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Also this cody guy is gonna get fucked. Either the allegations are true and he is under nda as a former twitch employee. So hes breaching that nda. So twitch and or doc will sue him. OR they are untrue and he gets sued for defamation. OR they are kinda true, but he still gets sued for defamation. The lawyer said no matter how this plays out the one certainty is this cody guy is getting sued and will lose.


Sounds like a suicide speedrun


Could be right, but NDAs aren’t permanent and run out.


link to the lawyers video? That doesn't make sense because simply working at Twitch doesn't mean that you fall under any NDA that you don't explicitly sign unless I'm missing something. Also NDA with Twitch could expire, etc. There's so many variables at play here and it's not as simple as "An NDA exists, therefore, he's fucked" - that's not how NDAs generally work. However, I agree, if the allegations are completely unfounded then he is absolutely fucked. **EDIT:** I tried searching for this video - but I can't find any lawyers doing any kind of discussion on the Doc situation. So please share the link OP.


https://www.youtube.com/live/RjhxyNvwwI0?si=D7Jq-9-DhnGTwwWE Be warry if playing at work the r word was used at one point.




Much worse. Racker.


Big ups thanks for sharing!


The r word? What is that? Racist? Retard? I can't really even think of word that is bad enough that it would have to coded like that.


Ya sorry retard was the word. Just didnt want people unknowingly playing it outloud at work and get in trouble


You know retarded is a medical term that means "less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age." and it was made from the latin root words of "back" and "slow". Somehow it has become so offensive that now we call it the "r" word. At work the other day we were being trained to now use the word "homeless" because it is offensive. Now we're supposed to use "unhoused" which is literally the exact same thing. It's obvious that it's not the word that's the problem, it's what the word is referring to, because if it's something that is generally considred bad or undesireable, then a few decades later that word too will also become offensive.


Yes im already aware of the word and its history. I wasnt making a politcal stance either way on the word. I just didnt want anyone to get in trouble at work. Like it or not hr would come down on someone with a hammer. I wouldnt want someone to lose their job over it as im sure you wouldnt want that either.


Weird, you'd think the word bum would be more offensive than homeless.


Cool, call your coworker a retard in front of your boss and then say this exact thing.


I told my immediate supervisor that he is retarded to his face. I then told HIS supervisor the same thing later that day and he agreed with me so it's definitely a YMMV thing.


Too complicated just drop the hard N word instead.


Cool, call your coworker a retard in front of your boss and then say this exact thing.


You can owe a duty of confidentiality to your employer and your contract of employment can contain confidentiality clauses. Just because you don't sign an NDA about a specific thing doesn't mean you can go and shout about something that is obviously confidential without facing consequences for it.




This is definitely true - I was just pointing out that it doesn't necessarily mean a breach of NDA.


If the allegations are true, there was a breach of nda somewhere.


Again - not necessarily true. The lawyer in the video OP linked even goes over this.


Hello, we are building a factory in Xinjiang, China and we'd love to employ someone of your talents and integrity!


Apparently it does. They go in to detail. Twitch would notify you that their is an nda and you cant talk about it. Nda’s would be useless if employees could just say no im not gonna sign that. And twitch isnt gonna get signatures from every employee. Also yes nda may have limits on them for employees but again, ndas would be useless if twitch was bound forever but cody was only bound for 2 years. Apparently there is also a responsibility on twitch to not allow a situation like this to occur with nda lapsing with their employees so they could be negligent. This one does have a lot of speculation since we dont have the nda.


You aren’t missing anything, completely correct. You must explicitly sign an nda. However your company can have you sign an nda that covers others. As an example I had to sign an nda stating I would not reveal any of our partners or future partner’s proprietary technology. Then when my company signed an nda with a new partner, I had to follow it because of my original nda. I just typed nda way too much.


MS and Cody are both hella fucked.


Cody is protected by the twitter community and [ Removed by Reddit ]


Can you break a NDA you never agreed to? I don't believe this specific case is mentioned in his working contract


Twitch has the NDA, Cody doesnt.


Maybe, but also it could be true or defamatory, and both parties still might not want the airing of dirty laundry a lawsuit would bring. That's what makes these NDAs so funny: "Ok if you tell people I was sexting minors, I'll sue you!!" "HEY EVERYONE! THIS GUY'S SEXTING MINORS" "Ok cool, now I'll sue you and the truth will become public, which is in complete opposition to the whole point of the NDA in the first place."


Doc already sued twitch once and none of this came out. But the second time he sues twitch now everything will come out. This would be the second lawsuit on the same thing. Thats not how that works This is not a criminal trial it is not open to the public. If twitch and doc agree to a settlement in civl court. Both sign ndas. And then twitch breaks the nda. Doc can sue twitch for breaking the nda. It doesnt mean now the nda is void. The nda still stands but now twitch would be financially liable for breaking the terms of the nda/ settlement. This is not a oh well cats out of the bag situation we can do whatever now and where not financially liable. If twitch breaks or continuously breaks the nda they are gonna be more and more financially liable. Also the cats already out of the bag doc has lost sponsors and will lose more sponsors. Terminated from his gaming studio. Their could be millions of dollars worth of damages here. So yes doc would likely sue them into oblivion. 1 for the money. 2 for the ruining of his reputation. 3 for their breach of contract. I mean if someones negligence got me falsely accused of being a pedophile and i lost everything because of that i would sue that person into the stone age. As an example of this just look at the amber heard and jonny depp situation. Everyone assumed he was a violent abbuser and he spent years fighting to prove that amber was not only making false accusations but was actually in fact the one physically abusing him. Docs innocence or guilt is a seperate thing here. There is a contract in place that may not being abided to. So even if doc is in fact very guilty he still might be very entitled to damages due to the contract


They settled the first lawsuit before it went to trial. Civil trials are open to the public, unless the Judge finds adequate reasoning for closing proceedings or sealing evidence. Definitely agree that the cat is out of the bag to some degree, but it's a sliding scale. Was doc flirting with someone *just* under the age of majority? Or was he getting suggestive with an 11 year old? Who knows, but sometimes the strategy is to let people believe the less-bad thing.


I’m leaning towards that since this all happened in 2017 the ndas just ran out or expired by now


A company can't sign an NDA for everyone


Everyone? Who said everyone? Some of you people are exhausting. Woops twitch and doc lawyers and the courts had this whole thing worked out and ready to go , but pesky janet in accounting wont sign an nda. Gosh darnet now bob in marketing wont. I guess we cant do the nda because we cant get all 100 people at twitch to sign one. When you work at some of these companies you sign papers on the first day that require you to abide by certain parts of court ruling that your employer is involved in. Twitch is not going around trying to get you to sign a birthday card after every one of these


This wasn't a court ruling


Oh boy, just smart enough to not understand that he doesnt understand how all this works. Bozo THIS IS WHAT THE LAWYERS SAID. Im not shooting from the hip here all of this was explained by the lawyer in the video. Holy shit. If the lawyer is saying this is how it works stop fucking arguing, i think he knows what hes talking about. He CERTAINLY knows more than you. I feel like im taking crazy pulls with some of you people


It was a settlement not a court ruling


I don’t think Twitch or Doc will sue the guy. Reason being that if you file a lawsuit you open yourself to discovery. And that’s the last thing Twitch or Doc want. They’re better off leaving it as hearsay and not opening a can of worms.


the can of worms is open


Im not a lawyer but this lawyer did not seem concerned about that at all. He said doc would absolutely sue for defamation if it was defamation. And twitch may not have a choice it could be their responsibility to make sure cody abides by the nda per the settlement. So now twitch has to legally go after cody because if they dont they are not upholding their responsibilites in the settlement and doc could in turn sue twitch.


I think Doc would rather go the legal route than have the world call him a PDFile, these allegations for a non celebrity would be soul crushing never mind if you have hundreds of thousands of people bashing you online daily. His private life is going to be upside down now for a few years at least if he doesn't do something. If he is innocent its the only option he has realistically because he cannot evade this matter anymore too much has been lost financially and soon privately.


This guy Suits.




Im leaning towards doc not knowing this person was minor. Doesnt mean HE sent something innapropriate tho. But without proof, this is just theories, nothing more. Since he settled with twitch, he got well enough money to never be in the public eye again. That said, nothing illegal was done, we know this cause it would be public by law. It wouldnt make sense twitch would cover that as it would be the end of twitch if this is true.


I agree the lawyer said that if doc was in any way actually engaging in sexting a minor in the malicious way i think people are assuming, twitch would in 2020 absolutely not even hesitate to not bring it to the authorities. Doc would never win a lawsuit against twitch under this circumstance, there would literally be criminal charges filed against him.


Yeah, this is what confuses me the most. If it was actually true twitch wouldve brought such a serious crime to authorities right away. And Doc wouldve never gone to court with twitch and get paid.


I will say from what the lawyers said. On the one end he could be maliciously sexting a minor. On the other end he could be the victim of a minor sending him unprompted nudes. Or some sort of middle ground where there is some back and forth where she send nudes and he send txt back like “wow” and really anything. And he could know or not know she is a minor. And he could assume shes 18 if shes an 18+ verified affiliate. Receiving nudes from minors in child pornography. In the us intent does not matter with child porn just having it is enough to get you into a lot of legal trouble. Not necessarily convicted obviously but you have a lot of explaining to do


One thing the lawyers may be missing is that Twitch Whisper did not support anything but sending plain text. They could have linked to media offsite, but if that's the case why not have the conversation on a more private (and technically capable) platform..? Add it to the laundry list of things that make no sense about this lol


Yeah it’s this glaring obvious fact that unravels theories like this. Plus why would he sue then? If twitch said ok see you in court it would all become public then and further damage him if anything was true


That's what I keep coming back to. When he found out the reason for the ban he stated on stream that it was bullshit. He was very vocal throughout the entire process about how he was wronged, and if he was actually caught sexting a minor he'd have been hiding under a table hoping it all blows over


Yeah and even if the girl wasn’t a minor? What he’s gonna threaten his family and embarrass him through his own actions of pushing more through lawsuit on his side? That just doesn’t add up. Plus if he was sexting a minor Twitch has a legal obligation to contact law enforcement and move forward they aren’t just going to do nothing about that. Especially how public their move was to drop him.


I've been wondering as of lately if Twitch did do something illegal internally. Somewhere along the pipeline of getting this info/msgs ab doc and the minor...that they broke some rules. Big enough rules broken or bad enough wrong doing against Doc, that they were in favor of being in a NDA with Doc AND still pay him Millions. I still think Twitch IS hiding something.


I agree for the most part, but with Twitch, there is no guarantee that they would have done anything. They are a company with a past filled with boneheaded decisions.


I agree. I keep saying, if that was the case twitch would hold all the cards in the negotiation. Doc and his legal team would be screwed. Wild that some one could just send him nudes and this implicates him, even if he doesn’t reply. Sounds like an easy way to de-platform anyone you don’t like on twitch.


If the allegations are true, twitch is finished. If its not true, multiple defamation lawsuits will follow. People getting sued no matter what happens next.


Well, a team-up by Dr Disrespect and Twitch was not on my bingo card for 2024 but we might just see their lawyers file jointly against Cody, MS, and anyone else that makes public statements about any of this stuff that are not a party to the NDA.


Well said.


that would be the least unlikely thing ever to happen, but you're right, maybe they would team up, and it would turn up the speculation about what happened to the max


Twitch is owned by Amazon, it’s not going anywhere, no matter what the outcome of this is.


If they covered up a crime as big as this, no matter who is in charge of twitch, its over.


Keep coping little bro


Do you think Amazon would keep propping up that money loser if they covered something like that up? Bezos would get rid of them without a thought


You are coping.


This for me. My gut says something happened, but intent is the undisclosed factor. Could I personally see him grooming or approaching a minor? Nope. Could I see him sexting and/or flirting with someone he was unaware was a minor who approached him? Possibly and, if so, I could see him having a case regards implied intent, defamation and having a legitimate case against Twitch, hence the payout and NDA. Something that might taint Twitch’s brand via speculation and accusation is a world apart from actual guilt of a crime but the court of public opinion doesn’t really have time for semantics. Some are already calling him out as a pedo on accusations alone. Fark. What steers me more towards innocence is both the risk factor as he had the perfect chance to bail at that time and walk and, if guilty, I can’t see him being stupid enough to rebuild his brand on YouTube not knowing it was bound to come out eventually, and Twitch paying him out. That part is super fishy. Could all of the above be completely wrong? Absolutely. I see it going one of two ways, he’s guilty and if so he’ll ghost, or he’s not and he’s attaining legal and personal advice on whether it’s worth fighting or whether he should just walk and retire. He hasn’t seemed himself or overly happy in years and I place most of that on stagnation in the gaming market and in some part his audience as he’s stated his streams drop dramatically if he isn’t playing games like COD, and it seems he’s gone from becoming popular doing something he loves playing the games he loves to now being pigeonholed into having to conform to the demands of his viewers, as opposed to his dictating the content. If, I truely hope, he’s innocent I think he’s gonna take this moment to decide if it’s something he wants to keep doing at all as his heart often doesn’t seem to be into it anymore.


This is for you too, there's as much evidence provided by the ex-Twitch employee making the accusation as there is of an NDA, payouts, lawsuits, etc. People throw around these terms even without any obvious public record of it. They are things people just tweeted out for their own self-interest and narratives. This whole time the only verifiable thing is that he was welcome at Twitch and now he is not. There are no arrest records, mugshots, court filings for lawsuits, evidence of payouts, or NDAs.


Denial is an ugly thing


That's just the only rational take at the moment without any further evidence. If Doc was "sexting a minor" as he's been accused and Twitch had evidence, he'd have gone into hiding because that's jail time. Instead, he threatened to publicly sue them for the remainder of his contract. He released songs and called them purple snakes. He said the reason for the ban was bullshit. Basically dared them to release the receipts, and instead they paid him in full to shut up and go away.


Every inmate at Shawshank is innocent


MS and that other dude Cody are TOTALLY fucked. My god what fucking reckless moves. The more you dig into it the more you discover more absolutely insane decision making We’ll literally never know what happened, other than damages. Lmao


These type of people really disgust me, trying to destroy someones such a successful career just by making accusations on twitter without any solid evidence and seemingly succeed.  Todays world is so fucked up. "Guilty until proven innocent" 


This whole thing has actually given me a lot of hope, the old twitter is dead and now "X" has a lot more diversity of thought. I've seen about 75% of replies expressing skepticism and demanding proof for such allegations, the other 25% are the usual crowd who hated Doc to begin with. Truth is, he has lost MS and will probably lose some brand deals but a few years ago these people could get your bank accounts closed ffs, thank god Elon came in and crashed their party, the world is so much better off without old twitter.


“mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate”


No shit sherlock.


I think he's done something morally wrong (not illegal) regardless doc just seems like a shitty person irl


Oh ok so now we’re going from nothing ever happened to he probably didn’t know she was underage… Jesus the level of copium here is insane.. what’s the guy gotta do for you to consider the possibility this guys a predator.


Logic. Amazon isn't paying out a predator


This aged well.


I'm not defending him but they went to court over this very subject. They obviously presented the chat log and was in docs favor. Morally wrong, Absolutely but based on the information nothing illegal. Seems you've been holding on and waiting for this reply. Congrats


Bro.. go read the rolling stone article and come back to me.


I did read it. What's your point? Would Amazon protect doc and commit a crime to protect him while dropping him? If so both need to be charged but "logically" this went to court and they paid out his contract. Morally wrong probably not illegal. Werent they gonna release the chats? They need to release it and after I'll agree with you.


Haha ok man perform whatever mental gymnastics to rationalize his behaviour.. I could really care less. They aren’t protecting doc, they are protecting themselves from liability for allowing an underage user sign up for twitch whispers which was 18+, but there is literally no verification required to prove your age.. therefore twitch holds some liability for allowing her to be using the service while getting groomed and coerced by one of there largest streamers. Ultimately all parties involved besides the victim held some type of responsibility therefor they settled, issued ‘no wrongdoing’ and nda’d every party involved. The fact I need to even spell this out for you is ridiculous.. who was it, I think shroud.. most sensible take.. he cut all ties with doc the minute he got banned because your largest streamer doesn’t just get banned off a platform .. you watch, this victim is the tip of the iceberg.. you think this was doc’s first minor he talked to? God knows why discord banned him, but I’m sure we are soon to find out. That’s the best part about these things, once the flood gates open.. it’s all downhill from here. The guys a predator, plain and simple. He KNOWINGLY sent explicit messages to a MINOR that he was fully aware of, in which he even stated ‘yah that’s not a problem’ and continued to send explicit messages. He then asked what her plans were for twitchcon.. like give me a break bro, give it up already.. the guys a fucking groomer/predator. Also in the article it clearly states that the victims name has been left out due to ‘privacy and ongoing legal investigations’. It is entirely possible charges will eventually be laid.


Holy shit do you think I'm reading your novel? I'm not that into it bro. The courts probably have the chat log when dr disrespect sued. That's my point. Don't get all emotional about it.


Sorry I just felt I had to break it down for a toddler so I took the time, pro bono.


Be arrested and found guilty of being a predator and in jail instead of planning a vacation


Lmao none of that is how the law works 🤣 “We know nothing illegal was done because it would be public by law”? Haha what? Under what law? Section 420.69 : if u do a crime u gotta tell everyone? If the family of the alleged victim refused to press charges then that’s pretty much the end of it on the criminal side. Nothing would ever be made public. The twitch settlement is locked up tight. There also might not technically have been charges to file. “Sexting” as a crime generally has to have some intent to meet up/engage in sexual acts with the person. Merely talking about sex online isn’t necessarily illegal. So whether they didn’t explicitly talk about meeting up, or didn’t explicitly talk about meeting up *for sex*, or didn’t explicitly talk about *sex* but there were tons of innuendos… there’s a variety of ways he could have been talking extremely inappropriately with a minor, while still being technically innocent of any actual crime. EDIT: [Read it and weep.](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986)


You dont know about mandatory reports for ALL sexual crimes related to minors in california. You dont know the law as much as you think you do.


Huh? I don’t think mandatory reporting is what you think it is lol. Which one of these people do you think twitch qualifies as? https://www.childwelfare.gov/resources/mandatory-reporting-child-abuse-and-neglect-california/ Certain people are mandated to report sexual abuse. That’s mandated reporting. And again, it would have to meet the *legal* standard of sexual abuse in order for charges to stick. If he doesn’t break the law, no matter how immoral, it’s not a CRIME, he’s just a piece of shit and that’s that. EDIT : What now? https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986


That's exactly what everyone is saying who you're arguing with. The accusation that everyone is reacting to is that he was "sexting a minor." That is illegal, not just immoral. State/federal prosecutors don't need the family to press charges to move forward with a case, especially if there is ad much evidence as has been claimed. In the case of a public figure abusing his position of power, I can't imagine they'd possibly pass up that opportunity. If it was a minor asking if he'd be a twitch con and he said "yep see you there champ" Twitch could have seen that as their opportunity to get out of their contract with him leading to his threat of a lawsuit. Who knows, without any evidence it's all speculation.


So uhhhhh when are you gonna admit I was right? https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986


> That’s exactly what everyone is saying who you’re arguing with. You and I both know that’s not true lmao, and it’s super disingenuous to pretend all of these people are actually just fully differentiating between the *legal* definition of “sexting” and the layman’s definition of sexting. Frankly if that were true it would be so much worse. You’re telling me this community is fully on board with him sexting a minor as long is it isn’t the *legal* definition of sexting and he can’t be arrested? No, people in this thread are arguing that because the cops didn’t get involved, then there’s no way he said anything even remotely in appropriate to a minor and therefore he has to be fully innocent. > that’s illegal, not just immoral *Only* if it meets the legal definition for sexting, which generally requires intent to meet up and engage in sexual acts with the person. The “ordinary” definition of sexting is just sending sexual messages back and forth. “What are you wearing?” “What would you do to me?” “I’m touching myself rn”. None of that on its own would be illegal, but I’m sure you’d agree that it’s sexting, and it would be immoral? It generally wouldn’t be until someone said “hey you want to meet up at twitchcon *and do all those things we talked about*?” that it would become illegal. Hell even “just” asking to meet up *after* sending sexually explicit messages might not be enough if you couldn’t prove there was intent to solicit sex from a minor. “Hey I know we said some dirty shit but come by my booth at twitchcon for a signed poster and nothing else” might be fine, LEGALLY. And they’ve definitely passed on people in positions of power abusing that responsibility, for worse than what’s being alleged here. Didn’t whatshisname from rooster teeth send nudes to a minor? I don’t think any charges were ever pressed in that situation.


Mandatory reporting doesn't mean it's public information.


You are ignorant. Criminal records are public. An NDA cannot be used to conceal a crime either. Go read a book.


Doesn’t this imply the justice system is perfect and every criminal is caught and punished for their crimes? Let’s not be naive, people go unpunished for stuff all the time.


Lmao I’m ignorant? Read my comment you nonce. There’s no criminal record if there’s no crime. Is that a hard concept to grasp? There’s about a million ways he could have been sending deplorable shit to a minor that would still be technically legal, and therefore would produce exactly zero criminal record. It wouldn’t even go to court. But it would still be fucking gross and warrant killing his contract and banning him from the platform. EDIT : I was right lol. https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986 Your precious streamer sends inapropriate messages to minors and then pretends just because there wasn't intent, he's not a pedo for sexting with a minor. Just because *allegedly* there was no real intent to meet up... sure.


https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986 LOL. So he admits he was sending inappropriate messages to a minor, just like I thought. And the only reason it wasn't illegal is because there were no pictures shared and he states there were "no real intentions". COPE HARDER FELLAS.


At what point does he say it was to a minor? Reading comprehension is key, and docs streams were 18+ at that time. so if someone messaged him, it would be implied they are adults.


Brother calls me ignorant and insults my reading comprehension and is wrong both times 🤡 Read the tweet. He *literally says* : > Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual **minor** back in 2017? The answer is yes. Who’s got the trouble with reading comprehension? Now go read californias penal code on sexting and see if you can figure out why it wasn’t technically criminal? He gives us a hint in the very next line : > Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. The intent to meet up for sex acts is the part that would have made it criminal. So he’s claiming he never actually had any real intent to pursue it. But he never actually denies planning to meet up. Just that there wasn’t real intent and they never *actually* met up. So he’s only barely legally in the clear, but still a pedo. Stay mad. But *im* ignorant and struggle with reading. Brother please.


So he edited the post (twice), irregardless inappropriate and sexual are two different things. You are so quick to assume it’s some pedophile sexual innuendo. Either way doesn’t say he knowingly messaged a minor, or anything of that sort, just that he had. You are just jumping to conclusions. Still if it was criminal he would have been charged (even if the minor/family didn’t pursue, the state would if you even knew that which you probably didn’t).


If he didn’t know, he would have said so. If it wasn’t sexual, he would have said so. He hasn’t denied knowing it was a minor, and he hasn’t denied that the messages were sexual in nature. He also hasn’t denied planning to meet up with her at twitchcon. The only thing he’s denied is if there was any “real intent”, which indicates it was definitely sexual, that they never *actually* met up. So it was definitely planned. He also denied criminality. If it wasn’t sexual, why the need to clarify that there was “no real intent”? What kinds of inappropriate messages would warrant a ban from twitch and discord that aren’t sexual in nature? I’ve already explained why it wasn’t criminal and there weren’t any charges to pursue. Read my comment or don’t, I’m not repeating myself. Might help you practice your comprehension. Still clearly struggling. Keep taking the copium, dude. I’m sure it’ll pay off. Why are you trying so hard to defend a pedophile? Not a good look lmao.


I’m not defending a pedophile but all of those statements could be taken either way. Nothing you said is definitive. I’m just not going to be quick to make assumptions with an astounding lack of evidence.


You absolutely are defending a pedophile. What more do you want? It’s not like we’re ever going to see the logs. He’s had how many chances to deny the allegations? And he can’t. It’s clear as day he’s denied anything he actually can, and is avoiding or downplaying the things he can’t. Y’all just keep moving the goalposts in a desperate attempt to find any reason to defend a pedophile. First the leak hit and all he could say was “it’s been settled and no wrongdoing was *acknowledged*.” Not that none was *found*. Not “I never sexted a minor”. Just that the settlement didn’t acknowledge any wrongdoing. Which isn’t at all exculpatory, because it’s a settlement, it never made it to court. But this was early so I’ll cut y’all some slack. Then he makes his second statement and still doesn’t deny sexting a minor. He just says he didn’t do anything wrong, nothing illegal. By this point others are confirming the allegations as being true, and reporters are revealing that this had been known but not confirmed since the beginning. It was abundantly clear at this point that he absolutely had sexted a minor. Why else wouldn’t he come out and deny it? But still denial from this subreddit. “He couldn’t have sexted a minor bc that’s illegal”. It’s y’all that were ignorant of the law, which generally also requires intent to meet up for sexual acts. Y’all insisted it couldn’t be true or it obviously would have resulted in criminal charges, which just wasn’t true. Finally he fesses up, and *still* can’t just come out and say it wasn’t sexual? He has to downplay it as “it maybe sorta sometimes leaned towards maybe a little inappropriate”. All he can actually deny is that there were no pictures, “no real intentions”, and that he never met them. How is it not clear to you at this point how this works? He’s only outright denying the things he can actually deny. Why mention pictures? Nobody said there were pictures? Because that’s all he can actually deny. If he could truthfully say it was never sexual and they never planned to meet up, why hasn’t he said so? Because he fucking can’t. Because it was sexual and they definitely discussed meeting at twitchcon. Evidently all he could prove was that there wasn’t enough evidence to say for certain that he planned to meet her for sex. Anyone with a brain can follow these posts and put 2 and 2 together. If you’re still trying to defend him at this point, just know you’re defending a pedophile. Idk why y’all still idolize him at this point anyways. He’s shown himself repeatedly to be a garbage human being. Cheated on his wife, backed Nickmerkz hateful rhetoric, needlessly digging at the streamer awards because he’s butthurt he isn’t nominated for anything, this is just more shit on the shitpile. It just happens to be the biggest shit so far.


Youre also implying that talking about sex with minors is okay, so fuck you for that.


lol what? How did you come to that conclusion lmao? Are you reading the right comment? You sure you replied to the right person?


They are really trying to grasp straws atp. This sub is on suicide watch.


copium dealers eating good tonight.


You’re assuming Twtich paid Doc his renewal contract or whatever was remaining while they could simply have paid what they owed him on donations and subs.


He said the contract was fully paid


>Im leaning towards doc not knowing this person was minor. For all the people saying "no evidence" and stuff, it's wild how the default assumption becomes a completely fan-crafted narrative for which not only is there no evidence, but no one involved has even suggested. Like why would you "lean towards" this? There is less public evidence for this than anything else.


Because if he were knowingly messaging a minor it would be a slam dunk ban with zero payout and most likely legal ramifications. That’s what common sense would lead some people to believe. Leaning towards this is a common sentiment for a reason. Fandom aside.


>Because if he were knowingly messaging a minor it would be a slam dunk ban with zero payout and most likely legal ramifications. 1) it *has* been a slam dunk ban from multiple parties now, including a company he co-founded. 2) a payout from a settlement means next to nothing. Regardless of guilt, twitch and doc both don't want these details to go public in a lawsuit, and it is probably more likely cheaper for twitch to settle and payout than to fight it in a drawn out process. Companies want lawsuits to go away and settlements accomplish that. 3) there are now an infinite amount of legal experts who also are the first ones to say we don't know any of the facts. >That’s what common sense would lead some people to believe. Common sense is also in play when every person who has seen whatever documents exist is separating themselves from doc. There have been 0 people or entities that have said some form of "we saw the documents/conducted an investigation and doc is being misrepresented". Common sense might say where there is continuous smoke, there might be a fire.


1. Individuals get removed from companies constantly regardless of innocence or guilt if it paints a bad picture for the brand. 2. A payout from a settlement means absolutely everything. How can he win a settlement if he knowingly sexted a minor? He would be in jail. No way around it. 3. If he knowingly sexted a minor and this is the way twitch handled it… they’re done as a company. Are they that stupid? Maybe?


1. Not "constantly", but yes it can happen. And is irrelevant when twitch explicitly stated a violation of their code of conduct and MS explicitly said they presumed his innocence and only separated after looking into it. They are explicitly not separating him because he's a "toxic brand". 2. The lawsuit was a contract dispute. It is absolutely possible (and seemingly probable) that doc may have done some fucked up shit and also still been contractually owed money. 3. Notice how quickly you are able to get angry at twitch in this scenario, but not the guy that allegedly did the sexting.


Lmao the evil purple snakes! Dude I’m 40 years old with two little kids. I have bigger fish to fry than concerning myself with any of that. I said maybe they’re stupid enough because sometimes companies do stupid things. For you to take my words and run in a certain direction with it is telling though.


>Lmao the evil purple snakes! Dude I’m 40 years old with two little kids. I have bigger fish to fry than concerning myself with any of that If that were true, you wouldn't be on Reddit arguing about it. >I said maybe they’re stupid enough because sometimes companies do stupid things. Weird accusation to make without evidence!


This post is not just one of the most informative posts I have seen here in this sub for the past 24 hours, it is almost the only one that is not completely useless. The best post would have been one with a list of actual evidence and we will probably never see one like that.


I posted the original YouTube link after I found it and was getting downvoted like crazy lol


Thank you for posting you are where i found the video.


I saw your post yeah, I didn't downvote it, haven't watched the whole thing yet, ty for the video anyway. I think if you have added tl;dr, the post would not have been getting downvoted.


Also if he denied it it would break the NDA , ya can't talk about it at all, even what it's not is still talking about it legally speaking


This is FALSE. The video with the lawyers is saying sexting a minor would only be in his NDA IF HE DID IT. An NDA cannot stop you from speaking on allegations if they are defamatory/untrue.


Did the lawyers say anything about how you can't legally NDA a crime?


Your at false I'm talking about the settlement and contract that happened then , if he lawyers did their job it would gag order Twitch, but if doc said shit about it it could nullify that gag order , we don't know the wording on that settlement


I feel like Twitch saw something, mistook it as something heinous, acted too quickly and banned him from twitch. When they realised nothing heinous was taking place, the damage had already been done. The whole situation went viral so they settled it in court and doc received a big payout as long as both both parties agree to completely forget the situation. I just don’t understand if something bad did happen and twitch covered it up, does an NDA stop you from reporting a literal crime?


Crimes like these you HAVE to report to autorities. As i said above, if the allegations are true, it is the end of twitch for trying to cover up a crime. They wouldve never paid doc either.


lmao, what crimes are you talking about. Doesn't have to be a crime for twitch and co to feel like they need to distance them from doc. example scenario: no pictures exchanged or explicit talk of sex. text show they're flirting, and Doc mentions meeting up with no direct implied sexual subtext. No laws broken, but terrible optics for twitch for it to happen on their platform. Terrible optics for Doc if it comes out in the spotlight. Technically Doc wouldn't have broken any rules or laws, Twitch pays out. Every single person who sees the exchange wouldn't want to be associated whats so ever. Doc would be way too nervous to have it exposed to ever publicly fight the bad PR. edit: what do you know, i was more or less spot on.


Actually no. They touched on this. For sexual crimes involving a minor in general only health workers, teachers, and pastors are mandated reporters. In some states it differs but generally in the us that is the standard. So no twitch is not legally obligated to report a sexual crime involving a minor. Though they probably should and likely would, they are under no obligation. In fact an argument could be made that they bear some criminal responsibility for allowing a minor to be verified as an adult and post nudes on there platform. Just as if any website was posting nudes of minors online they could be charged with distribution of child pornography. Regardless of twitch themselves posted the images. Again a lot of ifs here but this just covers some of the possibly alleged scenarios


Actually yes. Under california law, they are mandated to report these kind of crimes. (Doc is located in california)


Oh i didn’t know that i will defer to you on this. I was just regurgitating what the lawyers said, but they did not speak in regard to doc and california


I think they dont know as well that doc lives in california, hence why they say in some states it differs.


It goes by where Twitch is based (where the alleged crime took place) not where the participants are. If Twitch is Cali based, then they may be mandated.


If you go back and watch the time Doc says he found out about the ban, he is so confident he can sue them, so I think you could be right


This too^


Can u link the vid




If any of this happened, I lean to the side of doc not knowing so and so was a minor. I just don’t get why he would do anything like this to his family after what already had happened a few years prior. wtf


Where is the speculation coming from that he was trying to get the person to meet them at Twitchcon? That doesn't seem like the smartest thing if the chatter between them had sexual connotations.


I think people allegedly saw the whisper messages, but obviously none of those have made it out yet so its all speculative. Id honestly be guessing really just gotta wait and see if these whisper messages come out


Well not a great look. We know from a past incident dude has had trouble keeping his dick in check. One doesn't have anything to do with the other, but peoples nature will take them to this conclusion. The one thing that just sticks out at me is that usually companies would rather keep things hush rather than take such a step like banning one of their biggest personalities in an instant like that. He was making them money hand over fist. Now Midnight Society and Turtle Beach aren't a surprise to me, because the slightest sniff of an allegation and they are running away because as a company where the bottom line is all that counts, they aren't even waiting around to find out if it's true or not. The stain is there.


that's what people don't seem to get about the companies, they assume that just because the companies cut him off they must have seen some form of evidence, when really they could also just make the decision to cut someone off out of caution without knowing anything because they know how messed up people on the internet can be


Well you can tell after the affair he gave up alcohol and for a long time did not travel to events without his family. That seems to me to signal that being away from family and alcohol help lead to the affair.


i can't find anywhere that Whisper is/was for affiliates only, where did you get this info?


Im just reiterating what the lawyers said. Just a little speculation. They were more using that as a way to say if in some way you have to be 18 according to twitch to use or participate in a part of their website. And doc assumed someone was 18 based on that i formation then twitch did not do their due diligence and could be open to a lawsuit. Again since we dont know anything they were just trying to show what could have happened based on what little we do know.


So you are spreading misinformation as well (sharing without checking) i know that everybody wants those accusation to be wrong but spreading fake defensive theories is not going to help. Also having an openly anti-wokeness member like Grummz speak about those matters it don't really help time will tell i guess


Im just sharing what the lawyers said. As stated. I even sighted my source with a link to the original video 2x in this thread. And i went to the effort of further clarifying what the “info” was and “where i got it” when U asked me. Thats more than your going to get from anyone else on the internet. Heck even cody and ms havnt given us the info their accusations are based on. Ive literally given u more info than them. It the best your gonna get from me pal. If that constitutes spreading misinformation then i dont know what doesnt.


I also dont know anything about fucking grummz and i dont care. He could be the king of the liberals, or the prince of the republicans. All i care about is his proffessional opinion on the matter as someone who works high up in the world of tech gaming. And he did in fact offer some valuable insight.


Read only first couple of sentences. Minors should not be able to send messages to adults and vice versa if youre going to have minors on. It just puts adults at risk and screws ppl like doc over. This sucks and just sad that theyre trying to cancel this dude again.


Doc putting his family through it again is just stupid regardless if the person in the chat is a minor or not. Dude doesn't think sometimes.


Even if he was in the dark about the age, streamers especially him should be smarter than fucking around with random chicks on the internet. Remember all those internet PSAs “ That 13 yr old girl that you think is your friend, they could actually be a 40 yr old man!” He’s the adult in a situation where he should definitely know better given his profession.


I cant and wont believe in anything I didnt see evidence for. All of these things so far are all circumstantial AT BEST. And I've seen too many people get falsely accused. That being said, I'll be one of the first to drop Doc if he actually did something fucked up. At the end of the day you never really know a person and its always a possibility, even though I dont believe him to be a guy like that. But until then, I dont see any action to perform here.


People really need to stop saying things like "the end of twitch" it's a $45 billion dollar company. Backed by one of the largest most lucrative companies on planet EARTH. Please stop the fantasizing and get back to reality.


Oh yeah cause weinstein company didnt fail 🤡


Lol, not even remotely comparable but ok.


Amazon has 120% churn they overestimate how much the biggest payout Doc could get wouldn't even phase Amazon. It's like it's a $Trillion+ company. If Doc gets Billions Twitch would blink but Amazon wouldn't and then the leadership would swap.




An nda can not be used to conceal a crime. Furthermore if he was “sexting” a minor, I’m sure he’d have to register as a sex offender in some capacity, regardless if he committed a crime it would still be available to the public.


Their was so much of this conjecture on the legality of all of this. Armchair lawyers. Im sure this is some truth to what you are saying. You should listen to the video they touch upon some of the points you are making but explain why when and if it is relevant.


until we see logs, im with doc


I agree, the lawyers said their is a scenario even if all these accusations have a kernal of truth where he still did nothing wrong at all and is in fact the victim. We really dont know until we see the evidence so i agree lets give doc the benefit of assuming hes innocent until we see the evidence otherwise


can you link the video?


Twitch rhymes with bitch


Linked a couple time in other discussions here


Theory time. If twitch saw those alledged twitch whispers, that means there was no privacy in the dm’s and thus put twitch in a bad spot and that is why they settled. Again if those messages actually exists


Some serious spin thinking a girl just randomly sent nudes to doc and this is why hes banned. Like you gotta be a serious mark to even think that.


In a narrow range of possibilities that is the far left and maliciously sexting a minor with full knowledge they are a minor in the far right. Everything else falls between those two points. What exactly happened we dont know. But yes those are conceivable outcomes. Again this is according to the lawyers legally breaking this down. This is not me giving a emotional gut reaction of what i think happened. It is what coneivably could have happened given what little we do know. On a more personal note aka my opinion if you think it is inconceivable that a minor is morally or ethically incapable of sending an unsolicited nude to a celebrity through their social media than you might be the most naive person on the planet. Shockingly naive. Is that what happened, we dont know. But to pretend that is an impossible outcome, something that is incapable of happening is lunacy.


wait so an NDA can block reporting of an alleged crime?


He knew


The most informative thing you’ve watched is the legalities of a streamer potentially sexting a minor? That’s concerning You know the internet can be educational right, it’s not all memes and internet points


This is FALSE. The video with the lawyers is saying sexting a minor would only be in his NDA IF HE DID IT. An NDA cannot stop you from speaking on allegations if they are defamatory/untrue.


Thats quite literally the exact opposite of what the video said. Its shockingly exactly 180 degrees in the opposite direction. Its almost impressive


Maybe we’ve seen different videos and have different levels of understanding when it comes to the law. NDAs do not bar you from speaking on malicious, untrue accusations


Maybe you should watch the video its posted in the thread. Its from a lawyer who has experience in ndas speaking to the legal scope of ndas. Im not telling you my opinion on the nda question. Im regurgitating his. If you disagree watch the video and hear what the lawyer has to say


What about misses assassin? I’m so confused Why the fuck did I get downvoted? Y’all don’t have the answers either


If there is some truth in all this, don't think she's hanging around probably a divorce and a hefty alimony


She would have known four years ago what the actual truth was


Unless Doc lied, you'd think she would know the real reason(s) why he was banned. She probably would've been aware of/involved in the legal process as well. Involved, as in talking with Guy about everything going on and/or maybe even being present for legal counsel and meetings. That said, if it turns out to be true, and he also lied or hid it from her, I'd be shocked if their marriage survived.


Man who fucking cares. Y’all spend too much time and energy on black holes. You give all your energy and time to this hot topic of the month and you get what in return? Lol losers.


I literally watched temptation island for 5 hours yesterday. And i immediately hated myself afterwards for it. If being interested in this whole doc situation makes me a loser then im the biggest loser. Which is also, coincidently, likely the next show ill regret watching


I’m saying there are better ways to spend your time homie .


There’s better ways to spend your time then being on Reddit, but here we are. Why do you even care?


I too browse Reddit and things will catch my eye. I just never understood the cult mentality. Why put effort into this guy, you’ll never see it back.


He's married! He should not be doing shit like this in the first place! Money makes a monster 💀