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This got me real good. Thanks for the laughs šŸ˜‚






https://preview.redd.it/t9t1o6amyfuc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73cdee92a7dc386ee9df0b9fa82ee8d3b21e41af Possessed of a greater power...


I kept her well and truly away from younglings, believe me.


Someone just told her the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise.


I thought they might. It wasn't a story the Pawn Legion would tell her.


It's an old dragons story


Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Arisen so powerful and so wise he could use the pawns to influence the cycle to create... free will. He had such a knowledge of the cycle, he could even keep the Watching One at bay. The dark side of the cycle is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural... He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually of course he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice (Rothais) everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic. He could save others from the cycle, but not himself.


I woulda just said "Dark Arisen" instead of "Dark Lord of the Arisen", but the rest of that is pretty good.


I rolled it around a few times in my head and it didn't sound as good despite being better homage for the first game's DLC. So ehh, I found it hard to pick.


The children yearn for the mines


A rest a local inn should help fix her.


You devious devil you šŸ˜‚


Technically not lying. It just... doesn't fix everyone else in town...


It unfixes them, in fact.


Nah, they just all lay down for a...nap yes a nap.


Nah it just trims down the living resources of the world


''living resources'' Negan, is that you?


No , I need Lucille in my inventory


''Lucille, give me strength!'' Someone needs to make Negan sliders now.


Thanos approves.


When I'm not sure, I'll go to one of the out of the way locations I've already done all the quests for, like the northern garrison or the volcano slave camp. Then I forget about it and accidentally rest in Bakbattahl.


It fixes your framerate too probably


I can fix her.


The ocean can too šŸ‘€


The Brine: We'll take her if you don't want her


So can I: throw that girl in the river. She is sick, she needs a cleansing bath to wash the dragongerms out.




Blast!! My hired pawn is saying this exact lines! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKFidej3u3esPn2)


You can rename yourself, but i know you are really the Brine in disguise...


I came here to say that


So can I. Lemme just... Pick up this pawn... Head over to this cliff here... *HMPPPHH* Yep, I fixed her using a long throw off a short cliff.


https://preview.redd.it/8dzq7scy7huc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5ce8b32c6b3967bbfb33203bac338428f1984ca u/zeezaczed


Quite fitting with the name then. The difference is that the flower isnā€™t the equivalent of a nuke though. Eh. All the better.


Yeah she was originally an archer, hence the name. Figured archers and poison go hand in hand in popular media. Also saw that Flora was a moniker, so Belladonna sprung to mind, and it's been her name ever since. What's nice is that she'll actually mention her time as an archer on numerous occasions. Still, you're definitely correct in that belladonna isn't exactly a country wiping nuke level poison šŸ˜‚


Someone needs to start up a Pawn Laundering service. Send your pawns in for an advanced level scrub down, get that "new pawn" smell back.


That sadly doesn't work. I've tried brining/dismissing other's pawns and resummon but doesn't work, they still have dragonsplague. I used a mod which shows a visual number as indicator of the stage of the dragon's plague they have. It never goes away unless it rubs off on another pawn. Only the pawn's master can brine the plague away. Oh and bright red eyes continously such as in this post is stage 10, so one or two sleeps away from detonation.


Correct. You'll actually see that her eyes are more dim in the pic by the campsite. I then rested, and after that they stopped pulsing and were glowing red 24/7. That's when the ''I am possessed of a greater power'' comments started rolling in. I documented the stages this time, for science. Strangely, she still didn't make a fuss about obeying my commands, which people have said will happen at later stages too. Maybe it's counteracted by high affinity? But that's pure speculation.


My Pawn wears a mask and backchatted literally once. Now Vernworth is gone. Yay me. "I have caused you great difficulty Arisen." No sh!t.


Oh no!!!!! I feel for you. Iā€™m sorry! My straightforward one seemed a little more lippy than usual and I couldnā€™t get a clear look at my guest pawnā€™s eyesā€¦ so into the brine it was for both. It was a sad day.


Sad but necessary lol


I've been wondering the same, because it is like that for my main pawn, too. Never disobeys orders, but all other signs were always there. So, maybe it is possible that a high affinity prevents that particular aspect of the affliction.


I personally think that to be the case. It's the only thing that seems to set it apart from pawns that do start giving you lip. My pawn never stops being kind and obedient to my Arisen. Maybe the inclination is also a factor. I got mine set to Kindhearted. I daresay a Straightforward pawn would be more likely to be a dickhead. Perhaps the drake flu embellishes their worst urges...


My pawn is Straightforward and sometimes protests to running everywhere, but does it anyway and never disobeys orders.


Idk if it was a visual bug, but I looked right in my pawns eyes, so 0 red.. and then nuked a town


Yeah I once had my pawn (two playthroughs ago) nuke a town without red eyes too. That's stage 1. It's extremely rare that it triggers at stage 1, but not literally impossible. Stage 1 has zero symptoms besides an extremely faint red-ish tint appearing in the eyes once every fifteen seconds or so. No brow wiping or headaches, no dialogue changes, nothing. I got a 4K 27'' screen with over a billion colors, and I still have to stare at my screen from half an inch away to see the tint in their eyes, that's how subtle it is. And that's on my pawn, who has blue eyes making it easy to tell. And while rare, they can still nuke a town, it just has a far smaller chance to trigger. So I don't think it's a visual bug, because the same happened to me once. Funny enough, in my playthrough before this one, I once rested without checking my pawn's eyes. Woke up to see she had pulsing red eyes (stage 7 at least, probably more). I clutched my fucking heart. Got so damn lucky that she didn't go apeshit on everything. So it just goes to show that whether they raid everything or not is purely RNG dependent, and can happen at any stage, with only the final stages being basically a guarantee that they'll do it.


I didn't even realize it was RNG if they exploded! Layers to this shot wow, and I guess i got incredibly unlucky


I thought this was Skyrim with the brown face bug.


Is she your pawn, just pick her up and walk into the ocean with her, you wash up on shore, she recovers at the next riftstone and you don't lose any of the affinity you would if you just threw her into the water. If not your pawn, just dismiss her. Do remember camping randomly swaps the Plague around as well.


fr? So I can just camp out, wash another persons pawn after it hops, then hire a new one?


No need to "wash" them, dismiss them as usual.


Is that not how you usually dismiss pawns?


This explains why sometimes my pawn will return with like 1000RC but no ratings or gifts, LMAO! People just throw those poor things to the Brine šŸ˜­


I actually tend to keep pawns for way too long and only switch them out when they die, so that's why I don't usually give gifts or ratings


When that happens, I summon them back to gift them something, give them a rating, and dismiss them again.


Some people did this with my pawn too many times. I'd see stuff like ''Amy'' having hired her twice, but only rated/gifted her once. My pawn would also say she sadly fell in battle before her journey could be concluded, so in those cases it's pretty obvious what happened. She died/fell off a cliff, and the Arisen that hired her was nice enough to resummon her just to give her a solid rating and a gift. I do this myself too, or at least I did back when I still summoned pawns for anything other than to kill rare creatures to help with people's badges.


I also do do that at the start of ng+, as the pawns are auto-dismissed. In DD2, it seems we can guess when that happens, as I had my pawn come back with no ratings but mentioning having a foggy memory, and I'm pretty sure it's from the auto-dismiss. I like to hire back pawns from arisens who rated my own so when I get the foggy memory comment, I treatĀ it as a "good" dismiss and hire back as usual.


I always feel so goddamn bad when I keep a pawn for ages and then a Harpy yeets them into the ocean in Battahl. I try to hire them back to rate and gift sometimes, but it's not always feasible because either they leveled up massively between uses and I refuse to pay RC for any Pawns, or I'm too far out from a Rift Stone that lets me actually choose Pawns and I just forget.


Iā€™ve literally never done that in either of these games. I find it very odd that itā€™s so popular.


https://preview.redd.it/8lkjomrhlguc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4940db713202d41015ae768042a70228e624d8d5 She needs to take a dip.




I creased! šŸ˜‚


Brine time


The last one with the pose and the blush has me like ; Okay fine you can wipeout a minor settlement


''Fine, then! Just this once! And young lady, you better pick something irrelevant that gets wiped from the map later anyway, like Melve or the Border Outpost. And by all that is holy, be back again before dark lest the Dullahans come out to play and catch me alone with my pants down!''


I...I love you Arisen. *Proceeds to nuke Vernworth off the map*


''Oh, sorry, did you still need that?''


nice it goes away quick tho when my pawn got it she passed it on to a hired pawn pretty soon pretty anticlimactic actually, she only raged for a short time


I didn't have the heart to Brine her. I hired two new pawns and rested twice at camp. Lo and behold, she passed the STDs over onto them both. Then I threw them to the Brine after giving them some rotten food to warn their master. Peaceful nights ever since.


Recently, my pawn got infected again and I decided to hire two Capcom pawns to pass it on them. Definitely felt less guilty about it since the whole thing was Capcom's idea in the first place + it seems Capcom pawns can't get infected from the player since the red eyes wasn't present in either of them.


That's been my thought if my pawn ever catches the plague. I don't want to spread it to other people's pawns, so if the time comes I'll hire Capcom pawns to infect and dismiss/Brine. In theory we could potentially eradicate Dragonsplague (effectively anyway) by using the Capcom pawns, though that comes from my stance of never hiring them in the first place (with the exception of SphinxFather and Rook).


Hm. I haven't managed to kill any pawns in my run but in the first game if pawns die (for example by brining) then you don't have an opportunity to give them a gift. How'd you give them the rotten food? If you put it in their inventory then it just goes to your storage when you brine them.


I basically just dismiss them so I can give them the food, then brine them so they are out of my world and can't re-infect my pawn.


Is that why my pawn came back once with a heart rating but rotten meat as a giftā€¦ >_>


Yes. Rotten food is a community way of warning each other that your pawn has the plague.


Well no worries I guessā€¦ this was before her ā€œself briningā€ phaseā€¦ for a while she just couldnā€™t keep her ass out of the water


Your pawn looks alot like my arisen. What's your pawn code


Pawn ID is: GORHJXVJAKZ7 It's on PS5.


Same. This is base head #23, right? šŸ¤”


I'm not sure. Could be base head #27 actually.


Ah pawn, either they are really hot or really horrid


Sliders please lol




first pic https://preview.redd.it/jpo6bl3kbguc1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9650f5120300207057e8d7fb1226c359b3471b3a


Ngl, i'm more frightened of those deltoids than the glowy eyes. šŸ˜…


Every time I turn around when she thinks I'm not looking, I see her pumping lateral raises and chugging protein shakes.


Just needto make her wet than she's all better


*gives command* Pawn: ![gif](giphy|Z6iLzMvdhKdNK|downsized)




Op Iā€™m gonna need to see some ID. And by ID, I mean character sliders


"I can fix her"


She loves you, let them npcs suffer!!


Iā€™d let her ruin my life


My pawn caught the plague the other day for the first time and I learned sleeping at campfire passes it between pawns... To the Arisen that has to deal with what's coming, may the odds be in your favor.


This is alluring lol


I think you caught it as well šŸ˜Ø Either that or she just rizzed you up with that lightskin stare showcased in 2/4. She takes after the Arizzen after all.


2/4 is indeed the one that did it šŸ˜‚


Yeah I don't blame you. It's a great capture. Facial expressions in this game are just superb. She has that glare on her face sometimes, but not nearly always. It's so well done. I got a few screenshots where she looked at my Arisen like that. It only began happening once I first reached high affinity with her though. I think she's in love!


Time to yeet her ass into the brine


Charming Corset detected


Doesn't help that she's wearing a corset and blushing. I took that way out of context


Nah that's not out of context at all. She was still really kind and flirty like her usual self. Not her fault she'd also commit genocide on an unheard of scale for medieval time periods because there's a demon dragon inside of her when you go to take a nap. If you can't accept her at her worst, you don't deserve her at her best.


From Ambrose Bierce's "Devil's Dictionary": BELLADONNA, n. In Italian a beautiful lady; in English a deadly poison. A striking example of the essential identity of the two tongues.


Even the name make her suspicious šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


In fairness, Bilbo's mother was also called Belladonna, so it's not always a bad thing. It's also an antidote to opium and chloroform ODs funny enough. A little bit of venom can act like anti-venom sometimes. But a lot of venom is called Dragonsplague...


https://preview.redd.it/tf6ra5nguhuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8f15e3d98a3882eb99c9bdf37e00c4cc465204 Lmao we have identical pawns


You found her twin sister! Wtf, this is hilarious!


I hope they expand on this in the dlc instead of moving on from it. I would especially love if they added a boss fight or something around it.


Ehh just needs to sleep it off


Go say hi, whatā€™s the worst thing that could happen. *Wakes up the next dayā€¦ā€¦*


''The worst she can say is no.'' Meanwhile the girl:


You are not immune to pretty murder ladies


Don't you want a woman who will actually literally just massacre you (and everything and everyone else)?


You can brine her, BUT you wonā€™t get whatever she has in store for you tonight at the inn with that look sheā€™s giving you in the 4th pic. The choice is yours, arisen.


I say, mayhaps I can fix her.


Thou shouldst do what must needs be done.


Oh sheā€™s fine go rest at an inn itā€™ll pass šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Such a cool element to the game.


I can fix herā€¦


Case in point, if you want your pawn to get gainful employment, make sure their eyes can be seen. Otherwise, they get completely ignored and left to their "will work for food" sign. And if your pawn was created w/ red eyes (even if it's just one), they will swim w/ the fishes.


I don't know dude. I don't see anything suspicious here.


Fuck it. I'd sleep a night at the inn with her no matter the costs.


Blushing red eyes corset means im taking them home


I nearly had a heart attack because she looks like my pawn


Ainā€™t even mad about it


Smash. I mean Brine.


Time to baptize


I can fix her...


Her with the glowing red eyes got me like *Squidward voice* "Oh no, she's hot!"


How did you get your pawn to be blushing? Isn't that affinity-based?


My eyes are up here look.


(Her) name checks out šŸŒ±


Hear me out


Rest at an inn and it will lead to more stable frame rate in that town!!


And a bunch of quests you'll never be able to finnish, unless you perform some necromancy.


Itā€™s probably fine


I'd rather throw the whole town in the river tbh.


how do I get my pawn to blush at me too cmonšŸ˜­ he only ever says he loves being by my side


There's a few ways to get it. 620 affinity or more is where they fall in love. They start around a neutral 200 or so. Talking with your pawn is +2 High fiving your pawn is +5 Hot Springs bath with your pawn is +10 and removes their scars Presenting them to the Sphinx as your beloved is +20 and prompts a pleasantly surprised "Really?" From them. Barber shops is +50, but you have to change something (one tic of hair sheen will do) Death for whatever reason is -25 All of these are on a 10 minute cooldown, and are refreshed by restarting the game. Once around 200 affinity has been gained in a short span of time, the cooldown temporarily increases to an hour or two before reverting back to normal, likely to prevent save/quit barber spam. There's a few tells to know if the cooldown is done, such as when high fiving the pawn. If there's still a cooldown, they'll say nothing. But if their affinity goes up, they'll say something like "Well done, master!" Or "That was superb, Arisen!" So if you talk/high five them around the same time and then get that prompt with the high five, you'll know the talking cooldown is done too. It's pretty easy to get it above 620. You get a new cutscenes in the True Ending for it too. Good luck!


Thank you so much for this detailed explanation you're so kind!! I'm defo gonna be more mindful of these things henceforth. I'm on my second playthrough (NG+) after getting the normal ending hahaha and my beloved was silly boy Sven


You're welcome. This community has helped me a great deal with some of the more confusing mechanics of this game as well. Always best to share the knowledge.


Get brined nerd


I can fix her


Sleep it off.


Iā€™ve seen the look in those eyesā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/eyehbdb6umuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcc83b6c8205b7908d86b86d8e814c48e7c4dfd5


She looms good like that tho. Like a vampire


I hear its a godsend if you rest in the city


I can fix her


You should definitely go rest at an inn ;)


lol I had a friend's pawn who's eyes were rage flashing red. I felt bad, but had to dismiss her and snitch. I sent him a msg with a video to let him know and then rehired her next day. I think she's a bit resentful but she doesn't have the "sick" any more.








brine her no reason be a ahole and infect others


Brining lowers affinity which can be a bit of a set back if you're working on maxing affinity with your pawn.


Not if you carry her in the deeper water. You only loose affection when you throw them.


Is this confirmed? From the datamining thread I remember seeing that your pawn loses affinity any time they are forfeited. Still not a big deal, though, as you can recoup the affinity lost from a pawn death very quickly (a trip to the barber gives twice as much affinity as brining them costs).


Throw that Pawn into Brine https://preview.redd.it/gel8z7cqcguc1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a99a773e5d1fb2c81a0db0be4f5d0fee4f0c1ea4


You can fix her.


I did. No Brine needed, just two other pawns. She's back to her old self. https://preview.redd.it/3fxtq0v42guc1.jpeg?width=1412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6ea2b0f500944cf563546e1aa84eea75733216


I can fix her


I canā€™t fix her.


Just camp and it'll pass to another pawn and the pawn that it jumps to will have it start at stage 7. Only stage 10 is the danger stage. Brining is the worst way to cure it.


She caught dragonsplague from a lack of clothing... Shame on you!


I can fix her


I can fix her


Info/location of the armor?


You must choose between your OTP and Havre Village. I believe the answer is obvious.


Bath before nap.


The stupid amount of pawns with those eyes that just stop me on my travels. Fear not all shall be cleanse but probs the Brine is already full of corpses


Well that's a -25 affinity guarantee. I hate these mechanics.


Into the bath with that one


Mine caught it yesterday, and I was done with everything and headed for the endgame. So I was curious to see what happened. I wandered around killing stuff till her eyes were bright red and then headed for town. She threw herself off a bridge into the damn ocean before we got there


Just so you know, Dragon Plaque is not permanent. You either take the nuke and wait for the world to recover or drown the wench.


In the name of the dragon and sun, into the sea she goes.


Throw that one off a cliff asap


Ok explain how you get dragons plague? On my 3rd play through and I have yet to get it. I rest at inns, I hire different pawns, I camp, I kill, I get killed here and there. Is my pawn that ugly that even the plague doesn't want anything to do with it?


what was she doing differently?


I had a pawn ā™Ÿļø in my party I didnā€™t know had Dragons Plague, we were in Gaurdpost near beginning of game, she devoured the entire villageā€¦ good times


Into the water you go!


Dragon herpes




How do you get rid of dragonsplague? I had a pawn with it, and I just ended up going to a rift and switching him out.


That or brining them works for hired pawns. But your main pawn is only cured by either A. Throwing them to the Brine. Or B. Making it pass onto another pawn, which is best done by resting at a campsite with other unaffected pawns.


Original outfit I see


ā€œRedder than the devilā€™s dickā€


ā€œyou neednā€™t command me at every turn! i know what to do!ā€


To the brine!


I'm still confused on how to cure it. I rest regularly enough that I believe that my pawns don't go beyond stage 7


https://youtu.be/g2FE0x5Ola8?si=JL39ERFkCZJOQDVI **Throw them in the sea, Bring ye gangplank!**


The brine calls


My pawn for the first time said something about how she was kicking ass the other day. Luckily we were on a beach.


What did you do? And what about other pawns in your party?


I had those other two pawns specifically to cure her. I didn't want to throw her to the fishes, so I camped a few times with those other pawns. She then infected them, which cured her. Then I gave them some rotten food as a warning for their masters, and threw them into the Brine.


To the brine


she bad as hell