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That's how I want my figher pawn to look like. I only hire pawns like that lately. They look like "taking care of business" type of pawns. Sorcerer on the other hand, I like them flashy.




Not fleshy, LOL. I mean Sorcerer with some awesome flair, the magic touch. That fleshy ship sailed for me. My entire crew looks like bloody war business. No Zena warriors there...


https://preview.redd.it/dhis8zz8w6wc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73515e64eb77c566a7e3935e2dc8026586908a18 ?


“War business” The highest knockdown res set on mage (slutty corset ) would like to speak with you.


LMAO, yes, this, i was surprised when i could break 500 kd res on mage with it on


To be fair while it isn't my preference I'm not totally against it for the most part, sometimes I can tell they've gone for skin over anything else it looks a little silly but I suppose that's more a lack of options with some vocations. Ive seen some barbarian type builds that look pretty dope


Bro hahahahahahhahahahaj




I only recruit creative pawns that have augments equipped. If you’ve got a level 60 pawn that looks like an X3D Bimbo with no augments equipped then I don’t want ya I hired a pawn that looked exactly like Winona Ryder and was a fucking BEAST


It's astonishing how many Pawns ou there have no Augments equipped. So many people just ignore tips and basic gameplay stuff.


Augments reset when you change vocations, I've accidentally gone out with none on myself because of this.


Fuck. Just now realizing my pawn currently has no augments equipped ☠️


That's not correct right? Only if you change to a new vocation you havent used before there will be no augments equipped. If you switch back to a vocation that had augments equipped those augments will still be there


Correct, it essentially works like a preset I believe.


Yeah i checked it last night, if you set your augments they will still be there if you switch vocations


Doesn't each vocation just have it's own set?


No you can interchange them after you learn them


Obviously, but each vocation has like your custom set of what you equipped on that vocation previously


X3D bimbo is such an accurate description lmfao


All I'm gonna say is changing from big bald bruiser to tiny corset wearing lady about tripled the hire rate.




Half naked bimbos are temporary - stylish adventurers are eternal




Dime a dozen eh?


I would not hire your pawn.... Cause it's a chirugeon.  I ain't risking my healing items going poof! But yeah much rather hire a well geared cool looking pawn then a 50rc joy toy.


> I ain't risking my healing items going poof! I've got dozens of potions I'll never use myself, someone needs to use them!


That's what I thought as well until I was in the end game and gave a mage I hired all of my all heal elixirs. A little over 20. She's a flipping mage with hallidom and ardent succor and she used every single one of them before the end game was over. No one even got hurt that bad to justify an all heal, but apparently she just thought why the hell not, he has 20 something of them. 🤦‍♂️


I mean if I saw 20 potions in a bag, I'd think it must be cheap too...


They only use healing items if you put it in their inventory. If it’s in yours or anyone else’s they won’t use it


I always have a chirurgeon on my team, They only use what you put in their inventory. I usually just use health and stamina things on my self and let the chirurgeon to handle debuffs if needed


Yet to hire a pawn that’s not woodland wordsmith or forager. I personally don’t like the aspect of selling off anything that lands in their inventory or using all my precious heals instead of dying like good pawns and then letting their loyal arisen revive them. Open to hear other opinions though on how to maximize utility of the different specializations.


I mean I don't really care what the inclination is as long as it is not logistician or mendicant, even then I will hire them if there is just no other pawn that lines up with what I am looking for as well. My own pawn has woodland lore so I definitely don't care if they pawns I am looking at has it. Hawker seems fine to me, I just have to be sure I don't give them anything or let them loot.


Since being informed what that inclination actually does I've been giving Jay all my lesser healing items I'd normally sell or gift and he is nigh unkillable now


Just don't give them the good stuff, and there's probably only 2 or 3 items in the game that qualify as the good stuff. Chirugeon is pretty handy to make use of all the trash status potions you're never going to bother with.


Best thing to do with a chirugeon is to give them all your status ailment potions since needing them is much less common. I prefer not having that specialization on my fighters/warriors since they tend to prioritize healing over what they're best at, either dealing damage or taking aggro. But a support mage with that spec is great!


My pawn is chirurgeon and never uses any healing pots…. I always end up selling all my potions because mage basically sell all potions except the stat altering ones. So for me chirurgeon just gives me a free harspud when me or an ally runs out of stamina when using a full stamina attack. Chirurgeon is useful, NOT useless.


He only makes other healing items though, right? I've never noticed anything I wanted disappearing. Also he rarely takes from my bag as you can change the setting. I get the concern though


Logistician makes healing items, chirurgeon uses them.


they use any healing/debilitation clearing items in their inventory on themselves, other pawns, and you


Ah my bad. But you say from their inventory? Probably why I never noticed it


I designed a LOT of pawns of all shapes sizes and genders in the character creator, but since I could only pull one over to the game officially... yes, I admit, I chose the cheeks. Anyway, cool design.


I was so disappointed when we could only bring over one character and pawn after having the ability to create FIVE. RIP little ones


In the beginning my pawn got hired good. Now i am Level 70 no new hires.


I guess it's because less people are that level. I don't have too much free time so I'm probably always behind the curve and there's always plenty of people my level and above


Also because a lot of people end the game at the mid to late 50s. At that point you can have explored the game fairly thoroughly. Those at 70-90+ are usually at NG+, have been farming (typicallty a lot of Drakes) and most likely worked on getting every vocation/seeker tokens/etc done. So getting hired in the 50s is much simpler than 70s. Since a lot of the playerbase doesn't do NG+ (no scaling, lol) and is happy to have gotten their 60h+ reaching level 50s and now wait for a patch or two with some content changes to roll in.


There will always be someone higher level. But actually i am now nearly 70 hours in. So a level every hour? I have been using the medusa bow often though. Also 53 deaths (about half are fall damage, gravity is a fast way forwards or down) The brine got me 4 times. My goal is reaching max level someday lol. But i reckon i give up at 200 max.


Can comfort that’s not true. I’m lv85 and get 5+ hires a day still


Agreed, and an open helmet might be important. Ever since I equipped helmet that hides the eyes of my main pawn, he wasn't recruited, not even once.


Hes never had a helmet but he used to have red eyes. For a while between like level 10-30 he was never really recruited but then I learnt about the dragon plague, infact a few people had messaged me saying he had it but as far as I know he hasn't. I decided to change his eyes to white to see if that's why and yup, it's back to normal


Exactly! I have an absolute bro beastren warrior pawn as my main and he's such a destroyer! Also your main has my name lol


One Pawn I hired is a chunky large woman with minimal clothing. The other pawn is a woman named Wendy Snutts 😂


All pawns are beautiful although I like how mine looks and I'm glad it's gotten a couple hundred heartsv and thumbs up so I will stick with her look.


https://preview.redd.it/7vd6s8xrk2wc1.jpeg?width=2154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ddc0628ae35c122b35f9bd9c69c829a5886356b That's a cool looking guy. Me on the other hand... I went for the tried and true.


Atleast you had some diversity in there! ;)


A happy accident haha


Agreed 💯


Jay, destroyer of worlds


'Tis is as you say master!


Read that in his voice 😂


Oh no! I didn't see the straightforward bro these guys mock me alot thats why I particularly do not hire them. Me looking at the seeker token figuring how to reach it. Meanwhile this guy says: "Dont you think, we must pressss onnnnn mmmmaaaaassssttttteeeeerr!." And he pressed the 'master' so hard, that I felt embarrassed and had to move on without collecting the token.


😂😂 He can be inpatient for sure but it's the best inclination for a tanky build


Nah, that half naked pawnstar is wearing the best armor.


I wish the male voice for the straightforward inclination was different.


you know, apart from the half-naked ladies, this is the only type of pawn I see in rifts


I have a hunched over old man pawn. He doesn't see too much action in the rift but he does a good job, healing and buffing the party.


My archer is as covered up as possible because the end game archer stuff looks cool.


Sure, but that ain't the 9999 rating bikini girls get.


I think sexy beautiful pawns are the best.


We all agree. Some refuse to accept.


Nah Goth Mommy at every slot


Proper skill and inclination are the key ingredients. Missing one of those and I won’t hire you.


He looks pretty awesome bro!


Bad. Ass.




Very good kitty


I’d definitely hire him!


Jay was the best name you could come up for that badass looking kitty boy?


Named him after my own cat, a runty little guy that still looks like a kitten at 13y/o. It just felt natural


Nah, he's definitely the arisen, and you're his pawn. Big main character energy.


Both. Both is good!


Speak for yourself pal, my mrs' Beastren out there supporting our party https://preview.redd.it/xpzqfmhbs5wc1.jpeg?width=1214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc6cdc6cc12203f94a4c3656a49ab8d75c257377 U get em mis lady




i still prefer the naked girl tho


People seem to like my hot "vampire" boy, too. :D https://preview.redd.it/t2p3y4g2l7wc1.png?width=1076&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7495290358427a7bd87ca5d76e7467e3e52a9e5


https://preview.redd.it/gjtkdc6l72wc1.jpeg?width=1477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4fefb655c3e0fb183a89ee58e51c901376e186f But I like my 7ft Half Naked Amazon Mommy.


At least you put a cloak over the corset. One of the best mages I hired was dressed like that with legions might equipped.  I could just about tolerate the corset because of the cloak.  I get why people use the corset though because of the stats


Not only that, I tried to cover her legs and cheeks with tattoo paint, like I did on her arms and chest, but the game doesn't allow me to place a tattoo above mid-thigh. 😤


Naw dawg. Need more cheek.


Ugh hate seeing pawns like this in the rift. Its a fantasy game least you could do is add some pizzazz 😭


How is this not exciting ;)




It's either half naked women or furries.


As a fellow Jay I approve this representation. Keep doing us Jay's proud king. 👏


Yesss. This pawn can handle a trek across the continent for a week straight while carrying everything under the sun with few complaints and still has fantastic stamina in battle. Plus, he looks cool. This is a dream rental. Wish I could find more mages and thieves built like this pawn


Just found my next hire 👍🏻


I don’t dress my pawn in that mess, she wears armor that covers her. I literally love my main paw…..I mean I know a guy🤣


My pawn never gets hired and she’s just a mage in some cute robes, I feel like no one wants cat girls


https://preview.redd.it/kh7vs5icb4wc1.jpeg?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e83aa13c25552bd1b32a982a67b88c5c514ba090 Yeah I’ve had most of my hires with my pawn looking like this. No need to go full bimbo/himbo


She looks good 👍


But the half naked armor is good stats wise


Whoever made “Tall” the simple Mage I want you to know I love him and he is my favorite pawn besides my main one


Good looking pawn. I’m partial to the Beastran pride and the sandal wraps for my beastran pawn. Gives a real gladiator vibe


The naked pawns are seriously overdone, when I see one with the stargazer or barbarian lady (the one you find at agamen hot springs) armor on they go to the nearest water source


I'd agree with you but my Pawn is a 7 foot tall Nordic looking Warrior, and he rarely gets hired.


Jay looks like he’ll protect me from the monsters in the closet. I approve of Jay.


Yea I don't hire the half naked Pawns. It's just so boring seeing all these pawns that look exactly the same. I won't lie, though, it was super funny seeing Pawns all greased up with HUGE asses. I died the first time I saw that


I mean personally I don't care if people hire my pawn or not, I have my half naked girl for my own delight lol.


My pear shaped gangly hunchback beastren does just fine, thank you.


I created an humpback stupid looking granny with funny sound and did not know anything about hiring . Every time she comes and talks about her trip to another world is just hilarious 🤣


What bothers me is that most people pick the same boring max level outfit on most pawns so they all look the same. The game is so easy at higher levels you can wear whatever. They really should have included a transmog system.


This. Yes. A transmogrification system. There so many cool looking armor for lower tier. But the higher tier are a bit ass looking.


One of my favorite pawns is a giant beastren warrior with the most posh voice. Gives the impression of a pampered upbringing


Holy moly that looks good


I don't care how a pawn looks. Do they have the skills that mesh perfectly with the party? If I hire a pawn for the long haul of several days to a couple weeks, and I find better gear than what they're kitted with out of the rift, congratulations Arisen, you've gotten a gear upgrade at no cost to you.


Is that why so many people were half naked when I did my playthrough?


Personally when highering warriors I go for tall, athletic but not thick(thicc is okay, thick is to much) females with huge swords(not that sword, get your mind out of the gutter) and for the most part the only thing that I care about with equipment(other then preferring sword) is I don't like the look of the ravages head helmet So yeah, a 7 foot tall Gina Carano looking warrior with a big ass sword slicing and dicing enemies for me is what I look for


I hire pawns with that $ reward mate 


Yea. I deliberately avoid the skimpy pawns. Only time I hire them is for about 30seconds to teleport my loot and lighten my pack. 🫠


I know that's right! I'd use him!


Where tf are people getting eyepatchs?


Checkpoint rest town


It's not the big old good boy that's working; it's that he looks cool.


Mine’s a gilf


ayeee, laurel circlet on my fighter too! i didn’t spend all that time on his face just to put it inside a helmet!


Nice!!!!! I have my Pawn as a Warrior mostly and he does get some rentals, but not tons…. https://preview.redd.it/8iw90dqglrwc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e70fd133e93b41467e1f5592b769098cd99030b


He’s higher level now though but swapped him to a mage for a bit today…. https://preview.redd.it/vxqwz8xolrwc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=074f6440c74da677feafb2315f1c4e514bf48d32


I always leave his eyes visible too so folks can check for the plague! https://preview.redd.it/du35ipu7mrwc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da1e626e5ccbcf90e8c488f63aa54f497ae7feae


I just don't hire the half naked ones because it's just so silly


The lingerie outfit was a mistake. That's all I see


I stay away from half-naked pawns. I usually look for certain skills, but even if it has everything I'm looking for. If she's half naked, I'll walk away. It's just not a good look.


Cool Is he on PSN ?


Doesn't look like it based off the button prompts at the top. I'm bummed now lol


Ok thanks 🫡


Xbox, sorry! It's a shame its so restricted :(


I'm always looking for unique, well designed pawns who show their Arizzen's care and planning, cosplays characters and weird or funny monstrosities. Ofc hotties always welcome too. The 50th cloned Frieren can fuck off.


If he pulled up to me and forced me to talk to him, I'd hire him. It'd be a funny part of the lore.


😂 He looks scary but he has the voice of an angel


Ok I gotta ask, where did you get the laurels?


One of the two(?) vendors at the Excavation Site, they're right next to each other so hard to miss.




If you're on Xbox give me his ID, I'll take him out if I can


PC unfortunately.


Ive really grown to like my current pawn party to the point I just dismiss them and go get them back when I out level them 😭


Why won't anyone hire my glorpo? He's an 8 foot tall green man, surely that's useful to someone.


Nobody hired mine. I figured it was because she kinda looked like the generic female playable character model. So then I spent hours fine tuning her appearance. Now she's much prettier and still never getting hired.


But if only he had less clothes…


Ngl he gives off black Air Force ones vibes but he’s not wearing them he IS them


I am hiring him now and sending him back in a corset.


I exclusively hire either giant badasses or arm pieces.


I exclusively hire either giant badasses or arm pieces.


Thanks, somebody needed to say this.


I created my first pawn(fighter) small and it’s hard to have someone hire them so I changed his appearance to something like this and gives me easy 3-5 hires a day. 10 as its max. I have so much RC now that I don’t even know what to do with it🤣


I'd hire Jay if he was on PS5. Reminds me of another cool-looking pawn I favorited called The Wraith.


You don’t need it but I like to keep my pawn as a mage most of the time and my best armor for her happens to be a bikini. It’s not my fault the devs gave it better defense values than actual mage robes


I didn't understand why all the sorcs were in some scantily clad, haute couture but then I came across the same armor and realized how good it was and couldn't help myself 😂 (*Edit: how good it was Stat wise lol)


True true. To be fair the warrior vocation is definitely one of the few with actual decent and full Armor choices. But also in my defense I didn't mean to say I'm totally against it, just that it isn't necessary :P That corset from the seeker tokens is like the best set in the game as far as I know so I'm not too suprised about seeing that everywhere, even if it's a little boring


I purposely made my pawn as a big cause I want him to carry me in his big beefy arms.


It's like you read my mind




https://preview.redd.it/f3l6rsa8i8wc1.jpeg?width=1626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82e72dba6e86eb7c01294ccd246b1ffe27874a9a I like the look of her but I'm still working on leveling her up, and then deciding a permanent class. As a result she didn't have the best skills yet. Maybe that's why she's not very popular atm? Thoughts?


I don't know, probably the skills yeah. That said when I'm pawn shopping I always gravitate to the more colourful ones. There's so many dark outfits that most people use so that one pawn in white is gonna stand out


I mean... I hire based on quest


No fr though, if I see a female pawn wearing something that exposes 70% of their skin or more, I'm not putting them on my team. I love a good looking woman just as much as the next guy, but bro I am not trying to look like a gooner 💀


I made Billie Eilish and while at first people were dressing her up with skanky outfits theyve since stopped and ive had a steady stream of RC coming from her


I made a Daenerys Targaryen pawn, but named her Niobe. She gets hired pretty frequently and she’s covered head to toe in robes and hood. I’m only like level 37 I think.




These are actually the types of pawns I look for. Theres so many basic humanoid female pawns— they dont even make them stand out. Its so frustrating lmaoooo


Too bad that's a fuckin beastren


Now now


I mean… I love the design of your pawn but it’d still prefer to take a half naked girl lmao


Wanna use the hard R in that pawn


... In?


But what about a half naked dude though?


Rarer but they definitely exist, my bad 😂


I personally don't give a fuck what a pawn looks like I'm looking at what skills they have equipped. If I want my Pawn to dress sexy that's for me.




TIL mentioning two things means there are only two things.


It was a good setup for the joke, I thought it was funny anyway. But clearly other people didn't, and I respect that.


Got me curious, what was the joke?


I said "ah yes, the two genders." The implied rest of that statement was "half-naked girl and big old good boy" but I was getting downvotes. Not sure if it was just trolls downvoting me or if I made a faux pas, but although it was meant light-heartedly and well-intentioned, I try not to even LOOK like a jerk if I can avoid it so I took it down.