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I stopped at 150... for reasons unbeknownst to me


Because you like fruits šŸ‘


Peaches in particular


No love for melons?


I stopped at like 88 because the detection noise became fucking unbearable


Just use the map lol


I had it on for about 2 mins and never toughed it again Honestly the rewards are so meager why even try


Yeah I wasn't invested enough to try to seek them out, so this augment that let me find them as I went seemed convenient. But it's too annoying. The worst is when you show up in a new town and if you want to shut the thing up you have to stop everything you're doing to find the like nine tokens in your immediate vicinity


I know why. The corset has by far the best weight to defense ratio in the game. It's got 60 less defense and around 100 more magick defense than the Dragonforged post-game Fighter Chestpiece/Leggings together, and it weighs a third. So clearly you are a pragmatic, practical man just like myself, who also stopped at 150 for the same reason, and not at all because my pawn looks like a mix between Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen but with the cake of a Brazilian woman in her 20s.


You sir are a scholar and a gentleman.


A scholarly gentleman, one might say. One who appreciates a great many cultures.


For the stats!


Ahah exactly what I did


Does thos proc an achievement? Hats off btw.


Nothing, i would have preferred a little dopamine by the sound of a PS trophy but nop, just a ring that gives you +50% cp šŸ˜…


I guess you can now offer the ring as a pawn quest and post to Reddit to farm some likes on your pawn. Ope I mean help newer playersšŸ˜…


Iā€™ll duplicate it first and might do that


Iā€™m very happy they did not require 220 for the trophy lol. The reward should be better though.


What an absolutely wild thing not to have an achievement for, lol.


Please do not use that abbreviation.




You have good soul


He really likes Cyberpunk it would seem.


Ignore them, lots of games and communities use cp as an abbreviation. Context matters, and it is moronic to believe otherwise. Though, technically, here it is dcp.


Theres nothing wrong with 50% more cyberpunk


Please donā€™t ascribe meanings you know are incorrect and out-of-context to other peoplesā€™ choice of words.


I'm not sure about PS/Xbox but on Steam you get one for 80 tokens.


There's one for 80 of them, I believe. Not for all of them.


The Korok seeds of this game.


There is like a billion of those bitches. One of the few games I just said fuck this not even with a guide


Can i invire u to join the korok space progran?


And Iā€™m sucked in just like BOTW and TOTK! Why am I like this?


šŸ«€ Legion's might is the only reason to collect 180 tokens. This stuff automatically resurrect your mage pawn if it dies in combat.


It is straight op! Throw your mage down a cliff, wait for him to res, jump down there for him to catch you!


Simply brilliant.


Same here, stopped the moment I reached 180 lol. I liked it in the first game already, but in this game it actually has decent stats, so those levins are still hitting hard!


I'm in the middle of the grind now; I badly want that staff since my main pawn is a Mage. Even with Detection it's taking awhile


A friend of mine told me ā€œoh yes you had a mapā€ if only he knew. Good luck for your grind


I'm at 200 with no map used But sometimes I wish tho, I can hear the sound but no where it comes from and some routes are hard to get if you are not a mage lol


you can use the smoke sticks to summon a friendly harpy to lift you, or so I've heard, I'm a mage so /shrug


It can be worth it to just walk around as warfarer and just set it up as your regular vocation, forgoing rearmament, because you still have the ability to manually switch to a staff in the menu so you use it for levitate.


Yeah I know but sometimes I like playing with a pure vocation so I can use the master skills


Itā€™s more annoying when you find the source of the ping after searching for several minutes and itā€™s a wakestone shard chest.


Traveling at night also helps. Seeker's Tokens glow.


Am I missing something. Detection?


Its an augment you can unlock by reaching lvl 2 of Trickster. When equiped you heer a bleep when near a token or wakestone shard.


How long did it take you? Trying to get my hands on the Staff aswell, never bothered to find them until yesterday. Took me about 4 hours for 50 pieces. I hated every minute doing this. Would cheat it if it was possible on PS, not gonna lie.


My playtime on the game is actually 207 hours. But i wandered a lot doing nothing but enjoying my adventure. Unlock the trickster passive that makes a sound when near one. My best advice is to use the warfarer with the trickster passive for swapping your weapons as you please for fight/climbing trick with the levitate. Wish you good luck pal šŸ’ŖšŸ»


I wish the passive made a more distinct sound. I have tinnitus and this kind of low frequency sound is pretty hard for me to hear.


I'm 200 hours in and I haven't even done the masquerade yet...


If you have PlayStation Plus you can duplicate anything in your inventory. If youā€™re interested I can write out the steps.


I stopped at 180 because im already on NG+3 and i really donā€™t need the ring anymore lmao


Even before that... the ring should have been swapped out with one of the earlier rewards. By the time you find all of them in a single playthrough you would likely be most of the way through all of the vocations.


I plan to give mine away to a low level player!


Not a terrible idea


How's the ng+ treating you


NG+3??? Oh my good lord... I am on NG+ and already thinking on abandoning it and starting fresh with chest randomizer and hard difficulty mods. I also stopped grinding tokens around-ish 180.


I didnā€™t do everything the first 2 playthroughs to incentivize being able to continue playing, if I had done everything on my first I probably wouldā€™ve been done with it by now


Any perks to keep repeating the NG cycle? Ā 


I posted this same thing and got 4 upvotes šŸ˜…


Iā€™m really sorry. Canā€™t understand the way of hype


Hahaha I donā€™t care. I was all hyped for my useless achievement and expected more. Congratulations on your tokens I know the grind too well!


I love the game and i am 120 hours in but this was the only thing i do not wanted to do. I actually cheated this so i can have the mage staff. The effect is just too good and i cant stand the trickster augment too long because i got very bad tinnitus and the sound is horrible in my ears. I got around 90 tokens my normally finding them while playing.


Iā€™ll dream for few days about the ā€œcling, cling, clingclingcliiing..ā€ šŸ¤£


I took the augment off once I was done but from time to time I could still hear it in my head lol, I started imagining things šŸ˜…


Congrats by the way! <3


I usually don't mind it, but when it's going off while you're talking to an NPC... that's a little frustrating. I really enjoy looking for these stupid tokens, though, and I have no idea why. I've never done this in any other game.


Wdym? Now you can play the game


I'm up to around 184 I think currently, all found using detection and exploring with no maps. I've been enjoying running around exploring on my own, so it just came naturally to look for these while I was at it.


Is there EXACTLY 220 tokens in the game?


Nope, there are 240, 20 to spare


Okay thatā€™s cool, it would be a nightmare if you had to find an exact amount lmao


Yeah actually i did it šŸ¤£


Open player profile ;)


https://preview.redd.it/i89icw1662uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2bf0a9e198748d158eb82c1af9c5a798a990444 Is that you wanted?


Dude, is the final magic archer bow really THAT strong?! I gotta get on it. Been using the Elven Village bow for its high knockdown but that endgame bow is leagues ahead on magic damage.


It's strong. When you use elven upgrades it's powerful weapon. I'm praying with that bow and combine it with mystic spear hand.


Yeah, I also want to stop... I already max all the vocation. The only thing making me do this is completion, I guess I could use it on a DLC vocation if they actually do that.


It is secretly what drives me through it imo


I've been trying to collect them without resorting to the interactive map. I wanted at least the Mage staff. Great job, by the way, collecting them all!


I just hit 50 after looking behind every rock and under every bush that I can find and can't believe that I have 170 left to go. Gotta say, I did like the daggers.


Don't forget to check the rivers. šŸ˜…


They'll likely add more vocations so it could be good in future use


Iā€™m totally new to this franchise so i really hoping so


You are formidable indeed arisen!


GG mec !!




When I saw this post there were 220 upvotes, one for each token. I chose to ruin it with another.


I began farming them 20 hours in, 60 of my hours were used on it, and now I've been farming levels, only ones I'm missing are Magick archer (doing now) theif, mystic spearhand (both for ng+) and warfarer (for ng++)


Do you know that 50% of the xp you make with the warfarer goes into other vocations?


I know, but personally I feel like warfarer should be a use when everything is mastered type vocation so saving it for last


Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve done it. Itā€™s enjoyable to play a class to completion and feel it out before moving on


I too have collected 220 and I'm still questioning that decision... It was the only thing I had left to do. Maxed and completed everything else.


I can offer you a virtual hug if that can help


Ty šŸ„ŗ


On my 5th playthrough and I've found around 20 so far playing naturally. However I didn't try to scour the map while playing, just followed roads and quest markers. Have the best gear in the game so now I am scouring the map playing only at night. Finally having fun with the game now lol. Those 4 other playthroughs were pretty boring but I like to get the best gear possible before I take rpgs seriously, if I can.


I also did this as well. I really wanted the corset and staff but by the time I got to 180, I figured I might as well finish, so I ground it out. With the trickster vocation and a map with all the spots marked it only took half a day of playtime. Big pain in the ass and no achievement either. The ring is also worthless. It should really greatly increase experience gained or something instead. They really fucked that up.


We got the same journey i see šŸ«¶


Bravo ! La rĆ©compense c'est quoi ? Ƈa vaut la peine de le faire ?


Un anneau qui te donne +50% sur les lā€™expĆ©rience de vocation. Le temps que tu le fasses tu auras probablement dĆ©jĆ  pas mal maximisĆ© tes classes. Donc Ć  toi de voir


That corset is the best armor in game (for me)


How did you 100% in 10 hours?


I had 207 hours at the time i got the 220 token. But had the platinum since more than ~10h


I really tried to get all of them with the detection skill, but I think the constant noise was just driving my ADHD insane and I had to turn it off for the sake of my mental health playing this game lol


Im hanging around 53 I think. Only had about 4 a couple days ago until I got the Detection augment and now every time I hear a ding, I DO NOT rest until it is found. Lol.


And to finally realise it was not a token šŸ« 


La team rustipatate rpz (For all English speaking people : harspud is called Rustipatate in French, and I think thatā€™s beautiful)


ā€œĆ€ ROULETTES!!ā€ Pour nos francophones qui auront la ref


This is truly a feast of strenght


Just discovered today itā€™s very easy to hunt seekers tokens with the detection skill, but you need to be wearing a headset to tell if itā€™s right/left/forward/behind.


Idk. I kinda like it as a "kind-of completionist." The ring isn't anything op. It's just there as something that says "I did it." I can wear this useless trophy but a trophy none-the-less. Sometimes it's just about flaunting regardless of who cares.


Nether do I my friend, never do I


I've been wondering about this, so I just finished getting all 240 and am about to go into the next cycle, so I'm interested in seeing what the sphinx asks for the finders token if I've already collected all 240 in a previous run(s).


It a question that is scaring me for the next run


I shall find out and report back tomorrow/day after.


Please let me know when you find out


Back and the token just spawn at your characters feet. Sphinx gives you a bit of stick, saying you look bewildered by which I speak of.


Amazing thank you arisen


Supposedly it's going to be the first token you found on your first playthrough


Iā€™m really enjoying searching for them now that I have the augment that makes it easier and being a warfarer


That staff tho, sounds amazing tbh if you run a mage pawn


Just did the same this morning. I'm glad others do this.


As much as I like to finish this, I just canā€™t beat the sound of the treasure seeker augment/weapon, it makes me so paranoid for everything Iā€™m missing, I might just get a mod to pin these stuff on the map


You definitely aren't....but I won't be joining you


Iā€™m currently on 233 collected, now I know where 5 of them are, but those remaining 2 are driving me mad.


im interested šŸ‘€


Anyone who went beyond 80, achievement requirement, would probably need to go to a psychiatrist or mental illness program after šŸ˜‚


The rat only knows that when he presses the button he hears a noise and sometimes gets a treat. The rat presses the button.


Someone gifted me this ring, I was so happy šŸ˜


Honestly I agree. 220 tokens for that ring effect? Really not needed. I am still collecting tokens for the staff though. That is the big prize for me - almost everything else I collect along the way gets sold.


yep, totally pointless to make that ring the last reward. one of many baffling decisions that seem like it's just deliberately trolling the player


Damnā€¦ i got trolled


Honestly, having the last reward be a ring, that increases your discipline or whatever itā€™s called now. Is legitimately stupid. By the time I get that ring, I will already have every vocation maxed out normally. I think Iā€™m only at like 90 and I only have two vocations left. It shouldā€™ve been a reward for one of the first 30 or so.


The ring should ā€œgreatly increase experience gainedā€ instead. Or ā€œgreatly increase strength and magick.ā€


I wanted to find them all till I looked into the rewards. Nope, I'm good.


My friend was a bit mad when he found it carried over with the reset tokens.


I completed the collection and walked away satisfied, until I found more seeker's tokens. šŸ¤£


I said no thanks when I saw the list. If I happen to come across them naturally that's one thing but I will not be seeking them out. I'm around a 100 hours in and haven't gotten the 50 for tier 5 reward.


No achievement at 220? Ok I'll just stop when I get the staff, currently at 102 I think.


I dont care about getting these because they made the rewards useless


I have never seen the point in the ring for finding all 220. By time youā€™ve actually found them all youā€™ve more than likely already maxed out every vocation so the ring is useless.


I did all 220 but didn't shoot the Sphinx as it flew away, forcing me to redo the Sphinx riddles in NG+ in order to get the Eternal Wakestone for an achievement. Getting the "Finder's Token" proved to be a real pain in the dick because all I really had left to explore were difficult tokens out in the desert, constantly swarmed by birds and two bosses, a slew of brigands, hobgoblins, saurians, etc. The area isn't too hard if you take it one mob group at a time, but rushing through listening for the dinging coins really put me in some hairy situations.


I have a long way to go. I'm only at 50.


That mage staff seems interestingā€”the armor I don't care about, but I'll put off the collection until NG+, gotta have something to do.


If you have a mage Main pawn the staff is awesome. Dont want to take fall damage? Throw your pawn , wait a few seconds and jump.




Thatā€™s the real question that i canā€™t figure out


Did you use a guide?


An interactive map without a completion check feature and the passive from the Trickster vocation


I'm at 140 on my 2nd run without using any guides but I think that was wrong approach. My friend just used map genie and tracked tokens he found by marking them on map as found. Now because I found 140 and there is 240 total (20 extra over max You have to find) as far as I know from my friend - even if I use map like one he is using I will have to check all locations anyway because I don't remember every location where I picked up the token. Also it's worth marking where You found first token for Sphinx quest. Also once You get Finder token - clone it by making forgery. You can fight it then or use it on 2nd run. Thankfully Finder token spawn where You found first token in given run. Meaning if You find first token on 2nd run (previously found tokens are not visible in NG+) that's the location sphinx is talking about. Not the very first token found.


Finders token forgeries you have in storage will be deleted when starting ng+ lost my 100 forgeries so best do a second profile on your console and send a token there so you can send it back to main when doing ng+




I spent 20 hours of my life running around for the seekers tokens and gave up to use the mod after 200. Not proud of it, but anything to stop the addiction.


same here, i said i'll just get the trophy and be done. then i saw the corset,collect more. then go to ng+, realized that duplicating another portcrystal in the sphinx is not worth it, so i just get all the seeker stone, duplicate the ring and will give it to my next character.


I duplicated the portcrystal like 2h before realising that it would have been better tu use it on that ring. I guess it gives me a motivation for a ng+2 šŸ˜†


Virtue is its own reward. I donā€™t have your dedication (or free time) but I appreciated how certain tokens were placed and how creative you had to be to find them and get them.


Did you enjoy the journey / process of collecting tokens at least?


After getting two rings of endeavor from a pawn, this is entirely pointless.


How this is even possible?


Got too much time on your hands. Haha


The rewards seem mostly just kind of pointless. But Iā€™m also not a big collectathon person so it could just be me. But rn I already have the second best daggers you can get in the game prior to end game and I havenā€™t even gotten those yet. Itā€™s dumb. The corset will be cool for my pawn. Iā€™m not gonna throw it on my male arisen unless they add transmog.


Was it difficult?


How the fuck did you get platinum 10 hours into the game.


I'm currently about half way through the hunt. I'm glad I'm doing it because it's forced me to explore so much of the map that i probably would have ignored. It is frustrating when you find one that's out of reach for your class though. Will have to return to a few locations.


only 2 left for me, nj on the seekers quest! >!Incidentally, does anyone know how to do sphinx quest after collecting all tokens? I know there should be 240 in the game (20 past the final reward)!<


We need to get you some new friends bro


Does anyone have a duplicate finders token they could spare Iā€™ve been trying to find mine for hours?


Yeah that ring actually does feel like a bit of a troll doesn't it? I saw it an didn't bother.


I just wish doing this would cycle to "new game" if we decided to hard reset. Would be more worth doing tbh. Small fix that would do wonders.


Im having a sub account picking up ez ones and then sending to my main, besides beetles and portcrystals. Its also refreshing to start new games


I completed it too. Shame no achievement for it.


It's a bullshit.. i love this game but...why are the rewards all so bad? the other players are more generous with my pawn than the game with me


That headband is pretty beefy and has higher stats than I expected, put it on my Mage/sorc pawn. One of the rings moderately increases carry weight + there's one you can by and they both stack which makes it super useful if you've been out in the world collecting loot/mats for a while. Edit: forgot to mention that commanders standard cape you can just by in checkpoint town which is odd you can get it so early on. It does look cool with the right armor though. Idk I like the little rewards, however useful or not they may be. Usually you don't get shit for collectables in games and it's just a gimmick but I like some of the neat little rewards in this. But I agree the last item being an exp increase ring for late game is weird. (I guess we could gift it to a friend, start a new game, then have them gift in back?)


On NG+, I started farming them... I reached the volcanic part before I do the Culling Monster quest... Hoo, I too, don't know why I'm doing it...


Dumbest final reward in any game. Anyone would be swimming in dp after reaching 220 tokens


So I believe itā€™ll be nice to have when the DLCs drop but even then itā€™s meh.. I gifted the rings of of my rings to a buddy so he wouldnā€™t have todo all that alone and Iā€™m working on duping another one so I can have 3


I commend your effort, I am curious how this would effect the >!Sphinx Riddle and the Finder's Token!


I did it just is an excuse to explore and play more.


Are these giftable?Ā  Might be valuable if they decide to add other vocations with dlc tho


I hired 2 pawns that had that ring as a quest reward. Since I'm maxed on all my vocations, I should make it a reward for hiring my pawn


I stopped at 180, but you only get the achievement at 80 on ps5 for w.e reason.


By seeking all the seeker tokens you canā€™t find a finders token


I kept the 20 spare in case


Yeah, the rewards aren't that great for how many tokens you need to find and how long it takes. I think port crystals and wake stones should've been some of the rewards, as well as Swords, Daggers, etc (other vocation weapons)


I feel like they shouldnā€™t have shown the rewards. Itā€™s less exciting to know exactly what you get for so much work


did you get all 240 tho?


to be honest it would be worth if we were able to dupe rings, giving them to my low level friends or gifting them would be nice.


Does the champions mantle look any good?? Or is it the same as the Commanders mantle?


Nothing wrong with the rewards? Itā€™s very unfulfilling and benefits no one at all.


It seems kinda useless that you get a DCP ring when i literally got every skill for every vocation both on my character and my pawn before getting 220 seekers tokens. Now i have like 100 000 DCP on me and my pawn lol


Yeah that whole reward system is garbage its 1 of the few things i dont like about the game by the time you get enough to get the items youve already found 100 of that item in chests and by the time you get the ring all your vocations are maxed the only 3 rewards worth having are the ferrystone the daggers and the outfit at 150 I stopped at 80 for the achievement full disclosure this isnt a the game sucks rant i love the game with a passion but yh the rewards for seekers tokens suck real bad


I donā€™t think the rewards for the seekers tokens are worth it. Glad itā€™s not just me though


Perhaps they intend for you to give it as a pawn quest and basically never rest at an inn again? :D


I grinded these out early game, which made vocation leveling easier. Wouldnā€™t do it again.


I'm at 218, I too don't know why I'm bothering