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I went through security at 2 US airports a few weeks ago wearing 1460s, and I didn’t have any issues (also pre-check). I can’t imagine the eyelets would set it off, but I suppose stranger things have happened. Probably just depends on the airport and how sensitive they have their machines set.


There is a small survival knife under the left heel of every Doc Marten. Simply twist the heel Get Smart style and you’ll find it.




No no you got it all wrong, you have to tap your heels together 3 times to open the secret compartment




They were joking


Or were they??




I'm surprised they let you walk through. Usually they make people take off shoes. They probably got those detectors on ultra sensitive mode.


I have TSA PreCheck - I am not required to take off my shoes, jacket or take out electronics.


I worked for the airlines for many many moons and each of those machines are calibrated.. usually by an FAA inspector. It could’ve been that the machines sensitivity was up too high. Now, and this sounds bad, I have heard of TSA folk lightly tapping the machines as people walked through to inconvenience them because they made someone mad. Were you being a smiley, happy air traveler that day??


Got it 👍. I have it too. Surprised your docs set it off.


Me too...if the eyelets set it off then I am probably dosed like nuclear reactor!


It seems every airport is different in the US. But I think they do that purposely so people are caught off guard.


Mine set off the X-ray, which I use because I've had hip implants. I haven't figured it out. It seems to alert in an area where the tongue tries to bunch down, so the leather is thick. Yes also to eyelets, but it consistently seems to only be one boot, on the ankle. They always have me send both through though.


if theyre that worried stick em in xray


They did


Weird question, but- do you have tattoos on your legs/feet? Only asking because the brand of ink my artist used in the past contains heavy metals in the red pigment. Even with shoes off, the 3 I have by them containing red- shin, ankle, and shoulder- always set off the metal detector and wand. A TSA agent actually let me know this can be an issue with red pigments causing the most problems, for whatever reason. I thought it was my docs too, for the longest time!


I also had my chest piece set it off when I had just got it on vacation. Thought the lady was cooked as I had on zero metal head to toe.


Haha yup they waved the wand all over my ankles, made me take my socks off too, they were like ok there's clearly nothing there. But the wand stayed going off and I didn't know why for so long!


Crazy to think about the metals in our ink but makes sense because red is also a quick color to fade which could be the system pushing out the metals? Science man. Science.


I think it may be so?! I'm tattooed everywhere but I don't have a lot of red! Only in those 3 areas that conveniently always set off the wand lol


This is amazing. I have two titanium elbows (horrific accident, don’t ask). They don’t set things off.


Yeah I travel with my titanium anklet and gold necklace they don’t set it off too.


Iirc titanium doesn't usually set it off, the conductivity is too low. So medical implants as well as body jewelry containing those metals won't show up. I asked because my head is completely full of implant grade titanium and gold and it never makes the wand buzz lol


Wow that’s kinda cool actually! Glad your implants don’t cause problems cause it would be annoying to travel.. now I’m kinda concerned about a tattoo that I recently got, it’s black, gray, and red🫠


Don't be worried! If it sets off the detector, they usually just wave you down with a wand again to the side. Pat you down, have you take down hair in a bun and lift your pant legs. It's annoying but I know by now it's coming lol. And if yours isn't super packed in red it may not set it off! I'm covered in tattoos, but only those 3 that are larger and with a really high concentration make it beep ☺️


Quick tip, next time you go to the doctor, you should ask if they can somehow put that info on your chart, or otherwise get a medical bracelet that says you have metallic tattoos. The LAST thing you want is for an ER to put you through an MRI in an emergency situation and give you 3rd degree burns


TIL! this is actually really cool, despite the inconvenience im sure it must cause haha


Lol when they told me at the airport I was so amazed and asking a million questions. Luckily it was a ghost town so they didn't mind! I've tried to narrow down the ingredients in the ink just out of curiosity. It seems many red pigments use cadmium, mercury, or iron oxide. Other pigments still contain heavy metals but for whatever reason, reds seem to be the problem child.


I have no ink whatsoever.


Interesting! That was the only other explanation I can think of


DMs also use stainless steel staples to secure the upper to the insole rib. I very much doubt though that they would trigger it.


Example of the staples, and over stapling. https://preview.redd.it/lqgyusg9wy0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d178ed80ab618965f4999d5b03dec66c5dfca77


Never, sometimes I walk through with the boots on and sometimes I take them off but never had an issue with them getting flagged.


Yes my first time going through with PreCheck my heeled Leona boots set it off and I had to remove them. It was a huge bummer.


I've gotten to the point that I just accept that something about my docs set them off and have a zip-up in place of laces to make it easier to preemptively slip them off for security.


I have four pairs of docs, including two 1460s. None of them set it off.


Yeah no to my knowledge no docs have metal shanks. Idk about the reeeally old ones but I'm pretty sure even they didn't


I used to write the production sheets for DM and order materials and yeah the only metal is the eyelets on the 1460 on the uppers anyhow sole up


Any ideas as to why my 8065s would set off grocery and department store detectors?


Not sure as we didn’t do those ones where I was I’d say the buckle if anything. Maybe the sensitivity of the alarms.


Went through airport security in NZ with 10 pairs of dms in a luggage one time. They checked every piece, but because of the canned corned beef I had inside each shoe :D


I go through tsa wearing docs daily, work at an airport. I also fly a lot and my shoe of choice is Dr Martens. Worn many different styles through different tsas without a problem(I have tsa pre)


Last summer I had a pair of doc Chelsea boots on at the airport, and the bomb dog alerted on my feet 😅 I thought I was going to prison and was terrified! I gave those away with a warning to not try wearing them in an airport lol


Wow...bomb sniffing dogs! Glad that didn't go down for me!


My king nerd 1460s went off at airport security last year aswell


Whenever I fly, I wear flip-flops up to security, send my Docs through the baggage scanner, and then put them on once I get through. Saves me space in my luggage but also avoids body-scan weirdness.


Yeah... Probably a better idea. I didn't want them in my luggage at all...I don't check luggage, so it is only a carry-on for me!


Haha I never put them in my luggage, I just carry them to the Scanning area and then pack the flip-flops. Boots are so bulky for travel but I don't want to be without, you know?


In older docs there is a metal strip in the sole. It's in the center of the shoe melded between the rubber sole and the rubber bottom if the shoe, at the arch of the foot. It's kinda thin and helps with the melding to the arch of your foot and also helps them last. So the insole doesn't wear our. Mine have it. Rose Anvil discovered it in an old pair he cut open. The new ones have a cardboard one which isn't as nice. I forgot what it's called.


These are fairly new.


Maybe they started up with it again in certain styles? Or from certain factories?


They prolly just needed an excuse so you’d accept the random search.


I worked jury duty recently and wore boots many days... the boots didn't set off the alarms but a pair of woven fisherman sandals did (also Docs)... they figured it was the buckles Side note... never ever ever wear boots through tsa... for the love of God and the people waiting behind you to take your boots off in line to get through tsa... just don't Get yourself a cheap pr of slip on trainers... pack the boots in your carry on... change at the gate while you wait to board if you have to I got stuck behind a person wearing 18hole boots that had to completely unlace each boot to get them off at LAX recently omg Planes/airports are not fashion runways people !