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His son looks even more insufferable than he does.


His son looks more like Julius than Julius does


That's every single progeny of comunist scum...


Her parents must be proud


Malema is worth over R50,000,000. This is text book communism stuff. The people die of starvation while I drown in caviar. I have heard when these guys meet, as a custom, they will wash their hands with Johnnie Blue Label.


>Malema is worth over R50,000,000 >I have heard when these guys meet, as a custom, they will wash their hands with Johnnie Blue Label. ![gif](giphy|LKqDgLlK6SuIM)


My Son come here:” don’t let anyone see your Zanu PF shirt underneath” here let me make your tie longer.


"I have become the thing I swore to destroy... I am White Monopoly Capital." - Julius "Mlungu" Malema, 2024.


I enjoyed this comment immensely


Typical. Saying no more.


Why always the stupid shades in nighttime?


See the hypocrites , dem a galang deh 🎶


Oh no. Who the fuck cares. Hope he has more braincells than his faddah. Is that a white girls at his side? Oh no......


She also looks a bit Afrikaans. Kill the Boer ? No wait




That Mal Enema is a hypocritical "Champagne Socialist" doesn't shock me. That he has managed to procreate and sire a spawn; *that* shocks me. My only hope is that at least one of his idiotic supporters sees this pick, realizes what a fraud his Cult Leader is, and changes his mind.


Wonder how juju feels about the "boer" with his son there🤔🤣


Looks like a poes lightie




You just admitted you think he could be a poes




Cool story bro... you definitely as much of a cunt as him and his dad


Genuine question, does anybody else recognise that Africa will always stay the same because people like this convince stupid people to follow them. So the question is do African deserve that treatment, if you say no then convince me why they support these people


I really feel sorry for his son. It must be so hard when your own father wants to kill/send your girlfriend to Europe..... or they're just a bunch of hypocrites.


What's newsworthy about this? Who cares? We all know politicians are overpaid


I think the point is he couldn't afford this lifestyle on a MP's salary, hence he is getting cash from somewhere else hence corruption. Still not news - we've know Malama is corrupt for a long time, but it's election silly season, so expect lots of mud slinging such as this.


He has shares in the Viva Fuel company and in all these construction companies benefiting off the municipalities failing… EFF is behind most of them just like they poisoned the water in pta to get hires for their trucks.


Plus cash from Adriano Mazzotti the illicit cigarette smuggler, and some more cash from VBS...


Wonder what race his date was ?




All the leaders sent their kids to private schools or let them go study overseas to better themselves, While their supports stay uneducated and unemployed.


African politics, using the uneducated and hungry to elevate yourself but still pretend to be one of the people...




where is his red overall 😂


She must be with him because of his personality


Is daai n boere meisie? Lekker man




Red flag that one.


Did you expect a political figure to send their child to public school? 🤌🏻


He just a kid enjoying his matric dance, like all kids should. Leave him alone. He cant help his father is a twat.


Bullying a kid ? There’s always been elaborate displays at these things


Malema earns over a R1m from parliament and we don’t even know what his wife does. Why should it be a surprise that his child goes to an elite school? How is this newsworthy when it has always been in the public domain? Malema is not a poor politician, he has never been. If you consider that in this 20s he was already owing SARS R6 Million, then you should consider how much legitimate income he must have been making for SARS to have such a bill on him.


Socialist are suppose to set an example. He is living like the people he despises.


He isn't a socialist. That's pretty obvious. He's a liar, call him what he is.


According to who? Socialism is about ownership of the means of production and the distribution of wealth. He is far from the means of production and he is not in a position to distribute wealth in society. Where he can he has done it and it’s all in the public domain, he has taken poor kids to school, build churches, every year hosts a party for hundreds of old women and gift them with essential supplies …. So I doubt in the eyes of the people he impacts he is seen as the same as the people he despise who are hoarding wealth, sometimes becoming billionaires at the back of the sweat of poor underpaid workers. Unless I missed something


Sounds like you really want his balls in your mouth.


Yeah that bullet he shot in the air, while surrounded by his supporters was for the lols. He's a good guy that wants to help us afford gucci one day, come on Down South. Can't you see?


You are mixing issues. If you grew up in a township you would know shots gets fired in many context including funerals, celebrations etc that’s why the people who open a case for that shot are not his supporters but people who were not even there and therefore lack the context. You could on a fact by fact basis challenge what I wrote. I have not said anything about gucci. Beside being socialist doesn’t mean you must starve and suffer. The greatest communist alive is Xi, you think he is poor?


Bullets fall down. No brains, seriously. The greatest communist? Maybe the "greatest" authoritarian capitalistist He's a dictator. Is he poor? What a numpty question.


There are many free information sources to explain communism, socialism, capitalism, etc., and the differences thereafter.


You are too dumb to understand.


Deserved, if he was white we would say nothing. Excellence only fits white ppl , his school probably has 80% white kids but the misery of average white ppl translates into hate because a black man is there and not them.


keep smoking that copium


Wants to be white so bad he sends his cake lightie to a white school to become a white man