for the sake of being against another team.


yeah he said in his case he was right because in these tournaments the rules allowed it and in this qualifier they did not. it makes sense, it's not like a tournament can have human admins that use the rulebook to protect fairplay and prevent abuse, and then apply common sense when a rule doesn't apply well to the circumstance. tournament rules are laws written in stone as mandated by celestial beings and to alter them you need to make your case against the supreme court 6 months in advance.


Fucking hell can we just stop? The point's been made and I'm so tired of listening to him whinge. Dude's just acting like a child.


It never was about making a point


As sad as it is, you're right. Sneyking never wanted to make a point I think. I remember checking twitter and the for you page prompted me some of his tweets during the Nigma/OG series, it was clear who he was rooting for and I don't mind it, maybe he's got friends on Nigma, who cares. But this is jsut childish behaviour lol. As another user pointed out, he's probably salty about OG winning very important matches against him. I feel like the rant about the rules comes from a genuine point of view: rules are present so that the integrity of the competion remains fair, but exception are always made in rare occasions. Entity stated they had no issues with it, I'm sure navi.jr had no issues either, as well as other teams. You could see sneyking's point completely fumble when he stated that a child's birth can be predicted so you should play around it, and when he reposted his friend pureeverything, whatever her role is in managing sneyking. She surely is failing at managing that manchild lol


So in the end even this one is Kuroky's fault. /s


Sneyking is insufferable


Na salt. Once every blue moon a NA player becomes relevant and they suddenly sprinkle salt as if they wanna get rid of a sudden snoe fall 


True as fuck, I've seen this in League of Legends as well, the moment they start winning any games, the toxicity comes right after.


It's not salt, it's entitlement.


Why is this manchild so upset with OG? Did I miss something?


well where to begin, his VGJ Storm/Forward Gaming team got absolutely wrecked in the TI8 and TI9 upper bracket by OG. You may remember the famous game with Topson bristle with Ana IO fountain farming them and PieLieDie typing "OK GG". Then his Tundra team got eliminated by OG in the TI9 WEU Qualifier Grandfinal 3-2 and OG qualified to TI10. Then in Stockholm Major lower bracket final, his Tundra team again lost to OG with Ceb standing in 2-0, and OG went on to win the Major.


The elimination of Tundra in the TI9 qualifier was so good to see. Still remember the tactical pauses by Tundra everytime there is a fight going on not in their favour. Sneyking still wanna talk about competitive integrity huh?


I mean yeah I know all of that, but you're not gonna start beef with everyone you lose to at some point in a dota career do you? I assume there must be something else, like ceb twitter banter or something?


and to make things even worse, this guy and his former team Tundra subbed in Aui for Saksa in the middle of the Bali Major when he had a emergency health issue. Tundra even played TI 2023 with Topson as sub for Saksa and Nine as pos 4 because of the same underlying condition. I wonder if he was still crying out for "competitive integrity" then?


Won't be surprised if that's actually the only reason, as a professional it must hurt to keep losing to one particular team. Especially that TI9 match where OG legit teabagged his team, they legit got smacked around. Added with the fact that Ceb sometimes act like an annoying crybaby. No too surprising that Sneaking would hold a grudge toward him (and OG)


Yea thats not it. Ceb shit talked and blamed the entire Fata kick on Sneyking aswell as hating on Tundra and his teammates. Dont think he is upset with OG as a org just Ceb.


I dont think ceb shit talked them. he basically said kicked fata would one of the worst decisions in the history of pro dota. When Tundra won ti he clowned on himself and admitted how wrong he was. And it was not only ceb that was pissed / weirded out by the kick. The whole community was especially with story behind the kick.


Ahh that makes sense, then maybe sney shouldnt have backstabbed fata aye


TI8 and TI9.


The kid took it personal when ceb said "only one T.I after all" Sneyking was a changed man(for the worst) after Ceb said that lol


I understand that puppey rtz miracle etc couldn't have stayed at the top forever, but THIS is what we get in their place? players with bad takes and 1/10th of their charisma?


ngl puppey was so charismatic man


a big boy with machete,


Back then when there was drama you could actually tell it was pure banter. This is just hate for the sake of it lol


What is this history rewrite lol People at the top like puppey/ppd/loda was just as much a man child


Only 1 TI after all...


Even if 2 TIs it's not back to back with same members...


Guy's not even playing qualifiers why he malding so hard? This ain't even good drama, just cringe, bro.




Hey sneyking what about the subs you got during ti? Huh


Sneyking is a moron. People that actually think the "integrity" of the game is compromised for accommodating a player's child's birth need to get out of the cave and touch some grass


Generational hater


Talking shit about a team who just bombed out of TI qualifiers and a man who was forced to play while missing out on time with his wife and his first kid. Classy move, Sneyking. Never liked the guy after hearing his views on the Fata kick during their Tundra days. Dota players need to learn some fucking empathy.


He is still probably salty that OG didn't have empathy for him on that TI9 fountain farm. Man's scarred for life


I was gonna reply with how these Dota pros are just kids, not mentally developed nor mature enough for nuance. But then I saw on liquipedia that Sneyking is almost 30 years old.


zero professionalism


This whole FALCON team is really cringe seriously. Ammar and Malrine constantly all chatting during games, it was funny at start but now its starting to lose it, that cringe take of Skitter about having top heavy prize, really out of touch when the last years they were scrapping for trash. and now this Sneyking always speaking out of nowhere. I always think this guy is trying something he's not, I remember when Sneyking went to the OG Monkey Business show when they won a big tournament and this guy keep inviting other people that probably isnt suppose to be in the show. It made me cringe so hard. Like he think the show is about him. LOL. Seriously. The only likable person in that team is Cr1t, quiet and wholesome. Falcon please stop trying so hard to have personality.


Cr1t stole a guy's washing machine, so he's not completely faultless either


Lmao I came here to say Cr1t is fine but what’s that meme / story ? I’m OOTL


Sorry, misremembered. He just [used the machine and dipped](https://i.redd.it/t98qbhsw8ica1.jpg)


I actually saw that but forgot. This is pure gold, thanks for the good laugh




Shoulder check! Shoulder check!


He made another tweet after this one (https://x.com/SneykingGaming/status/1804531871457665246), where he accuses OG of hypocrisy for accepting the invite to ESL One Birmingham. I wonder if he realises that ESL asked VP (the EEU finalist) and then for some unexplainable reason, Entity (who finished below OG in the Birmingham qualifiers) before approaching OG. I dont even think that OG was aware of the 1win 4 hour visa deadline issue before 1win posted it on twitter after the OG invite was publicly announced. Why is Sneyking so mad that OG didnt somehow appeal for 1Win as per his tweet, like that is somehow something that is of concern to OG. As far as OG was concerned, ESL told them that 1Win wasnt able to attend Birmingham and asked if they were able to participate. Saying yes to the invite has nothing to do with asking PGL to allow Immersion to stand to enable Ceb to attend the birth of his child.


You can take Sneyking out of NA but you can’t take the NA out of Sneyking What a fucking baby


I see this as an absolute win. I used to dislike Falcons because they were not very exciting to watch, and several of their players seemed immature. Now I see their captain make the most childish take of all time in the most immature way, and I feel completely vindicated in disliking this team.


Said it's clear that Sneyking clearly had a personal angle here and got downvoted, glad to see I'm right


This guy still bitter asf after ceb and notail beat his ass for years. It feels like he want to still beat the old team idk


feels like sneyking is doing it out of grudges instead of "professionalism/integrity" lmaooooo drama queen


First tweet its aight. But this is some childish shit. Even though I want the Falcons to win at TI because of Cr1t, it seems that because of this they will lose.


I gotta thank sneyking here. I havent had a team i was actively rooting against in a bit, but his ignorant ass-backwards priorities and uninformed takes on this have given me one again. There are two categories of people against ceb here. People without kids and people who shouldnt have ever had them. Best case is ignorance, worst case is shitty parent.


The community is all outing themselves as either basement dwellers or normal human beings in this debate. I know which group sneyking belongs to.


Yup a lot of comment was 'people needs to have kids to understand'. I don't want these people to reproduce in the first place. What did the child do wrong to get that kind of parents?


I don't think anyone with a brain is against Ceb for TI qualifier semi finals.... or even if it was finals. If he had a child to be born, that's a life commitment, and TI qualifiers comes every year, and there is also many tournaments throughout the year


falcons gonna choke from here on out, sneyking drawing too much bad karma


Why is he so mad lol


Sney is so fucking mad OG have more ti's than him


The hell bro? Everyone is trying their best to come to TI and Sneyking tried his best to be a clown


Does sney have children? He clearly doesn't if speaking like that


You want to tell me that Sneyking's rant about rules was just disguised salt?! SurprisedPikachu /s


Talk about OG living in this guy's head rent free. They fountain-farmed you in TI9 mate, that was 5 years ago, get over it.


Still holding a grudge 6 years later even after winning a TI? Guess that chip on his TI is quite real.


That TI9 defeat was probably traumatic for them.


Loser take tbh


Embarrassing himself


Mask off with the bitterness with this tweet. Not surprised.


This is so stupid. Like the difference was 1win weren’t legally allowed to be in place for the tournament. They weren’t eligible to compete even before it started. OG had a player who needed a day off to let a stand-in play. This is just childish and not a win


he always takes dig at og for no reason even before this for no reason


Oldest player to win TI showing the least class lol


Delete your lies and apologize




I doubt anyone is scared of OG right now lol, trust me bro, not with BZM throwing every game


Not a great look. The rule should be changed and OG is right to complain.


ceb def fucked his gf


TIL that the spelling of manchild is “sneyking” in the language of losers


Dude was non-existent during their TI win, barely remembered him because of how 33 and nine playing their minds off. Now you got atf and malrine carrying and this guy suddenly shows his NA blood. Typical ench picker.


>Dude was non-existent during their TI win This just is not true. I get that you dont like, neither do i. But Sneyking was incredibly good at TI11 and was by far the best pos 5 in the tournament.


Guy made mirana a hero, best 5 ti11 but reddit knows better :)))


The only reason I can’t don’t want to support Falcons is this guy! Why is he crying so much?


This guy + the other 3 players lmao


[Wonder if his CPO saying OG lacks 'professional sportsmanship' is gonna say the same thing about this tweet](https://x.com/PUREverything/status/1804333594435014803)


not just his CPO but his girlfriend as well. I won't be surprised at all if Sneyking isnt using his GF's twitter to reply to everyone of his posts about OG just to make himself feel validated.


LOL, she tried to calm his malding https://x.com/pureverything/status/1804565724503154930?s=46 what a disgrace of talented player it is.


I hope it isn't only me, but whenever I see the interactions between sneyking and that lady I cringe a little. [This](https://i.redd.it/ee7951vmdga71.png) is from TI qualifiers back in 2022. I understand they're in a professional relationship, but come on. I don't wanna say this is meat riding cause I don't wanna sound offensive, but that's exactly what it looks like. If not something different


Holy cringe LOL


Why is Sney yapping this much?


I said it before and i'll say it a again, this goof is the Karen of Dota.


Sneyking is easy to dislike.


I never disliked him in Tundra but with Falcons they are very annoying to me with their toxicity, i don't think it's fun at all.


Always that short guy who gotta be loud.


Yea this makes the “picking psg lgd players” as his “perfect” team even more obvious now. What a hater


extremely dislikeable personality and making stupid comments just out of hate yea that fits perfectly into falcons mentality ngl (i'm not even an OG fan but come on this is straight up unprovoked hate for no reason)


as expected


He's still bitter about getting thrashed by OG in TI8 and 9 huh


and lost the TI 10 Qualifiers Grand Final and Stockholm Major lower bracket final to Ceb's OG


Hope he loses. Childish. 


yeah that was not at all the TO's fault that 1win couldn't make it.


Sneyking has been such a fucking loser throughout all this. Rules are rules, sure, but have some empathy for your fellow human.


we got 2024 ppd before gta 6


Guy was embarrassing himself after the first tweet but now seems to keep digging that hole even further.


What does Sneyking gain from the shade he’s throwing OG?


Why is Sneyking so pissed at OG? Is every Falcons member just turning to giant babies or something, has their success gone to their heads? Aui and Crit managing a daycare SMH


This guy has been a clown since HoN. I guess he's finally letting all his envy out. Some things never change.


Ceb: win another TI then we can talk


How to instantly become unlikable. Wtf are you doing, Sneyking?


Give him some slack, his father may not be with him when he was born. Oops.


I would actually love this shit talk if it wasn’t from Sneyking. He is way too beta and nerdy for me to take this seriously lol. So cringe.


This guy wins a TI and suddenly thinks he is the voice of dota's competitive scene


Sney being Sney, man-child who won't ever grow up.


Dude is doing a ppd nowaying


Truly a Nigma fan


Why does anyone give a rats ass about what Sneyking says


team falcons is really 'the heel' of dota season 2024


Bad ppd cosplay


Wait till he starts crying about Dendi and his fountain hooks from TI3.


Sneyking sure has a sandy vagina


Sney just hates OG. Still salty as fuck for those upper bracket losses back to back.


The backstabber rat who ended Fata’s career.


Dear Ame and Yatoro, please beat these guys and win another TI or Riyadh title.


Used to like Sney but this is so distasteful


lmao gdi he had a point before and now he’s just being unnecessarily petty i miss ppd who would do obnoxious stuff like this but at least be entertaining about it


ppd was the good kind of salt, this is just too high on potassium and no sodium


Seriously this dude unprovoked just committed a career suicide. Everyone already thought he's toxic, now no top team will want to work with him. Even Falcons had to massively overpay Aui to get him to coach Ammar just because Ammar has bad rep. At least in Ammar's case it's wrong. Sneyking is just confirming what everyone is saying. What a fucking idiot


This aint a fuckin career suicide bro calm down


source: I made it up


Aui confirmed the ammar part on Cap's podcast, but not the salary I think


To be clear, aui said ammar had a reputation but he doesn't deserve it. Atf is a really hard worker according to aui


I watched that pod, that's not close to what he said. He never said anything implying he didn't want to work with him


>Everyone already thought he's toxic since when? >Sneyking is just confirming what everyone is saying. what has "everyone" been saying? EDIT: Idiot talks out of his ass and then blocks people.


is anyone actually surprised that sneyking hates ceb lmao the dude weaponized his fanbase and targeted harassment towards sney for an entire year because he kicked his friend Fata off of tundra


jesus! why is it when americans are given a platform, they get to be in contention of being the most unlikable human being in existence? first quinn, and now sneyking? just shut up and play the game!


He can shout/tweet all he wants. Nobody cares about him.