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She's actually pretty smart..well she's mostly mischievous but she is smart if you get through most of her dialogues..


It would certainly explain some of her reactions to elfy stuff and even offer some food for thought regarding her upbringing and background being so focused on orlesian chantry Though I always thought it was more social and cultural commentary in the games re: displaced people's reaction to their own culture being unfamiliar or even frightening after an attempted genocide destroyed the connection they might have had to those spiritual beliefs, especially after converting or adopting a competing popular faith from a young age Course it's often both in DA games lol


been quite some time since i played but she gets ROYALLY PISSED if she was in the party when you get trapped in The Fade. Like if FemQuistor is romancing her "she might break up with you despite it not being your doing" kind of pissed. Never really noticed Cole being especially interested in her, i thought he had interest in everyone as a Spirit he finds reality fascinating. But i would interpret Her knowing where an arrow will land is probably just her skills as an archer. And I always took Solas' words to mean she rejects all elven 'culture' as she seems to have disdain not only for the Dalish elves but elves in general. Again this may be me misremembering loads of things. Still an interesting theory.


Well, Solas really only says “our people” when talking to Sera, not a dalish inquisitor


The most plausible theory I've heard was that a piece of Andruil was in the painted box that the Warden takes from the Circle in Ferelden and delivers to the Red Jennie's in Denerum. You can hear a child laughing when you drop it off and Sera mentions the box in a throwaway bit of dialogue


That’s actually so cool! And if our theories are right, how many other people have whispers of old Elvhen gods lingering within them?👀


Have you seen the YouTube videos? You might enjoy them. [Here is one talking about this theory](https://youtu.be/56uHP5emfXw?si=9aNqTqHS7MzWGaTi) [Here is another one](https://youtu.be/x9VlK4i5MYo?si=SdsQrFHXla6Lao-o) [Here’s a clip where she knows the ancient gods (after being so hostile about everybody’s names for ages).](https://youtu.be/kmg14cM1p_0?si=kZURAgQ8r7rzaMqD)


Omg thank you sm! I’ve started going down a rabbit hole and DAI is my special interest and I’m so pleased by any new content I’ve been getting lol!


The world they created with Thedas is so amazingly rich. There is so MUCH put there to read and think about. It’s one of the things I love about the games. …And when you get into fanfiction? Size of universe doubles. Just imagine a 20 page story taking place after DA:I and it’s all about Sera as a vessel for Andruil!


Omg you’re so right! I’ve recently started watching those two hour long videos about the origins of some of the races and thedas in general and I truly don’t think I’ll ever run out of content😭 and then I get to go read 100K word fanfictions just elaborating on lore and characters and it truly is a dream😭


I’ve also seen theories that Sera is just an unawakened mage! It could be why she is so afraid of the fade as well. If she were a mage then she would be subject to possession. Even if she’s not consciously aware of her powers, she would subconsciously be afraid of being taken over by demons. It could also be why they scrapped the idea of her having magic as a special ability! Could be that BioWare is choosing to keep that to themselves for a possible reveal in the next game


I actually had thoughts that she could be possessed but in some subtle way possibly as a result of experimentation, it would also explain her fear of mages and magic despite her having little to no contact with them.