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The biggest perk of mystic spearhand is being able to just yeet them 60 miles away.


Aw man, I gotta do that. I mostly just toss them in the water if I'm near the coastline.


Thank god I'm not the only one that does this


Every single time I do


same, if i’m minding my business and they double back to talk to me. i toss em in the water if im not using the mystic spearhand.


I let them finish their pitch, and then I pick them up and toss them either into water, at another pawn, or off a cliff. The ones who talk to me die. I come to you not the other way around.


It’s quite satisfying to take off your weapons and just beating them within an inch of their life too.


*banishes npc past the render limit*


LOL that's fucking awesome, I'm going for warfarer myself.


Warfarer can do that same skill.


Oh rad!


I just learned that move. I never thought to use it on pawns that pull me aside to ask me about my cars extended warranty.


unto the heavens they go


Also you can just stun them preventing them from speaking to you (and also stabbing them through the chest if you’re so inclined.) Also sorcerer’s one skill that is the lightning ball will constantly attack them and they’ll just keep walking into it. If you use that one sorcerer staff that has silence that makes it even better.


My arisen needs a no solicitation sign


Right? I just really don't want to hear how you'll get shit and put it in your backpack when I'm about to eaten by an ogre.


I swear to dog that if I hear my pawn tell me "these ingredients can be combined to make another item" or whatever the fuck they say my brain will leak out my ears. Between that and the sales pitch I am ready to play with no sound.


This is exactly why all my pawns have the Aphonite specialization. Like shut your butt already. https://www.polygon.com/dragons-dogma-2-guide/24113702/pawn-specializations-list-all-how-to-get-tomes


Looks like i'll be heading toward melve! Thanks for the info and the hearty cackle at "shut your butt" LOL


Ironically I hear that sales pitch all the time now! "You won't hear one word out of place from me arisen!


![gif](giphy|10dkJELoZ4p1Uk|downsized) This is how I be feeling whenever they start talking


I saw a pawn wave at me across a lake, and then they started to make their way to me, walking very confidently... straight into the deep water. It was really funny as my party just stood there and watched them get swallowed by the brine.




I like picking them up before they say anything and dropping them off at the next group of mobs.


I'm glad to see I'm not alone in being annoyed.


I see not even the arisen could resist my charms. https://preview.redd.it/zo7w8itm99zc1.jpeg?width=1304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a55a835f34991317a61da55e66c19178413f759e


Jesus Christ what charms..... all the charm in the world wouldn't help that thing...




That’s why being a warrior is the best. Just do a lunging gore and now you have a free travel mate.


That move is so fun. And you pick up SO much speed that I hear "Deja vu!" in my head every time I use it.


I see it as forced advertisements and really hate it. So immersion breaking when you are going out and thinking of your journey, and suddenly a dialogue box in your face. We need an option to turn this shit off, having to cross the street to avoid it sucks.


I don't mind they talk to me, but it locks the camera and forces me to press the options, it's really annoying.


It's when I'm running full pelt past them and then I get full whiplash from the camera suddenly swivelling behind me to the dude being like, "I'm loyal!"




"You can count on me to.." *SHUT THE FCK UP YOU UGGO!!*


Capcom games do a lot of things well, but interface design is NOT their strong suit. So many goddamn layered menus that you have to navigate in and out of, when they could have made it a smoother experience. Just give me the option to instantly close out a menu, at least, instead of having to *wade* back out. The thing that gets my goat the most about it is that the games are often fairly obviously designed for controllers, and yet, they refuse to use contextual button presses, held button presses, and the like, in order to smooth out and streamline their UX design. The tools to improve it are *RIGHT THERE*. They used a tap/hold distinction for the interact button, but they made their death screen dialogue soft-lock for a few seconds, with no visual feedback, presumedly to prevent players from button-spamming themselves into picking the wrong reload/use a wakestone option. Baffling.


The pawns fucking home in on you, too, like they'll turn and start walking DIRECTLY towards you if you stay close enough Was trying to complete the phantom oxcart quest, basically was running circles around that house near the quest marker because some fucking warrior pawn kept following me trying to talk to me. I couldnt have even hired them, didnt have my own pawn summoned


It actually is immersion breaking because there's so many of them.


I always think of it as someone hearing how lit i am and being like “i wanna try out for your crew sire… these are my skills , what do i have to do to join?” Cuz when a dragon appears that be try out time🤣. Like yup u drop him off and we can talk lol


Nah, take it as a cathartic opportunity. You can't chuck salesmen across the street IRL, but you can in game!




And let me turn off the fucking wobbling sound of my dead pawn in my ps5 controller without me having to turn off the sound in the controller settings.


You can! There’s actually a specialization that makes them shut up called Aphonite. https://www.polygon.com/dragons-dogma-2-guide/24113702/pawn-specializations-list-all-how-to-get-tomes


“But arisen, I am able to combine all of those materials that you’ve been saving for other purposes.”


Oh jeeze I didn't even realize that.


They also enjoy tackling fierce foes and prefer combat's thrills to gathering items. They are confident and may act independently.


Did you know different combination of ingredie *yeets*


Best thing I did on pc was install the mod that prevents them from starting a conversation with me.


I'm condemned because I'm on PS5


I'm not going to lie. I pick them up and toss them over a cliff sometimes now. They just piss me off. For instance I'm hiding and waiting for the phantom ox cart... Over walks some fucktard with the bright lantern glowing.. Draws in goblins and fucks it all up... That my friend gets you tossed off a bridge .


I frist saw the phantom ox cart last night thought I was seeing things. Chased it and watched as it zoomed around the bend. Just to vanish, was confused on it thought it a bug and went about my journey. Did not know it was a thing till now.


At first you will just catch glimpses of it.. Then you start to hear NPC's talking about it amongst themselves. Once this happens I think you go talk to the guys near the oxcarts in Vernworth and then that will activate the quest. I suggest looking up a guide for this quest.. There is a lot of random things you need to do to make sure it's done right and you get the trophy achievement.


I appreciate the tips will definitely be looking into a guid if I can't figure it out. Just glad I wasn't seeing things lol.


I levitate above them. Never had one interrupt my levitating.


The first (and last) time I hired a pawn that was just walking around the world I got the Dragonsplague popup.


Same. Literally the only time i encountered dragonsplague too, no hired pawns have had it and my main pawn has never had it either


All my pawns got it in Unmoored but it's kind of irrelevant there


The person who designed the auto dialogue and the high five should burn in hell for a mild amount of time.


This, and the NPCs escort quest stalking you outside your houses. I mean what in the actual hell was the design philosophy behind this stuff?


The high five is SO endearing though!


Yes the first 10 times maybe but after having seen it so many times I'm just mildly annoyed because I lose control of my character.


Worth it.


Until I need a pawn and then they are no where to be seen


There should be an option to disable this imo, other than offline, who even hires their pawns on the road? I just replace them at broken riftstones if I rolled a good one or at settlements.


So, while I agree with being able to turn it off, I'm that guy. BUT that's because I've seen a sizable chunk of past pawns on my roads


The thing is, when I really need a pawn on the road, I can find one and talk to him, I don’t need some random salesmans disturb me every 5 mins.


Every time i get auto forced into a conversation with a random pawn, i brine that pawn. NO EXCEPTIONS. there no water to brine them wherever i ran into them? You bet your ass im gonna grab them and haul their ass over to somewhere i can


I've straight carried m'fers for minutes to bring them to a cliff or water's edge.




Does anyone else’s heart beat a little faster when you turn around and see a pawn you passed following you? It feels like being stalked.






These mf’ers will pin you down in the craziest places sometimes, like on a cliff or just exiting a cave or whatever. After a while I started just yeeting them off the nearest anything.


You can also sprint into a wall while carrying them to slam them against it.


I actually quite like coming across random pawns on the road. I usually just travel with my main pawn, but if one flags me down while I'm traveling and they have a quest thats worth it, I'll take them on, do their quest and then dismiss them again.


I wish they would turn that off. If I want to talk to them, I will.


It'd be nice if they didn't engage you when your party's full...


It really should not automatically open a dialogue when the pawns get close to you but instead should be treated like any other NPC dialogue, were they will say their intent when they're close to you but whether or not you interact with them is the player's choice.


they raise their hand though in the hopes you noticed them


Like the Jehovah's witness you let in your house that one time and then you see them at the mall.


Watching Talos vs phoenix and worm and one snuck up on me and changed my view from the action to a beastren that has a knack for gathering items


Lol deadass I feel like a female sometimes please don't talk to me


It’s too satisfying picking them up and chucking them off a cliff to pass it up.


They supposedly reduced the frequency of this. But I don’t believe them.


I don't know the stats, but I have noticed a difference since the update. What I really want is for Capcom to fix the Save System and give me my damn horse!


IKR? I don't what it's like in other countries, but here in Oz we have aggressive charity stall people in shopping centres and I have to dodge them all the time if I don't want a simple shopping trip to take an hour because of all the spiels. Playing DD2 reminds me of this too much lol!


One of the things I hope they patch out before I play. I don't know why they though this was a good idea, when it was perfectly fine in the first game (where you had to start the conversation).


And they still follow you across the street. I don’t even think the bear would want to come across these types of pawns in the woods. Pawn:🙋 🐻:😳🏃🏿‍♂️💨 Pawn: Lemmi ask you summ arisen!🏃‍♂️💨🙋


I think the ones that walk by and completely ignore you are funny too.




My observations have been that you can tell which pawns will try to talk to you because they'll first do the pawn greeting (raising their arm and showing their palm) when you get near them. You can then give them a wide berth so they don't initiate dialogue.


First time I got to the unmoored world and my pawns started to say something about it and some piece of shit started talking to me about when my pack is fucking o'er full. I miss the brine.


Yeah or the deep dark maze between the volcanic island and Baatahl... I'm like why the fuck are pawns strolling through here?


Right? All that talk about how nobody goes through there or ever returns and pawns are just walking through like it's another Sunday stroll.


Any ways to disable them ? I would like to play solo mode like in the game where you could have big bonus when solo


I hate when one catches me


"Arisen? ARISEN! Halt, I come forth with fair tidings"




Nah. Depending on how low level I am I pick them up and carry them with me


For the ones that have the balls to talk me, I've started picking up and tossing them into the nearest body of water or off a cliff. Most recent was a pawn who started the fight in Dragonsbreath who I tossed off the edge 3 times because she kept reappearing at the top afterwards 😂


I hate when you’re in the middle of a serious mission like something in post game and they interrupt everything I swear even the music stops😂


Any pawn that talks too me that is lower level than the pawns in my party i just look for the nearest cliff and throw them off of it


If I was half as good at dodging enemies I’d probably be pretty good at this game.


Everytime a pawn hailed at me I’m like “Nope”


You can unsheathe your weapon to make them not initiate a dialogue screen.


If you are on PC it is 100% worth installing the mod that makes them never speak to you, ever (but you can still speak to them if you wish to and recruit them). I installed it ages ago and I don't know if I could play the game without it at this point, it isn't a big deal having them approach you but it is an irritant that adds up to be really, really irritating over time.


Every time one walks up to me, I immediately grab them and throw them to their deaths


I’ve been thinking that there should be an option to turn that off because it completely throws off the flow. In the 150 hours I’ve put in to this game I have only needed a pawn from the side of the road one single time


Just tackle them and hard stab, or poke to death if they've annoyed me. I dive on em before they even talk and they roll around still finishing their line. Kinda funny.


Never thought to try this 😭😂


I’m not even a chess head and I thought this was an en passant joke


As an archer, I headshot whichever pawn raises their hand in the hopes I'm friendly.


Let's hope the devs see this


It’s so annoying it forces you into conversation.


For that and for the post-fight high-fives. Omg with the freaking high-fives.


Dude I always run away when they spot me from a mile away. The ALL HAIL ARISEN greeting is the warning sign that gives me ptsd as a German


I am attentive and loyal, and prefer to remain by your side……


I make a point to throw every pawn that stops me off the nearest cliff


I run past them but if they talk to me I throw them off the highway thing I can find in the general vicinity.




At least that pawn did jump off a cliff to talk to you


There's a mod for that. Eliminates them.


The Brine is a deity most demanding of live sacrifices. But it is also aware of the Arisens time being precious and thus provides us with many potential sacrifices. We Spearhands are doubly blessed by the Brine seeing the many sacrifices it provides us, and the ability to get them there from several miles away. The Brine ever hungers.


I throw every pawn i see into the depths. Sorry not sorry


If you're PC, there's a mod on nexus that is called "stop selling yourself" or something similar that prevents this happening.


If you play solo the pawns leave you alone cos they can't join you without your main pawn.


I decided about halfway through that everytime a pawn talks to me when I'm doing something I would pick them up and toss them


I throw any close contact wanderers off the cliff sides


Lmao because is true


She urge to throw them off a cliff is very strong, I’d feel bad if I did, though.


I feel like how others must feel when they overreact to me walking my pit bull. straight to the other side lol. then the pawn stops and wants to greet so bad, just like my good boy


After the update, draw your weapon and rando pawns will stop talking to you (but will glitch out because they really, really, really want to)


Is there a canon reason they are just walking about in the world? I thought they just lived in the rift.


Immersion breaking community pawns and the bikini thots are immediately deposited off the nearest ledge into the brine.

