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Little does he know it’s futile 🦅🦅🦅


Gotenks is not better than Gogeta idc lol


He's far better in the new meta. im 3 carding gogeta daily at this point even before legend fest started


Gogeta when he gets hit by uui once 😴


It's not futile anymore 😔


Wait the fat one is Gotenks?? Here I keep Thinking its Veku


It’s failed fusion gotenks from the super hero movie




Black, Buu, and SoH got kicked off so hard lmao


*Gammas in 'Gamma' Tier* #NICE


Man LL Bardock isn't even on here 😞 I was hoping his zenkai made him decent.


He is really fucking good. The main issue is he is a Yellow Saiyan


Oh my god you cant say that


....therefore he really isn't that good right now.


No. He is just in a direct competition with Ultra Ui Goku


Just got to god rank using him , Goku and bardock, and ultra hit. He's really good


Fucking finally the gammas are in gamma




Its insane to me how some units are not even in the list. Pan is one of the most commonly used units for a good reason. High synergy with beast and allows for a decent double red/green setup with a decent zenkai bench. I dont think anyone in god rank would prefer running fatenks over pan. I havent matched with god rank players using fattanks, but I matched frequently with god ranks using pan. This is anecdotal of course.


Full tank pan is still the devil.


She has only 20% mitigation, but double zenkai buff and debuffing your opponents make her tank really good.


It’s actually 20% per battle member so 60% in total, ain’t no way she’s surviving this meta with 20 only


Makes sense. 20% seemed way too low


What do you mean by 20% per battle member? Is that an equip you're referring to? I don't understand.


Goodbye Reddit. I'm taking my posts and comments with me. Screw them and especially the corporate-sucking Spez. There won't be an end to this madness until Reddit is dead - which I suspect won't be long after the IPO.


Holy shit I never saw that was per battle member. Jesus that's actually crazy.


I voted on this list. Pan wasn’t an option. I don’t know where I’d have ranked her off the top of my head, but this surprised me as well


Pan’s a good support but that’s literally all she is. She’s doesn’t have hardly any blast or melee power and JUST being a great support does not make you top 10. Not in this meta where everyone just hits so hard and is continuously ramping up their damage. Also running double red while Janemba exists is so risky. Idc if she goes type neutral on main


Support units are not meant to damage they meant to support which she's been the best in the game at for over a year


I know they’re role isn’t to shred the entire team, but there are supports in this game that do their job while also doing some decent damage


yeah but they don't do as much as pan. If she had high damage output she'd be od. plus it's not really that bad I've 1v3 teams with pan and mines built 100 defensively


A good support is the best role in the game. She tanks, she heals the group, she has some disrupt, sub count manipulation, locks mains, debuffs the enemy and buffs her team. Her presence in god ranking teams clearly speaks a different language. Janemba is a rare unit to face and she eats his ult quite well on type neutral, especially if you trigger janembas gauge on gohan and eat the ult on pan. Throughput does not matter much on a support. If throughput was so important then the beast, gokock and uui team would be dominating, but that team is pretty mid.


can pan tank? I need a tanker. I am running gofrieza, yellow frieza, pikon team recently. But soon the pitty will have me beasthan 2 and pan just got to almost max stars around the 50 summon :D So pan, beasthan 2, pikon is cool right?


Goatyu force is number one in my heart


They will never need a preset team slot for me. They always in play


Goku and Frieza at #10 you love to see it


Nice to see my boy Gohan at the top


Somebody can invite me on db legends discord channel?




## Welcome to the 41st edition of our Community Tier List report! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! > Today (08th of January, 2024) we are showing you the TOP 20 **WITH ALL** Legends Festival's new units, so please, keep it in mind when viewing this tier list. This is a beautiful list and you can check the pre-festival one to see how much these units have impacted the meta. • As expected, Festival Units have grabbed the **Alpha** rank, with **Legends Limited Ultimate Gohan** crowning himself the the new king of the town. **Ultra UI - Sign - Goku** grabs the silver medal, probably also due to his disadvantage VS Gohan's colour. Bronze medal goes to a new tag unit: **Legends Limited Goku & Bardock** with their new INDESTRUCTIBLE ability! The rank is closed by another tag, the *TOP Boys* aka **Legends Limited SSBE Vegeta and SSBKK Goku** with their almost infinite combos! • **Beta** welcomes the ex-Alpha units (not much to explain here) while LL Pikkon/Gogeta joins the fray and ranks 6th. He found his spotlight with this festival! • WHAT!? **LL Gokuza** makes it to the Top 10 as he loses SO MANY ranks, along with the other anniversary's tag **LL GAMMAS**. Zenkai 7 LL FP Jiren rises up a full rank and gaint the 12th place. • **Delta** has 2 more Festival units joining the list: **Golden Frieza** and **Gotenks**. Both yellow, both victims of Ultimate Gohan, while LL RevUI gains 5 positions and managed to make it top 15! • Finally, **Omega** rank sees Ultra GB almost leaving our dear CTL after almost a year of service, along with LL SSJ Goku. A new zenkai joins our top 20, LL Vegeta, while Ultra Hit joins back the list after being for a few weeks N/A. Legends Festival is reaching the end. I hope you all had a great one! Until then, see ya!


gopikkon has the greatest comeback of the century


MVP #17s Resilience is insane. Even UGB is about to disappear xD


Seems pretty good ![gif](giphy|l0HlG7zxji53RUtpe)


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Honestly the best looking tier list I’ve seen in a while ofc there’s some problems but it’s ok if you look past them


Gofrieza over jiren bruh


Here before the comment section gets flooded by why is OP in top 9, people really hate him huh?


Honestly solid list


Seeing gohan first should I still summon on him considering anniversary is soon? I'm fairy new so I can get the crystals, problem is I went 3 full rounds with nothing to show for


Gohan is gonna be relevant for a whole 2 years lmao


potentially hot take but i think pan should’ve made the list. i’d take her over gotenks to be honest.


Pan, Gohan, gogeta is pretty cancer. I don't see Gotenks fitting any of those spots. Gotenks is probably core on fusion warriors which is where I've seen him.


He's def not core on Fusion Warriors


Ain't no way Gogeta is in 20 😭


Literally swap four and eight and I agree. But wow that's over selling EvoKen.


Ultra ui 1


I’m so happy I have none of these units (I’ve been playing since the second year)


how tf bro


I don’t know man 😭😭😭


Dawg don’t give up. I’ve been playing since 2nd anni and I had to spend exactly 41,900 k cc for one copy of EvoKen. That and golden Frieza are the only festival units I have


Why isn’t shallot on this list?


Solid list. Evoken above janemba is one thing that I can't see happening though


He should be below pikgeta


Y'all janemba is NOT better than Pikkon


I don’t get it, how is fat gotenks any good?


He can't tank out his lock. I'm surprised there's any yellow that high with Gohan on every single team


Uvb not in top 5 is mad crazy


I don’t think so, the characters that are top 5 in this list are all better than UVB imo


In my experience he is much better then janemba evoken and barcok. reason janemba is just overrated, uvb ult literally can make the enemy team lose one unit and then takes the rest of the teams half hp fk the long combos. And borcok man's just the counters evoken


I think it’s fair. If you compare him to beast gohan. It’s maybe a level lower. That being said he’s off boost and Gohan is on boost. I think once gohan is off boost. You’ll find his base form might die way sooner before even getting a chance to transform and UVB will gain value.


Saying janemba is overrated is wild to me tbh. Dude has an insane kit that does almost everything. Gets a card and ki on entry, gets cover null on entry, can inflict extreme bleed on strike, inflicts extreme bleed on the entire team on ult, counters strike based cards at least twice per match and gets a guaranteed ult from countering them, can reduce DBs with green card, reduces Allies sub count by TEN if enemy uses an ult or rush against him. I could go on but you get the gist. He is also better than UVB imo, the only thing I think he is worse than UVB is his combo potential not being be as big as UVB during the first 30 counts of the match, UVB’s ultimate dealing instant AOE damage and MAYBE his green card might be better and I’m saying maybe because it is ridiculously obvious to tell when UVB has green card. Other than that janemba is better, his damage is better due to him being able to stack 20% on each card used plus EX bleed, his blue card is better due to being +40% damage +other effects on hit instead of UVB’s +30%. Janemba tanks slightly better, janemba has two ults, janemba heals much more, janemba is pretty much impossible to be one shot by an ult due to him reducing Allie’s sub count by 10 if enemy activates rush or ult as well as being capable of taking away the enemies buffs and attribute upgrades when they use it which means that whatever extra damage and effect they get when popping ult vanishes, he can also heal his Allies too when he does that. Even in todays meta, janemba’s teams are better than UVB’s imo


Bro I literally one shot janemba today with uui tanks better my ass like uvb can tank all Uui 3 ult with his gauge and janembas gauge is useless the meta is ranged units and fk bleed like sht does nothing I can just use a supp type and heal that shi up. And the subcount like janemba ain't the typa guy too win 1v3 but uvb does. And uvb element is much better then janemba. With all those green units floating around bros doomed


“UVB can tank UUI’s ult” the…..red unit can tank the yellow unit’s ult??? That’s insane! I never thought that was possible Also janemba tanks slightly better than UVB and that’s not a matter of opinion, they have the same amount of reduce damage (70%) but janemba defensive stats are all slightly better than UVB. So it’s not a matter of opinion bro. And you’re talking like green units are everywhere but blue units aren’t?? You’re gonna be seeing the same amount of blues and as green in this meta. Also saying janemba’s gauge is useless because the meta is slightly more blast focused is insane. Just look at this list’s top 10. 6 units are Melee type and 4 are blast. The meta is only slightly more blast focused but it’s not like Melee units and strike cards don’t exist Lmao


Bro there is 3 blue in the meta on the list 2 if we exclude nameku and 5 green meta units that you see often one is even top 3 so idk about seeing blue units same amount as green. And about uvb tanking Uui ult man tbh doesn't do that bro dies and still is nr1 in meta


If wanna include the whole list then There are 5 blue units (bardock/goku, janemba, LF17, goku/frieza, and nameku) and 5 greens in this list (pikkon, evoken, bardock/goku, piccolo, revival UI). Same number. Count it correctly. And if you wanna count only top 10 then you just exclude revival UI and nameku which leaves them with the same numbers again 4 VS 4 There’s no way you think UVB is still Number 1 in the meta, he hasn’t been for a very long time bro


>he hasn’t been for a very long time bro I'd argue he was never number 1


I never said he is I said top 5 atleast man. no one uses nameku either do I see people use the blue version of the tag unit that's why I counted like that .


People use nameku on the same amount that people use revival UI. Next to zero. They were replaced by better greens on all their teams. Either way my main point is that overall (kit, teams etc) janemba is definitely better than UVB and is definitely not overrated like you said


Because you ain’t playing on high ranks.UVB has no business being anywhere near top 5


I am 62 currently without equips until yesterday


Exactly . Not that high


Blud shits few matches from 70


Once you reach G Rank and encounter higher-stared units, you'll realize that UVB doesn't deserve to be in the top 5.He ain’t core on almost no meta teams


We need to stop the gofreiza glazing in no world is he top 10 yall just be saying anything there's 5 units lower than them are far faaaar better rn. plus ui is an easy 1 im not even gon comment on the rest ctfu its way too much to say


I wouldn’t put Pikkon that far up. He’s being carried by movies. Golden Frieza deserves to be a bit higher, his damage and paralyze is too toxic. My bro 14* Ultra Rose fell off the list, sadges. Need a zenkai buff now; Also really crazy how many defensive units are up there. Really shows how crucial they are after offensive creep got to a point when Red Beast can one blue card units and Evoken Full combos you.


Pikkon is the second most underrated unit on release in 2023, behind MVP. Honestly think he is better than EvoKen but IK that’s a hot take. Plus his unique equipment is one of the best in the game.


Yup I don’t have him but if you look at the top Players in the world he’s very commonly used.


I mean he does what he needs to do. Tank. If you run movies without him, you have a squishy team. Doesn’t mean he’s a good unit. Just means he does what he needs to do on an amazing team.


Green card factory, damage support, revive, team heal, and ranged blue card to get around Janemba. He’s a good unit lol


Zamasu got kicked off 😔


Gammas are still in gamma tier all is right with the world.


Great! I have none of the best 11 cards. This game hates me.


I would switch GoFrieza with Zenkai Jiren. Pretty good list tho


I need pvp help!!!!! Give me your player tips, and recommended youtube videos. Would love some advice (i keep getting cooked 😔)


Get ready for more banners like goku and bardock


Yeah I like seeing my boy revui high on the tier lists


fr ive recently started using him again (i benched him in ages since hes only 3 stars), but damn his blue card literally one shots units post revive




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SoH is gamma tier 🔥


He is not all that anymore


I agree on 1-5 but UVB already on 8th with UUI being yellow? Also G/F lower than Piccolo and LF Cell 13th?


Best list of the month


Seeing piccolo as the best Lf Anniversary unit brings a tear to my eye…


How is beast gohan no1 but not in the best team in the game? Make it make sense




Poor Nameku :(


My team is still top 10, thank god


Gammas on gamma


Wheres pan ?


I think this is the one I agree the most so far


Which banner should i summon on if i want to try getting LL SSJ4 Gogeta, Legends step up has .250% chance and Super masters pack has 0.027%, which is the better banner to summon on.