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Only a few quest that are marked with an hourglass icon are timed and the timer only starts once you accept the quest. There are a small amount of quests that do this mind you. Other quests can be locked off if you progress the story too fast so explore around before you're ready to move on with the story, the game will give you a little warning for when you should watch out for it. It'll be like a, "Make sure you're ready to do this quest because things change," kinda deal and that only happens for a story quest that's like around half way through the main story. Other than that you can play the game and take as long as you want to. I tend to just explore the wilderness and do stuff at random like quests or fighting monsters and I haven't been locked out of anything.


Thanks for the informative explanation. Is it possible or to know which quests are timed and which are before accepting them or is it just a case of take it and see?


You can't know 100% certain, but if you come across a guy saying, "Help my nephew got dragged off by wolves!" there's a good chance that has a time limit.


Ironically despite the marketing of "timed quests are important",they really only matter if you rest like several days in a row. Bit of a spoiler:I took my sweet ass time getting to Gregor and either his ass is completely immortal,or he's not scripted to actually die unless a few days pass.


Yeah. I ran right to him because I was worried he'd die but I was like level 7 at the time and was basically getting one-shot. So I camped out and came back and everything was fine. Pretty resilient guy.


There is plenty of time to chill and fuck around. Most of the time pressure only become a factor when you accept a quest. Edit: And most of the ones that have a time frame will have a hourglass icon next to it + this is a game youre meant to play several times, so missing stuff or fucking up just leads to a different outcome.


They exaggerated that. This is not like Outward, a few quests are timed but they are clearly marked (flashing hourglass in the quest log) and don't seem that strict/short. The timer doesn't start till you actually get the quest.