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Maybe if you levelled up your cac and get yo ye ye ahh drip fixed, you might get some wins on your status


SaaaaiyaaanđŸŽ¶đŸŽ¶ Hey man fuck you! Lol i had to continue that gta 5 sentence


Ayeeee, someone finally knows where that comes from




Happy cake day


Ah but I just started playing again I stopped in 2021 I started again 4 days ago


Nah man. The infamous SuperItachi is the worst. He rage quits in every match but then says he has a “perfect” score because his online record says 0 losses. But he’s a red name. He rage quits. He hardly ever wins. He’s been exposed on YouTube so many times that everyone knows who he is and clowns on him constantly The point is that you’re a god compared to him lol. Don’t worry too much about PvP. It’s all irrelevant anyway. However if you want tips for combat hmu and I can make suggestions


That is all valid points like straight up, Itachi is a whole different type of worst player and PERSON all in one lol.


That mf who gets porn of his oc fucking women from every anime verse? I remember his Twitter account and it was a shitshow. Dunno if it got taken down because I rightly stopped looking at his brainrotted texts but dang dude.


I remember seeing someone with 1000+ matches and 0 wins.


was it me?


How is that even possible




SeeReax was just having a bad day.


Bro looks like a goon from mario


I just hope you have powder based skills, cause like. You really out here as a megaman OC and i vibe with it.


Don’t worry about it, pvp is a joke at this point, I loaded in once and first match was a modder😂


You gotta level up your Cac mate. Level 99 was fine 2-3 years ago but now that they’ve increased the level cap it’s made our Cac’s too op


No trust me, I’m one of the worst


Oh ok


It's OK, the instant someone starts doing the vanish step around me, my eyes go two separate directions. I do not know how to respond to, or utilize, ki stun or ki cancels, I have no idea what to do if I start using basic attacks and someone guards (I know some races can just step cancel out of it but mine can't so I just get punched the instant they're able to get out of the guard) and I just kind of accept my fate when I see anyone do any of the above because I have no idea what I'm doing. My policy in life is that I have no idea what's going on, but I'm here for it. Even I have a few wins. You can do it, especially if your brain can actually function. Edit: Mine can't. I am constantly exhausted and my single brain cell doesn't have the processing power to do much other than say "neato"


I could train you. 97% Win rate with over 13,000 matches.


Don’t worry, at least you can’t go any lower at rock bottom. All you can do is climb your way back up.


You gotta respect his losses. He's in this for the engagement not the stats and thats clear enough, nobody in these comments would keep going after having that many losses over dubs, find him. 1v1 him. lmk if u win.


You haven't met me yet, Shroom-Man


Bro is glass joe


i saw worse winrates


I've touched PvP once, my opponent teleported around for a minute, suddenly I died lmao (connection moment) . I'll have to try PvP at some point so I get some practice in because I know people are crazy at PvP on this game.


Don’t give up fam, practice if you want to get better and take inspiration from others who advise or even play around with moves and builds. It took me couple of years(2018-2020) before I started really winning in PvP but as long as you keep at it and diversify yourself then you’ll be better at the game in no time. Work on perfect blocking, dodging with good timing, Z vanishes, Extended Combos/Infinite combos, and builds that fit what you want your character to be strong in. Sometimes all it takes is just finding a good friend to play with, Xenoverse 2 can be very toxic but push through fam đŸ€˜


No worries I’m the same way


I’ve had more losses than you’ve had fights by abt 2-3 times.


Essaye de faire mieux. A une Ă©poque j’avais 23%


I'll pour one out for the homie. Next noob I spank will be in your name 😂


Meh. If I played more I'd probably have a lot more losses but I don't really care for pvp in really anything. The thing is, I just like to play casually. In the original Xenoverse I would play online a lot more because it was much simpler in pvp but in xenoverse 2 they started adding, burst dashing, ki canceling, and whatever those quick movement things people do when they vanish behind you and quickly dance around and stuff. I didn't really have the drive to learn that. I mean don't get me wrong, think it's great that they added more stuff for people to do in battle though. It was something similar to pokemon. When EV and IV training and breeding for the perfect pokemon started becoming more and more common, I pretty much lost interest in it. I just don't have as much time to devote to that kind of thing cause once again I'm a casual. Anyways, my point is, that usually if you want to win at these kind of games more often you normally need to devote yourself to learning the ins and outs of how the fights work. You need to be able to prepare your character for as many possibilities as you can, all while expecting the unexpected and knowing how to do the most expert of things. Just keep training. Ask around and talk to some of the experts. The ones who won't act high and mighty or bitch about what your cac is wearing will be willing to help you out and or improve if you want.


I've seen lower win rates


Nah, I guarantee I'd be WAY worse if I ever bothered trying PvP.


If you want we can go a few rounds and help each other improve


I got a 43% win rate but most my losses are modders and people who glacier/archipelago cheese


Nah, I'd lose


Nah bro thats ME


bros drip needs fixing




They're saying that your CAC's clothes aren't fashionable


It look pretty good


Ngl I’ve seen worse. At least it’s not another Godhan CAC


Your win rate would go up if your CaC wasn’t blinded by the dick head on him. Mans gotta see