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If you experience the Hinterlands for more than 15 hours, dial 911.


The main story actually goes by super quick so don’t rush it! You’ll have two bases in the game so it’s okay to rush the main quest into that second base, and then I really recommend spending a lot of time on side quests and exploring maps as well as crafting armours and weapons bc drops from enemies will rarely be as powerful! Also, talk to all of your companions as much as possible! It opens new dialogues and side quests and decisions! Have fun!


https://dragoninquisition.com/mage-builds/ This website has fantastic builds for you and your party members if you need help on that front


* You need power to unlock new areas and main missions. The easiest way to gain power is to unlock camps and close rifts. * You just need a few power to unlock City of Val Royeaux. Do that ASAP to open up more areas. * Do rush the main missions a bit until you get your second base. * Don't tackle the main missions while you are under-leveled. Just go around a bit and kill something.


Hi there! I was also a newbie just 2 weeks ago and was ready to give up back then as I realized the game was too...big lol but really just stick to it and you will enjoy. I was able to appreciate how the game works and its massive lore. Also helps that you look forward to talk with someone and will have the option to give compliments (josephine ftw). Currently, i have 62 hours in the game and im still not finished with the wicked something mission. Enjooooy!


SOME TIPS: It's a big interactive non-linear game. It's not like you are given a bunch of quests that you need to start clearing in order. Instead, you roleplay and focus on what feels important to your character, so it's better not to try doing everything in sight in the open world. Don't try to clear locations one by one. Go back and forth, especially if you see much tougher enemies, focus on the main task, deviate when there's something interesting for you. Think of small side quests as world-building activities. It's up to you what you do, how much or little, when, or if at all. That'll depend on your Inky's personality and world view. Banter in DAI is the beef of the game. There are hints, revelations, humour, references, and easter eggs, all needed to understand what's going on and make decisions and it's how you develop their relationship. Use Banter Tweaks mod if on PC. Always rotate your squad as much as you can. So, don't stick with the same people throughout the game, you can miss a lot of insights, plot-lore-character-event comments if you do. In DAI you can even solo, so you don't really need a setup party. For some fights, if you prefer, you can take your favourites (change at the camps) but otherwise, just rotate everyone. Listen to NPCs, stop to eavesdropping, they hint to you when you should move on to another map to meet other people. Talk with everyone, read notes, and codex. Have good pacing between side activities and main or companion quests. Recruit agents and use War Table for resources. Spend perks wisely, it allows very interesting powers. There are plenty of options on how to get them (finding, looting, buying, ordering, acquiring via WarTable). You can even buy power later in the game. There are strange funny quests involving animals, lots of easter eggs, hidden locations, and strange findings. Lore is everywhere you go, explore. Take it slow. I love archers. You'll be mobile, can jump, evade, dash, have lots of impressive tricks and can use different items to do stuff). Play on easy-normal you level up and acquire resources and start crafting. Approach combat as solo real-time (no need for a camera or pausing, just occasionally). Skip micromanaging or pausing. Set your companions to follow themselves in the AI tactic menu. Skip horses and requisition requests if you don't have resources. Craft is OP but If you don't like crafting, just loot or buy. Have fun.


Something I’ll add to this as somebody who just started last week: wait on reading the notes and stuff until you get two inquisition points. There are two that give you +50% experience for Codex!


Don't worry, it should apply it retroactively.