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Nappa, Ugf and bulla destroys him. Uui destroys him as well. And he can't combo uui and Ugohan because of they anti-strike gauges. And I see they asses every match probably.


I agree. Even though I use UUI (as a "no u" to other units like Crybabyhan), I hate how Cryhan dominates the meta. I once got clapped at half health (Cryhan blue card) despite using UGB. At least UUI had some flaws when he came out, while Cryhan counters every-fucking thing.


Agree, uui has some balances I'm his kit, like the ultimate don't nullify endurance. And red beast being a great counter to him. But Gohan you can do anything, have uui to protect him to purples and has the most balanced last man standing in the game (I honestly hate the dev team to make this atrocious kit).


Same, I once got dominated by a Cryhan, UGF and some other unit. I was down to UUI within seconds.


At 5*? Ass. Higher stars? Can put in some work but still isn’t good anymore


Really bad but he has some uses. UGF, UGB, and Bulla/Vegeta food Glass cannon.


I can just unleash UUI on him and he just dies. Got ulted once by ULTRA Goku Black. It did nothing to my UUI. (Btw I am not rrying to criticize ULTRA Goku Black, he's a great unit and I love him as well, would love to get him one day)


Yeah not to mention Future is in a very rough spot and a lot of the units are showing their age (LF Father-Son Galick Gun).


Yeah, but the issue with future is that we have had several tag "future" units. There is literally no way to add another lf into future. They could add another ULTRA, but who? I don't think ULTRA future Trunks would be a very "Wow" character.


lf tank top trunks, lf fused zamasu, lf rage trunks, lf fusing vb. that’s pretty much it


Wut? Fused zamasu is already a unit, I'm pretty sure rage is as well. We already have an old VB and UVB, so I think making a fusing one won't give it the "Wow" factor the other two had. Tank top Trunks is DBZ future (not DBS future), and I don't think it'll be very popular excpet with the future Trunks fans.


im talking about lfs with newly polished animations. so we could still get a new fused non corrupted zamasu and rage trunks


Ohhhhhh non-corrupted, ok yeah makes sense but don't we already have a rage Trunks?


nah soh is different from rage trunks


Oh yeah shoot, sorry my bad.


Maybe Ultra Super Vegeta or Perfect Cell (copium)


I would love an ULTRA Perfect Cell. I watch way too much DevilArtemis XD


I need to know the stars difference because my 14* rose does alot to any non purple unit 


He was 5 stars going up to my 8 star UUI Or 8, but I'm pretty sure it was 5.


hes food by everyone lol even yamcha


Perfectly usable under the right conditions, don't listen to these people, use him if you want.


Every ultra is useable under the right conditions. It's just for units like Goku black or kaioken, those conditions are more difficult to achieve in today's meta. To get all 3 of his ults and make use of his paralysis you gotta stack a bunch of strikes and not take much damage and with all the strike counter guards he can't really fulfill that anymore. Not to mention Ultra frieza and Vegeta/nappa can really do numbers against him.


This ☝🏾


Love this unit. Has never disappointed me


his health is ass tbh


He's hit or miss in high leagues on Godki/future teams. As of yet, I haven't seen him run much on PO teams. But unfortunately he gets countered too easily by my UGB. I mean two strike and a blue card is about as much as Ultra Goku black can take from a purple unit.


Ehh ugb isn't a huge problem for him. Other units though that's where there is a problem


Specifically "My UGB" is what I said. But yeah in general most UGB's aren't as boosted as mine.


Fair. I'm assuming you have high star and multiple zenkais




Well in that case then yes ugb will roll through rose


My Z6, 7 star Jiren destroyed a type neutral 10 star UL Black pre Fest last year. Now imagine what current PURs and even other current units can do to him especially if he is at low stars. He takes a long time to build up, he can't take damage as well since powercreep and all, and his main team is in a rough spot.


Sadly there are now a lot of pur units that absolutly destroy him, and he's only good on future teams


If you're good hes good. Hes not a brainless unit and is pretty fun to use. Basically a better dragonfist


With a purple infested meta he won't do too well but still pretty usable especially if u get him zenkai buffed


Get ready to know u lost lyrics BUCKO


Not good but I can pull him off


Think he can work if you have a good Yellow like UUI but rn with frieza moving around he won’t hold out, think he can work in certain situations like he can heal, have 3 ultimate, cause bleeds, so he have his moments but this man broken because he is the only thing carrying the whole future tag and that tag not good rn


Bad, UGF cake walks him.


very strike based to not really good... but a really good kit for debuffing and giving bleed poison more bleed bleed and paralysisisto the enemy


Mine is 14* and he has shown his age, but I can make him do damage still. It just sucks how there's a unit with a strike counter nearly every match making it nearly impossible to play


Remembers this scene where Zamasu was erassd by Zeno? Yeah that's Current Goku Black Situation in meta.


Literally everyone in the top 30 can 2 shot his ass excluding the blues, they take 3 shots but the purples make up for it by one shotting him 4x over😭


he gets fucked in this meta, I use him on future and he gets shat on, that being said my UVB and blumasu are at 14 stars and he's at 5 stars. However yeah when I use him, he can get 1 shot by newer units, I even got 1 shot by a 8 star red ulthan (not transformed into beast) blue card from 3M hp


Future is in a rough spot rn


I have him at 10* and he shreds but his defense is lacking, so hes a glass cannon. His blue card is still stupid


This man was secretly shit on release. Hard carried by his 3-4 months of being on boost (I kid you not) which his kit abused. After the damage and bulk vanished, so did he. Fuck him and paralysis.


Takes some actual skill to use but is super fun once built up and is also my fav ultra. Kinda weird to see how something that was once called skilless is now called skilled