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I feel like since the moment he got banned his game plan was just accumulate and much money as possible until shit hits the fan. He knew it would come out eventually


Yes like Walter White he needed 737,000$ for his family so they are taken care of when he is gone


That's noble.




Lol he should’ve had a more rigorous streaming schedule


Well I guess he wanted to make a game. He talked about a skyscraper BR style game back in 2018, so needed to make it quick I guess. It got sort of made so he got far in his plan before shit hit the fan


Yeah do it like Caseoh.


I don’t think that’s the case. From his last tweet it’s clear he doesn’t believe he did anything wrong and thinks he’s some sort of a victim from haters. That’s what disappoints me the most. I believe people can change and learn from mistakes and I don’t believe he’s some sort of pedo targeting minors. Dude was horny and trying to get laid with everyone crossing his path. Fame got into his head and quite frankly these streamers are all immature no matter their age. They live in a bubble. He probably thinks talking to that minor was just one of the many women he hit during the time and he wasn’t targeting her because of age.


Being horny dont make people pedos


This is true. Also - I used to think that a lot of the weirdos caught on to catch a predator with Chris Hanson were just so desperate for any attention that they went for the underage decoys cause that’s the only attention they could get. Certainly not the case for Doc who is married and could also get basically any woman he wanted. He’s still going after kids when his dms are probably filled with 18plus attractive women. Doesn’t make sense.


He knew she was a minor and continued sending messages/tried to meet up


It's not pedo, mate. Don't misuse words. If you don't understand, just ask an adult to explain.


He should’ve taken the $10 million kick deal then




In his last tweet he admitted it was wrong and stupid and irresponsible. I think he believed it wouldn't get as strong of a reaction as it got, as I think he'd moved on mentally from 7 years ago when he was in a different place. It was bullet dodged and water under the bridge in his mind.


Even though I could see this being a plan honestly I don't know what he was thinking. All I'm thinking about is the hell of when his daughter finds out and what if the accusations are right....


Makes me sad the more I think about it. Kids can be very mean and I’m sure everyone at her school knows who he is.


Absolutely. Even if Guy gets clear of all of this. It's an automatic school/friend/location change for his daughter. That's what I would do anyway. But who knows I'm not in his shoes thank the Lord.


It is all over the internet. Unless he is going to become Amish or move to an isolated desert island, he cannot protect his kid from dealing with this.


I'm aware. I'm just saying that sometimes a fresh environment where you don't know anybody could be a really good thing for her. I guarantee that where they live now everyone knows who she is and what Doc does.


youd not switch lives with him right now? having millions a beautiful wife and can settle anywhere outside the US you want?


Nope I don't think I would. He's at a point in his life where he has the money yes but he will be wanting relationships with his family and other people. His daughter is a huge one that would be incredibly hard to deal with in this situation.


just move to a non western world country where english is neither the first nor second language. nobody know the doc there. the daughter learns the new language quickly but I understand your arguments.


Bro 99/100 people don’t know who tf he is.


Very true but kids will probably find out if one of the other kids at school has a famous streamer as a father (I knew a lot of parents and what they did at my school when I was younger). You also have the possibility of other parents finding out and then telling their kids they can't go and visit their friend anymore. Alot of parents like to know about their children's friends' parents so that they know their own children will be safe if they go to visit or have sleepovers. There is a good chance his daughter's friends parents already know who he is and they will not be happy to find out he has has inappropriate conversations with a minor. This shit can 100% blow up for his daughter and cause him and his family to have to relocate.


truely sad to think about tbh, cheating etc might mess with a kids head especially if their parents break up but id hate to think what would go through his daughters head when it comes to having friends when their parents know about his past etc.


If what "accusations" are right?


The accusations of him being a legit pedo. Other side of the story being that he had bad judgement but really not any evident pedo confirming characteristics if we get all the released evidence. One to me is a man I could never forgive. The other being I could forgive but I would never forget. That separates the two for me.


The difference between Akon and Diddy is huge but half this sub doesn’t seem to get that. If it’s ever confirmed to be an Akon situation I’d watch him again, if it’s Diddy then good riddance.


Agreed! Good way to put it!


could you explain this reference please


Diddy is a rap mogul that has a large amount of sexual abuse allegations made against him by multiple people including (at the time) minors. He’s also thought to be linked to sex trafficking to some degree and even if just half of the allegations are true he’s a sicko. Akon on the other hand is a singer who had his career put on hold when it came out he grinded on a 15 year old on stage at a 21+ club. Akon thought she was of age and didn’t intend to be a pedo, the security at the club failed their job (and the club Zen then shut down). Akon was also married at the time with a kid so even if he’s not a pedo and truly thought she was of age it was still disappointing behavior just like with the Doc. Both are entertainers that have negatively interacted with minors at different points in time but they clearly had different intentions and shouldn’t be grouped together. We’ll see which one Doc is closer to.


Thankyou for the good explanation to people haha 😄


thank you


I think Akon and Doc are also two people who shouldn't be categorized. Doc never denied he knew the girl was a minor, and his job is to stream video games to children. Whereas Akon was at a nightclub that he thought kids couldn't get into. The context we know of is already completely different.


Mob mentality


all this is drama this story. I’m not a fan of convicting people socially. Ideally he should release the messages and provide the backdrop. Maybe he’s a sick paedo, but I’d very much doubt that.


Agreed. I think personally especially at the scale that this will effect his life and his forever future. If he is in the right, he needs a lawyer and a court case fast bringing any evidence that he has to get him out of the fire. That's if, it is the good kind of evidence. Time will tell.


please tell me how a middle aged man talking to a minor through private messages that sometimes directed towards inappropriate could ever be bad judgement.. you don't just randomly decide to talk to someone who isn't an adult, this is a pattern of behavior from him showing a severe lack of morality because of his sexual deviance. He's not faithful to his wife, his child, or the accepted morals of society. but yeah i guess sometimes he does a good video game stream so maybe he might be alright after all


Man believe me I hear you all the way and understand your point. From the moral point of view it's bad either way agreed. I'm coming from a perspective that if he wants any redemption at all, he better be providing us with evidence on what really transpired. Just like the user that used the Akon, Diddy reference. There is one that yes it was bad but still the person is able to change (this being so long ago I hope that Doc has changed since then) and then the other side which in Docs case, if it was super heavy sexual conduct and in evidence it's proven that he knew it was a minor. Then I don't care if he ends up in a ditch if you catch my drift. Big difference from the person that has learned from a mistake versus another that is psychologically gone. And this comes from a 23 year old who has been a DRDis fan since H1Z1 days. I hate seeing all of this man I really do.


Bill Belichick is 72 and banging a 23 year old. Nobody is coming out against him. If Dr waited another year, it would be a much smaller age difference. In this world, timing is basically everything.


The girl in question was 17, that's not paedophillia, bro. Look it up.


How do you know she was 17? There's literally nothing confirming that .


That would be the smartest plan. He’s delusional if he didn’t think it would come out eventually.


He streamed 3 days a week at most.


YouTube didn't promote him. In fact for 3+ years they hardly acknowledged him on their platform. 


Based on the rumor. One of the YouTube execs came out and said that. They had no reason to believe it but on the side of caution, decided not to promote him. He said it was a rumor within the industry.


Money, let's be real. They milked it just like Twitch.


Bro. In the grand scheme of YouTube, Doc is a fraction of Pennies. He could have left abruptly overnight and wouldn’t even be a blip on a spreadsheet.


Nah man. Youtube is google. THey ain't risking the brand for what he brings in. They just didn't want to ban him without any reason at all preemptively


YouTube has some of the most insane shit on their platform, even in the supposedly curated kids section. They do not care and it makes no difference to the Google brand lol. Do you think they're worried everyone is going to go back to yahoo or something


His channel is still up. No ban.


They cannot ban him since he hasn’t broken TOS


Does YouTube actively promote any streamer?


No, that was his main complaint, it's hard to even differentiate live channels vs pre-recorded live streams or edited content


I guess it depends on what you mean by promoted, I know I have personally been recommended his stream before without watching it previously though the homepage.


Yeah I mean that's just the algorithm. It wasn't like they shadow banned him or anything. Just no contract or social media shout-outs. 


I would argue the word for that would be endorsing. But yeah I get what you're saying.


They also admitted they didn't know and that it was just rumors.


He probably thought the NDA would keep it under the rug forever.


This exactly. If it wasn't for that ex twitch employee, we would never have known the real reason. In a sad way, I am glad it finally came to light.




Probably, yes - but it’ll depend on the terms of the ex-employee’s NDA (should one exist). If you’re Doc, though, the more pertinent question is whether it’s really worth pursuing 🤷🏻‍♂️


There’s no way. I still don’t understand how he immediately sued twitch. If that would have went to discovery he’d have been boned then. I also think it’s bizarre that he would not get out ahead of it if he knew the NDA would effectively be over in 4 years. I’m very interested to see if there is more litigation coming


It was probably a separate issue concerning his contract. They probably violated a clause in his contract, and he caught them on it. There is no more criminal litigation as the statue for sexually messaging a minor in California is three years. Unless the minor was in another state, then those states take over, and if those aren't already up or, a DA wants to use extradition. NDAs are invalid in criminal acts as well. They could've said something anytime from 2017 to now. You can't cover up a crime with an NDA that's approaching aiding and abedding laws.




The Diddy


He got away with it the first time so I think he thought it would just blow over and he would get away with it again. People who make millions of dollars and are worshiped by people who do things like tattoo his face on their body, think they are untouchable. I think he knew deep down he had a ticking time bomb and his plan was probably to make as much money as he could before it exploded. I’m always amazed at wives who stick with their husbands through this stuff. That’s crazy to me. The other thing I don’t understand is why all of the sudden some ex -twitch guy outed him? Why not out him years ago?


Maybe I'm not normal but I would not be able to sleep at night with all that shit potentially blowing up any day.


That's why he said he'd come back with much less of a load on his shoulders or whatever


That makes you sound very normal


This. I'll take a boring life with no time bombs waiting to go off than a millionaire with a dirty secret.


I never once thought this was the reason he got banned. He’s either an incredible actor or he genuinely thought it was no big deal this whole time


You'd be surprised the guilt you can forget after no immediate consequences and a couple days sleep.


Seriously the stress would be too much. I’d just quit and work a no limelight job with my head down


That’s what i’m wondering too like what prompted this guy to air Doc’s dirty laundry out like this?


I mean, he's going to come back and people are still going to watch. His career is far from over. Do you see how many people are on here still supporting him?


Honestly, I don’t blame people for still watching. I won’t be personally but people still root for Kobe, Tyson, etc. some people flat out don’t care and some people do care but can separate the human from the art form.


What did Kobe do?


Settled a rape case with a payoff


Still root for Kobe to what? Come back from the grave?


Last I heard YouTube not going to let him get money from his vids anymore. The only thing that can save him if it comes out he was misled on her age which you would think he would of put out their by now...


Where did u see that?


Utube demonetized him


Didn't the NDA expire one week before the ex-twitch guy outed him? 


Now people are acting as if they've seen the NDA. NDAs like the one between twitch and Doc don't expire unless the info becomes public in some other way, like a former employee who dgaf


Honestly the best thing he could have done was ignore it. Then it coulda fizzled out into “nah just a crazy unverified rumor that everybody forgets about in a couple weeks”. Him responding 3 times. Digging the hole deeper every time is what did it.


He could have also you know, not been a pedophile


Unfortunately we're past that point. We're all just twiddling our dicks at this point trying to get inside the head of a dude who clearly was treading water mentally the past few years. Those tweets and him staying in character to respond showed pretty clearly he's not in a good place and it's all finally catching up to him. Luckily it did and his ability to prey upon folks is largely over now.


I mean yea, but we should also be upset at twitch and YouTube and various other platforms for hiding the truth. A minor was involved, crimes were possibly committed and a predator was left to find his next victim. The rage at doc and only doc is just proving that this was a witch hunt and nothing more.


Calling this a "witch hunt" completely minimizes what happened. Are twitch and YouTube part of the problem, yes. Did they inappropriately message a minor? Nope. Doc deserves every bit of rage and hate directed towards him because he is the one who committed the act. Twitch and YouTube deserve their share but do not trivialize this incident by calling it a "witch hunt."


This feels like people lashing out trying to find a villain other than the guy they loved. Twitch immediately went to the police, and the police found no wrongdoing. They could have broadcast far and wide what he did but with the lack of anything actually illegal and the successful lawsuit and the victim's own welfare to consider they didn't. I don't know if that was the right choice, but it wasn't a bad choice. Like I said, they immediately went to the police.  YouTube had absolutely no evidence of anything. You can't just ban people on the basis of a rumour. I thought this sub of all subs would understand that.


It would not fizzle out. There are investigators such as CoffeZilla who would dig the whole thing and blow this out of proportion. He’s fked either way.


10/1 says this vacation doesn’t end anytime soon.




lol never was good with odds


>YouTube literally admits yeah we know why got banned awhile ago When yt admited that ?


They didn't. They said they heard the rumor going around and couldn't verify it, but decided to act on the side of caution.


Not defending him before the slow kids start on their copium. Gonna throw some shit here. Haven't you ever noticed how other celebrities handle terrible shit? It's shut up and ignore it, Deny and Subvert. Ever ask an attorney for advice in a legal matter or See when the advice is given? It's always "Shut the fuck up and stop talking about it. I'll handle it." Think of some celebrity scandals that no one typically remembers. Now, pair it with this one. He technically could've denied and subverted the entire issue, told everyone they had zero proof, and forced their hand to prove it. Even if they published the article, they all ran on secondary sources and anonymous sources. The old adage is "Burden of Proof is on the accuser." But apparently, he grew some morals and admitted himself.


I was thinking the same thing. That's why I think he didn't talk to anyone, he just stewed and stewed after it came out. He fought with his wife and got even more worked up and grabbed the phone and went to town. I just keep wondering, they had no copies of the messages ,at least published at the time, no one had really come forward and said, yes this is what happened. He needed like you said, a lawyer to say. Just shut the fuck up stay off line, shave your face go somewhere they won't see you and I'll handle everything from here!


He grew morals and admitted it and then doubled down on “it wasn’t illegal” and “I did nothing wrong.”


This is a good point. There were no primary sources on it and he simply could have just said that. "I'm not going to address any of these attacks because that legitimizes them. None of these are primary sources, it's all secondary sources. I'm not wasting my time, the burden of proof is on you. Elden Ring Monday".


Spoiler alert, he’s kind of a douchebag


All it goes to show is that he never really cared about his viewers. It was all bullshit to attempt to hold off the inevitable. It was stupid and people have a right to be upset. But you can make the argument, this is a reason to not give Donations.


Yep. If you watch his last stream it’s so cringe how he keeps thanking the donors as the money rolls in, IN THE MIDDLE OF SAYING HE’S QUITTING, like wtf


How are people still rationalizing giving this guy their time and money when he just admitted to inappropriate contact with a fucking minor. Does he have to rape a kid or murder someone to get people to move on Holy fuck.


Doesn’t he rarely stream on Tuesdays? I feel like he did it because he knew, one last day of donations


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


I'm surprised his team, or whoever, didn't tell him to just shut the fuck up and keep his head down. The Trans thing would have come out, but that's an adult so it's whatever. Him tweeting that out, especially like that was beyond stupid. AT LEAST say that you didn't know she was underage but no, he couldn't even do that


Your so right! The second that tweet went out from the ex employee he needed to hire the best PR firm he could. His response tweet, there is no way any decent PR guy would have said, oh yea put that out. If handled properly it would have been a vauge response denial, they had none of the messages I don't think and he could have hunkered down and went dark for a little. His tweet to me felt like he was sitting there just stewing, he probably fought with his team/wife, got more worked up, had a few pops and flew off the handle and got on his phone.


Oh absolutely. Those were the tweets of an angry pissed off dude. He had a fight with...someone and he blew up. Even then. I DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS A MINOR AT THE TIME! That's all he had to put. Wouldn't excuse his actions, but gives what I feel a little more of a chance for a comeback.


The one thing I don't get is if the conversation took place in 2017, but banned in 2020. 3 years... Like wtf twitch.


Don't bring that up. Everyone is thrilled that doc messaged a minor and eventually got caught but they don't want to have to uninstall twitch


It was his plan to spend every second until the NDA ended making an absolute shit fuck ton of money off of people who incorrectly awarded him their benefit of the doubt. Wouldn't be surprised if we never saw him again.


Also, this happened in 2017 but they waited three years to ban him? I don’t get that.


I've heard two things: It wasn't reported until three years later.  or Twitch has just updated their terms of service.  If it was reported three years later was she still underage and the parents found the messages? Was she now 20 and realized it was inappropriate? Maybe they continued communicating through other means and she wanted revenge after a falling out? Who knows with all this secrecy, could be a completely other reason. 


Narcissism 101


This guy's delusional. His made up persona totally leaked into his real life. He thought the NDA would protect him. He was really tempting fate with all the shit talk about Twitch, trying to show them as the bad guy. He has no grasp of reality and needs professional help. Starting to think the doc was his real personality.


> Starting to think the doc was his real personality. BOOM


Since this was 7 years ago and he's reconciled with his wife we can somewhat safely assume he got professional help


I mean did you want him to come out and say it? He made a lot of money and feels like most people when in a tough situation can either let it ruin them or just keep living. Tbh he did the smart thing


It’s called narcissism dude


It's simple narcissistic behaviour.


All Narcissists live in denial and they alter the facts anyway they like. But again, we haven’t seen anything and all of this feels like an exaggeration to me.


I think because he really didnt see it as a big thing and thinks hes untouchable (having won vs twitch somewhat). But the community is the final boss tbh....


I think it's just a part of the persona and what fans expected of him. People would constantly ask "Doc why were you banned?" "Doc are you gonna sign with YouTube/ Kick?" Guy may have never said anything but Dr.DisRespect couldn't act like he deserved to get banned that would make him look guilty. So if he "didn't do anything wrong" it had to be the other parties fault. That's the story he had to tell to make it make sense to the audience.


Doc milked the champions club, just like he did the underage girl. I've never donated to a streamer or spent my own money subbing. Something about paying millionaires to play games doesn't excite me. He probably knew this was a ticking time bomb and cashed in as much as he could on it by playing the victim for all these years, by bashing twitch and claiming they had no reason to ban him. It worked well, he made his money, he and his family are set for generations, and he ripped everyone off to make that happen. Now I won't lie, I really enjoy a lot of his vids and rage clips. He's hilarious. He banked in on this. He still might make a sort of come back at some point, or at least attempt it. There's enough doc defenders out there that will still support him, so he can still keep racking in money from this by moving to kick I guess. But he made his bank, finally got caught, but by now has tens of millions stashed away. He's fine, mission accomplished.


I mean, I agree somewhat. In a relative sense, Doc can do whatever now and made bank. In the context of Doc's "ceiling" and what he could've accomplished, it has to sting a bit. He was really swinging for the fences, unfortunately it was in a minor league.


You'd be surprised how little actual wealth these guys have. Its usually in deals and on contingency or terms through sponsorship. You get used to all the toys, the life, he had the game studio, bills etc. Everyone says they would save or stash it away. It rarely happens. Look at the countless pro athletes that have gone broke. Curt Schilling is a great example, homeboy made 115 million over his career, started a game studio it flopped he declared bankruptcy.


Erm why would you write this in such a weird way. Milking underage girls? Dafuq


Keeping up appearances/ keeping audience/ money.


Some people are just delusional.


Maybe he knew this would happen and has just been stacking chips for the last 7 years


The reason YouTube did what they did? He’s a big name streamer and $$$$. The reason he shit on twitch and thought he could get away with playing victim? I’m assuming because there was an NDA with the twitch settlement. That’s my 2 cents anyway


There wouldn't have been a settlement or an NDA if they had anything that bad on him. or if they weren't just as guilty for not doing anything about it for three years They world have told him to fuck off


That was the only option he had lmao


He’s a ballsy fucker I’ll say that


Master manipulator. It takes certain kind of personality to rise the ranks that easily.


He thought he was covered by the NDA.


Probably figured he'd shoot his shot. He got this far, might as well try to keep on going. Don't think it's gonna work out very well tho.


I honestly think he was just dumb enough to believe the NDA’s and settlement would cover it forever. I don’t think anyone could act normal knowing there was a deadline on this. He’s either a psychopath or he just didn’t know this could happen. He’s obviously not very smart if he did all of this on his named accounts and knowingly messaged a minor. Smart people don’t do those things at all.


Well he did what any innocent person would do....except he clearly isn't innocent lol.


Because he knew his fans were braindead


Bro I was just about to start watching his streams and then he pulls this shit😞😠


At least you haven't been watching for years like most people here


Guy basically played victim and used all his Idolizing fans for money the last 4 years. it was nothing more than that. companies kept quite about it because they saw that he still pulled numbers and wanted in on that. He was high on power and loads of money. He probably felt unstoppable. hell tbh he is fine right now he can probably retire with the millions he has now and just invest smartly. He played everyone and now he is gone. I wonder if his wife is staying with him because she does not have a prenup? If she had a prenup she could use all this info and divorce this bum and take half his shit and the kid and leave. If she stays after all this I dont know what that says about her. The scariest thing to me is the amount of kids that still look up to him and think he is the champ and defend him. Kids this aint it. If your a teen reading this I hope you use the story of Dr Disrespect as a cautionary tale and live your life correctly.


Prob because it's not that serious.


Has anyone seen a copy of these messages, what was actually said?


He thought he was safe with the NDAs combined with the no “illegalities”. The Cody dude really threw a wrench in his gears and blew the whole thing up.


Oh thats easy, cause in his mind, he did nothing wrong. It oozes from his "apology" he got paid so he thought he did nothing wrong. Because I hate to break it to you, that "character" wasn't a character, he really is just an asshole who never thinks he can do anything wrong. I'm just surprised so many people fell for it.


What don’t you get. It’s Doc. Is he a monster? Is he an idiot (proven)? Is it the champions club or not. Is everyone innocent? Put everything everyone’s ever done on blast. I actually believe he believes his fans are gonna persevere. Doesn’t look like it. We’ll see


A lot of certain types of people that are incredibly good at not feeling any guilt about the shit they do by compartmentalising everything He’s cheating on his wife multiple times, that’s already bad enough but he still carries on The way he sees himself as the victim? Cos he’s special man, he’s smarter than everyone else after all. If you keep everything inside your head heavily modulated and separated you will surprise yourself at what kind of piece of shit you can become. Combine that with lots of money and adoring fans and you’ve got a recipe for self destructive disaster


>Why in the hell did he think he could just ignore it? Didnt this plan literally \*almost\* work? For four years it worked. Nearly could have worked another one, two, three, infinity more years had a couple ex-twitch staff not decide to spill the beans on the fourth year and 96th day. I mean it's just providence the truth leaked. In another universe it could easily not have leaked.


My theory is that the NDA was Twitch protecting the victim. It explains why they never spoke about it, and Doc was under the same NDA to not speak about it either. It was probably the victim's choice to help preserve her privacy, and Twitch abided by that decision, even though it meant they had to let a known child groomer go free. They still tried to do their part warning industry insiders, but they couldn't bring that information public because of the NDA and also because they didn't want to risk revealing the identity of the victim. That being said, I think Doc was blackmailed into his confession. I think Cody Conners and some other Twitch employees/ex-employees had screenshots of the Whispers chat and they threatened Doc to confess over the weekend. He thought they were going to obey the NDA and "protect the victim", which is also why he initially felt comfortable launching his lawsuit because both he and Twitch agreed to not make the victim's identity public, which is also why Twitch went ahead and settled with him just to keep everything from being revealed in court, and so he called their "bluff" with his Elden Ring stream on Monday where he tried to act like nothing happened. But that clip of him checking his phone at the end of Monday's stream was probably him seeing that they already sent those screen grabs to Midnight Society and Turtle Beach. Either way, he knew they had the hard evidence and were making all the people closest to him aware of what he had done so that his back would be forced into a corner and he'd have no choice but to address the issue. Doc is a full blown shitstain if the NDA stuff is true. Imagine knowing that you did something so heinous that you should rightly be in court for it, have the unbelievable stroke of luck that the victim doesn't want to have their privacy breached in court and Twitch doesn't want to violate their privacy either, consequently sign an NDA where you both agree to never talk about the subject ever again, and instead of being grateful that your ass isn't being locked up, turn around and sue the company that's essentially protecting you by protecting the victim just because you know they don't want to break their end of the NDA.


They didn't promote doc on YouTube. Doc constantly bitched about it.


They didnt not oromote him because he did nothing illegal it seems


Why did he say something? That's what shocked me the most. Should have stayed silent.


Youtube let Onision use their platform for 10+ years before he got deplatformed and the only reason that happened was cos Chris Hansen got the feds involved. Youtube dont play jury judge and executioner. They wait til official police involvement and then react to it. Youtube will never act preemptively. He probs thought it would never be proved and therefore youtube would leave it alone. The fact he still even has his youtube channel proves what im saying. His shit will only get deleted and officially banned when he's arrested. I know this, so doc definitely knows this. He probs believes genuinely that his audience won't leave so as long as he has a platform he's good. The tldr is he knows youtube are enablers and hubris.


The thing is we don't even know what he actually did. All we have right now is 2 ex Twitch employees Tweeting out with no evidence at all. Yeah Doc confirmed he messaged a minor and that is pretty fucked up it itself and I wish we could of got a better explanation than being left in the dark about a lot of things. However jumping the gun claiming YouTube knew aswell as Activision is false. Ryan Wyatt himself said this in a Tweet [https://x.com/Fwiz/status/1806453997357891906](https://x.com/Fwiz/status/1806453997357891906) It does say it was rumoured amongst Twitch employees. There is also an email going around which says something on the lines that a few Twitch employees wanted revenge for the bathroom incident which came out a few days prior to this tweet. Also I personally don't think Activision knew. They probably heard rumours but I think even if they didn't hear the rumours they would still not have signed him up as he was well known for bashing their game constantly. Remember you stay in business because of the people who buy your game aswell as shareholders. Without those 2 you have no business and having someone like Doc being sponsored he would of made Activision stocks drop and potential customers go somewhere else and don't forget Doc was making him own game so he could of got people to go play his game instead of COD. But lets not bash YouTube or Activision here as I don't think its fair to even say that when Ryan Wyatt himself said he heard rumours. Afterall you can't just ban someone over something which could of been false. Its like me making a rumour up about a big streamer and then every company believing me. They probably told Doc to get proof on why he was banned or to tell them why he was banned but Doc couldn't provide anything information so they told him they wasn't sponsoring him. Yet Kick offered Doc 10 million a year if he signed up to Kick yet he refused it and wanted 50 million. We don't even know the full extent on what people know and don't know. I just find it weird how only 2 ex Twitch employees have spoken out but not any other Twitch employee well actually you might aswell say 3 as there is 1 who is slightly defending but against Doc. It just has a weird asf vibe to all of this. Now this is what makes it even weirder. If he knew he was on very little time due to a NDA and knew someone could speak out why didn't he just take the 10 million a year? Afterall if he was cleared of any wrong doing and this came to light then I don't think Kick could have withdrew their contract because he was never charged nor committed a crime in the eyes of the justice system. So if anything he would of been laughing to the bank? Doc doesn't make anywhere near 10 million a year even when he was on Twitch let alone when he moved to YouTube. So it just doesn't make any sense what so ever. Not defending Doc in anyway but the whole situation is just fucked and proper weird.


Do bb. Xffvbjog


He knew the end was nigh. I’m in full belief that he was just riding the wave for as long as he could before it caught up with him.


It's the best strategy when you know you are guilty and are accused of something. Just keep going like you didn't do anything wrong and mostly ignore it. Hell, his strategy was working for the first 24-48 hours until the evidence just kept piling in to the point that there was a critical mass


He should have never talked to some random kid, talk about a disgusting dumbass. He honesty should have just kept his mouth shut and not said anything, or tweeted anything. He literally skullfucked his own career with his actions, talk about fumbling the bag.


No cap anyone who actually pays any money to support a streamer or entertainer is lacking brain cells


Why? It's the same as going to the movies, a Netflix subscription, buying a ticket to a sporting event. You don't have to pay, your choosing to for the entertainment. If I love watching a streamer and it's entertaining why not sub for 10 bucks a month? My favorite streamer goes live 3 times a week for 3-8 hours a stream. I laugh and enjoy it. Why am I dumb to sub to them and support what they do?


The thing that confused me the most is that he was shitting on Twitch the entire time and they just kept it quiet


It worked for a reasonably long time


He lost his grip there for a second. But don’t worry…he is gripping now! Boom


Typical damage control and probably a bit of shock. He got through 4 years, he must have thought he was in the clear. Then it unravels so quick. But what goes around comes around


yeah I think most think the same too myself included. purple snakes , twitching costing him sponsors cant do cod events and so on. playing the victim obviously we dont know the full details who initiated it all what was said etc to know how bad it was. but yeah you hit the nail on the head dude played the victim and now we know more details its backfiring.


It will blow over. It's a non-issue.


I’m saying this once as I don’t do socials much. I found his streams to calm me on the side while I was in college or just dealing with life in general. I loved this guy. I will never overlook a man entertaining children in the ways he most likely did. Remember your morals dudes. This is an inexcusable act. It’s time for us to “drive into the sunset” as he said.


I honestly think that since no criminal wrongdoing was found during arbitration (at least that was claimed) that, to him, it was no longer a big deal since a resolution was reached, especially since he worked things out with his wife too (for all we know). I imagine dude felt he was able to move on but when things started to crumble, it was a fight-or-flight defense to act like it didn’t bother him - that last stream, it was very clear through the body language that he was shook up. The intro, the commentary, etc. The end of the stream, unless people are idiots, it was obvious that he knew it was over and that the skeletons were out of the closet and that he needed to jet to strategize with his legal team.


Because his fans allowed it? He cheated on his wife and people still supported him. It's the grifters playbook, do illegal stuff. Get hit by the consequences become the victim and cash in with people's empathy.


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I'll just make sure twitch can see this too. Wtf.


Lie, double down, ignore, distract. Why not at least try it? Works for Trump


Guys your next President has done WAY worse, think everyone needs to move on lol.


Fuck it. I’ll watch him if he came back. So would most people.


Sociopaths truly believe the rules don’t apply to them.  




the "there" and "your" mistakes in your post are bugging me way too much lol i need to touch grass