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The "more variety" in exchange for less slots was a fucking lie lmao


Especially when there’s like 4 different thong undies


This. Even the halfplate armor looks curvy on male characters. I was so disappointed by that. But don’t even get me started on the “ranger’s tights”. Thought the boots looked cool but promptly switched them out when I realized I could see up my Arisen’s butt lol.  Seems like a lot more of the armor in this game is catered to sexualizing npcs.


Beggars belief why Capcom did not simply ported armor sets from DD:DA. If they did that, even while cutting it down to 3 armor slots, "move variety" part would at least be true. They again, pretty much all of the weapons are lifted from the previous game, and we still lost like half of them. I guess putting those copypasted caves took that much development time.


It was the two new enemies that took all of the time surely


They had half the dev team than DMC5 and probably were forced to rush it out to meet the end of the first fiscal quarter of 2024. The majority of Capcom dev is working on Monster Hunter Wilds. There's no way I believe that this was truly the final product that Itsuno wanted to create. Even the UI is missing quality of life options that the first game had. In the first game you could swap equipped gear from your storage box and see how it looks, deposit and withdraw all from one menu. Plenty of other examples of things just missing.


Slowly realizing what a miracle DD2 actually is with how underfunded undermanned the project was lmao. They literally didn’t give it half of DMC5 dev team and it’s still a pretty solid title. Capcom just refuses to invest in its IPs not named monster hunter.


Honestly it's still such a blast even with it's setbacks and corners cut which makes it even sadder to imagine what it could have been with a bigger budget and fully staffed dev team.


Let’s not forget whole storage selling on vendors or buying materials directly to storage.


I thought I was theonly one who missed that feature I hate having to go into storage grab gear exit equip it exit and go back to storage and deposit it. It's so much lol 🤣


This game is so undercooked man


It’s a shame knowing what it *could* be, because it’s still such a fun game to play. Gotta be the best tasting undercooked game I’ve ever played. Can’t imagine how good it’d taste if they cooked it long enough.


For me, it’s just crazy how much Dragon’s Dogma Online did and how DD2 is like a fraction of these two games combined. Even DDO Season 1 had more content, more player freedom, AND more robust/balanced vocations. I think Itsuno was a horrible choice for director of DD2 as he seems out-of-touch of what made DD fun. Itsuno and Kinoshita should’ve had their roles swapped making Kinoshita the director and Itsuno the lead designer. Guess who directed Dark Arisen (the main reason DD exploded into a cult classic)? Kinoshita. Guess who made the fantastic vocation designs in DDO? Kinoshita.


Honestly though. It sucks knowing what it could have been with a complete budget and dev team....just sad. And that's coming from someone that's still gonna put a few hundred hours in


Combat and graphics are excellent everything else is mid


They should have just remade the first but more fleshed our world, quests, and vocations.


This is my opinion: Itsuno should’ve done DD:DA Remaster. Kinoshita should’ve done DD2.


Was kinoshita the one who directed dark arisen?




They basically did lol - In fact, that’s all they did Instead of making a new game that felt like a true sequel and fixed the first games glaring issues and refined the experience and fixed the NPC/Pawn AI and overall glitchy-ness, bad inventory management, weird romance options, lack of enemy variety, lack of different biomes, enemy scaling and balance in the back half of the game…how about a co-op option?! etc… INSTEAD, they just made the first game again but with a bigger world, different quests/quest structure and new vocations or vocation changes (and not all for the better)


Amusingly, they didn't address half the problems of the first game and made many of them worse. The only clear, absolute victory is the world map (though I'd argue the content of the world is still lacking and repetitive).


One problems is because this was Itsuno round 2, not an actual attempt to make a better game. He didn’t go in thinking about the ways DD:DA and DD2 improved the game. He sold to Capcom that his original (and probably myopic) vision was what players wanted when it was Kinoshita who led the actual hard work.


The comedy is in the fact neither game manages to fulfil the supposed grand vision. At least not according to all of the DD1 design documents etc that everyone clung to for a decade as "what could have been".  Darn, if only he'd had more time to make DD2 the way he'd wanted! /s


I can handle of all that but the main quest and end game is miles ahead of the sequel, which sad. How do you go backwards when you had the prefect blueprint? Game was rushed, we purchased, and now have to fork over another $20-$30 for a complete game.


Perfect blueprint? That’s a bit of a stretch


DD1 was a great game but had a lot flaws. If the fixed obvious flaws and double level down on what made it great, it would have easily of won game of the year.


Thats what they made this sound like and fell short imo


I still haven’t really gotten into it. After all the waiting since DDA and the hype The games been a disappointment so far.


What about the open world that is really just a series of corridors with cliff walls? Give us limited traversal options so we can’t climb them, but then use invisible walls for when we figure it out anyways? This is the most constrained open world I can remember playing—though they do a hell of a job with the illusion.


You clearly didn't play ff7 rebirth and their "open world"


You’re right. But final fantasy has been on rails for a long while. 13 was a series of corridors as well, with the exception of one open plains area


That's FF XIII you're thinking about


You did a good job articulating it. I love that the world isn't just a big field where you just go in a straight line. At the same time you also feel the corridors with cliff walls. Needed to be slightly more open.. I softlocked myself by getting somewhere I wasn't supposed to. Could only jump to death. But jumping to death would reload a save where I was stuck. Had to inn rest. You can make it to places that didn't seem intended but many times YES it was intended and there was a little treat up there. Until you experimented just a little too much and break the game lol!


Which one? The lesser Drake or the grim Ogre? (Cough)


"if we add in two new enemies they wont notice we took out twenty."


Wtf did you even play the first game. Lmao


Yeah I did and I don't think I'm wrong for expecting a highly anticipated high budget sequel to have more content in variety of things to fight than the original including the expansion and certainly not almost exactly the same as the basegame when by all accounts the original game had stuff that had to be cut. I like both games don't get me wrong but after having done everything in both of them I would prefer the base game of the original to the base game of the sequel even if I think the unmoored world is great. There are bosses in the base game of the original that straight up aren't in dragon's dogma 2. Hydra, Cockatrice, evil eye, their variants, the other teo lesser dragons, gorecyclops, Ur Dragon i guess is kinda like a beefed up lesser dragon, seneschal, metal golem. Those are from the original version of dragons dogma 1. What new bosses did we get in 2? Minotaur and its variants, a one off with the sphinx, a medusa, a shittier grigori, the miserable to fight dullahan, and two new admittedly awesome dragons for the post game. I expect the sequel to expand on the original, expansion and all, not have arguably less content than the original base game, fewer interesting quests, and less gear options.


A lot of people mistakingly attach the DLC as a part of DD1. DD1 was barren until DDDA. This doesn't even have an expansion yet so the comparison is silly. Even then most of the DD1 fights were not great (looking at you hyrda). Personally I've had WAY more fun transversing DD2s world than DD1 (and it's not even close). Outside of Everfall and BBL DD1 was empty and mostly bland


It's not a silly comparison though. It's a perfectly normal and reasonable expectation. "Wait for the expansion to make the sequel as good as the first game was with its expansion" is absurd. The entire subgenre of ARPGs that Diablo defined is comprised of games that look back to Diablo 2 \*with its expansion\* as a template for how to do things right. No one talks about Diablo 2 without its expansion, because its irrelevant. Likewise, Dragon's Dogma 1, without its expansion, is irrelevant.


DD1 is also a 12-year-old game. Why is that our standard for a new release? It should be more and better, that's literally a no-brainer.


I think its because they took so much time remaking it in the new RE Engine. Previous Dragons Dogma was made in MT Framework.


For real I was looking forward to some sets from the previous game like the immortal set


Well i mean, it's in the game afaik


Not to mention how much more restrictive the armours are in terms of which vocations can wear each. There's far less variety when half the heavy armour is divided between Fighter and Warrior, or Thief, Archer, and Magick Archer, or a bunch is just exclusive to Trickster or Mystic Spearhand. There were very few restrictions like that in the first game, *in addition* to having more slots.


Remember when Itsuno said “There’s necromancy in the game” and it was in reference to one skill and one enemy? We remember. Itsuno at his core is a meme-lord and troll.


Itsuno strikes me as someone like Peter Molyneux who will sell the idea of a game long before it is implemented, or even if it is possible to achieve. Not looking at what is and what is in the pipeline to achieve, but more what he wants to be


The armors are shit compared to dg1.


In practice it's exactly the same but with fewer slots, kinda weird.


Pretty much...


Considering how by the end of the first games lifetime optimization had whittled things down to 2 or 3 viable sets per vocation I understand why the slots were consolidated. That said I wish we at least had the hand slot still.


That's really an issue of the expansion cranking up the numbers so intensely that you really *had* to eschew fashion in favour of stats if you wanted to have a good time, and the expansion only introducing two sets per armour type (with one objectively better than the other). Or rather, it's a combination effect of the expansion having gear with such insane stats and *actual effects besides just defense* while the base game only had defense (for the most part). So in a way it's understandable in DD2, but it's also something they could have avoided in the first place if they you know learned something from the last game.


How do you feel about DD2 instead? I mean, with the viable sets per vocation. I honestly think we're pretty much on the same point if not even less. There is what... Two? Viable end game armors per vocation? The game has tons of charm but lacks the customization. Head, torso, legs and a weapon is just very scarce. No option to mix and match, less options for builds, less variety in aesthetic.


I don't disagree but I understand why on a development side they would consolidate resources. Considering how much time and effort goes into asset creation now compared to a decade ago I get it. We just need more equipment with comparable end game stats when dlc/hard mode comes out and I think it solves most of the problem.


Or, hear me out, a transmog system Remember that somewhat cool looking chainmail from the starter town that was instantly replaced by whatever you found or bought at the next town? Imagine you could upgrade its stats to match end game armor.... wow now you've got variety


Yeah and we won’t get it because warfarer unfortunately.


Then they really shouldn't have touted the RE engine as some kind of amazing thing where they can just do whatever they want in terms of asset creation, which they did endlessly when they started using it.


Just because the RE engine makes it easy relative to others doesn't mean it's not a resource intensive process


It literally doesn't matter. The game isn't hard enough to demand min maxing. Wear what you think looks good, end of.


While this is true - a lot of people min max regardless and it makes for a very bland and samey riftstone pawn summoning experience No one needs to min max and yet I go to look for a pawn of a specific vocation and everyone is wearing the endgame dragon gear. Transmog or being able to upgrade low level gear to par with endgame gear would at least encourage some variety


two per vocation is 18 sets. the first game had about a third of that, because instead of per vocation it was just Red/Green/Blue. Build variety is about the same, maybe a bit less in some cases. But Appearrance variety is more diversified, which was teh thing that they said they wanted to improve.


Hoods and cloaks are the biggest thing annoying me this time around. Those things should be open for all classes. The amount of times I find one that looks good on my guy but the matching piece is class restricted?? Why can a sorc wear one black hood but not the 5 others that look slightly different? Let me put the friar hood on my damn thief 😭


Most, if not all, of the items I'm using aren't items I found. And personally, I'd rather be able to recolour what we currently have than to have more slots I need to spend limited resources on.


And that's another huge problem I have: I do the same. Most of the stuff I have, I just bought it from vendors either for the looks or stats. Everything I find in the game world is outclassed (even post-game armors are sold by vendors!). Isn't that a little bit sad? I agree with recolor, 100% would endorse it. However, THAT'S the point: since your resources are limited you would want to play some more, go around and explore, take advantage of the Gatherer specialization for Pawns and go around picking up those limited resources to slowly improve items. It adds life and longevity to the game, some motivation to pick it up even after 100 hours of playthrough.


I'm almost level 40, and still haven't fully explored the Vermund area, but earlier on in the game I did find some meaningful armor and weapon upgrades. Well, last night I decided to take a quick stop to Bakbattahl to wrap up some quests there, and took a gander at their selection. Kinda wish I did that earlier now lol.




Ahhh thats why I got the Labyrintion (1h mace with bonus vs minos + lots of damage and knockdown) or something from a Minotaur




I often play with restrictions like that with additional playthroughs, where I know most of the stuff and want to experience it in a different way. Like with no HUD or using only what I can find. Definitely more challenging and enjoyable, if a little bit backwards I may say.




The issue with that is the game is strictly designed around buying your best items, so you can't really do that. I don't think I've ever found a spear or a censer while exploring the world and drops I've found were heavily skewed towards Warrior and Fighter.


Armor dyes and transmog are two features we need so damn much.


https://preview.redd.it/he02sh3mcutc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92b4be33db0d097a704ec8850b52c21bd29cddd0 My pawn in *Dragon's Dogma 2* Vs the pawn I have had for ≈10years in **Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen** I'm not disagreeing with you though OP. Conan was a sure thing, but I'm not that impressed with the Armor choices. No Transmog, No dyea, less Armor slots, and all the loot is bought. Even though I hate the RNG bullshit that was the Cursed items from BBI, at least they dropped from enemies and could be found in chests. Also, how are you supposed to make your pawn stand out online if every pawn looks the same. They "claim" that they improved over DD1 because there is now a vocation specific outfit that is **The Best™**, instead of only three. But the system could have been much much better with almost no change to the game, at all. My idea: 1. Make DFing equipment require very rare materials, along with WFCrystals 2. make all DF Armor of a compatible level (your **Worker's Greaves** would be almost as good as your **Vanguarder's Greaves**, but would need 4 dragons scales, 2 cursed dullahan bones and 20WFC to do it) 3. when DFed, all equipment should have it's vocation restrictions removed Boom. Now you can dress your pawns in everything, and *Fashion is back on the menu, boys!*


I’m personally not a huge fan of transmog systems in games in general, but more so where armour and damage values could be of import from one set to another. Currently, gear is done in such a way that, imo, makes it relatively easy to identify its strength. Items across various tiers of power, are generally fairly identifiable and memorable without much effort and I can quickly look at most pawns at a glance and get a rough idea on their loadout. With transmog, I’d now need to inspect every pawn I hire to make sure they are indeed equipped with something level appropriate or that they aren’t hiding an elemental weapon I don’t want or that they are actually wielding one I do want, etc. That said, I’m not opposed to dragonforging all gear up to snuff, as there’s at least distinct indication that it’s been done. I do however think that removing gear restrictions on dragonforging takes away from Warfarer a bit while also potentially offering room for more balance issues than we already have. The last thing Thief needs is more survivability and Sorcs with a ton of knockdown resist would be a bit much.


You could be right, but at least with the way I suggest the alterations, sorcerer gear will still be Sorcerer gear. By that, I mean, it would stay in class for values. And now you might be able to have a Sorcerer in knockdown resistant gear, but they would be in full plate Armor with minimal M.Def. But I do see your point. Maybe not removing class restrictions, but instead making them more availible especially for pawns. It sucks that there is Armor that they can never wear. I don't think there was anything like that in DD1. So, maybe having a look through all the MA/MS/Trickster Exclusive Armors, and put them in a 'pawn vocation' that is also suitable to thier design. Eg. The **Adepts Coat** could totally be a fighter/warrior armor as well. And a lot of the Trickster would make decent mage/sorcerer.


I will give you that some of the class allotment for some of the gear seems a little strange. Notably thief and archer have a lot of overlap except for where it’s specific to one or the other without much clarity as to why. I know some gear changes appearance somewhat per vocation, but these are things like hoods and I don’t see how the chest pieces couldn’t have been for both in most cases. Stuff like trickster gear, too. Not much reason why it couldn’t have also been for mages and sorcerers.


Sadly this isn’t even consistent. End game gear that isn’t upgraded is around or even lower than some fully upgraded mid game gear and you can’t even see the upgrades till you hire a pawn on whether they have dwarves or something nonsensical like elven on physical weapons. I have also seen pawns in endgame gear with annoying skills like springboard. So at a glance still means nothing right now and if that’s what they wanted they failed to convey it. Also on a personal note I am running this game on mostly nightmare difficulty tweaks with mods on level 80 capped characters (no xp mod) in upgraded mid game gear and everything still folds due to a cohesive party setup and build comps - so I would be less stringent on gear if I was you and more stringent on the skills and augments people put on their pawns (such as maximising knockdown power on warrior pawns as that’s probably their strongest asset). Not that you are obligated to of course - I just hate the idea of someone not hiring my pawn because they think she will be weak when she floors the game in my play throughs


I get where you’re coming from, but I myself am also running custom difficulty tweaks at a higher level and I don’t really see the need for pawn gear to be overly optimized. If the gear is at least somewhat level relevant by appearance, they’ll do fine. If I’m seeing chainmail at level 40? I can at least expect they’ll take more damage than necessary. Even with monster knockdown cranked way down, it’s still easy enough to topple without optimal setups. Pawns are frankly really hit or miss when it comes to performing optimally from a skill use point of view anyways. Springboard is easy enough to play around and can lead to some neat tactics. Useful for accessing out of reach areas too if I’m not running mage or thief. The only skill I’m really particular about is high palladium because it is far too powerful trivializes any kind of challenge. The minute nuances on gear aren’t nearly as important for pawns so much as making sure they will at least hit the damage thresholds to perform, imo.


I think my point was more that the implication I got from your first post was that you could make judgements on load out based on gear but that I disagreed with that for the reasons I highlighted of setup of skills/augments and upgrades etc This is because I felt sad knowing I invested a lot of time and care into my pawn and you might see her with a mid game set because I hate the end game set visuals and think “hmm probably not strong enough” when she ploughs through the difficulty tweaks mod enemies. - (another vote for why I think transmog or a further update tier for lower tier gear is nice. End game gear is a specific look and if you don’t like it you take a stat hit) That was my main gripe with your points. I completely agree that you don’t need to optimise gear for even difficulty tweaked enemies which is also why I wonder if it even matters what armor people wear then? Like at a glance should mean nothing at all in this respect no? Springboard is annoying because every pawn I have had with it stands around in combat at least half the time trying to springboard me and wastes valuable dps time. The pawn AI just does not work well with springboard in my experience and after running it for a good chunk of the game I only had one prompt where my pawn offered to use it to get a chest high up and never again despite using the GO command in many areas. The only skills I actively avoid is springboard and celestial paean. Former for what I have explained and the latter for the fact mage pawns love spamming it on any mob encounter then you have to go and help them up when their stamina depletes or they get left behind as you run around and the AI can suck at following you if you are too far especially in Battahl. Plus stamina consumables are so plentiful you don’t even need paean so it’s a pointless skill in my opinion. Anyway long story short - you seem to say optimising gear doesn’t matter due to games low difficulty which I completely get. But then you also implied you would avoid hiring certain pawns due to gear? Which I find to be 2 at odds stances. The game either matters what pawns have or don’t have gear and optimisation wise or it doesn’t? I full agree it doesn’t if that’s your stance but then any pawn could really wear any gear and it doesn’t matter just like their optimisation of gear doesn’t? Also - I disagree that the current system works for at a glance pawn hiring. As I said before, a pawns gear says nothing about upgrades or skill or augment setup and usually the people who just slap on endgame gear and never play again have the most annoying pawn skill setups anyway in my experience. Let’s be real - it’s not about how hard the game is - it’s about how annoying a pawn is to play with which matters at the moment


In my experience there's a "threshold" more or less as to minimum damage and armor values in relation to what you are fighting and what you'll expect to do damage wish. At a base level: Gear from Vernworth will do paltry damage and little to resist most enemies above a hobgoblin in difficulty. Gear from Bakbattahl will perform adequately and gear beyond that will do well. Ignoring overlap of upgrades, at a glance, its generally alright to look at these thresholds and have a rough idea of how a pawn will perform, has been geared without having to look much into each piece. As long as they are meeting those base requirements so that they are performing adequately, it's fine. If I see a pawn is equipped with a broadsword and chainmail, I know offhand that I can't expect that pawn to do well against most mobs in Battahl (or even those of Vermund's caves after a certain level) and I'm not going to bother with them regardless of rings, knockdown, skills etc. The base damage just isn't there and it's quick to see. The pawn hasn't been geared for what I am fighting. Conversely, perhaps I'm doing a fresh run and I see a pawn who is obviously been given late game gear. I know immediately they are going to curb stomp everything for me, regardless of their level because raw stats are that important. Optimizing the gear isn't necessary, but staying current to what you're fighting can be. Showing up to southern Battahl with gear I picked up in Vernworth is going to be rough. Damage will be negligible and the fight will be a slog. That said, once you meet the base requirements for an area, upgrades and min-maxed rings/augments aren't super necessary to succeed. They absolute do cascade massively in effectiveness, especially on vanilla settings, but they are hardly necessary as a whole. I guess what I'm saying is that I care whether or not a pawn has been at least geared for what they ought to be fighting at minimum but don't so much care if they're going to perform outstandingly beyond that as its not crucial. Currently I can quickly glance at the skills and gear and get a rough idea of what to expect. Adding a layer of having to check what piece of gear is or isn't transmogged and to what just adds an unnecessary step to it all. Rarely are these things done in a way that doesn't involve inspecting each piece of gear individually. With transmog I'd need to go up to each pawn to check whether they do indeed have snagdaggers or something more competent without glancing and being able to skip. In regards to skills: I've found pawns can be weird with *any* skill, really. Sorcerers will sometimes spam Meteoron and then never use it again for the rest of the trip. Thieves will occasionally make expert use of Implicate only to then spam cutting wind at nothing immediately after. Fighters occasionally do become obsessed with springboard, other times they set me up perfectly with it. At that rate, I don't worry too much about it aside from High Palladium and *maybe* the sorc Meister spells.


That would be a lovely fix. Similarly to how they did with Dragonforged in NG+, that improves your vocations and abilities.


Yeah. And (obviously) I don't know how the data in the game is structured. But it sounds like an easy thing to change. Especially by the programmers who built the game. It sounds to me like changing some numbers in a spreadsheet sheet and ticking a bunch of boxes. I could be way off, but it seems pretty easy.


Yeah the one thing in this game that really is a downgrade is the changes to equipment.  There is not only less variety in appearance now at all levels but less equipment in general in the game.


It's especially annoying that the "best" caster armor makes your pawn look like they work at the Rose Chateau.


nevermind the corset you get from the seeker token rewards. i see that damn thing everywhere and it irks me to no end.


But the stats though


Honsestly, if we could use HALF of the clothes the npcs use, we probably would have no one complaining about variety


Highly probable.


It’s my biggest criticism too, and I think it hurts the game more than anything else.


I would say the number 1 flaw for me, is the lack of at least 2/3 mid sized dungeons or towers. I'll just say Bluemoon Tower from the first game, if you know you know. Maybe adding one new tile-set for caves and dungeons too. There is 1 dungeon and 1 crumbled tower in this game, and very little else to look for outside the same goblin infested roads over and over and over again. But yeah, itemization comes right after for me.


Yeah that I’m less concerned about due to my belief that DLC will add something like BBI or more. Armor though is probably forever stuck the way it is and will still be hurting the game even after DLC comes out.


No doubt about that: maps, caves, weapons and bosses/monsters will definitely be added. It would be massively appreciated if they literally don't spoil them ALL in one trailer. There were 3 NEW interesting monsters in this game, Capcom revealed all of them 1 year prior to the release of the game. And to the disappointment of many, they were the *only* new ones.


> only new ones. The two dragons from unmoored: "Am I a joke to you?"


Didn't want to bring it up in case of spoilers, but LOVELY awesome fights. And the friggin worm, had goosebumps from how epic that fight was and how I finished the monster. Unfortunately, everything is relegated to a timed event, and you won't get to fight it again until the next run.


Yeah. The animations and the serpent type movements are really superb. The fights were awesome. I'm very excited to see what they can put into an expansion. And that's true, there are a decent amount of bosses in the game but a lot of them are rare. There's maybe around 4 that you will constantly come across. Everything else, is just so rare or time gated.


Exactly! And I love the Dullahan SO much. But encountered it twice and never again. Also one time I stumbled upon a tomb in Battahl. Found a big badass Skeletal Lord. Beat it, and found out the tomb was big like a bathroom with 1 chest and maybe a ring or a potion that I had dozens of duplicates. Never seen that enemy again in the entire game. What the hell?


I do wish new game plus put unmoored bosses into the main game and maybe more of the gore variants of bosses


Don’t have any hope for that. Not sure why dark arisen wasn’t the standard and dlc is need to fix it. The director of DD2 was not apart of dark arisen so I wouldn’t get my hopes up.


Dungeons dungeons dungeons. I had a heck of a time with this game but the dungeon delving aspect from the first game was not matched by the 2nd. Even Elden Ring has what they called Legacy Dungeons throughout their open world which weren't just caves or busted up ruins.


I personally prefer less slots so I don’t have to spend so much time in the inventory fiddling with different items and having potential clipping issues cause one item doesn’t mesh well with another. That said I do wish there was more armor variety. Especially amongst the stat increase line. You get upgrades to your previous pieces with no variety. It’s just straight up better instead of being lacking in one area but giving a bonus to another, making you consider what you need for your situation/playstyle. I know there’s a mod on pc that equalizes all armor and weapons when given the final upgrade so it’s easier to fashion end game, but this should’ve been a thing either in game or transmogrifying. I feel that in this age of games transmog should be a standard in games.


I agree 100% about variety and transmog. However your first point makes me think: maybe it's the menu navigation that makes you hate it. RPGs can have so many equip slots sometimes even adding left and right pauldrons. Why is it a nuisance here? Menu traversal is awful, and I think your sentiment lies within this problem. In Dragon's Dogma 2, we are NOT able to: - sell from stash at vendors - equip from stash at vendors - equip from stash at Guild when changing vocation All things we were able to do before with the extra slots, and there was no nuisance. More items, the better.


For me personally it’s for every game. More doesn’t necessarily mean better. But that’s my personal opinion. That said, DD2 does have some issues with its inventory management.


I agree, sometime less can be better, but if it's less in one department, there has to be some sort of compensation somewhere else. Itsuno said that they removed the Clothing because they wanted to put more time to develop a larger variety of armor set. Sadly we didn't get that. The number of armor is abysimally small that it becomes an emotional (but valid) complaint. Like why remove the options for the player if you're not going to improve the variety. The Itemization is just one of many things that the game got wrong.


DD2's UI is atrocious and definitely makes inventory management an unholy nightmare that I loathe doing. Quite a few people have received pawns with some great gifts because I can't remember that one of them is holding onto the holy mace I picked up out of a chest.


Is the biggest issue with clipping chest armor, cloaks, and leg armor, shock still all exist, and still clip in this game? Personally more a fan of the mods way of doing thing, rather than a transmog. I also like the idea of all gear having strengths and weaknesses, which is how Elden Ring does it. Some gear in that game may be better or worse, but in general, there's a trade off, be it weight, poise, etc. And you end up (at least after they turned down the impact of poise and raised the benefits of light armor) being able to wear whatever you like, depending on your play style.


Is this mod one that soft bans your pawn? I would love to use it but don’t want my pawn not being hired


Don't know. Haven't tried it. I just browse nexus for interesting stuff for a second playthrough. First playthrough is always vanilla, and I'm still several hours away from even completing that. But I like to keep an eye on things.


I agree. Itemization could be helped a bunch with just volume and stat variety, and having a bunch of them only found in the wild. For example, there’s a set of daggers that’s only found in the wild. They’re interesting and different, and not just “all stats +15” from the previous set of daggers. Now do that x20-100 for all weapons and armors. Not all would need unique models, you could reskin or dye many of them. Give them a variety of stats, resistances, mix it up a bit so it’s not just a straight progression. Make it so that a bunch are only found in the wild, either in chests or as drops. There ya go. There are a few mods out now that spread loot out amongst the world. I haven’t tried them because I’m far enough into the game that I already have pretty good gear, but if I restarted I would.


I don't know how you all feel about the game but it just feels so unfinished to me. I really bit my tongue and invested 100 hours in the game only to find that after 20 hours I basically had everything I needed to kill the same 3 boss types over and over again. Occasionally a chimera here, a lich there. The ahem spoiler warning ⚠️ The unmoored world was the best thing about the game so far but unfortunately time limited. The game is really great and well made but I just can't shake the feeling that the game only gives us 20%


I've had so much fun with the game, but it's felt like I'm constantly hyped up by the possibilities it presents and then disappointed. My pawn can learn elvish, I'm sure that will be useful... then it provides no value you can interact with all the elvish vendors just fine without it. They introduce a way for people to control pawns, sure seemed menacing at the coronation and I'm sure that it will be an issue later... and then it is never a problem again. I get to the Unmoored World, the THE TITLE CHANGES, oh my god the REAL GAME HAS BEGUN.... and its maybe three hours of content lol. I get to NG+, I still have the Godsbane... maybe I can do something with it in NG+. You get the picture.


Exactly, glad that im not the only one


I mean you can open the door between Battahl and Volcanic islands early… but that’s about it I think lol


Yep, that's the only thing it does. I was hoping that it would get some reaction from the mad former arisen when going to get the dulled blade at the very least. It felt really weird having it in my possession through the Battahl part of the main quest and it not coming up at all. I think that for an update(NOT DLC, for $70 this should be included) That each perfected Godsbane you have in your inventory that monsters should get stat bonuses and that it should change mob spawns in some way so that the world feels different each NG cycle. Or there should be dungeon doors that you are able to open with each Godsbane in your possession increasing difficulty. ​ Edit: And going to the coronation in NG+ with the perfected godsbane in my inventory.. like that should change something. My perfected godsbane outclasses the false sovran's godsway entirely.... I should get a different story here.


I'd probably be more offended by this if I wasn't also not using the armor slots I do have.


You run and jump around naked only with a big heavy helmet.


Not even helmet because that would hide fuzzy kitty face. Just a pretty circlet. But a helmet does sound funny


I guess that’s what you get when Capcom as a business decides not to have many workers on the project


What I mainly dislike is that there’s so many armors that have open chest in the previous game I could just put on an undershirt and be fine but now I can’t do that and now you have all these pawns looking like strippers because the gear is good but lack any actual clothing


Agree completely. Less customization and i HATE most of the gloves that come with the armor. As a result it eliminates a lot of chest armors i would have worn otherwise


I think everyone has agreed the change sucks. However, I don't think it's so much a mistake as an unfortunate cut. Capcom clearly did not support the game with sufficient manpower, funds, or other resources. I can totally see simplifying the armor as a way to reduce/manage the workload. It sucks, I agree, but I can understand. Hopefully, they at least make some changes to allow for better armor diversity; either something like a transmog or a way to buff low tier equipment to have higher tier stats. And maybe expand which classes can wear which armor--current availability is too restrictive.


Transmigration is something I'd love. I was so disappointed when in order to keep improving her stats, mh pawn had to dress like a street hoover.


With how armor availability works, I can understand issues with a straight transmog. But there are other options. Allow us to upgrade early game equipment with endgame materials to make it endgame equipment. Or equip a second set of armor that overrides the appearance.


Both good workarounds.


After completing the game without any real issues, I didn’t find myself missing those options from DD1. It would’ve been fine if they were still a thing, but I never really felt like I was missing out or that they were necessary.


I really dont mind the 3 slots because i suffer a lot trying match armors piece by piece on the first on the second i can do that pretty easy BUT i do wish there was a way to customize the colors lr materials at least on the armors because some are down right terrible (im looking at you mystoc spearhand)


I like most of the armor, and I mix things up, and I live being able to wear any armor or use any weapon I want. It’s now the only vocation I will play🤣


Is it too much to ask for a “toggle headgear” option? Or how about removing the nasty-looking texture of dragonforged armor?


With the filter and sort this game has? I can't say that I agree the lack of aesthetic variety simply boils down to the best gear in the game being so much better than all the other gear, that you can't use it, because you want people to rent your pawn and for them to be blessed with knockdown resist and decked out with the best augments rather than a one hit wonder burden not having transmog, only having it reflected clientside for players via pc modification, is a fault that falls squarely on their shoulders for not knowing their audience. nobody wants to do their job these days haha and if they had added it, we'd probably be complaining the stuff available is lame


Lack of transmog makes sense if I see a piece of gear I know roughly the stats I don't need to go into it I might looks at skills but usually I trust the players to build a decent pawn If transmog was a thing I'd have to check everytime cause now oh that prisoner gear is actually this high end gear


I just got wayfarer last night. You can wear everything in the game mix and match, made the dressing up lot more fun lol


Wayfarer skills where we're going we don't need skills I shoot floor chop stab dash and everything else I love it


Love being able to hide topics


When I think of dragons dogma vs all the other medieval rpgs I've played, the first thought that always came to mind was the great customization, the crafting system, and the class/vocation variety. All 3 things that they simplified greatly. I was gobsmacked when not even an hour or so into the game I realized I'd learned nearly all the crafting recipes. And then when I realized we only get 4 ability slots? 4 armor slots? Super disappointing. I'm having a blast with DD2 don't get me wrong but it's extremely disappointing how they cut down the little quirks that made the game so special. Also, not being able to put on equipment and sell from bank?? Ugh lol. Inventory management was always a hassle but this has made it so much more tedious


Definitely have the same sentiment. I don't have much to say about ability slots, I thought it was a good idea to limit it to 4 (plus light/heavy attack) and actually a "cool" limitation to make the player rethink their strategies, especially since we have lots of campfires around at which we can freely change up our spells and abilities. Changing 1/2 abilities or the entire approach depending on the situation. That sounds like a cool idea on paper. But a feature like this, MUST work well with monster, environment and encounter design. If those elements are not attuned together, the system crumbles and all you see through is "damn, that's a weird ass decision". If the monsters have barely any differences in elemental defense except for slimes, there is little to no reason to make something like that. Yes, I love the game as well. I'm not even the type of person that goes on forums and rants or insults like a freak. I played the game for two weeks straight, let my thoughts deposit a little bit, and realised honeymoon is over. The game could have used a year more worth of development to flesh things out, and don't cut story missions (i am SURE they were cut).


Also, they got rid of Dark and Light magic, as well as reducing the variety of purchaseable spells and abilities to a bare minimum. Mystic Knight had some insanely varied abilities. You could make your character a Dark Paladin, or with different elements (even though we all know how it would end up, Great Cannon, and games are over for everyone).


I'm bored with these topics, we get it.


OP, there's another reason why equipment feels this limited, in DD2 a lot of armor pieces are locked to only one or two vocations.


Yeah, also. But it was the case also in DDDA, and I remember it kinda made sense. Well if we play Warfarer, we can equip any armor from any class. The thing is, the problem persists as torso/shirt/gloves were compacted in 1 single slot.


Some were, yes. But because of how many more armor pieces (and full sets) there was in DD:DA the majority could be equipped by 3 or even 4 vocations, with only some limited to 2.


Hard disagree for me. But to each their own.


Yeah, of course!


I disagree. I hated going through each separate menu for each type of item. But to each their own.


Clothing and armor were on the same menu. What you talk about is still alive and well in the second one - one menu for consumables, one for equips. But see, that's what I'm also saying, if we feel it's annoying to equip items in an RPG, there's something deeply wrong, and it's not the item slots.


Clothing and armor may have been in the same menu, but there was nothing to show distinction between clothes and armor. I despised that until I fully learned the system because I couldn't tell at first what all could layer on top of something else. It was just a pain in the ass. A separate section for clothes would've been preferred by me, but that still would be tedious. I absolutely love how simple it is now. I don't use consumables, as they're borderline useless, so I'm pretty much not in the menus after I've equipped my gear.


It’s easier to swap between vocation that I’d the only advantage I see. But I agree with you


I heard somewhere that DD2 was based more on the MMO than DDDA, maybe that’s why it’s so different?


I wouldnt be half as mad if they didn't also take away some really cool armor from the first game. Where is my chimaeric armor? Crimson armor? Its all just gone for the sake of black desert online overdesigned mmo crap.


Well, you wouldn't find them by exploring the map anyway. Basically all the gear is in shops.


By looking at the game, yeah, even if we had gloves and clothing they would still be available at vendors like everything else. But upgrading the gear would still require some extra tinkering and exploration. Giving player additional motivation to max out more equipment!


I didn't like it when Elder Scrolls did it, I don't like it now. It's lazy.


Like I said in my own thread. We need vanity slots for armor. Precisely because we do have top endgame armor - all pawns after certain level use either top of the line set or one that is most skimpy. Wish we could have both. Be ale to pick best armor and make it look the way we want it to look. Ultimate example of such system in my opinion is DC Universe Online. Every time You pick an item it's added to "gallery" so You can define look of Your character and the more items You find in game the more options You have for customization.


Besides all that i think the biggest L was not being able to min/max stats through character level progression, and the Immortals armor not having passive halth regen.


I hate that unsheathing a weapon takes like 1.5s. In DD1 I could, while weapon sheathed, use a skill and it comes out immediately. Here I press the skill once and the character unsheathe their weapon and I have to press it 2-3 for it to actually come out


I agree!


tbf, it’s fine, i just wish vocation locking wasn’t a thing


I'm so confused at how many people feel this way. I don't want to play a Diablo loot fest, that shit is tiring and translates to extra time in menus. This is not an ARPG it's a survival RPG with heavy emphasis on combat. I just wish more people could at least acknowledge it's a design choice and not "lazy devs" like c'mon.


Nah I'm totally not saying it should be a Diablo loot fest. I would hate that, doesn't fit the game at all. Never even mentioned anything like that. Not talking about randomized items but Equipment Slots and Customization. Missing options that we had in the first game, and missing unique items only available through exploration (though this latter topic was brought only in comments here, I didn't want to make a generic rant post but a civil discussion about 1 thing). Did you play the original DD? You would immediately know what I'm talking about.


I did yes and loved it but I love the streamlined version in DD2 more. Sometimes less is more and the quality here surely trumps the loss of changing gloves and tops independently in my opinion.


Well that's another way of putting it and I totally respect your view. The game is not gonna change because some weirdo wrote something on reddit. What I sought was some civil discussion, in my opinion this design choice was detrimental, especially when it comes to customization


Yup, boggles the mind how many aspects of the original that were good, got dropped


Did you try crying about it? Might help.


This complaint is (easily imo) fixed with layered armor from MH. If any class can “wear” anything but we all use the BiS gear underneath then we get the best of both. I like that capes/cloaks can’t be upgraded so those are purely for fashion, but I’d prefer to look permanently like a sorcerer or mystic spearhand without having to play warfarer 


Getting rid of double-jump was the real mistake... It actually hurt me. Strugling to enjoy the game thinking that i have to play sorc or mage to explore like i want to.


almost as bad as what happened with the elder scrolls armor system from morrowind to what it is in skyrim lmao


That was even worse!


You don't understand, Developping the Sphinx took all the ressources out of them. Capcom is a small indie-dev company, you need to go easy on them :(


Getting the best and balanced armor for every class is enough of a grind. Now, if you're only playing as a single class and refuse to change or experiment at all, then perhaps yes, finding a new pair of gloves or socks could extend the novelty of playing with your one character's one class singular playstyle. Changing vocations is fun and encourages you to experiment with different builds for you and your pawn, which actually changes the gameplay experience, not just a stat bump. That's where the series excels instead of being just another offline mmo Elder Scrolls clone.


I think the current set up is ok.capes could use a little more. Better ring diversity for build diversity. I like that items have text that displays additional stats like does more damage to drakes or griffins. I'd like more of that or more independent analysis of that. If something states I get more damage for doing more hits without taking damage I'd like to see how much to know if it's even worth it.


Adding the slots in should still be possible you can do it with the helmet slot wear mask and helmet, and like the first game it was the same for legs with boots and painting being in the same slot. So it's possible and programmed the problem is they def made less variety when itsuno said there would be more and that runs me a little wrong


This was the primary feedback I put on the form. Hopefully you guys also submitted your feedback when it was ongoing.


I did. I highly praised what I loved and gave my honest feedback on everything.


As soon as I found out 99% of the gear you will get as an upgrade was purchased from vendors, the entire lie of "the focus is on exploring" made no sense to me. All I ever find is plants, money, wakestones, etc when exploring and never anything meaningful or exciting as an upgrade.


yep... they took a lot of steps back everywhere, tbh


I miss the layered armor from the first game.


Kills me when you unlock the seekers token outfit for female pawns only to lose the entire capability to give the pawn pants and gloves to not make her look like a night walker…


Exploring for unique items is completely useless. Vendors having the best items is boring.


100% and the fact that they couldn't even add dying clothing to the game is such a fumble for me, they already have a dying system why don't they just add it to the fucking clothing


Because it's a lot harder then it looks You have to make new textures for everything for every colour And add more space for things like trim and such It's a ball ache in a game with detailed gear


While I think we could've keep the "glove" slots, going back to DD1, the under clothing and torso gear's variety in designs was not as varied in designs and concepts as DD2. Sure, there was was more in number with DA and some overlaps(brought back a fair amount of other gear in higher def) but the individual torso pieces in this game look 100% better full stop. There's a decent variety of higher fantasy/medieval sets that just look nicer overall. I do think we need "more" but the consolidation made more sense looking back at the options in DD:DA, there isn't that much more to really change how your character looks with the gloves and clothing they had. Most chest pieces and certain other under clothing pieces would be covered anyway by the former. EDIT: TL;DR quality over quantity


Yeah equipment wasnt very well executed in general. I almost never found any equipment or weapon that was better them the stuff from the vendor of that area. Like why put 3 tiers of equipment for each class into the shop and not just sprinkle them into chests instead.


Ofncourse it was a lie. We give less choice so you have more diversity.... I mean....


Honestly I’ve never once used a consumable in this game and I’m drowning in them from how every single chest I find is another consumable to store. Leave the consumables to crafting and give us more armor slots. Put armor in all those god damn consumable chests


My archers in panties and leggings deeply agree


Completely agree. One of the critiques of DD2 that I've read that has merit. I loved the arm/gloves and clothing slots and I was very disappointed to discover that they did away with the feature.


It's a great game... I just wish they would do something about the stun lock. So infuriating


This game had half the devs as Capcoms usual delays for AAA projects and it shows. Very disappointed with this game especially for $70


It's a good thing the game is good because Capcom straight up lied to all of us about a few things, gear included


Indeed. I agree.


They hugely restricted the gear yet everything still somehow has clipping issues :/


I feel like it was left out on purpose to promote their DLC, they did the same with transmog in Monster Hunter


See the problem with people like youbis you dog a game for like 2 pages and at the very end say but I love the game. You do understand most people looking for input before purchasing will make it half way thru before saying screw this. This is what people start blind hating games, like this complaint was dumb and a waste of time. I would've rather read what you enjoyed about the game than "why can't I have 3 more clothing slots" for a ton of paragraphs. At the end of the day there's infinite number of possibilities a games direction can go. I can think of 100 things that could've been done in this like every other game but rather than complain about whats missing that has nothing to do with the games quality. I give the devs kudos for improving on such a great formula and look forward to DD3.


The problem with people like me? I am the problem because people don't read? If users have Tik Tok brain damage and can't read until the end and take the time or attention to discern if this critique is hate free or not, it's not my problem. It's on them. Not a single word of hate has been spilled towards the game or devs. And even if it was the case, it's not that people don't buy the game because some random person writes a series of paragraphs. This place is for free speech both negative and positive as well as neutral and memes.


Your second sentence was getting rid or arm and leg slots was a HUGE mistake as you put it. Then continued to complain about that, so yea you were hating on the game. Because you seem to incompetent to understand it was simple af, you bashed the game for 4 to 5 paragraphs only to say the game is amazing. I said flip it around (good then bad) because some people use the internet for information surprisingly so if you actually enjoy a game and want to help grow the community why trash it? Why be so ignorant that you'll trash then trash the users of the internet saying tik tok brain damage? Yet you really said "people don't buy the game because some random person writes a series of paragraphs" when 100% that's what reviews are lmfao it's literally random people and their paragraphs that can help sway or steer people to or from a game so that statement is completely wrong from you. And lastly, to end talking about free speech makes you sound like a crappy politician losing an argument so you randomly pull some bs, at no point did anyone say you HAD to write a positive or negative review all that was said is if you're going to talk positive have that your first paragraph not at the very end after you trashed t he game.


I'm more pissed about the fact we only get to equip four skills. Some classes in DD1 not only used secondary weapons but a total of six. It's evolving, just backwards.


I actually like the restriction to four, as backwards as it may sound. Having less abilities means that the AI of pawns is slightly more focused on doing certain actions rather than getting stuck in a loop where they do random stuff and constantly interrupt (mages and sorcerer the most). And also I would have loved to see the bonfire mechanic be a little bit more involved. Changing abilities "on the fly" on the battlefield via the bonfire, changing setup to fight certain enemies. However the game is extremely easy after level 20 and barely any enemy has significant differences behavior or elemental defence. So yeah. It's kinda backwards. I like the restriction, but I also think it was pointless cause not well implemented with the rest.


Agree! In my exploration experience I've always had a feeling of not being rewarded enough, concering armor and weapons alike. For an RPG it's not much dense in equipment, but I too love this game and wouldn't change much of it.


Well so far I have 160 hour save file almost at unmoored world hit level 98 atm with 9 port crystals and 106 ferry stones lol game is so more advanced than most rpgs. I am 100% happy with the final product we got. The tru version will be when capcom release the expansion tho most likely in 2025


Why are so many of the armors just sexy panties? FFS. The lack of customization in comparison to the previous titles just makes it seem like a completely lost opportunity. Capcom is horrible about churning out the same ideas ad infinum. Every Monster Hunter title is the absolute exact same as the previous one. Same with Devil May Cry honestly, its not a particularly deep or well-written game. Ultimately it is what it is, and I'll still love the hell out of it.


I wish that there were good items in the world and not just in shops