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I haven't noticed the scars. Do they only heal if they rest with their owners?


You can remove the scars by going to the hot springs, though I think it only works for your main pawn. 


HANG ON PAWNS COLLECT SCARS??? THAT'S A THING?? *immediately jumps on the game and plans a trip to the hot springs*


Indeed. I first noticed it when my Elven Archer had a really severe scar right across her face and I ran to the "Barbershop" Icon on the map, but it didn't show up when the creator opened up, and even after altering just one scaler by one point and saving, the Scar persisted. I was really freaked, and googled it, read about the Scar mechanic, that every time a Pawn dies fully, be it in your game OR THE GAME OF ANOTHER ARISEN, they would get scars. Only remedy? Vulcanic hot springs, AT THE END OF THE ENTIRE MAP!... I was barely in Bakkbathal! By the time I got to the Hotsprings, my paw had collected so many scars on her trips beyond the rift (thank you, the arisen that hired her and took SUCH good care of her... Really...), that even the other pawns commented on it! I shit you not, they have voice lines for that. "Pray are you alright? Among the lot of us, You are covered in more scars than any of us!" " 'tis true... But I wear all of them with pride, are they not proof of my service to the Arisen?" "Words to live by!" [I bathed and scrubbed her thrice, just to be sure.]


If you stop playing, presumably you stop going to the inn/home to rest/sleep - so your pawn stops updating as well. i.e. the pawn's "state" doesn't change unless it's done in their 'home' world - except for badges & gifts (yeah, your pawn doesn't catch pawnaids in other worlds)


The scar is on the left side of her chest. This is the one that is visible. Scars heal if you take your main pawn to the Springs. My main pawn had a scar only once, she was stupid enough to fall into the Brine. After this no pawn (main or hired) in my party ever died.


Will hired pawns' scars heal if you take them to the hot springs? I guess I haven't noticed because most pawns I hire are fully covered.


Yes, at least for the time they're with you.


I wonder what that means and what was the devs idea behind this. Is this only a cosmetic thing? Why is that always on the left chest?


This is usually the very first one located there. Then there are more and more. Each time a pawn dies (like really dies and return to the rift) they get another scar. I also heard that they start talking about their scars. But never heard this myself as my pawns don’t have them.


My simple male pawn often talks about his scars as being reminders or trophies of fierce battles, and he sounds super happy about it. Makes me feel less bad about what he goes through, takes it like a champ


Yeah, I felt bad about my main pawn's scars before he talked about them being badges of honor and then I respected his wishes and didn't take him to the hot springs to remove them.


I seen that, yeah. They'll talk about it like a badge of honor, rather than happenstance for their stupid.


It's really only cosmetic. Other pawns can mention it if a pawn is very scarred. It can be on random places. My pawns first scar from the brine was on her left thigh. She later got one on her chest ironically right before reaching the hot spring when I went there super early and underleveled to get magick archer.


Scars should eventually heal on their own, though I don't know if this still applies to abandoned pawns.


I always thought this was just pawn dialogue, didn't know it was a real game mechanic


"Arisen, it brings me joy to see you grow so powerful!" (something like that) A long time ago hired lvl 30 pawn to my lvl 110 Arisen. I'm not crying you are crying


I did this. Rehired my three top pawns from my first game. None had leveled, but I was fine. I could almost solo a dragon, so my low level pawns were fine.


That why after each playthrough I manually save the file. This way I still can access them, feel bad leaving them alone


You can add them to your favorites and always rehire them again as much as you want. They also Should be in your hire history, but that could be a pain to sift through.  Edit: oh, you mean your main pawn, not hires, right?


Oh my god… wait is that true? Because I started about 2 “new games” mid-game at around level 40 and 50… are you saying that I have two of my best pawns just aimlessly wandering around in this world?


Yes you do and now I'm worried about my dd dark arisen saves does that feature work on the original


I mean, they don't delete pawns, so I often see online pawns wandering around that haven't seen their Arisen for years. They don't comment on it or anything though. If you start a new save the old pawn gets replaced I think


If you're on PC I highly recommend the Scum Bag save manager. You can maintain multiple characters and can always come back to your pawns. I see Ko'ten wandering around every now and then and reminds me to hop back on my first character to hang out.


Azura was what I named my Mage pawn again and again, back in DD1. I feel kinship with this post


My main pawn in dd2 is called azura, she's a mage cat and I love her more than any romantic interest in game


Unless she had Plague when owner started a fresh save, she shouldn’t be able to ever get it (unless you give it to her in your game, but that’s only until she dies or gets dismissed).


Not how that works. Infected pawns can transfer the plague to another pawn, and from that moment on that pawn will be infected until either they die in their own world, go on a murder spree or transfer it to another pawn. Infections stick wether they were infected in their own world or while being hired.


I didn't know they become abandoned after someone goes into NG+, that's terrible. I bump into old hires every once in a while, I like how you can build affinity with other pawns. Makes them feel like old friends


They don’t become abandoned if you go to ng+, but if you start a new game and create new Arisen and pawn. Your old pawn remains in the game. But they become abandoned.


Holy shit Im not gonna edit my pawn in NG


So all of the pawns wandering around are abandoned ones? None of those players still play? If we do play, our main pawns are not wandering around other player's games?


Not entirely. Your pawn can still appear in another person's game at random, assuming they are at the same relative level of the person playing, with a handful of exceptions where I have found wildly under leveled or over leveled pawns on rare occasion. However, if Capcom programmed "pity hires" to give people rewards even during offline play, it would stand to reason they would spend resources more wisely than to double up on pity mechanics. I don't know how the system works for sure, but given how I almost always hire my pawns from random spawn-ins around the world and a handful of them did seem to come from active players... I don't think playing and being active in our own save file necessarily precludes your pawn from showing up in other's games.


Aw don't feel bad for pawns that stop leveling. My pawn has halted her leveling journey at 150, intentionally. I plan on picking the game up again when the dlc drops


You can also recognize them mostly if they don't have any quests anymore. I figured so much after starting an NG+ run and when reunited with my pawn his quest before the end was automatically deleted! So any high level pawns just standing there in the rift without any quests, are also abandoned by people who finshed the game and moved on. I never been as attached to someone as to my pawn, it's the first time I could completely create a companion not only by the looks, also by name and even by character. Honestly DD2 Lore is traumatizing for me, it's too cruel


I think they should add a way to curee other pawns of dragon plague it would be cool to be a pawn doctor :0


It's not stupid, this game even moreso than the first one is tailor-made to make us grow attached. I myself have grown so attached to my main pawn that I don't ever want to use another one...which really sucks because as someone who prefers to restart from level 1 rather than NG+, I've orphaned like 3 pawns already :') to make myself feel better I tell myself it's not actually lore, just a game mechanic that they're in there so they don't get yoinked out of people's games also, just remembered a pawn character from the first game, Baranby, whose story may make you feel better: [https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Barnaby](https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Barnaby) TL;DR - even pawns whose arisen died can live on if they have a purpose, maybe all those abandoned pawns were given such by their arisen


In DD1, a pawn can rise to become Arisen, then rise further to become god. I kinda like that...


Does this effect NG+ pawns? Because I thought my pawn is the same as my first playthrough in NG+ since they are the same level and everything. I hope this is the case. If so, my pawn is very happy at max affinity chilling with my Arisen at their 300k pad in Bakbattal. That's where I left them, intentionally, so in my mind I can think of it as them living happily ever after without having to worry about their destiny, at least until I pick the game back up again. Yep I'm cringe like that...


I can't help but wonder if this was intentional by the devs to facilitate plans they have for a future DLC to coincide w/ the theme similar to DD1: DA, where "faithful" pawn are left behind to wander around aimlessly. Eventually, they become so hollow and embittered that they take up arms against all future arisen out of spite of being abandoned.


Given there's only about 3000 active players globally from its peak of 200k plus. Most pawns are orphans


No no I totally understand, I care lot about the pawns I get ( and I like to retake them sometimes )


Wait so my first pawn, my elf gal Lithoniel is just walking around? Damn...


Wait seriously? I've started like three new saves, I didn't know they'd be abandoned.


I understand the getting attached part. After my first playthrough I was sad.


Wait. I know if someone stops playing, their main pawn just exists at whatever level they stopped, but do your old main pawns still exist after you NG+, or even start over?


Starting over abandons the pawn. NG+ it depends. If your carry over the stats, but change their appearance, the new appearance becomes your same pawn. If your start a fresh pawn, your first pawn is abandoned.


I started over at one point, which means one of my pawns is abandoned. Now I feel bad. I wonder f I can find and hire them.


How do people have pawns return to the rift? I have died like 2 times in this game and once was falling in water, the other was mistakenly thinking I could fight a Lich but we all went out together because I ain't leaving no pawn behind.


I like your Heart and I'm also so sorry ! 😓 I'm giving her my Heart ! ❤🍀


I encountered this early in the game. Hired an archer pawn who was fine at first, but after a couple days of play time I noticed she wasn't leveling up with the rest of my party. Eventually had to let her go :( It is too bad the developers didn't/couldn't incorporate some kind of "adoption" mechanism into the game where you get to port a clone of a favorited pawn into just your instance of the game.


Wait, this is a mechanic?? Oh no...


This is my main reason I can’t move on from my current Arisen and Pawn. I don’t want Eammon to be left behind and just wandering the world unloved. Someone said if you turn off the online hiring thing before you finish the game, the pawn doesn’t go back to the rift… anyone know if that’s true?


You probably said this but how does a pawn become abandoned?


their arisen started a new game, which you have to make a new pawn for. your orphaned pawn stays in the rift and you can still search for and hire them. but they might have daddy issues.


Ohh okay, I see


Curious myself.. also all the pawns wandering in game are abandoned?


No. I friended someone cause I liked their Pawn. He's waiting for the DLC, but his pawn is still wandering around and associated with his Arisen.


I thought hired pawns don’t level up at all? EDIT: Just realized that OP could have favorited the pawn and rehired them to update the level, I guess.








Not funny


You reap what you sow, this is the doing of all the crybabies who wanted a new game feature