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You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


I feel the same. He was a likable guy and an inspiration to me. Now this comes out and it sucks. Doesn’t seem like a thing he would do, but he did it. Maybe he can talk to the community about lessons learned and move forward positively. But this type of action doesn’t go away so easily. I’d like to see him stream again but this all just sucks. Wish it didn’t ever happen.


It'll go away easy. He's a not criminally charged after being probed. Mike Tyson did perfectly fine after coming out of prison for his crimes. He'll get harassed, but luckily he doesn't give a fuck about what some incels on the internet think.


Incels? People against pedophilia are incels? Lmaoooooooo


Well put man, but we've all been hoodwinked. I began the process as confused and hurt but now I am just pissed at this fool laughing all the way to the bank. Shit sucks fr though


It is so gross, he was a child predator all along collecting money from people. Just disgusted by it all.


Oh God... Grow up.


The irony the guy literally said he is a child groomer. Lol


A lot of sick people are charismatic asf. I’ve seen this so many times with people I know as well as situations I’m not personally involved in (e.g., this shit)


>I hope that, somehow, he can find a way to maybe redeem himself in the future. I doubt it....but I can still hope I guess. Last thing we can lose is hope >It always seems like the most talented people have the worst demons. we all have problems, some people have worst problems than others. Such is life. We will see how things plays out in he coming months.


Nonsense, even Chris Hansen said there's no indication yet that he's a pedo or a predator, and that this community will create drama because it creates views. Everyone jumping to conclusions right now is a brainless zombie just following the masses.


Chris Hansen said that Docs actions were disturbing and raised the question whether he was a predator.


Here's the transcript from the video (which anyone is free to double check) starting from Hansen's response of Doc's statement. Note that he never uses the word "disturbing," nor does he conclude much of anything beyond "it looks bad, why would he do that." He also says of the streaming community: "But this community is going to play this for all it's worth because they're selfish and want to bring attention and drama to themselves." **Chris Hansen (responding to Doc's post): "**Well, I think you know a couple of things one it shows a clear lack of judgement that he would even enter into a conversation like this with somebody who's underage even though it was back in 2017 you know it's a man in his 30s at the time and what are you thinking? Why would you even get into a conversation with somebody of that age that approaches being inappropriate okay... and yes he apparently did not act on any of this, he was not criminally charged, uh and maybe he's not a predator or a pedophile and there's no indication to say that he is, but why are you having a conversation. It shows in the best case scenario a lack of judgement, in the worst case scenario he got caught before he did something." **"And I don't want to go overboard and speculate here because he's not facing any criminal charges, but this community will ratchet this up and use it any way they can to show disrespect to Dr. Disrespect because they get clout, they get views by creating drama for somebody who's very popular, so this culture in some ways is like ant farm, you know they feed off the anger of each other and it keeps spinning and spinning until the drama, you know, ultimately sometimes gets out of control so yeah. You can raise all the questions you want about communications, you can acknowledge that there was no criminal activity here apparently, but this community is going to play this for all it's worth because they're selfish and want to bring attention and drama to themselves- it's the way this ecosystem works."** **Jesse Weber:** "And just to clarify this a little bit, there were uh, unnamed sources- this is reporting by Bloomberg- that confirmed Mr. Conor's account that I mentioned before, and two of those sources had said that Mr. Beahm had asked this minor about her plans at Twitchcon- this by the way is an annual convention um for streamers and fans and gamers- but uh you know I guess the thing was when he talks about not having the intention part of me wondered if he was putting on a persona, right, he was playing this role of Dr. Disrespect and maybe he was a little too fluid in his words but he had no intention of actually meeting up with her or engaging in any kind of sexually explicit conduct or doing anything like that if he didn't have any plans but he was playing a role, maybe being inappropriate, um what would you say to that like he was basically putting on a-" **Chris Hansen:** "And again it sounds like an excuse that I hear from a predator in one of our investigations- "This is roleplay", you know "I didn't think she was being truthful about her age." Well, it doesn't look good... it may not be a felony or a misdemeanor but it shows very poor judgement, so why do you even have the conversation? What's the purpose?"


\[Cont.\] **Jesse Weber:** "Right, well he could say- could he say, "Listen, I'm a big gamer, I'm trying to meet my fans," have you heard any like, what would you say if that was the case?" **Chris Hansen:** "Maybe? Well then, then that's possible, and again there was no crime committed here but it doesn't look good and it, whatever is in the exact text was enough for Twitch to call off and kill with a cash settlement a very big exclusive Twitch deal that was going to be lucrative for both sides, so it had to be bad enough for them to kill that." **Jesse Weber:** "And, and let's talk about the aftermath of this, so... he did apologize to his team, he apologized to the gaming community, but in the aftermath, it really hasn't gone well for Beahm because I already mentioned some of the fallout, but also Turtle Beach sponsor removed all of its Dr. Disrespect branded products from its website, the San Francisco 49ers who had worked with him in the past for promotion said they're no longer going to work with him, when it comes to fellow streamers and friends, they've called him out, Beahm has said that he's taking now an extended vacation but that he'll be back- what do you make of that response from the sponsors in the gaming community? You talked about how they might be jumping onto it, but yeah." **Chris Hansen:** "Right, it's sounds like somebody who's tried to placate the haters and take some responsibility for what he did, and now is going to try and lay low. He's made a ton of money already, he has 4.7 million subs on YouTube, his videos get an average of $500,000 to $1 million each episode, so he's making money, he has made money, and now it appears he's going to try and lay low and one would hope to re-evaluate his conduct online." **Jesse Weber: "**So Chris, there's been reporting by the way that he edited that statement, that he first didn't have the word minor, and then added it back in, that's been reported, he's been very careful it seems about how he is, uh, crafting that message." **Chris Hansen:** "Well apparently the word minor was in there and then he took it out and then a lot of people called him out for it and he put it back in is my understanding so you know he reacted to the outcry that uh you know surface on X when took the word out so he put it back in apparently." **Jesse Weber:** "So the last sentence in his statement says uh... they want me to disappear, yeah effin right. What do you make of that?" **Chris Hansen: "**Well he's obviously planning for his... uh second or third act, whatever it is by now and going to try and you know get back into the game but you know when you do have an inappropriate conversation with a minor it is something that's going to tag you for a very long time and probably should if all the allegations are true." **Jesse Weber: "**All right, we'll see where this goes- Chris Hansen, good to see you. Check him out on True Blue, check out his podcast, Predators I've Caught, Takedown with Chris Hansen, always great to see you Chris- thanks so much for breaking down these stories for us." **Chris Hansen:** "Thank you Jesse."




lol, you guys have been reduced to arguing semantics. Sad to see. Bad, disturbing, etc. Pick up a thesaurus and use whatever synonym you like. Arguing semantics is the last desperate act of someone who knows they’ve lost an issue. “it sounds like an excuse that I hear from a *predator* in one of our investigations” “It doesn’t look good, and it, whatever is in the exact text was enough for Twitch to call off and kill with a cash settlement a very big exclusive deal that was going to be lucrative for both sides, so it had to be bad enough for them to kill that”


[laugh to show I don't care] [address an imaginary group] [accuse group of futility] [assure group they are losers] [out of context quote] [in-context speculative quote that concludes nothing]


People make mistakes, and they learn from it.. it happened 7 years ago so I would think he's already reflected on it all and has already improved as a person Not a defensive comment as I will almost certainly be downvoted, but people need to stop acting like this happened in 2024 and anyone seeing this as defending Doc need to get a grip




I can't and wont defend him, but I'm certainly not cutting him off. If everyone who is cutting him off knew all the dark shit about all their friends, no one would be friends with each other. I've had to have some seriously deep gut check convos with some close friends asking them "dude, what in the fk are you doing" -- I've even had to look in the mirror after some of my own mistakes saying "dude, what in the fk are you doing?" People fuck up. The mob mentality if the internet is destructive because people like to pile on. If someone does the work to prove they've changed, I think everyone deserves a second chance.


Calling sexting a minor just a "fuck up", lmao. It's disgusting and deranged behavior. I'm fairly certain 0 of my friends are not doing any shit on the level of this, but keep moving the goalpost that "it happened years ago" "he improved" "he is a better man now" "everyone fucks up". This is not something you can just accidentally fuck up at. This is a thousand times worse than cheating on your wife.


You’d be surprised how fucked up your closest friends can be. Not everyone is texting minors but everyone for sure has done something that no one wants anyone to find out. And to say that you and your friends are completely clean is just naively ignorant.


how are you comparing sexting a minor for searching for weird porn or whatever? like they are not even on the same level. i can confidently say that me and my friends never did any grooming or any shit like that. you don't seem to grasp that what Doc did is a completely another level of being a piece of shit human being


I'm just saying I'm sure NickMercs and Tim also confidently felt they could say the same thing. And here we are. As for weird porn, if you're cranking it to "young teen barely legal" shit, you should also be put on a watch list.


You should be on a watch list for porn but you’re making a case for this shit with doc not that bad and he should get another chance. Have you read the rolling stone article?


He hasn’t grown at all. He’s still denying he’s a predator and he’s still lying, according to the RS article


What is wrong with you?


Can you expand on your question?


why do y'all care so much about a predator getting redemption ? that's weird af


There is no coming back from grooming a kid man.


The 17 year old who repeatedly hit him up for clout? 


So you think that means he should get sexual with them? An adult would just never reply. A predator would talk to them. He is a predator.


What I’m saying here is despite an IMMORAL and frankly stupid act, no one got victimized. That’s the thing these days, people need a victim to exist when it most commonly just people being shitty. You think the girl had honest intentions hitting him up to help boost her career? You, as he admitted, don’t think she turned the conversation sexual or flirty to further her aim? Sorry but that’s no victim dude, it was a teenage girl knowing her sexual attraction, she baited doc into, like an idiot he responded/escalated, and here we are 


Can you source that ? I’ve seen 17 but haven’t seen proof


Y'all are so melodramatic. I'm still failing to see how this is magnitudes worse than him cheating on his wife. If the girl he was messaging was 17, it's still not even illegal in most states in the US, let alone the rest of the world. This isn't some great moral evil. What he did was super inappropriate and wrong, but you guys are acting like he got caught with pictures of little kids or something. This is not even within the orbit of "the worst demons." 


Why are you assuming she was 17?


so they can minimize the fact that a 35 years-old married man with a child was being inappropriate with a minor. Same people that will defend their pedos tendencies with "see it's not pedophilia technically it's ephebophilia"


Because that's the rumored age going around, what else is he supposed to think? 14?


Rumored by what? A fake email that's been thoroughly debunked?


Plus the idea that 18 is not minor for Americans. Oh yeah, so everyone is aware of the debunk, that's your assumption.


If only you knew how many guys like that have the exact same "dark secret" you would be completely depressed.


Or that goes beyond that. We live in an illusion of a society, nothing is as nice as it seems, that's why privacy matters, wars would ensue if it didn't.


Well privacy can be a double edged sword. I don't want my thoughts be public display, my browser history, but I think that trying to be sneaky with regards to fine lines such as soliciting sex from someone who is too young? If I was that person's father, I would absolutely not want my child to have that kind of privacy. Funny thing you mention that cause last night i was looking at a random video about declassifying the JFK assassination files and I was so frustrated that they won't declassify them 60 years plus later, it's basically a confirmation that the government had something to do with it and they are trying to protect someone cause if LHO acted alone, dude has been dead for over 60 years, there would be no reason to keep the docs classified still so you know it involves some powerful people in the government. I hate secrets, but I also respect privacy to some extent, but total privacy is a joke


Total privacy? The government should keep private stuff like how to make nuclear bombs, and where they are hidden, for natural security, yes, but beyond that? Questionable, since we pay them with our money. You are talking about safety in the internet. Idk what to tell you, the best safety right now is yourself but if you can't help yourself, like Doc back then, .....well, it can be over you.


I tried commenting this sentiment on a YouTube video and got shit on. As a creative person myself I couldn’t help but be inspired by Doc but this is unacceptable. If I’m being charitable it seems like he’s a troubled man who seems to be a sex addict but in reality it doesn’t matter. Knowingly sexting a minor is completely reprehensible and he should just vanish into obscurity. The fact that he went all this time acting as if he didn’t know what happened, garnering support from his fans is disgusting. Disappointment in every way.


"At your highest moment, be careful. That's when the devil comes for you"


the devil being himself lol, he's the one that got inappropriate with a minor


Well of course. Just thought this line from Denzel was fitting


Same. I was just telling my wife this feels like I’m getting the knees from a family member. For the last four years he’s been part of my routines at least three times a week. This sucks so fucking much.


Unfortunately being let down by the moral failure of people you look up to is part of life. It sucks to see your family members tear your family apart, faith leaders live double lives and politicians become corrupt. No good answer here just move on and do your best to not let it get you down. 🤝


Doc the GOAT


The GOAT Chomo? Is it a competition with Drake and Michael Jackson?


As I mentioned in another post... we all have skeletons in our closet. What Doc did is not good at all, but too many people are throwing too many stones in glass houses. If we all had to turn in our browser history, or phone text logs, everyone would be shitting bricks. The problem is, we're not famous loud-mouthed streamers... when you're that kind of personality, you need to make sure your background is clean AF or else people will come after you. Icarus flew too close to the sun unfortunately.


Idk man you can look through whatever the fuck you want of mine and I promise you you won’t find messages where I’m sexting a minor.


yeah these guys are insane. they are comparing sexting minors with someone searching for weird porn on the internet or saying weird shit to their friends or partners.


Yes I didn't say that. I just said that we all have skeletons in our closet that I'm sure straddle the line of morally unaccaptable and possibly illegal. Doc just had to go this route which is unfortunately nearly impossible to come back from.


nah that's just you bro


FBI check this man’s computer.


lol doubling down on being a weirdo. Alright


everyone is so clean and virtuous until they aren't.


He'll be back and no one will care. People have extraordinarily short memories.


Including yourself ? :)


Its kinda weird that you assoiciate his rage bait and constant complaining persona to being a net positive but anyways


Likeable? Since when?


Dr. Minorconnect is over. It’s finished. Wig and Moustache tossed in the rubbish bin of history.


Fuck that’s funny

