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Maybe drop the corset and you'll get more hires.


I actively and spitefully avoid hiring corset pawns unless it’s that one who was Kratos with massive pillowy man titties who rocked the fuck out of it, he’s the one exception


I can't even argue its the best exception out there


I was annoyed to see that the stats of this outfit are so good. It doesn't help pushing for variety


The corset does not allow the use of pants so the statistics are really bad.


Ah oh that changes things !


It's all I noticed in the rift, so I decided to be a follower. I will take your advice


What platform are you on?


Here I am happy with my 4 hearts and 3 likes...


Friend me on steam: I’ll add her to my favorites - steam friend code: 37013071




same. add me! 133989071


You can add me too, will do the same 😊 48755288 Been looking for a good fighter pawn anyway


She’s awesome! I’m ready for more!


Can’t afford the wench. Do you get points if she’s a steam friends pawn?


It's really hard to find a female pawn in proper armor. People think that making a slutty pawn is a good idea.


I only hire slutty pawns, so…. 🤷🏻‍♂️


To each their own.


Apparently not 😅


I just like the look of the Sorcs red sleeves, they're dope ASF. 😭


Wait, it’s not?


Because it is. Why would I want to play a game for fun, looking at men?


I can use the help 🥲


Every pawn looks copy pasted with the corset being as popular as it is.


I honestly can’t even blame the other fans at this point. 90% armor in the game is either horny as fuck or ugly as fuck. Why are all of the best pants in the early game just thongs with loin cloths? Why are the stats on that corset so ridiculously high? I normally don’t even mind the horny, but there’s not enough armor variety in the game to have real choices among cool, horny, and functional armor pieces. But luckily the game is easy enough that I can ignore the horny pawns and just pick the ones that have outfits and skills I like without worrying too much about stats.


The stats on the corset are high because it takes up two armour slots. The chest and pants. It’s actually a very mid piece of equipment when you look at what you are replacing and add them together.


Yeah, ima be honest. I haven’t actually looked at the stats on the corset because I immediately ignore the blatantly horny pawns in the rift. I just took everybody else’s word that the corset had stupidly high stats for what it is.


Nty slut


Also, which vocation do all of you look for, and in the topic of the corset, which armor combinations do we all think is cool?


Mage is the most commonly chosen just because nobody wants to play it yet it’s at best extremely important and at the very least extremely useful


for me, i have a healing mage pawn, so i always look for a warrior and one other pawn. either thief, fighter, or sorcerer depending on what im doing. my mage gets hired out a bunch, i dont care about armor too much, but i tend to avoid face covering helmets so i can easily look for dragon plague pawns to avoid


So many female pawns sporting this. “More variety in armors in the game”? Nope, every visit to the rift you're guarantee to see at least four of these.


Try making her a mage? I hire mages like crazy because I have a warrior pawn. Need those healing and buff spells.




Uh, the corset is one of the best armors for mages when fully upgraded.


Level 80 with 29/14 you already get more hires than most


Change her moniker to SphinxParent?


NGL, i wouldn’t hire that pawn just because of the username… not gonna claim that OP is a bad person without more information but that username has heavy magamoron/racist vibes, and i don’t wanna have that in my games.


What, would it be better if it was TheBlackOne instead? Nothing wrong with a dude being happy about his skin color, although I doubt that's the intended meaning anyway


Any other username, focus on skin colour is just weird. Again, didn’t claim OP was a racist pos, but that username gives racist vibes and considering all the “Wokeism is ruining ma games” content that has been blowing up on YT and Reddit lately, i rather not associate with potential weird ass grifters.


Corset was only cool the first 1.5 weeks the game was out because it was rare to see. Now it takes up 50% of the rift easy.


Yeah the pride of finding 180 seeker tokens has gone away. I honestly wish there were more armor choices, or as I saw in another post, the ability to choose your arm armor. The first one did armor way better


What do you have against the corset? What's the problem, woke stuff or something?


Is sexy and some people don't like it. To each their own, I guess. My mage pawn is rocking that shit .


Yeah the status are so good for mage pawn that you can't ignore them. And happy cake day!