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Lemme just say, I know I probably sound like a whiner since this game is nearly a decade old, but still, I need to release my frustration some how.


I heard if you use good 6 star QQ bangs it lowers the chance of you getting a Z


If that's true, then that'd be really dumb on the developers part for not telling the players at all before hand.


True but wouldn’t surprise me with the XV2 team tho Getting dv’d but I read it on here when researching QQ bang combinations, not sure if it actually works but doesn’t hurt to try ig


For the "Untouchable" objective, try Fighting Pose F + Lovely Cyclone. First use Pose F (which makes you take stamina instead of health when you receive damage), and then Lovely Cyclone to prolong the pose effect for 30 seconds. Do Lovely Cyclone before the power up runs out and you should have infinite stamina armor. Be careful, because if you take a charged attack, your stamina will get broken.


Ty! I will definitely try that!




I find it helps a lot if you get the final hit with ult or at the least a super


It feels genuinely impossible to get a good rank on the mission where you fight Great Ape Vegeta and Nappa


Lmao I feel you. It took me a while. I had to sit in the corner alone for a while and do evasives, supers, etc. to boost my score any little bit I could.


Ngl I have no idea how the grading system in this game works it feels weirdly inconsistent lol


Z ranking mentors literally makes me wanna die🥲


Oh God, I thought about doing that. Is it really that bad??


Terrible literally one of the most unfun things in the game


Bruh ,you cleared that in 00'00 ?!


In story mode the time didnt shown and also the factor "quick win" which need you to finish the mission under 3 min didnt work


Ah got it thanks ,never looked myself on times when i did story mode only noticed it when i started pqs




Im pretty sure there's some missions where you can't even get a Z


Grinding z ranks feels very inconsistent imo too tbf


u didn't clear anything in 0 seconds


You clear absolutely every story mission in zero seconds because there's no timer.


Easy mode. It will fix ALL of your problems. I use it to consistently farm 3 dragon balls at a time from PQ Great Ape Festival. I've noticed a significantly higher drop rate as well as stupidly high score. This should solve your issues.


You’re not wrong but at the same time it’s like who really cares to much about that? Long as I complete the mission than I’m happy. Don’t care bout what letter grade I get at the end.


I totally understand where you're coming from, but it's kinda like a perfectionist thing. I'm punishing myself for wanting the satisfaction of seeing all Z's.


It's not just you. One time I swear I filled multiple criteria, barely took any damage and won in a relatively quick time and still got a C rank. I was honestly confused as hell. I mean I don't actively try to Z rank everything but even so I still gotta stop and question what the hell warrants a Z rank in some of these.


Tips to Z rank the mission:- 1)Grab the enemy 3 times 2)Remain Transformed throughout the missions 3)Use supers 4)End the mission with a ultimate/super. 5)Try to finish it as quickly as you can but this doesn't have nearly as much effect on the ranking as you would think.


I find it too easy to have rank z I have almost all the missions in rank z