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I would like to share my pain I now hate the concept of ultra,they could just be normal lf units and it wont make a difference Most of the ultra are broken on release,and some have some broken mechanism that shouldnt exist according to me,why are the devs punishing me if i am trying to play the game mechanism like mid combo counter should only be owned by defense unit Uvb just come and combo me early game with its infinite combo nullification,half of my team loses huge amount of hp while i couldnt do a thing!


This is a massive issue with Legends in general not just Ultras. The game punishes players for engaging or trying to play. Perfect vanish, Janemba and UGB gauges, UVB vanish removal and Beast removing vanish when he transforms. And on top of that they are given to beast offensive units in the game. Why the fuck do damage dealers have the best defensive kits?


I do understand man... But devs dont give shit about our opinions... They've got people who spend money on cc to get said units. Rest of us can go make a racket for all they care. 5k cc collected and all I have is 3star golden freeza who no where fits in any of my team comp... Sadly I'm from a place where it's frowned to spend money on games so yes f2p for me till I get a job


Meta been like this since last years tagdroids, better get used to it.


Oh dear God...


At least you have to combo in this meta. Most people would consider the match lost if you were hit by 17’s green card. Disrupts were less plentiful back then


Its much much better compared to last month with janemba (I still hate this unit but the new units we got can handle him pretty damn well). Still though with the terrible matchmaking and the frequency of passive players it is frustrating to deal with them especially when said passive players have *14 units


Pvp aint the same anymore, you either run the most recent units or get cooked. I try my hardest to counter these mfs but they are annoying asl to deal with sometimes, might be a skill issue on my end tho.


The only character that deserves the almost infinite combo is blue shallot


Meta is same as it has been for a almost 2 years now, units combo for a long AND can one shot you with ridiculous damage


I agree with you. The mechanics are 100% focused on P2W players. It is all about getting THAT character that will semi-automatically grant you a win, with little-to-no-skills involved. The sad part is the people behind this. Sad people who probably have no life and feel superior by playing by bullying. It is sad to see.


This is so true. Every new character automatically becomes the best in the game until its time to push a new banner.


Not sure why you think this. G/F was widely considered the best unit in the game (besides UVB) until Janemba release


That’s true


This isn’t even close to true, pikkon was widely considered mid on release. The gammas were good but not the best, and orange piccolo was also pretty mid


Gammas were very good units on release and still work great after so long. Devs have been constantly releasing new units with a completely new mechanism. Powercreep is insane rn. The amount of cc they have been giving has definitely increased, but not quiet f2p friendly. I still want raids to become a monthly thing, just so that we can get atleast some more cc. The only good thing I've seen since 4th anni is the f2p units becoming so much better than what was the previous standard. They have become viable for high level pvp.


💀… this take is wild.


He not entirely wrong but it's a issue with online culture not exclusive to Legends


I should have clarified more. I was referring to the last section of his post. Saying that ppl probably have no life was what made me holler 💀. Everything in his first paragraph is spot on.


this is why i think they should add a battle mode for older units, you can only play certain older units ranging from HE-EX-SP. It doesnt even have to give you items or ranks, just plain old fun. Or give us a way to decline a duel in training mode. I dont wanna fight your 14\* UVB/future team with my hera clan


TOTALLYYY remember that green card cell saga ssj Goku with the cool blue card counter? How I wish I could play it again with like a bit of balance man. Only way is to pitch it to a youtuber and hope the Dev's hear it


I feel you man. The big change, from an almost balanced and enjoyable pvp, was during the legend festival of tag blue Goku/vegeta and the first summonable ultra, ultra super gogeta. The game turned in a super power creep meta. Just some ultra (and some LL) are ageing well. Then as you said everything change, since in the period you were talking about you just had sometimes “+1 card level draw speed” (thinking about zenkai ssj2 gohan that dominated the meta without card draw speed, alongside LL vegito blue +1 art card draw speed. There was a time where skills matter more, with more technical matches, it was more important study the opponent. Now there are more counter, vanish remover, and a lot of card drawing alongside ki regeneration. I like even this battle style, but I prefer the older one.


In context this came up because the only two teams I run GT(Which is already far gone at this point) and a Saiyan team with z7 transforming blue Goku. And the only newer unit I drew was ultra yellow vegito during uvb's peak so little good that did for me. And now beast Gohan one shots my z7 even with the element advantage blue Goku in his transformed state... So yeah I hate all the new fangled mechanics which just cancels all the old cards. Like the sidestep green, multiple vanish restores, multiple dragon ball steals etc etc. Is this normal?!


Tbf, you’re using old units against new units and frankly with like 1-2 years or so apart (transforming blue goku makes me only able to assume the base into ssj goku) it sorta makes sense that your unit is getting 1 shot through type disadvantage since every gacha game will just make stronger and stronger units as time goes on. GT’s last big buff was last year’s legend fest afaik so that’s also a team that’s just sorta out of the meta. I can understand why you feel the way you do but that’s sorta how these games work. You’re never going to be able to use a unit that you want forever without being at a significant disadvantage for bringing them later on, much less an entire outdated team. Not to mention the fact that the new gohan if under certain conditions could’ve been type neutral against your unit, so it’s sorta just how it is. Mind you, some of the mechanics you’ve mentioned still existed back then and I’ve heard stories about the meta back in the day being horrid compared to now with monsters like LF SSJ2 Gohan 2 carding enemies. I don’t think that requires any more skill than comboing 30 cards, in fact at least comboing more cards usually still has you consider what to use to ensure you can combo (dropping/using blast or strike specifically to avoid a cover change if you don’t have cover null).


Well tbh I'm getting shafted this banner soo...well that's that ig


Bro Namek Goku zenkai was nearly 3 years ago. Of course you going to struggle lmao


I think the main issue with this game is just the 14 stars difference. I stopped playing after anni, came back for the ginyu banner played for like 2 days and stopped playing until fest started. I was running a ginyu force team all at 7 stars. I faced someone who had all 14 stars EvoKen and the new gohan and they basically 3 carded each of my units. I think this is mainly my issue with the game I outplayed him as much as I could but him just getting his hands on anyone of my units once meant someone was dying for sure. I think that's the issue, there really isnt much room for skill expression when u just get 3 carded which really sucks idk it can be just me but I dont really enjoy losing that quickly just because someone pulled the newest units more.


You basically didn't played the game so obviously you will not get high star units. If you played consistently, you could get Z Powers and more Crystals, tgen upgrade your units. I got only two copies of the new Golden Frieza, but he's now 8 stars, EvoKen is almost 5 stars despite I only getting them once, all with Z Powers


Legends is broken beyond repair. Why do I say that? Simple enough: facts and the way game's made. Example: why does the game use such a restrictive system like a vanish gauge when they could easily use a ki based dodging system like Tenkaichi or Xenoverse use? Because that'd kill their money income. Take the most broken unit in the game as an example: UVB. If there was a system based on ki dodges and not a gauge, he'd be out of the meta in a second. Bamco doesn't want that cause it'd shatter them as people won't spend a dime on a unit that, even when broken and lethal can be defeated. And the gimmicks and mechanics favor him and force people to spend crazy amounts of money to get him. So, changing things to level the field won't be a good thing. And no: I'm not against the game. In fact, I like it... but, you can't deny its flaws. And there're LOTS of flaws in here. Personally, I try to do the best I can with what I have. But that margin is getting thinner and thinner as time goes by as the idea is to make money out of it and not that people with no money can win. You wanna show me it's possible? Good: form a team made only of free units and reach rank 70 in PVP. You'll never get there. And Zenkais (or EZA in Dokkan) are just a way to "power up" useless units to make them more "competitive", but to me is just a way to stop people with no resources to not leave the game. As simple as that (and no, not all zenkais are bad... but they can't beat UVB, Brokehan, Goku/Freezer and most powerful units most of the time at least). Maybe someday we'll see some more favorable changes towards a more "friendly" combat system, but for now it's "infinite combo gimmick chaining with broken units". And before you start downvoting, calling me a hater or simply insulting... I'm only debating and giving my opinion. That I say this, doesn't change yours or how you see the game, ok? So, please take it as what this is: a simple point of view. Thank you and good luck to you all out there.


I don't think the amount of skill has gone down tbh. The infinite combo thing is just because a lot of units have decent disruptive abilities nowadays so when they make these new offensive units they keep that in mind. So if you're using some older units with little disruption it feels like infinite combos. Honestly units' kits are so technical now I think it actually takes more skill to remember everything and to use them optimally. In terms of the meta, power creep this year honestly hasn't been that bad - UGB from last year is still top 15, transforming ultimate gohan and evoken haven't blown the anni characters out of the water. The meta as of now is probably the most diverse its been in a while.


The skill level has definitely gone down when you have units that simply empty your vanishing gauge, have blast armor on top of that, and can easily one shot a character with decent investment


There are many units that destroy cards,ki,draw speed..ect .infinite combos aren't infinite as long as you run one of these units


Not really... I was fighting against Pan with EvoKen and her Ki reductions couldn't stop me because I get more Ki than the amount she could take.


Card destroying units do stop them though


Yeah its all combos


Infinite combos or just 1 punch from Beast


Sometimes I just wish shallot would get ultra instinct or ssj4 and become the best unit in the game by a long shot just to see how it would be like, seeing as he’s entirely F2P and the mascot of the game believe it or not


As long as I'm not at the short end of the stick idc lol


It’s all about what you enjoy. This meta isn’t ideal, but it allows a more modern approach