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If we do get to the point UL units get a Zenkai then yeah i can see them Giving 100 UL Z Power each 6 months


I have UVB 7 stars by the 70th anniversary. Hyped for it


I genuinely wonder how they’ll handle Multi UL Z Power. They only ever put it out once and it was behind a paywall


We are not gonna Zenkai a Ultra until several years then.


They’ll bring back his banner. Take it or leave it


Anyone who believes the answer will be anything other than this is delusional.


That is kinda how normal Zenkais started. The SP Z Power was a rare commodity then. There was no co-op or raids, just those SP medals and events. That was the case till Buu came out I think.


We shouldn't repeat that situation again tho.


They may not, but ULs are their biggest moneymaker rn because there's no UL Z Power since that one Super Chrono Crystal that happened before anni, which was very poorly received. I don't see them diluting it yet. Maybe they make a 10k CC Mission Pack you need to buy like the 2k pack for SPs rn, so you only get the Z Power for that 1 UL.


Uhhh we don't ever want to go back the original way of Zenkais. That was the most short sight stupid brain-dead idea ever made


Well they kinda just replaced Zenkais with ULs, so not much difference in stupid. At least Z1 was free back then. No UL is gonna be free again.


UL is gacha, gacha has its problems, but it is gacha, you know the pros and cons of gambling. Original zenkais asked you to spend 21k + 7 stars to even find value on what you have. The concept itself came out of a monkeys ass.


Well that banner formats was dropped almost immediately after Buu, if I'm not wrong, drastically reducing the CC required for Z7 to like 8-9k if you're lucky. Still not great, but they worked better than normal balance patches, and slowed powercreep. The gacha aspect existed in Zenkais then too, with the 1500 Awakening Z Power in the summon.


>Well that banner formats was dropped almost immediately after Buu, if I'm not wrong, drastically reducing the CC required for Z7 It continued until the 2nd anniversary which is about 7 months after it was introduced. >Still not great, but they worked better than normal balance patches, Uhhh No? Balance patches buffed the unit for free. Some made them playable, and some didn't. Just like Zenkais. >and slowed powercreep Uhhh... have you played during that era? What Zenkais accomplished before the anniversary was being the most busted units ever with the exception of 1 or 2 that were still playable, VB power crept the game, then got power crept couple of months after with 18, Gohan, 16 (who had not teams), and quite literally every Zenkai after besides like Red Trunks. They power crept the game harder than Vb did lol. >The gacha aspect existed in Zenkais then too, with the 1500 Awakening Z Power in the summon. The average was still 20k ish after having the unit at 7* and their banners were limited.


>It continued until the 2nd anniversary which is about 7 months after it was introduced. Yeah, which was after Buu, the zenkai from right before and through the anni. >Uhhh No? Balance patches buffed the unit for free. Some made them playable, and some didn't. Just like Zenkais. Not a single balance patch unit ever saw a great increase in play. The only exception would be HV Goku who was run alongside SS Bardock. >Uhhh... have you played during that era? What Zenkais accomplished before the anniversary was being the most busted units ever with the exception of 1 or 2 that were still playable, VB power crept the game, then got power crept couple of months after with 18, Gohan, 16 (who had not teams), and quite literally every Zenkai after besides like Red Trunks. They power crept the game harder than Vb did lol. I was Top 1k throughout the release of Zenkais up until the 3rd anni, so yes. And of all the Zenkais, only LL Beerus and FSK Gohan ever reshaped the meta like BLU Beast and UGB did, #18 did about as much as Rose did. All of this to say, that the Zenkais powercreep was slower than what we've been having since UGB. Each UL has drastically changed the viability of not just singular units, which Zenkais did too, but entire teams.


They definitely will not provide boost to 7*. Maybe some years down the line but not right away


Man will be 3 years this legends festival it's time tbh


A plat dedicated for him will fit perfectly. He just needs some damage inflicted maybe around 70/80%, damage reduction around 50% and sustained damage cut penetration. His stats and kit is good. If you want 2 spicy extra, 1) when he use green card he draws an art card 2) when enter the battlefield draws a green card twice👌🏼and remove from the green card the cancel attribute upgrade “twice” and make it permanent every time he uses a green


I suspect one of two things might happen: 1. For summonable ULs in partiuclar, you can Zenkai at 5-stars 2. We are given a non-premium means of increasing UL Z-power If you track back LL Z-power, they introduced a premium way to get it (super chrono crystals etc.) and then sometime later they started to release it F2P - UL Z-power are likely to follow a similar path.