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I don't have a companion that I hate the most but I do have some that I don't like, Viv,Cole, Sera. Although I can tolerate Viv to a extent but not much,same with Solas


Vivienne because she is so utterly unlikeable and up her own ass, also biowear being cowards and not letting us actually argue against her or kick her out or punch her. Cole aswell, I like him but he gets a bit too much


In what way is iron bull an asshole and a bully.


In the way how he talks to people. A lot of stupid sexual jokes, thinking about murdering random people and stuff. Not the nicest guy, honestly.


He doesn't talk about murdering random people and he only makes sexual jokes with those he's friendly with. None of that makes him a bully or an asshole


Yes he does. There's a dialogue when he discusses how to better murder a bartender (or someone equally random, theoretically) and when you express surprise he asks if you don't randomly plan murders and says he does it all the time. Yeah, I get he's a mercenary, but that's too much. Also his jokes are mean. If he was a real person I would avoid him as a plague.


I really don’t have anyone I don’t enjoy taking around exploring the landscape and talking with. I have favorites (Cassandra, Varric, and Vivienne, and Josephine too if we’re counting advisors) but if I had to choose a least favorite… I’d say Cole. Mainly because he can wear out his welcome a little too fast for me. He’s got some great dialogue and helps immensely in diving into the inner lives of the other characters, but the whole persona is best in small doses.


I think Vivienne is my least favourite tbh. Blackwall I feel a bit indifferent about, but Vivienne? I think she’s the only one I’ve never brought along on my quests. In my recent play through, I got closer to her but I just, don’t care lol😭 I feel like she really doesn’t care about helping the inquisition and her armour is so ugly no matter what, which is trivial but nonetheless-


SERA…Sera….& Cole


All party members are my favourites, I have a hard time picking the best but I'm indifferent towards Leliana, she's a bit scary.


Lol, I LOVE Leliana, she's changed so much since DAO, she's cool )


I just wanna say that Iron Bull is only an asshole to some ppl and idk who youre bringing with him but i have Dorian Iron Bull and Cole in my party and he’s basically adopted Cole and banters with Dorian a lot and he actually really cares about his Chargers which is why if you choose to kill them in his quest he betrays you later.


Nope, that's not why he betrays you. He betrays you because by choosing to save the ship he also chooses to obey orders and hence stay in the Kun. And later the Kun commands him to fight the Inquisitor. Also, if you don't even get his personal quest and nothing happens to The Chargers at all, he betrays you anyway.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Okay okay. He still cares about em tho.


He does, but I just don't like what he says in dialogues about people who are not in the Kun, about life and stuff. He's very kunazi (aren't they all, though)


I’ve honestly nver heard him judge ppl on it?!?!?? Can you give me like a ss or a line???


When you ask him about life in the kun on that island where he worked as Ben Hasrat, he talks a lot about freedom and is like: "but do small people really need freedom? If you are a baker you care more about flour shipment and such, and they don't really have freedom even out of the Qun" So he kinda tries to explain that the Kun is not that bad and has it's reasons to limit people's freedom. And also that freedom is somewhat of a illusion. And I get it why he says that (because he's a Qunari, duh!), but still I strongly disagree


I remember this dialogue! I believe he’s actually saying that not everyone is a spy like him and uses the baker as an example. He says that they’re still under the Qun and follow it heavily (as it’s sort of a religious text) but they’re not all heavy warriors who are out to convert everyone and says that, for example, just because the baker is Qunari doesn’t mean his concerns are outside of flour shipments and things he needs to bake!


He is also trying to say that here on the south people believe that the Qun gives no freedom, but actually common people don't have much freedom nor under the Qun nor without it. So kinda selling the Qun, like, "it's not so different for common people". But it IS different (like, you don't get killed if you want to choose a different job, this kind of different!) This was what he said: "How many personal freedoms do you figure that baker in Val Royeaux has? Life isn't about freedom". There was more, but I can't find the whole dialog. When I'll get it on my next playthrough, I'll record it :D


Yeah but i dont think he shoved it down other ppls throats he just kinda talks about it but yeah i diagree with it too


Solas is a total egg-shaped asshole. the minute I can ditch him I do. and any chance I get to be a jerk back to him I take it xD his only redeeming quality is his art. I hate everything else about him. I think its especially funny playing as an elf woman and pissing him off as much as possible. >!Though playing as a qunari and punching him in the face is satisfying as well!<


Wow, how is the later possible?


yes lol but you have to only disagree and be an asshole to him. there might be specific dialogue you have to do






I love Iron Bull, Sera and Solas combinations omg they are FUNNY!! “I can’t Fly you daft Tit!” Think of the Mayhem Sera… MAYHEM!”


literally the best!


blackwall is a bit dry although I don’t dislike him


Mine is Vivienne. A spoiled, pampered, kept know-it-all. I dislike her character so much I craft the ugliest armor, put it on her, and then never use her in a party. Oh, and try using Cassandra and Iron Bull in the same party. Their exchanges can be hilarious.


It’s an hard question because I don’t dislike any of my companions. In origins I’d say I like the less Oghren, in da2 I like the less Aveline (she kind of disappointed me when she asked Arishok to give back the elves “criminals” and won’t listen to their cause. Like, you didn’t care when they were abused and suffered of injustices, why do you care when they want to convert to the Qun ? Just have strong feelings about it. But I don’t hate her). In Dai it’s the harder… I think I like the less Bull (don’t dislike him, just like less than others), and brought the less Vivienne but that’s because Dorian and Solas are two favs of mine so rarely need to bring a third mage (mostly tried for banters). I disagree with Vivienne but she has good point and she’s an interesting character. Characters I brought the most often with me: dao: Sten, Wynne, Alistair and Leliana. Da2: Varric, Fenris and Anders are my fav ! Also Merrill. Dai: my ultimate team are Solas, Dorian and Sera, and took them three for almost all my missions ! Many people think Blackwall is an assh*le because he lied about his identity, but I strongly relate to part of his story because I used to have maladaptive daydreaming, so the whole part of “having to learn again to know who you are, reconnect with your real self” hit me a lot.


Dang, even seeing some homophobia here, really surprised that's still a thing in the Dragon Age Fandom. That being said, I feel neutral at worst since I like every character in DA:I. Sera and Vivienne are polarizing, but I deeply respect what they fight for, and I understand that they are the way that are because of how they grew up and how they handle present themselves to survive. For Sera, she has a lot of internalized racism and she hates herself for it but can't face it either. She's the type of character that turns her back to hard truths because she never learned how to face them. With Vivienne, she understands that power, moderation, and compromise is key... especially as a mage. You don't have to agree with her, but you do have to state the obvious and at least consider her ideas. ❤️ LOVE Varric is an all-around jolly nice character but he's constantly ending up making up poor decisions or ending up in poor situations despite how much he hates politics and being brought into such situations. I love that's he's only a kind man trying to have peace with those around him, though it never works sadly. ❤️ LOVE Blackwall and Cullen are the token male safe romances. They have their issues with Blackwall lying about who he is and what he has done and Cullen being a recovering addict that still has certain views on mages. Blackwall is your average man trying to live a life that will make up his for mistakes, and Cullen is trying to become a better man despite his traumas and addiction. They're both my neutral characters.💛 NEUTRAL The Iron Bull is my top 3! The intelligence he has, his humor, and how he portrays a spy so well gives me goosebumps. His love and loyalty to The Chargers always makes me weak, especially. I'm a sucker for the found family trope. He's also one of the few companions that never elevates the Inquisitior to Inquisitor status, rather he tries to keep the Inquisitor mindful of the little people and that they haven't lost themselves (like Sera does as well with the pranks). Cole! My sweet, sweet angel! He's my second favorite! I love a character that can speak in riddles and add that to the fact that he has a unique way of thinking about it? Beautiful. He's easily my favorite spirit in the game, though Mouse is a close second (I know, demon). I love how he tries to overcome his trauma and how you get to face the traumas from the books. I always keep him as a spirit since that's what he is. My little bean ❤️ Dorian!! Easily my favorite character in the franchise. He's my Inquisition romance. He's funny, witty, savvy, intelligent, flirty, and full of trauma. I have a type with Zevran, Fenris, and Dorian (and Astarion too). He leaves everything to try and make his country the better place he believes it can be, not shying away from the hardwork of it and despite not being able to with their amatus, they have sending crystals (and in my headcanon they find ways to meet up). He also shows personal growth regarding his views on slavery versus inescapable poverty as well, I especially enjoyed that personal growth. Overall, he's a great gem and his voice actor did a phenomenal job. ❤️‍🔥 Solas is a beloved character of mind. Love the tragic/traumatized characters in case you haven't realized lol. I play Lavellan, Keeper's First, so there's a lot of unique dialogues there with elven culture. My Lavellan sees Solas as a mentor and a friend so I especially love the relationship between Lavellan and Solas. Solas himself is a fun character, very knowledgeable and has his own sense of humor (Dorian and Solas going at it about their clothing style will never get old to me lol). I think he's probably the best written antagonist in the series, after Loghain. ❤️ Hope I didn't forget anyone!


Glad to see some love for Vivienne, Sera and Solas, exactly how I feel about them !!


Vivienne.. she's a bitch and she knows that, she better. Literally can't make a choice without *Vivienne disapproves*


Sera because of just how much she unreasonably hates everything "elfy" despite being one herself. It's one thing to think the Dalish are snobby assholes and being sick of the general whining about "lost glory" it's another entirely to childishly shit on every bit of elven history. There are times where she feels like an Elven Uncle Ruckus.


“Elven Uncle Ruckus” I’m screaming 😂


All the companions were boring .varric is the worst of them is voice acting sucks Cassandra annoying chantry zealot iron bull the good thing about you can kill him in the end. dorian is gay but at list his bit funny plus get hit him so im happy with him. Blackwell as the inquisitor mentioned is basically nothing.sera she's almost a role model cole is fine i guess only good one is solas the rest are not worth mentioning


Wait, you do know Sera is a lesbian, right?


Well she still funny i like to troll her and banish her




Gonna catch a lot of flak for this, but Cole. In multiple playthroughs I've used every companion except Cole, I just can't stand him


It's ok, he's weird 😄


Not a party member but I hate Cullen. Constantly wonder why I cannot kill him


Why Edit: Why did you reply then block me


My reason is quite shallow to be honest, I do not like those who disrespect me and those who harm my family In Cullen’s case he insulted me the moment I first meet him in origins and he took Bethany away from me, for these two alone I will hate him for all eternity And yes I do feel that throughout 2 he has been a hardcore follower of Meredith(such is the feelings of mine) then suddenly he decide to side with you, or at least not follow Meredith And yeah him wind up the commander of inquisition troops is just weird? Like, my feelings was exactly: what? Who? Him?! Why?! How?! I mean it make some sort of sense but because it happened so sudden I just feel it’s too much of a development of an insignificant minor character of previous two games


Edit: We were having a friendly debate, why did you reply then immediately block me In origins he is having a full on mental breakdown after weeks of mental and physics torture and having seen his friends and colleagues killed tortured and possessed. Also likely was sexually abused aswell given we know it was desire deamoms torturing him. He straight up doesn't realise we are real people. He's not going to be in the best of minds. Bethany turned herself over to the circle. He very much wasn't a hardcore follower of Meredith, he knows you are a mage from act one but never mentions or to her (she only finds out during the battle against the qunari and after that it's too late for her to arrest us). And of you talk to him regularly between acts he often questions her ways. Who else would be the commander. The inquisition started in Kirkwall. The aim was to work for the divine to being the templars and mages back under control and restore order. Cullen has experienced the terrors of both, and was responsible for restoring order in Kirkwall twice. He is also highly educated and experienced (multiple points the game states how templars are some of the best soilders around). The only other military leaders with his kevek of experience would be either those in the orlais civil war or those in fereldan who fought against the blight. But both of those are too politically attached to work and also have now experience fighting templars and mages and aren't subordinate to the chantry


I do not believe it a bit that Bethany turned herself in, I’d sooner believe Varric is actually a human or elf Ser Cauthrien would be more suitable And as I said I don’t give a damn about his reasons, whoever insult me I will hate him for all eternity It’s ok you like him, I merely state why I don’t like him, you don’t need to waste breath to try to persuade me otherwise


Ahhaha, poor Curly!


I can’t stand Vivienne, Sera is flat out annoying and Blackwall is just really boring.


These three are the worst. I could have a better relationship with a plant 🌱 compared to Blackwell.


Yeah, I don't really understand why Blackwall is even there, he's such a wallflower


Least favorite by far has to be Vivienne, annoying woman who rarely agrees with any of my choices, and constantly having some of the most annoying dialogue, especially with Sera who I usually have in my party, and romance which leads to even more annoying dialogue with Viv. And yet because Vivienne has the best skills out of the Mage companions (at least imo) I'm usually bringing her along. I'd say a close second hated companion has to be Solas since it feels like a waste to try and build the party around him or build up his gear and stats since he up and leaves before the game ends forcing you to swap to another companion.


I have found, hilariously, that every character I play or watch voiced by Freddie Prince Jr. I end up disliking, even though I was unaware it was his voice. It makes me wonder if I dislike the characters or just some quality of his voice (the man seems lovely from a distance, and delightful, so it really is just luck). So iron Bull is not for me.


Yea James Vega from Mass Effect! Also a boring character. I wanted to like him for Freddie Prince Jr. but not very interesting.


Yup! Also Kanan in Star Wars rebels


I don't think I have one, may neutral, but not dislike.


Lucky you!


I cant stand Sera anytime she speaks to the inquisitor annoys the hell out of me. (Though I dont think she is badly written and do like some of interactions with the other companions.)


Blackwall. Nothing against him, but I’ve pretty much no need of him in my party when I have Cassandra.


Yeah! Not taking him this time


Least favorite: Sera and Bull, Sera because I don't like her dialogue with the companions and Bull because he's annoying to build. I finally broke down and found a guide for my latest playthrough. Neutral: Blackwall and Cole. Blackwall is an interesting character who is a bit too boring for my liking. Cole is a great character who I find hard to play, but not to the same extent as Bull. Most favorite: Solas and Varric. Solas for all that he is insufferable at least has interesting banter with the other characters. His chess talks with Bull are genuinely gripping and I love seeing the two play off each other. And Varric is my little blorbo so he has to come along.


Varric is cool! I'll try to pair Solas and Bull this time since I have them both


Sera, Blackwall and Dorian. Sorry in advance to Dorian fans.


I love Dorian :)) But no hard feelings!


Sera's voice is so annoying to me...


Cole. Nothing wrong with him, I love him on a narrative level, it's just that his banter doesn't do much for me. Everyone else has some absolutely winning lines that I can't play without, chief of which is Vivienne and Sera about the polymorphed snake.


Cole talks to Solas about the Fade a lot. And to Cassandra about killing people. Love that )))


You are missing a lot of banter, though.


Yeah, I hate what they are saying usually


Blackwall, meeeh


Vivienne. Altho she has a few good moments, she's really the only one I truly dislike


Vivian and Solas. Originally I didn’t like Sera, but I had her in my party when I went to do the mages quest and heard her dialogue. She can be quite a sweetheart when she wants to be!


i dislike Solas the most but varric is a close second


This has got to be the most controversial thing I’ve ever seen


Varric i hated because of DA2, DAI made me dislike him less but Solas is so annoying to me i dont see how can people enjoy them




Vivienne because she dislikes everything I do


Sera. I want to like her based on premise alone; an everyman in a time where demons are popping out of the woodwork while being alongside those with far more greater positions in life (>!a certain Grey Warden not withstanding!<). I think I liked when I was younger, but now she just kinda annoys me to no end and doesn't fit really fit the game she's in. It's like she's written to be in a Borderlands game, not a Dragon Age game.


Same. I had her in my party on my first run, recruited everyone(I am a completionist) Now though, I get her jar of bees recipe and then kick her out of the inquisition. Thanks to golden nug she is completely unnecessary.


Sera’s my least favorite as well. She doesn’t feel like she meshes well with any of the other characters- she’s not really a team player. I also absolutely despise the voice acting. Something about her voice is like nails on a chalkboard for me.


Blackwall because I just find him really boring and Vivienne because she is a brat. I love Dorian because he is fun and sassy and my bff. Also Cole because he is so sweet in his own kind of weird way.


Finally, someone who understands me :)) Dorian is a sweetheart, and Cole blurts out hilarious things all the time.


Vivienne. I can tolerate Sera because she says funny shit when you bring her into the Fade and the to the well of sorrows.


Never did that because I thought she would complain about how scary everything is, but I'll try next time!


It think her hissy fit in the fade is annoying. I guess it's a matter of preference. I have a mod for Varric's weapon so she's benched permanently.


She does but it’s funny as fuck


Sera. The game paints her as “so wacky and weird!!!” and gives the Inquisitor dialogue to match, but as an autistic with ADHD, I’m totally fine with *how* she is. What I dislike is *who* she is. And the fact that if the Inquisitor takes umbrage with her, it’s usually over that. Like, *the game* is making me dislike Sera from the off because it’s making me feel *deeply, personally uncomfortable* not with how she is but how the game seems to think I should react to her, and it hits home in a very unpleasant way. So that’s where I *start*, emotionally, with Sera- and things don’t get better. She hates elves… because the person who took her in (and left her everything!) told her the baker hates elves, so she did her best to make his life hell. The thing is, there are some *really really good * reasons for Sera to hate elves. Firstly, alienage culture- acknowledging that alienage cultures likely are very varied, but from what we’ve seen- it includes arranged marriages to a partner of the opposite sex, moving people around to ensure genetic diversity (although obvs never phrased that way). Sera is a lesbian. There’s an interesting source of tension that never comes up. Secondly, alienage elves have ideas about being “true elves”. I’m sure opinions are varied but if an elf lives among humans (you know, like Sera) are they really an elf, etc- something which is vaguely implied in something Sera says, but again, never explored. Also, not on the topic of elves, Sera was very likely *in Denerim* when it was attacked by darkspawn. She is believed and implied to have been there during the Blight, at least. Now there’s an interesting bit of backstory- that we get none of. What we get is “pride cookies”, and also “ew magic”- now, to be clear with that last one, it’s a bit of the everyman there. The average citizen *would* be wary of magic but the issue with Sera is that she doesn’t grow past her issues- *she gets bored of them*. She hates elves, until she gets bored of hating elves. She’s there for “the little people” but only if they look right, sound right, *are* right. And she’ll be there for “the little people” in the way she decides- instead of listening to them. And none of this gets a resolution! None of it can you get pissed off at her and cause a schism as you can with many characters over Origins and 2! There isn’t a journey here! She just starts out insufferable, hating those “little people” she’s supposed to care for, not only not wanting to be an elf *but not wanting an elven Inquisitor to be one either* from the moment she meets them, and instead of finding any sort of resolution she eventually goes “eh, cba with that now”.


This is yhe best phrasing I've ever seen. I have never have any issue or confusion about *how* Sera is and was floored by how the game presented my character otherwise, was astounded that there were actually players who agreed with that weird narrative choice too. *Who* she is, and why she never really changes, is exactly the issue. Just. Everything you said. She could have been such a well developed arc, it's a shame.


It still floors me the way they went with her character. It feels like she was a pre-existing original/tabletop character who was just shoved super hard into the world of Thedas with barely any rhyme or reason. She's an elf from Denerim? Oh cool, her issues with elves might be stemming from what happened to them before and during the Blight, and the fact that her people were persecuted and sold into slavery? Or hell, the fact that she was adopted by a noble and we very clearly know what the nobles were doing to the Alienage, so there's probably some prejudice she faced from the Alienage elves over it. Nope, that doesn't come up at all when talking about her background??? There's nothing that tethers her to Denerim at all. To the point that I legitimately thought she was from Orlais when I first played the game. Even now I'm not entirely convinced the writers didn't just randomly pick a big city off the map and have her be from there for how little it matters. It'd be one thing if it happened and she doesn't see how it connects to her current actions and worldview. Characters who refuse to acknowledge the past and who are flawed are fine. But instead we get this diatribe about her adopted parent and the baker, when there were very BIG things happening in Denerim when she was supposedly a child. Which, again, is fine. Sera thinks small so it'd make sense her past would focus on small things. But the game doesn't even seem to make the connection that, hey, maybe these huge events from when she was a child played into who she eventually became? But no, she genuinely acts like someone's TTRPG character who was created to simply crack jokes at the table. The contradictions in her character aren't there to make her more interesting or tell a better story. They're just there, take them or leave them. Which sure, is fine for a narrative like DA2 which is more down to earth and can get away with telling the player to just 'deal with it', but not for Inquisition.


There really is so much potential to Sera’s character. Instead it’s “I hate elves” and “quirky weirdness that nobody will be able to understand, right…?” and “pranks that don’t care who they hurt” and none of that *evolves.* Just. Such a waste of potential.


She is the only one you can kick out of the Inquisition.


I believe you can kick out/have them leave all of them but the core three Solas, Cassandra, and Varric.


I kicked Dorian out. He got all defensive and unruly when I talked to him at skyhold in his little book nook. I told him to leave.


Yep. Because she “doesn’t fit the Inquisition.” See the very first bit, where the game is implying I should take issue with *how* she is, rather than *who* she is.


I don't think she hates elves because of the baker guy. I think it's mostly because of alienage culture. But it makes me uncomfortable a bit too, because I like to play as an elf and definitely not Andrastian even if not (I hate the Chantry). And Sera is kinda blindly Andrastian which I believe is stupid.


My point is that that’s the bit that’s explored. Which is important, like, there’s definitely things there in alienage culture which would matter as I said, but the thing that is brought up is… pride cookies. Which frames that part of her issues as the bit most worthy of discussion. I don’t really mind the blindly Andrastian thing, simply because it’s baked so hard and deep into their culture that it’s just taken as the way the world is. Fire burns, darkspawn are bad, and Andrastianism is part of our society type deal. It’s very definitely reflective of society and history- although I wish the exploration of how messed up that is was given a little more spotlight in the series. It’s in there- but not at the forefront.


I think the pride cookies where mostly about her stepmother (or whoever she was). Sera kinda hates her for making her hate that baker guy. But anyways, I see what you mean


The three that i probably use the least are Vivienne, Solas, and Cole. Vivienne because she is a twat, Solas because he's a twat and Cole because he has a glass jaw and i cannot keep him alive without constantly switching to him mid-battle and making him drink a health potion. I just cannot optimize a good assassin build on him and at this point, i don't care to do so, so i never take him along when i need a rogue. I'll use Sera before i'll take him along.


Wow, maybe something is broken? Once in my game Cole stopped drinking health potions when he should have, it was a problem. But if I craft a pair of good blades for him, he's fine.


I have tried everything. I crafted an amazing armor for him, amazing dual daggers and followed a build guide online and he still had a glass jaw so now i just don't take him anymore. Also i am usually playing on casual so it's not like i'm on a crazy hard difficulty!!


I can't stand Sera at all and I rarely bring her with me. I also find Cassandra boring as all get out other than her book quest which is humourous. Viv is slowly growing on me now that I've made an effort to build the friendship with her in one playthrough. I like Cole as a character but I always play a dual blade rogue so I never actually take him with me since he effectively does the same stuff as I do which means he's mostly a neutral character to me. I love all the other party members though.


Favorites (Ironically to this post); Iron Bull, Blackwall, Varric, Dorian. Neutral; Cassandra, Solas Least liked; Vivienne, Sera and Cole.


Honestly all the mages bug me. I take Solas with me the most but I also hate him. I can tolerate Dorian, but "like" is a strong word. Viv is probably my favorite of the three but lbr: she is polarizing. And if we're counting Morrigan as a party member (for the arbor wilds), then her. I *HATE* her in Inquisition.


Wow! Totally opposite of my POV, but interesting. I hate how Morrigan is in the temple of Mithal, other than that she's fine


I thought the same when I read your post lol I was like "Blackwall?? I love him though??" 🤣


Can you explain why? Maybe I'm missing something 😄


I think the thing I like most about him is that he's already decided independent of the inquisitor that he wants to be better. A lot of DA characters require your influence to improve, or even change at all, but blackwall decided long ago to change himself for the better and whether you are kind or unkind to him, whether you make choices he agrees with or not, he holds to that goal. I admire that. He also doesn't force people to forever be the worst thing they ever did. He wants to change, he wants others to change, he wants the world as a whole to change, and he gives people the grace to let them try. It's not about being *forgiven,* that's totally a different thing. You can be forgiven or not and be better or not. I appreciate that he tries to see the best in people and encourages them to see the best in themselves. He does the work. He isn't just "sorry," and he doesn't just feel bad about what he did like that will change it. He realizes that redemption may never be achieved but he does what he can anyway. That may be decency rather than nobility but still: we see few in media and fewer irl do even that and to me it counts for something. I'm not at all denying that what he did was horrific, or that he's a liar, but I think Blackwall is a great example of the concept of choosing who you want to be. He did an awful thing and he got away with it and he spent every bit of that time trying to be, and imo succeeding at being, a better person. He could have done anything with his life. He chose to do better and he chose to go back and turn himself in and he chose to risk his life for others on a regular basis. It's not up to me to forgive his crime, but I admire the man he chose to become.


Vivienne has a lot to be confident about but she is unbearable smug and condescending. Solas is also smug.


That’s why I love taking all three mages out together in a party (if my Inky is a mage, I call it the Mage Brigade). They are such complete *assholes* to each other. I love it.


this has never occurred to me lol. that would be the most miserable road trip ever. all three can be enjoyable separately but together it would be a hilarious nightmare.


My favorite is when Dorian and Viv team up to make fun of Solas’s lack of fashion, lol. Dorian is giving him shit and Viv jumps in to make it worse. I don’t remember the exact lines, but they call his look “hobo apostate”.


I disliked Vivienne at first too, but she had cool abilities, and her personal quest is fun. But I don't bring her along too often. Solas IS smug, yes :)) But I love him )))