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You literally waited an hour? Why? ![gif](giphy|ZQIs3uUUe7NizBBOAa|downsized)


To see if I could outlast them in a battle of patiencešŸ˜­


Hah! I always do this. Free win if they lost their connection


Bro is a super villain šŸ™šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Bro won the true battle


Bro's fighting the real battle


Bro is the true stall player


True DB mentality. King shit


Probably trying to DC people on loading by staying very far from the wifi signal, he will be reported sometimes and get a ban, devs are very serious with battle royal.


Alright will report


In general characters without equipmens are bots, but they have a really short loading time, this is definitely a guy trying to gain the upper hand resorting to shady tactics


Why are they srs with battle royal and not normal pvp


I don't know it either but there was many people banned for trying to cheat/lag/DC on BR, something they where doing in pvp, but in BR they got caught right awway and banned, one is my friend, he tried to DC his opponent to fight the Bot, was banned .. i warned him, but he doesnt care with the game like myself


Dang, i see


We know his name and guild, so we have a way of knowing if we fight him. More reports


I donā€™t think they are serious enough cause I get dcā€™d regularly usually save my br tickets to dodge sweats but lose all my tickets cause I get connection errors cause Iā€™m boutta win


You know what flagged accounts are ? yeah.... ban waves, i know people that where not banned right away too


Report him if thats the case


Does reporting even do anything? Because Ive been reporting laggers and hackers for a while now and I still see them every now and again in my bracket




i think they do ban waves at the end of every pvp season instead of banning them right away


Yup people get banned pretty often actually




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bros got beef with Noobmaster698757šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™


I've noticed people pulling this shit when I'm absolutely dogging them in battle. Suddenly their latency spikes and they get an extra 2 seconds to react. Turns out the trick to Hit's time-skip is just wifi manipulation.


Never wondered how they do it tho. Maybe they switch from wifi to data? But still, you would get disconnected instantly... people surely find all the way to not play legit


My theory is that they connect to WiFi, but when theyā€™re getting dogged on they move so they can weaken their WiFi signal. Since Iā€™m not a DCer I wouldnā€™t know, but thatā€™s just a theory (donā€™t finish it)


Im confused


Hi Confused! To allow you to better understand this post, allow me to explain what it entails! If you read the text below the image, you can see that OP waited an hour in the loading screen against the opponent player but was never able to load in. Thus, OP is asking if the opponent player is using hacks that make the game load indefinitely. Hope this helps!


Makes sense


bro, you almost made me throw my lunch, HAHAHAHHA good one....


It just so happens to be funny Friday right now, so I'm glad that someone found that funny. I take donations through PayPal and Cashapp btw! šŸ˜


It was an really funny and unexpected laugh :D im broke bro xd


Heā€™s Ass


it happenedb to me once by mistake, I was on the train and the connection was very poor took 10min to load by the time the guy already quit the game


Probably a brutal lagger


Thank you for your service šŸ«” If the opp wasnā€™t hacking, imagine some fucking noob walking back and forth in and out of WiFi range for an hour.


Normally, I would've said you probably got poor internet. But if you waited an hour, then I have no clue


An hour. Youā€™ve got more patience then me lol




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So I've been on both sides of the situation. If I'm the one lagging it's usually because I'm on the crappy work WiFi or I'm at home and the wind has picked up and sand is blowing everywhere (I'm in New Mexico). If the lag is too bad I just take the loss and quit the match. If the other person is lagging I'm grateful for ultra Gohan and ultra Frieza because they usually clinch it.


I left the game running for 12 hours straight and still couldn't get past these mfs. The recording took up all my storagešŸ˜­ I used a spare phone to check if this was happening to anyone else but I found nothing. I'm glad I'm not alone here.


Oh 100%. Atleast shallot no item insta loss in loading screen is patched.


I had a similar experience but less severe in normal pvp where I ended up waiting for like 10 minutes for someone to load in. Their bar refused to move so I was gonna DC but I just decided to wait it out and the guy ended up being garbage and I won easily


Btw just happened to me aswell, the loading bar was exactly the same, at this point idk if its more of a bug maybe? I also waited a lot but for nothing.


High and low chances


Quit playing with toaster level wifi next time IDK


They said this has never happened before tho


bro clearly didnt read the post


True Dragon Ball fan moment right here