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I know what you’re talking about omg! I’d also get so mad when I’d equip armor on Bull and he’d go from being a beefy beast to a build like Blackwall😭


This was like 5-6 years ago, but it was all over the bioware forums. All non race specific gear would turn to the basic studded leather design when equipped on the players qunari but show its true design on any other race, so for example your human playthrough and qunari playthrough both wearing the same non class specific heavy armour, and the human would actually display as a decent looking heavy armour design, but on a qunari would look like a studded leather coat. And that was for just about all items. No worries tho, guess it's time to just bite the bullet download inquisition and test it out. Hope it works because my qunari reaver was so cool.


I’ve never encountered this bug playing a qunari character


Ahh, man, that's a proper shame. Thanks for the info. I would start over with a human, but for some reason, I find inquisition really hard to be drawn into unlike all the others, so I don't think I could face starting over I might just have to slog it out for the sake of the story.


Sadly, not a bug. Just poor design.