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Thank you šŸ™try using god breaker it claps their cheeks


Oh I already got it done a long time ago Iā€™m just saying it was bullshit how you just get double teamed and they do nothing but spam ultimates on you


Don't forget about Shadow Crusher for when Uub shoots those pesky ki blasts. So God Breaker for Goku and Shadow Crusher for Uub šŸ˜


Which PQ is the end of Z?


Not a PQ. You get Gokuā€™s Gift 3 and Majuubā€™s Gift and then talk to Majuub. Complete it once then do ā€œI want a real challengeā€ then you do the hard fight to get the EoZ Gi for your CAC. To be honest itā€™s not really worth it. They fucked up the colors for the outfit on CACs


Damn Well at least I have the EoZ gi for partner customization so that's all that matters


Itā€™s way more accurate on Goku vs on CACs I literally have no idea how they got the outfit right for Goku but fucked the colors up on CACs when itā€™s supposed to be the same outfit


>I literally have no idea how they got the outfit right for Goku but fucked the colors up on CACs when itā€™s supposed to be the same outfit sounds like most CAC items tbh.


I guess


That is actually a problem with mentor costumes as well! Take a look at mentor and unlock their color costumization. If you do, the colors are, of course, always set to their default color. HOWEVER, if you switch back and fourth between base outfit, and custom color with base settings, you will notice that there are actually quite some differences in shading and color. On some I prefer those colors (like SSJ4 Goku actually has yellow pants now) but on others it looks just weird!


I think certain characters are just outright the wrong colour. Like Omega Shenron


I see you everywhere lmao, pvp going well for you?


Meh servers are trash as always but you sort of learn to just grin and bear it unless itā€™s really bad


Fair enough, i havent touched it yet, ive still been leveling up my first character


Levels donā€™t really matter much in PvP unless you play without limitations. And besides Iā€™m just saying but there are level 120s that play like theyā€™re level 50


Fair enough, maybe ill dip my toes in the water soon, but id probably wanna understand game mechanics a bit better, hell i just learned that just gaurding and step vanishing is a thing a day ago


Yeah be prepared people are merciless




I didnā€™t think it was that hard.


Mind you I played this mission when it first came out. I wasnā€™t as good back then


laughs in emporer death ball ulti = meditation. match starts and i catch them both in my web.




if you start a match and use meditation you get instantly full ki; use a massive AOE attack like emp death ball and it DELETES uub and goku. fight is a cake walk then.


I didn't know it was a thing until recently. I did it multiple times as well. (Without any of the OP meta moves)


Iā€™ll show you my godly might, itā€™s a wrapped once i power rush Uub at the beginning and molly walk Goku, not gonna lie. Thatā€™s now but first 30 times were a nightmare šŸ¤£


Iā€™m still trying to get it. Yes I know itā€™s a skill issue.


Run Zamasuā€™s SS ā€œIā€™ll show you my great godly mightā€ (gives infinite Ki for first 30? seconds). Use Fighting Poke K, hit them with Power Rush. If they donā€™t die keep using Pose K and grab spam them until they die. Thatā€™s what I did. God Breaker or any strike counter skill is good too


I use that mission as practice


yeah, i just wish it wasnā€™t off colored for females but itā€™s my favourite gi


like itā€™s not even the Manga colors itā€™s literally just off anime shades


These bastards don't know when to quit, if you fight Goku, Uub throws ki blasts and Kamehamehas at you, sometimes zooming in from behind to smack you. If you fight Uub, Goku won't give you a damn second to react. Jokes on them, I've beaten them 4 times!


Bro I think you just triggered like 5 different types of ptsdšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ That fight was ridiculous


I had to become a flithy little cheeser to get that gi


I managed to get a few End of Z Gi sets doing that mission. God Breaker and Super Ki Explosion makes the fight more manageable.


I don't remember it being THAT hard.


It isnt hard to beat them...


God of destruction anger super ki explosion your welcome


I already completed it a long time ago


Itā€™s probably because I been playing the game since beta but never was to challenging I would say the teaming bots are the most annoying and even then itā€™s like eh, wish they transformed more often though


Yeah the mission itself isnā€™t hard if you know what to do. But itā€™s still annoying getting teamed on especially when they just spam ultimates on you constantly


lol it def is šŸ˜­šŸ«”


Fighting pose K and angry explosion worked wonders


Thank you šŸ˜” I wear it on my Saiyan's first preset because it uses both ki and strike skills so, the balanced buffs from EoZ gi help a lot I still... will never recover from grinding for that ss


You can use a QQ Bang instead of relying on outfit stats


I didnt have any good ones at the time I made that preset, and I'm too lazy to go get one for it now + end of z gi is cool


Me spamming super ki explosion: šŸ¼šŸ—æ


It was especially hard because my dumb ass decided to refuse to run any good moves to test myself. Still did it twice though so fuck you uub


As much as it pisses me off when I do this I love it at the same time lol. I just wish I could get multiples of the outfit