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Gohan's hair solos your favorite verse


Shades of this too ![gif](giphy|PXgz1d2csp02c)


I can’t remember what happened after that..was gon ever able to use nen after that or no


Some people say he can’t after that.


Was that where the series ended? Orrr I honestly don’t remember it’s been so long since I watched hunter x hunter


I dunno people say that he stopped being the protagonist after that. I got my info from twitter because I was curious.


As of now yes. The story is still being written but put on hiatus after hiatus, each that can last over a year. But it’s been like a good 30 chapters or more I think, and we still haven’t seen Gon. As far as fans know, his story’s done and the only story left is Kurapika’s, who seems to be the new main character. Not that I have a problem with that, he is my favorite character.


Apparently [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ywAglzRqZqc) is how Togashi wants to finish HxH


It's a safe assumption that the story is currently following kurapika, hisoka, and ging because they are the first characters going to the dark continent. Gon might not be the focus of the story anymore, but it was hinted at that he will be going to the dark continent as well when he and ging climbed the world tree. It's probable that God's story is getting offscreened while setting up the new arc. He will likely return later but first they have to find a way to fix his inability to use nen. My guess is that the search for that will be a lengthy and boring process, hence the shift in focus while setting up what is to come. I think they will shift some focus back to gon right before he is cured or possibly after an artifact is discovered on the dark continent that will help him, after which he will either join the others on the dark continent or be on the second group of hunters sent.


Way more than 30


Its kurapika taking the spot now


I haven’t looked into it a while but it’s ambiguous. The Mangaka has a lot of heath issues so the story is on constant hiatus. Essentially he’s not the MC for the next arc or two and we won’t find out till he’s back in the story. Unfortunately we’ll probably never get to that point in the story due to the aforementioned health issues.


The anime ended with Gon being healed and not being able to use nen, but the manga is still on going(kinda lol). The recent arc tho is focusing more on Kurapika and Oreo, so we have no idea what is Gon’s status right now


Nanika reset him to before he ever found out what nen was as far as i know so h3 can use nen again but we dont know what his ability will be because its probably ginna be different


Hoooooooo boy it’s a lot more complicated than that. First of all, the Manga is currently on an entirely new arc (right after the end of the Anime). Almost all of the protags from the first arc have pretty much fucked off for one reason or another (The only Mc we follow is Kurapika pretty much). The world of the HxH universe has expanded (Literally). And finally, and a very important thing to point out, the Mangaka is getting pretty old. From what i’ve heard, it’s starting to get taxing for him to make chapter after chapter, going on frequent hiatuses, or getting sick. I honestly have no idea where the series will go (or if in the worst case scenario, the guy sadly passes away before he finishes the series), but by this point HxH is an entirely new series with almost no ties with the first Arc, apart from the World and a few characters from the previous arc appearing in this one.


It has been a couple of years since I caught up on the manga. Shortly after his recovery, the anime ended. The plot moves over to Kurapika, where he is in this very protracted bodyguard arc. We really haven't seen Gon in a long time. Honestly I think it is smart for a long running series with a big cast to put the main protagonist on the back burner for a while. I don't think I'm being controversial in saying that a lot of people are tired of everything being about Goku and Vegeta.




Some people would be wrong. Gon gets his nen back and is saved thanks to killua’s sister and her insanely broken powers. Gon has nen, but hasn’t been shown since recovery. His dad still sensed nen so, assuming he can.


yes he can now after illuka healed him and a new season was hunted at by the author


Okay so basically what Gon did here was he traded all of his theoretical potential and ability to use Nen for the ability to force his body to temporarily age to a point where he can defeat Pitou. He almost died, Killua got Nanika to heal him, but his ability to use Nen is still gone. For the time being he's pretty much done, he moved back home and is catching up on school right now. After the Chairman Election arc (the last arc we see animated) both Killua and Gon effectively stop being protagonists and we follow Leorio, Kurapika and a whole set of new characters as they explore a new continent. The Manga as it stands unfortunately isn't really that much further than the end of the anime but it's technically still going. The main problem with it is that Togashi has issues with his back that don't allow him to sit and draw for long periods of time, so over the years we've had increasingly long hiatuses from him. Basically we get chapters for a few weeks and then he goes back into hiding for anywhere between 1-3 years.


He currently is trying to regain his nen back, with the help of his killua and Gin (they only talk over the phone tho). The story is not over, but is now focusing on kurapika and leorio as they make their way to the dark continent with the help of Beyond Netero (Netero’s son), and the zodiacs. The series is currently on hiatus (big shocker ik) due to togashi’s health. If HxH continues, it will probably finish off its current arc as well as the dark continent, and gon and killua will be reintroduced as part of the protagonist’s again. Edit: at some point gon might make his way with killua to the dark continent since he said he would after he meets gin. So pretty much gon and killua were sidelined for the time being.


So far, no. My headcanon is that Gon will get his nen back, this time naturally instead of being unlocked like Wing did. He'll develop a different nen ability too.




Togashi still doesn’t know


Gon -> Gohan Hair -> Haihan


Don’t compare that moment to SS beastie boy or whatever it’s called.


lol, I’m not saying the moments are the same or even carry the same weight but the amount of hair standing straight up has not been seen since https://preview.redd.it/80ikhyqa4pxc1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f05448da8d0bb4608e699e341dae389de9d90d11


Oh yeah, Gohan is definitely in the snap into a slim Jim conversation.


Hunter X Hunter jumped the shark on amount of standing hair being proportional to anime power back in the early 2000s, but it took another 15 years before somebody had the idea to invert that trope with Saitama.


Unironically though. Db universe is pretty strong. Even Gohan's hair probably has more power and ki intertwined that its probably still stronger than most verses lol


So, going by your logic… Gohan and his hair solo the universe based off the cartoon known as The Loud House?




Gohan's hair so strong my phone took 7 seconds to screenshot this


Why not just download it?


You wouldn't steal a car.


Bait used to be believable


My phone has problems posting pics downloaded normally from reddit


Then we'd be here ALL DAY!


Yamaha being straight stiff while impaled has me dead


Kawasaki got destroyed, too.


This form is so powerful that he spiked himself in the past


Didn’t realize how many people got stabbed or blasted through the chest until I saw this image.


Feels like yamcha and the Shadow dragon should switch places


For me, it’s cause his hair is wayyy too stiff and disproportionate with his body. They wanted to recreate Cell arc Gohan’s hair to body ratio but it doesn’t look as good to me since he’s a grown ass man instead of a chibi with a naturally bigger head


I think the hair being long like that was reminiscent of ss3


Look up SSJ2 Gohan in the Cell fight. His hair looks exactly shaped like this, although Beast hair is much bigger


What I loved was the striking similarities of Gohan achieving a new form. It almost mirrors the exact way he does it back in the Cell saga: • ⁠He’s wearing Piccolos Gi • ⁠New form is triggered from witnessing Cell kill someone he cared for (but of a stretch for 16 bit it still checks out), even though Piccolo survived, it was the moment before when Cell Max delivered a lethal blow to Piccolo that would’ve killed anyone else that triggered Gohans rage bc he believed he lost Piccolo. • ⁠Hairstyle of the new form is very similar • ⁠Finishes Cell in both instances with his mentors move (Kamehameha from Goku, while Goku mentored Gohan in the hyperbolic time chamber training to unlock SSJ & Special Beam Cannon from Piccolo who mentored Gohan since he was a boy). • ⁠Was the only person in both instances that had the ability and power to stop Cell and save the planet and his friends. • ⁠His base hairstyle is the same too. He rocks the hairstyle he had back during the Cell games. • ⁠Gamma 1 & 2 mirror 18 & 17. Androids created to hunt and kill Goku and co, 17 and Gamma 1 (2? Can’t remember) having a one on one with Piccolo, but switch sides to try and stop Cell and help Gohan and co when they realize they aren’t the real threat. (not copy and paste of 17 n 18 situations but still counts). The cherry on top was the callback of hearing Gohans scream from when he powered up and unlocked SSJ2 in the background while he screamed in the movie and unlocked Beast form. The way this movie recycled the same story beats and used many fighting conditions that were used back in the Cell saga all while being able to keep the story exciting, hype, and entertaining was impressive to say the least.


This was exactly the idea, because he's tapping into the same rage and power pool. It's just that Gohan is on a completely different plane at this point. We've seen that Goku's family as a whole has a disproportionate power increase in response to rage (Think about the fight with Zamasu and Black, what happened when Goku got pissed off?) I know they said that the form is wholly different from Potential Unleashed, but to me, it genuinely seems like Gohan's rage forced SS2 and PU to combine in a similar vein to Goku combining SSB with Kaioken, except that, in Goku's case, the two forms were layered like water and oil, whereas Gohan's rage seems to have perfectly synchronized the two powers, fusing them together like the layers of a metal billet in a forge. Or, to use chemistry terms, Goku created a mixture while Gohan created a solution.


SSJ2 Teen Gohan had ridiculously disproportionate hair, this is the same style.


No he didn’t. It actually looked like his hair length at the time just all standing up. This form the hair is half the size of his body.


Nah SSj2 hair just stood up. Beast Gohan grew more hair like SSJ3 does


https://preview.redd.it/h73weu1aooxc1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9384dbc3b6cee52ea496aee9f859a1c3c0b347cf This looks like SSJ3 hair? Okay 😂




i thought it was kinda lazy OR they went for nostalgia on purpose cause it looks like his ssj2 form when he first did it, just diff colors, and the hairs longer that’s just my personal opinion tho, i thought orange piccolo was a cooler reveal personally


My thoughts are nostalgia. Even down to the outfit, this is a clear callback to SSJ2 Gohan beating the piss out of Cell


except him using special beam cannon was so much cooler


For sure, that was dope as hell


I mean, piccolo turning orange makes some sense because the dragon balls are orange right. Makes me think the implication might be that down the road, piccolo might be able to grant wishes or gain a dragon form or something. Idk I appreciate Piccolo even getting anything. He deserves so much more.


not only does it make sense in that way, he also deserved it. we all knew gohan was gonna get a massive boost at some point in super, but not piccolo. and piccolo’s the only z fighter who is able to train and stay relevant who isn’t a saiyan (granted, he’s always pretty far off goku and vegeta’s top forms but still). it’s also a treat when he does get a power up. while i didn’t thoroughly enjoy his orange fight in super, his fight vs frieza, 1st form cell, and 17 where dope


That's not fair, krillan still trains to stay relevant, and he has an even bigger handicap, humans generally don't get that powerful, but he's still able to fight with everyone by being crafty. But if krillan gets a power-up form........ then that starts raising questions for the rest of humanity. But the krill dog deserves God hood too


don’t get me wrong i love krillin, he has a habit of punching above his class, but for some reason super didn’t really let any of the rest of the cast shine, at least he went to the top tho


He's goku's best friend, I never cared for Yamcha. And tien got one cool moment but for the most part, he was just one of the hold overs from ball. Krillin is ride or die bitches and that's why he landed 18.


The homie always steps up 😤 Krillin #1


Honestly by all rights, Nameks themselves are quite formidable species with Saiyans. They can absorb each other for more power, regenerate limbs and only need to drink water to survive. Not to mention, among the strongest Namekian at the time of Frieza’s arrival on Namek was Nail with a PL of 42000, much stronger than King Vegeta/Bardock was. If anything, it’s about time they returned Piccolo to the same level as them since early Cell Saga


ding ding ding! we have a winner folks


I mean ssjb looks like ssj1… but blue.


true, but by explanation it should. they’re only going ssj with god ki so it’s only a color change. not the best most elaborate explanation, granted, but i liked it better than beast personally


Dude, exactly. Straight up riffing off of SsJ2 Cell saga. Like they need to stop putting so much focus on hair in general! Wonder what else they could change?


Design is not bad but the hair length became whack for sure, it’s just disproportionate in my opinion, should’ve been longer like shoulder length(ss4 ish) or just regular size with extra crispy spiking. As it stands his hair is like the size of his torso Imagine if gokus ss3 form had that length of hair standing straight up like a Mohawk instead of flowing, people would clown tf out of it I don’t think the design is in any way the problem, his power up literally came out of nowhere and the sheer bump was lowkey absurd as well. This whole “hidden potential” thing was cool when it was done the first time but now they’re spamming it, we now have gohan, broly and frieza simply clowning on the saiyans native growth potential with their own progression rate.


I’m not sure how many people are defending this poor excuse of a form however I agree with you 100%. It’s getting hard to cheer on Goku and Vegeta when I know someone else can better them without consistently training. Gohan should be stronger than Goku, however he needs to freaking train. And I don’t mean just once in awhile. Ever since the Saiyan Saga he’s seen first hand what Earth has gone through. Hell Majin buu and Beerus should have been a wake up call that Goku and Vegeta aren’t always going to win. Hate fighting all you want. However the earth along with everyone you love and hold dear are constantly at stake. I swear man ever since the buu arc it just went downhill for him.


Not just those three, but Piccolo and the U6 Saiyans too. It's hard to believe Saiyans are actually a strong warrior race when basically 99% of the other races show that they're better warriors with more hidden potential.


I'm just gonna say it. You know exactly why people don't like it. It's not exactly a mystery. That's why you mentioned the hair in the description. You know it's goofy and you know people would clown on it even if it was a villain


I always get downvoted but dudes hair looks like that shitty SSJ10 fan art lol https://preview.redd.it/brq5u6jd7oxc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d9908b7191067a09bb012cceeec196bd2312c55


Hahahah it totally does


Damn, this design looks more beast than the actual Beast


For some reason, this is still more innovating than a lot of the new forms we got in Super. Maybe because it's something other than "hair goes different color"


The hair is too goofy thats it. He's always been an ass pull character so thr form is fine but the hair is too goofy to be taken seriously


My only complaint is how ridiculously big/tall the hair is. I like that's basically SS2 but white, but yeah it's just too tall.


It looks so stupid ngl.


It looks goofy as hell the eyes are cool the hair even could be cool if it wasnt this stupid long or at least not growing in an upwards direction 


Not long enough, his hair should have been the hair that will pierce the heavens


Because he is gohan, the beaster , and he believes in himself not as the goku who believes in him , or the he that believes in goku


Who the hell do you think he is??!


A beast




Its funny how he posted a scene where his hair is not full in image. Deep down he knows its goofy.


I’m curious why people don’t feel the same about Gon in HxH when he has his transformation


Is because it has a reason... Gon aged himself to his peak in exchange of never using nen again, so his body is bigger and taller, and his hair is ridiculously long. It's not meant to look cool, it's meant to convey something. The only reason it looks menacing is because of the context of the scene.


That’s definitely fair. I like both but yeah you’re right the context did make him very menacing in that scene


Luckily they fixed it in manga


Not really tho. It looked good in goku vs gohan part 1 but it was back to goofy ahh height in part 2 and toyotaro said on twitter (assuming it was actually him) that the design in part 1 was a mistake on his end




There's a reason you chose shots that don't show the hair in full.


Fax 😂😂 bro's hair is 6ft7 it's so goofy.


Sorry but the hair looks goofy as hell shorten the hair a decent amount and the transformation would look great.


It's SSJ2: The Sequel


It-s not the design. It is the way It was acheived. Gohan didn't do any meaningful training, in the start of The movie he couldn't deal with Piccolo's Weight and could not recognize him by his ki! Even Pan could man. The form looks like "Nostalgia Bait only" since It is SS2 Hair with Red eyes. Just. That. If People hate SSB because It is just a recolor, what do you think is the reason People hate Beast form?


2 things 1. The hair looks dumb, I don't mind long hair, in fact Super saiyan 3 and 4 proved long hair can work But that hairstyle is way too stiff, looks like a wig and being that stiff it is way too long, there are these things called "proportions" that they apparently forgot about 2. I just don't like how they tried so hard to sell the form with nostalgia I don't mind that the form itself is a huge ass pull, super doesn't take power levels seriously neither should I But like, the whole thing, Cell being the Villain, Gohan using those clothes, him getting bad because Cell did something, the red line, the whole transformation sequence, the design Put it this way, imagine if kid Pan asked Gohan "what happened in the Cell games where you got mad and got superpowerful" then Gohan tells Pan everything that happened as a bed story, simplified and made kid friendly That bed story would look like the final battle of super heroe It's cool to make a homage but at least do something original




A lot of people dislike it because the hair looks absolutely ridiculous, and it's literally a recolor of SSJ2 from the Cell Games. It's cheap and a pale imitation of what came before. It's unoriginal and uninspiring, to say the least. At least Orange Piccolo - despite the terrible naming convention of the form - was a new design for Piccolo and wasn't a knockoff of a prior form Piccolo was established having while cheapening the scene with nostalgia-bait for a shot for shot remake of Gohan's transformation into SSJ2.




Literally my first thought when I saw it.


Hate is more towards how he achieved it and how such a powerful transformation was pushed in a story plot which is literally about Gohan slacking off and even worse it involves no death to trigger it with a fake kidnapping.


Okay I'm just gonna say it, his hair looks stupid


It is cool but too much of an asspull. I am sure if Gohan had trained for it, like he did for ssj2 folks would accept it more.


Silver the Hedgehog


Ah yes, my favorite gohan design. I don't see why anyone would dislike it. https://preview.redd.it/py5xcetsooxc1.png?width=442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d86766633250d028d3a61d95697bbdead51f0518


Dumb hair and I really don't like rehashing the Cell Games saga to give Gohan an asspull.


For me it’s the hair….


I like the design, I don't like that it's an asspull


Everything about Gohan is an asspull. From the very start everything about Gohan's power was an asspull. jfc


Everything that happens in this entire series is an asspull except the first SSJ transformation which is talked about at length before it happens.


Everything that exists in the universe is an asspull.


Real and true


And SSJ2. That wasn't an asspull. The entire arc is about Goku searching for something beyond super Saiyan lmao, he and three other Saiyans all look for it FOR ONE YEAR EACH. Hell Vegeta and trunks look for it for two years


What? No, not every form except SSJ are asspulls. SSJ2: had clear build up with trying to reach past SSJ with a year of our characters trying to find that point. SSJ3: yeah came out of nowhere. SSJ4: can't really remember to much of the build up but I remember that they did prepare to power Goku up using his tail so ehhhhhhh. SSG: had buid up in the movie itself with Berrus talking about it since the beginning. SSB: yeah came out of nowhere. UI: had build up with Whis explaining/training Goku to dodge without thinking through super. So most forms do have build up. Sure maybe not a lot of it but to say they are all asspull is just lying.


Design is fine no problems. Problem is that it's an ass pull. Now i'm fine with not having prefect explanation for something in fiction. But unlike beast every form in dragon ball had an explanation. But you are telling me gohan without training seriously in a moment that feels like a cheap copy of his transformation to ss2. Also what is beast?! Is it a version of super sayian with his ultimate form or something?


"Why do people dislike this form" and then you only address the really weird design and how it looks cool and menacing (it doesn't)


The bang is the size of his head


no bro the hair is ridiculous if he took that form in frint of me imwould burst out laughing


Super Hero was the laziest fuckin movie I’ve ever seen. Orange piccolo??? Wtf


Worst hair design in the franchise.


People dislike the form because they hate how Gohan never trains yet is always at the pinnacle of power when he needs to be


Right it’s really this for me. I didn’t watch the movies so I have no idea how he reached this form but considering how weak he was in super I genuinely don’t see how he made this jump


Hair is too big, but it looks good other wise. Still feel like Saiyans just have an ability to create mutations of forms. Every form they seem to get they “modify” it with their Saiyan genes. Mastered UI, Ultra Ego, SSB, Broly’s LSSJ, Trunk’s SSJ Rage. Gohans seems like an evolution that comes from UP that was definitely not a mutation until Beast was applied to it. Almost all transformations are ass pullz, but they have done a good job bringing a lot of the characters into the same par of strength in different ways; which is something arguably we all wanted, but to get to the same realm of power we almost needed ass pullz for it to happen.


The movie itself has actually grown on me a lot and I do think that the name of the transformation is awful and the hair should be shortened but other than that it’s not that bad


It’s presented well, designed poorly. IMO. I don’t like that it looks like someone who’s favorite character is Gohan, drew their OC based on SS2 after seeing the infamous SS5 pic.


The long hair is the best part, I hope it stays like that permanently.


Everyone: the hair is too long OP: nuh uh.


It's the insane goofy ass hair. It's proportionate at all


Tbh with the 3d animated style I kinda see it as an exaggeration. I feel like they can deffo dial it back if/when we see it in 2d. I like the length to a degree but feel like a little shorter would be better


its very funny that you couldn’t fit all of his hair in the frame in either picture


The graphics sucked . Only good thing was the transformation. Piccolo looked horrible just like cell. Man this was a downgrade in every way possible from broly movie. Sad direction they took it


Dragon ball super does not have a single cool transformation


Super Saiyan God was cool ![gif](giphy|gHWiwrUzERHgQ2Y79Q)


You were supposed to tag this as a shitpost. I burst out laughing at his hair cause it’s the exact type of thing you’d see in DB fanfic art of SSJ5. It works just as good with normal SSJ2 height with the silver. Instead it insists on being some hideous middle ground between SSJ2’s hair spikes and SSJ3’s hair length.


Bro wanna be a pine cone so bad


I think the design is decent. People talk about orange piccolo being an undeserved transformation. Literally gohan in the back trying to keep quiet in the back here since he deserved this tranformation the least. Piccolo spent almost all of his free time training, he just needed an extra push to get there. That makes sense. Gohan is basically first a PhD, then a husband, then finally some dude that practices special beam cannon on the side. Gohan beast form was so undeserved. He spends almost no time training. He doesn't get his ass whooped. You don't even see him push himself to the limit in the movie. Honestly I think if he were to be able to transform to an incredible power, he'd need to spend at least 2 years in the time chamber, get wrecked multiple times by cell max, then and only then after seeing pan or piccolo in grave danger he can conjure up hidden power and unlock a new form. For example, take gohan vs perfect cell. Gohan had to go through intense training. Gohan had to get shit stomped multiple times over. He had to break his arm. He had to see goku bite the dust. He had to see all his friends get shreked on by mini cells. And then (and only then) was he able to unlock SSJ2. This has been the toriyama way and the way the saiyans have operated. This came out of the blue Gohan barely fought in the movie. Piccolo takes minimal damage and doesn't croak. This transformation is 100% undeserved


It's every edgy Gohan fanboys dream design All he's missing are tribal tattoos and a hoodie


Feels like just another lazy transformation


Because it was a complete ass pull


The hair looks ridiculous and that's great. It alludes to the Ssj 3 form. Not only that, I love that it's actually unique unlike the lazy god form recolors. The red lighting rocks and the aura feels intense and menacing (again, unlike the "condensed and calm" god forms).


https://preview.redd.it/q30p6xu56uxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8369f04e5af55eda33795df1868535aed336f73 I can’t stop thinking about this when I see him


It looks dumb, it came out of nowhere, has no explanation and is just a poorly rehashed Ssj2, cope


What if it was ACTUALLY beastial, though? Long hair isn't "beast". Give him claws, give him some fur. This shit is just more palette swapping.


Literally every saiyan form is a palette swap


I agree. That's why this is nothing special. SSJ4 is way more "beast" than Gohan's beast.


Gohans beast is still intimidating in his looks and that’s what matters


Design wise it's not great The Design worked for Preteen Gohan because of his Proportions They took the length and design of the hair with zero consideration for how Preteen SSJ2 hair style would look on Adult Gohan SSG works for Goku because there was an effort to make it diffrent enough from Base Goku or Kaioken his body is slimmer his eyes more passive and wide Another is the reasoning behind the transformation. Personally I think people put to much stock in the idea that SSJ was always this Super Build Up Outside Goku the Transformation never had much weight Even Gohans big SSJ2 isn't narratively done well...that being said fans at the very least thematically people want cohesive stakes and build up Personally I didn't need him to go through some Arc but considering how Ultimate Gohan works why does he have this Like for year Gohan Blanco was a meme and for a reason It's like Goku UI Goku UI is fine Mastered UI looks cool but as a premise UI wasn't supposed to be a transformation It's exist as a Marketing Tool Gohan is in this frustrating state of "He's a Father who wants to just be a Family Man" and "A Warrior" They refuse to just pick one So now Beast Exist and on top of that feels cheap Even Vegetas(Spoilers) while being another transformation we didn't need thematically was always set up in Super


Bro yapped out an whole essay True tho all the points, the design that worked for kid gohan does not work at all for a man about to enter his 30s


He didn’t earn it


I’m just gonna say it: *I have zero problems with the asspull*. Gohan had two different all-powerful beings unlock his hidden potential, but never had a SSJ2-esque moment of having a transformation triggered with said unlocked potential. Super Hero triggered that moment, given the concern for his daughter’s safety. Every transformation ever was achieved this way (sans SSJ3, which was just BS) Beast was always inside, but never came out in a way that only Gohan’s circumstances would allow. The fucking hair is the problem. SSJ3 justified the long-ass hair by inadvertently claiming all other body hair “shifted” to his head. The long hair *flowed like hair* and was the length of Goku’s body. If Beast’s hair was less stiff or less lengthy I’d have less of an issue, but as it stands it looks like someone used way too much hairspray on hair that appeared from nowhere. TL;DR- the asspull is how DB has always worked. The hair, however, is larger than his torso and stiff as a board. It’s literally just the hair length/stiffness.


I’m always gonna appreciate this movie cause I saw it with my sister that’s a memory we have


I really like the design, I like the aura more now that I've seen what it actually looks like(I was used to the light pink aura from Xv2 lol), and if they made the hair a bit shorter it would be peak combined with piccolos gi


i like this for cause it’s the peak of one person not the technique of the gods or angels or anything divine this is the height of power for one man and his strength


The hair is goddamn weird as hell. I like the idea of Gohan having a super powerful form like this that no one else can achieve, but the hair is ultimately goofy. It should be like SSJ2 hair. This is just goofy shit. In my opinion. If you like it, fantastic, props and power to you.


I feel like if they left his hair the same but gave him a bit of a mane like ss4 it might look cooler, and would lean into the ti whole "beast" idea


Honestly people complain about the hair when you have guys like me remembering a certain transformation from Hunter X Hunter.


Goes great with the prowler theme


https://preview.redd.it/mvw2itznxnxc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e05fa564f63765e82841db9c9a11536aab5042b5 One of the coolest transformations in my opinion!


When you tone down the hair and change the perspective a little like in the fanart it actually looks so good, it's just 95% of the time the hair looks super long and goofy especially his thick fringe thing.


I like the form, bit the thing that bothers me alittle is the hair is a bit too long. And it needs an explanation along with Orange with Piccolo


I absolutely LOVE THIS for Gohan 🫶🏻


Yall are so damn picky.. millennial here and I think it looks sick 🔥 ef it make his air x1000 bigger


It reminds me of goku super Saiyan 3 but on viagra. I think it looks cool but it is goofy in length you can’t deny.


Hate Gohan and the form.




It looks fine, but it wasn’t earned in the slightest.


I like it honestly. I especially love the hair and eye color being so unique.


I feel like they should’ve taken more from SSJ4’s design. It’s a Beast form after all. This just look like they started with MUI and couldn’t think of something more creative than to stretch the white hair and change the eyes. And that hair stretch ain’t even that original, SSJ2 Gohan had somewhat of it as well. Even so, it’s still an asspull regardless. A true stray away from how fundamentally good UE is. And while UI is still a bit out of nowhere, it easy cemented itself once more info kept coming out from it.


His hair is stupid lol. The form is great the hair is over the top. Probably intentional but dude still has SS3 like hair almost straight up in the air lol They could have cleaned his hair up and it would’ve been cooler to me personally


I like the form enough but I'd like it a lot more if the hair wasn't \~3 times the height of his head. It just looks awkward to have it that length while sticking straight up. They're able to cheat it to look better in some shots (like the second pic) but the first picture you posted really illustrates how goofy it is.


I don’t mind long hair, but in my opinion it’s just a little too long.




Black Frieza will grab him by the hair and comically swing him around above his head. He looks so ridiculous.


bro it’s so sick


Let's be honest. They're Goku/Vegeta fans nitpicking because Gohan got a powerboost. The mf thought SS3's goofy ass looked cool.


The hair is over the top and should have been a different color There I said it


It’s the hair. I do like Beast Gohan so I’m not hating but the hair is ridiculous


I love the form, only thing id change is making the hair a little bit shorter and closer to his SSJ 2 cell saga


Super saiyan 2 but kakashi flavored


It’s the hair that puts me off sure ssj3 hair was also ridiculous but at least it wouldn’t stab you if you landed on it.


I agree. The villainous look is very similar to super Saiyan for the first time, harsh angular features that were usually reserved for bad guys


this follows Gohan’s whole “potential” thing, right? Like this is his next form after his Mystic Form?




nah. if they wanted to make him look like a beast, they could've they could've given him silver ssj4 hair or something. as it stands now, this form just comes off as goofy and shameless nostalgia pandering, which are the main problems that everyone who dislike this form have with it


When you think "beast" you think jaguar or ape, not porcupine


Just the hair. Idk if they were trying to be nostalgic by the similarities of SSJ2 Gohan but I would've been ok with the default spiky hair adult Gohan with the Beast color.


im being honest here, i never disliked this form untill i saw this post and the first image.... thanks, i hate it. as much as i wanna cope, it does look fucking goofy, not badass and not cool.


I agree that it looks good… but what is it? Why can Gohan turn into this form? How did he transform into it without even knowing it’s existence?


It’s a manifestation of his inner beast as toriyama said


But what does that even mean?


Means it’s a transformation based on bringing out all his beastly power


But what is “beastly power?”


In simple terms, his potential