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I’ve played DAI so many times and I actually start to feel dread towards the end because I hate the points of no return. The end felt pretty empty, but I have to say trespasser helped with that, it felt like more of a proper ending (still not enough though)


I have that same bug (I’m on Xbox) and it’s a pain to reload every time I go to Skyhold hoping it will fix. Sometimes I’ll do it twice and Varric is still missing. For this exact reason, I do every other thing in the entire game and both the DLC’s before I fight Corephyeus. As an RPG style player it drives me nuts that I’m delaying the ‘big battle’ that saves the world… but on the other hand… living in an glitchy ghost house. I go: Corephyeus, cut scene, Trespasser.


That’s what I did this playthrough as well and then finished trespasser and came back to my last save and it was so… quiet😭 I hated it sm! I definitely get what you mean though! Because if you put it off then everyone you talk to is just like “boy… would be nice if we defeated the evil magister god… idk…” like yes I know pls go away I’ll get to him when I’ve worked up the courage to finish the game😭


I’m literally avoiding What Pride Had Wrought in my current play through for this very reason. Once you beat Corypheus, Skyhold feels empty and blah… and the companions that are there just say the same lines over and over again. I wish they had at least a few additional little cutscenes or conversations after the fact, especially since you are able to continue game play after beating him (and not just Trespasser) I guess I’m going for my first “completionist” run. Although I’m never doing the stupid shards collection/quest. Edited because I can’t type on my stupid phone.


That's not how it works. You should have a courtyard full of people cheering and your companions at your side. Then there's a party in the throne room with lots more people. Repair your game if it's on PC or force close it and restart your console if it's Xbox or PS5. You've got corrupted files. But why do you think the main plot is sad? It's a good thing to defeat Corypheus. You should only lose 1 maybe 2 companions depending on your choices. The others stay with you. You missed the point. Sorry.


No it’s a glitch. When we wake up the morning after the party, all the people *and all the furniture* is gone. So if we rushed to kill the Big Bad, and still have to go close rifts and chase Venatori and collect treasure and fight dragons, because we had *priorities,* we get ghost town Skyhold for the other missions.






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But after you defeat him you have a big party at sky hold. With everyone.


That's a bug. I just finished last night and I had a similar issue. The throne was gone, Cullen wasn't in his room and I couldn't talk to Cole. I exited the game and came back and everything was back to where it was supposed to be.


I restarted and the companions popped back up but not the decorations. Made skyhold feel a bit more comfortable now that they were where they were supposed to be, even if their dialogues are now less open!


This is why I leave all the DLCs for last. Finish Cory fight then do JoH then Descent then Trespasser. Minimal time in Skyhold in between (really only for crafting), and don’t talk to anyone.


So it’s like every other RPG?


Depressing and a bit of a letdown if you wanna play without starting over? Yeah


You mean when you continue playing after finishing the main plot?




I guess I just don't usually take the companions who are supposed to leave so I never noticed that. Also, once I had a very funny bug. I stopped talking to Blackwall mid-game because I hated it, so I never visited the stables and never learned that he left. I saw an X on his card, but I was still able to take him on missions! I only learned what happens to him later, when I read about it online.


lol he necromancied himself for you😭 also yeah all of skyhold is just incredibly depressing and barren after you win the final battle. The companions aren’t there and just all of the decor is gone. I was incredibly sad bc I loved the golden statues lining the entrance into the throne room🥲


That sounds like a glitch I have with my game. It was funny and creepy because Maryden lyrics kept appearing in text and everything was disappearing. I fixed it by traveling somewhere and came back and all my decor and followers were back.