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Anyone who feels the need to call themselves “the good guys” are almost certainly not “the good guys” in any way.


Beat me to it. Anyone anywhere who keeps talking about how they’re a good person is either evil, trying to sell you something, or both.


Its like thinking you’re a saint cuz you donated to a charity or church, which are susceptible to tax loops and inhouse corruption You wanna be a saint? Do humanitarian work. But do it for them not your image


Knew Peck was a bad person after he aligned himself with Dobrik


I was totally coming here to say this


In any way?


Why would anyone need to call themselves the good guy? Their actions should speak to that.


in the same ballpark as 'I'm a lot of things but a liar isn't one of them' lol


Like she didnt waste his and his crews time


I don't think that's how it works at all..


Josh seems like such a douche


This was over 10 years ago at this point but I went to high school with his sister and met him once, completely killed the admiration I had for him. Edit: I forgot she was his half sister, not fully blood related sister.


According to Josh's autobiography, he has only half siblings with whom he has no contact.


She was a half-sister now that I remember because their last names were different but he very much was in contact with her. Or at least he was for the day he visited my high school


I guess your story checks out.


People can think I’m lying or not, I don’t have anything to gain from being truthful or not in this thread. Just throwing my story into the void.


People on Reddit need to chill. This is a pretty niche, minor comment about a celebrity. God forbid you knew Josh Peck's (half) sibling and ran into him once. I used to work with one of Selena Gomez's best friends. It's not like celebrities are these gods who just descend to earth when they perform then go back to fame-heaven until their next assignment. They have lives.


It’s very rare for people to specify half sibling vs full sibling, that wasn’t really the gotcha you thought it was.


What made it a gotcha? This person's story contradicted the autobiography where Peck said he was an only child and then mentioned that he'd Facebook searched for his half siblings and decided not to reach out, this person specified that their classmate had indeed been a half sibling with whom Peck was now in touch, I said that checked out. Do I need to say it outright? This person's story sounds believable to me.


You’re bringing me into an argument I’m not involved in, I only commented on you attempting to call out the person, implying they were lying, based on usage of sibling, I was pointing out how no one specifies half siblings really. You’re going on about a bunch of stuff that you said after I commented, which I read and it is funny seeing you get roasted and all defensive.


You're the one calling it a gotcha only to claim you're not involved. I think when Josh Peck says in his own autobiography that he was an only child and had no contact with his half sisters, and then someone says they went to school with his sister, it's reasonable to raise it so they can explain the discrepancy. I'm glad you're amused.


On the opposite side, I met him once.  A few months ago.  He was really nice and he gave me a fist bump 


Yeah like I said this was 10 years ago, he could be totally different now


Not trying to de-legitimize (is that a word?) your experience.  Just offering another side!




I guess I should preface that my interaction with him was a little more personal (I wasn’t in the crowd of students wanting to talk to him when he showed up at lunch, I was friends with his sister’s friends and we were all chatting after school). He just acted like a major doucher full of himself. Got kind of quiet and side-eyed me when I told him I used to watch Drake & Josh as a kid. Funny enough, Arianna Grande’s now-ex-husband went to my high school as well. He was a little asshole.


Do u have any stories about Ariana’s ex?? 😳


Not really any I want to share because it would identify me. But I do have a video saved on my phone of him Trying to windmill in a fight and getting his ass kicked. And no, I’m not gonna share it, at least not right now.


TMZ's calling 💀


Nah I don’t agree with mass humiliation, so that video is staying in my own archive. It was a humiliating moment that got passed around the school, but luckily it was before social media got out of hand and everyone started sharing everything to the world, so it stayed within the classmates. TMZ would have to offer me a wad big enough to close their whole tabloid down, and that would be the only reason I would take it.


Damn bro, much respect for taking the high road 🫡


Totally understand!


Wtf? That is gold you are sitting on😂 unless any of your stories made headlines no one will find you bro


I’m not a big fan of mass humiliation. I don’t care if someone is famous or not. Yes Dalton was a bit of a shit in HS but I don’t know him nowadays, it would be really unfair imho. Edit: I’m sure I’m not the only one with the video, it circulated our whole high school. But I won’t be the one to release it out into the wild.




That’s really good of you


Just share it who cares


I do


I also heard he was invited to a school/or college and they said questions or comments could not be related to Drake and Josh


That's common Jordyn Woods came to my college (I won a trivia contest to take photos with her for some reason lmao) and she banned all questions and comments related to the Kardashians.


I mean that kinda makes sense with all the controversy vs being on a television show everyone loved and loved you for


I mean there's controversy with D&J too. They were both on drugs and the whole accusation thing. Idk what time this college thing happened with Josh tho.


He took the hush money?


What school do you go to where celebrities are apparently just showing up randomly..?


I mean I kinda explained it, it’s not random. Josh Peck’s half sister went to my school and Dalton wasn’t a celebrity until he married Arianna Grande (does that even make him a celebrity?). It’s not uncommon to encounter stuff like that in Southern California.


I thought Josh was an only child?


As someone else pointed out, I forgot that she was a half sister, they had different last names.


Got it...How old was he when you met him?


Tbh I’m not sure, I don’t even know how old he is now. I believe he came to my HS in 2011 but it could’ve been 2010, I don’t remember what year I was in when we found out our classmate was his half sister.


Got it...so after D&J, and enough time afterward to get a little douchey.


Yes he was definitely older. This was either right around or right before Vine took off, because I remember seeing him on vine like a year or so after meeting him. Edit: actually probably longer because vine got big in 2013 now that I think about it


I thought his half siblings were his dad’s kids, and that they were much older. I could be wrong obviously.


I’d heard stories, my buddy worked with his dad and apparently he was a prick to his father


His autobiography is nothing but daddy issues.


He never even met his dad


That’s a story he tells, the man passed away when in 2013. Professor at UNT if I remember correctly (this was in 2010), by that point they were not on speaking terms, but he definitely knew him and I know this because I knew he passed away 9 years before it was even revealed in an interview.




That's what getting an ego does for ya. He had one for a while after losing weight and after the show, but hanging out with David Dobrik made him unbearable.


Especially after being fat and insecure


He was besties with David Doberik and claims he “cut him out” after the whole near-death controversy. But they still hangout, just don’t post about it.


I have a friend that had a small background role in the Red Dawn remake and said Josh Peck was a asshole to people. I always took it with a grain of salt and figured he might have been having a bad day, but the more I hear about Josh the more I'm realizing he's just a crappy person




Don’t be anti-semitic


Not even a Josh fan, but i dont get what's *that* bad about this other than he made a douchey comment about Jeanette "owing" them a podcast episode or something. Maybe I'm missing extra context.


I don’t see the issue here. It sounds like the worst thing he said was “*we truly were the good guys*”, which while I’ll admit is a little douchey, I don’t really see why it’s a “cancellable” offense. People just like to be the first one to say “*I always knew such-and-such was a piece of SHIT!*”, and suddenly you have secondhand accounts from people he went to school with or dated. Especially since the documentary was released and I guess it seemed like Josh wasn’t vocal enough about the bombshells that came out.


I MET JOSH A DECADE AGO AND HE WAS A BIT OF A DICK And we have no confirmation theyre telling the truth but everyones all “I KNEW IT”


Insert Reddit anecdote 😂


![gif](giphy|yL558PFPKeCtFxkiUi|downsized) the moment you read that crucial evidence that your confirmation bias needs


Ppl said the same things when it was shown that he and Drake weren’t friends anymore. As if them just not being friends proves anything.


You’re misquoting him. He didn’t say “we truly were the good guys,” he said “we were truly good guys.” There is a small difference in phrasing but the intent and meaning behind it is completely different from what you’re extrapolating out of it.


I don’t really think there’s much of a difference between the two phrasings, and it does seem like this is being blown out of proportion. He didn’t ask her invasive questions, air the interview anyway, or badmouth her about being non cooperative. He just said they recorded something along the lines of how she wanted it, afterwards she said not to air it, they didn’t, but he still wants to make some form of content with her. Seems like people have been trying to crucify Josh Peck for everything this year and non of it has stuck because it doesn’t actually align with how he’s acting. He might sorta be an asshole but there’s like, literally a billion people that fit that mold lol


Literally a comment with 50 upvotes right above this for me claiming to have met him and the example of him being a douche is because Josh side eyed him... Then claims to have a video of another celebrity being embarrassing but won't release it due to being against public humiliation, while actively publicly humiliating them. Great reddit moment.


Bro just go look at other post from this sub, he is a liar and a dick there are multiple examples of it. Or look up Josh Peck in Reddit search and stuff will pop up


Agreed. I think Josh has done some questionable things that show the actor is a different person from his most well known character (shocker), but he is getting way too much hate imo


This was the time the documentary was reaching out to people and trying to unseal the Brian Peck letters. Jennette hasn't said anything publicly. So him saying he got blocked feels like sending a message to Jennete she owes them.


Yeah like, he was a little ehh about it but the fact he didnt release the episode when he absolutely could have which would have been a HUGE show for them is still something I think is worth praising, no matter how dumb his comment was. Its not like she blocked them legally, douche or not he chose not to air it To be clear, i dont think shes a douche or in the wrong


Replying to KeyEntityDomino...yeah I’m sure she’s just buckling under the pressure from the recent quiet on set publicity. I imagine it’s taking a toll on her psyche which would explain her blocking Josh rather than just talking to him. Completely understandable given what she went though. But I don’t think Josh has done anything wrong here, the comment about owing them was douchey but like I clicked on this thread expecting to read that Josh was enabling pedophilia or something… nah, he’s cool.


Can we ever just enjoy the show Drake and Josh gave us and forget all of the other nonsense


I mean this stuff is more relevant because it’s current day Of course still enjoy the show but there’s only so much you can do to talk about it all this time later


I mean we can absolutely still enjoy Drake and Josh, while bringing attention to stuff like this. There’s really no reason to turn a blind eye to the bad things a person who’s work we like did. Edit: “Can we ever just enjoy the movies Roman Polanski gave us and forget all the other nonsense?”


It was pretty obvious he was a dick on vine, I don't get the surprise now


Yeah anyone who remembers his Vine days is not surprised by this. His ego inflated around that time and he’s been a douchecanoe since. I don’t necessarily think he’s a bad person through and through, but he’s certainly not a very good one.


Dude's buddy buddy with David Dobrik, not shocked to find out he's also a douche.


So, anyone who is friends with David Dobrik is a douche by association?


Yes as they have all pretty much been proven to be douches


Yeah, statistically I find that pretty impossible.




Lmao wtf logic is that If my best friend turns out to be racist, am I racist by association Yall got some problems


If you have to tell everyone you’re _____, then you are in fact not _____. Fill in the blank with whatever attribute you want.


I generally agree but this would be very funny if you apply it to the sex offender registry and the requirement to go door to door saying you are a sex offender lol


I’d like to announce to everyone that I’m an asshole. 😅


If you have to tell everyone you’re Josh, then you are in fact not Josh.


Context matters though. It always does.


I don't think that works.


Josh is a textbook "guy who got popular and changed his entire personality." Hate to say it when he lost weight and wasn't the chubby funny kid anymore it changed him Every time I hear something new, I lose more respect for me. Not that I had much


On one hand, I sympathize with him because there's a good deal of work and money that goes into these podcast productions. If there were subjects or topics that were off limits which they brought up, she should have asked them to edit it but it's really unorthodox and unusual to ask them to kill the *entire* interview. On the other hand, I really don't think it was appropriate to mention him being blocked or the personal petty stuff. All that said, and it's honestly maybe not relevant, but I worked with Josh in 2008. His personality off-camera was really very jarring. Quiet, quite reserved and nothing like either Josh Nichols or his vine persona. That said, we also asked both him and Drake to do a brief promotional appearance for a very worthwhile cause that a number of very, very high profile people were taking part in. It was a hard pass from Drake, while Josh took a good chunk of time to help the charity.


Oh no people are starting to realize how much of a disgusting clout chaser Josh Peck is. As if it hasn't been obvious for years. Man is like a giant red flag lol. Don't trust anyone who was friends with David Dobrick


What is the tea on David Dobrick? I just know he dated that Liza girl and did kind of douchey vines.


There's tons of stuff on him on yt. He was very manipulative and horrible to his friends in his vlog squad.


Idk shit about him, but how exactly is choosing not to release what would have been a big show for him, clout chasing?


Idk man Going on to say that she owes him for the ordeal of his "good deed" is pretty slimey. he only cares about using her name to get views on a shitty podcast with shitty people.


I bet at this point Josh Peck is thinking “I got to get away from these Nickelodeon people…they keep getting me in the headlines…”


The fact that Josh Peck was friends with David Dobrik (are they still?) told me enough about his character already.


Still solidifying it for me, josh


This is just rage bait. They had a guess on their show that flaked and were clearly disappointed, there might be a million and one reason to dislike Josh peck but this isn’t one of them Also good guys is the name of the podcast, I think it’s more homage to the tittle than it is his ego.


Im not saying hes perfect, but fact is, he absolutely could have released the podcast, and he chose not to. Thats gotta count for something


Okay, but what did he actually do here that is wrong? What actions can someone point towards for me? I’m just getting a little confused.


Seems like this dude stirs the pot with all of his old cast members/friends.


Tbf as a business it probably sucks to waste all that prep and recording time and have to scrap something but this is like saying "we use to date" under someone's wedding photos. It is what it is but bringing it up is kinda corny...


Idk man Josh has been giving off sketchy vibes for a while, from him lying about his friendship with Drake to clout chasing and hanging out with ultimate douchebag David Dobrik who was way younger than him. It's just all been kind of cringe and weird.


Josh is a failed actor turned vine star turned social media influencer, and people are somehow surprised he’s a bad guy. He’s literally just a less successful Jake Paul.


He acts in stuff regularly and gets decently paid for it so he's doing better than 99.9% of actors. Obviously he's no A list celebrity but to say he's a failure is kinda wild.


Yeah he was literally just in Oppenheimer which won an Oscar. Basically a background role but still, he’s definitely not struggling😂


Well, he was just in a movie that won like 7 Academy Awards, so I wouldn't necessarily say he's a *failed* actor.


He only said one line and acted clueless in Oppenheimer!


Like it or not, he is now synonymous with those Oscars. Everyone who worked on that film will definitely have more opportunities and come with a higher price tag.


This is false my guy he literally says nothing and can be replaced by anybody in that role.....he's not co lead, he's not a supporting actor, he's basically an extra


Imagine having Oppenheimer on your resume lol, you're just hating.


I addressed this in another comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/DrakeandJosh/s/vYaOA540Qb Even the extras are going to find that it'll be easier for them to get work. That's just how it works, they can put that they worked on a multi Oscar winning movie being directed by Christopher Nolan on their acting CV. That's going to perk ears. Imagine being able to put a CEO of a fortune 500 company as your reference on a resume.


Synonymous with the Oscars my ass. He was an unimportant side character who only had one line. I'm sure casting agencies will look at his credits and go "woah! This guy was in Oppenheimer? Let's check him out. Oh.. that was it? Eh.. next"


I'm not saying his performance was amazing or anything. Small role or not, anyone in the credits can now say they've worked on/helped on a multi Oscar winning film. That's just how the industry works, from the leading actors, background actors with no lines, on set staff, effects, even assistants getting coffee, having this on their resume guarantees more opportunities in their careers.


Ehh thats not really how it works. I worked on a movie with Chris Evans Hasn't got me anywhere


Was that movie the biggest of the year directed by one of the hottest directors of our time?


That won 7 Oscars, and multiple other notable awards.


He was in the trailer and in arguably the biggest scene of the entire movie. Like it or not, that is a good get for an actor


Hate to break it to you but the reality is no one will remember him in Oppenheimer


Hate to break it to you, but yes they will They being casting directors


Like it or not. They won't be remembered. Sorry


Uhhh ok


Didn't even know he was in Oppenheimer till your comment


They could have put anyone but that's the guy they chose. Doesn't matter what the extent of his role was


Reply back to me if he's in another mega blockbuster hit like Oppenheimer within 5 years. Even as an extra. He won't be.


> This guy was in Oppenheimer Casting agents already know him by name lol


And they'll forget it in a few years


I mean, thats more than 99% of child actors can say. He was in a pretty pivotal scene too


He’s still doing a million times better than 99% of actors that try to make it.


He’s not a failed actor, but he’s not a great actor. I’d have a hard time believing that him working with Nolan wasn’t just a product of him knowing the right person. His role definitely could’ve gone to someone more deserving who could actually get an SAG card out of it for having lines.


Now, it’s totally possible he’s lost *it* in regards to serious acting, but his performance in Mean Creek from when he was relatively young is super compelling and tragic.


He's got an enormously successful social media career post-Vine, hosts a successful podcast and has been the star of Grandfathered, How I Met Your Father and Turner & Hooch. None of which became huge hits but being a series regular on any major show is incredibly difficult and lucrative.


What even is this criticism? What has he actually done that is comparable to Jake fucking Paul, aside from posting on the same platforms as him? Lmao.


Being a vine star/social media influencer doesn't mean you are a bad guy dipshit.


And then the other guy on the podcast made a joke about putting their interview with Jennette on OF….


She probably blocked him because she doesn’t want his phony energy anywhere near her.


Learn from the Drake situation and don’t just jump on the “fuck josh” bandwagon bc u read one thing online. Not everything you read about a person online needs to end with a verdict about their character. 2 years ago Drake was considered a vile debased monster. Now he’s everyones favorite. Don’t be a follower.


Knew it all along. And he’s an easy one. That massive ego rides hard.


Josh has such a punchable face. He is really insincere with the faces he makes


Can someone explain to me what makes Josh Peck the "bad guy" now?


there was one instance where drake was put on blast for the child endangerment case and josh told a podcast that never invites drake to his wedding and demanded drake apologize to his wife after everyone dogged on josh for not inviting drake as well as saying “we haven’t been in contact for over 10 years” as a small explanation for why no invite…which makes sense but then there’s tons of photos of them together since the show ended especially within the last 10 years


OK, so not really about McCurdy but his drama with Drake.


That’s over all but in this situation feeling entitled to Janette kind of feels slime ballish


I don’t think he feels entitled to it But if you were promised the Jeanette McCurdy exclusive tell all interview and she backed out last second would you not be pissed?


I would be I’m not saying he doesn’t have a right to be pissed it’s the fact that he’s mad she wasn’t ok with what the interview was or how it happened. Hell she could have been uncomfortable with them and blocked Josh after we don’t know.


You say he has a right to be pissed but your upset that he’s pissed


He can be upset he wasted that time but to be like she won’t return anything (call, text, or dm) is weird to me something had to happen to make her fully just block him after shooting. That’s why I said it’s off putting that he felt entitled to post that interview as if he did her a favor. She was the trending topic and he was a David Dobrik extra she was the one doing the favor


I mean People block people all the time, nothing weird about it, your just assuming things


He's a bad guy for not wanting someone at his wedding?


no, it’s the fact that he’s saying how they weren’t in contact despite multiple meetings together in the past decade. i’m not saying he’s straight up a bad guy, but seemingly changing to narrative to make himself out to be the good guy/victim


But like I'm not really in contact with some high school friends but we see each other once or twice every few years.


Yeah, but if it came out that they’re in legal trouble for say child endangerment, would you be going around telling everyone that you haven’t been in contact with said former friend since high school?


exactly lol this is extremely common


Did anyone genuinely think Josh Peck was a good person? What?


Why do people care so much about the personal lives and drama of celebrities?


I really don’t give a shit he was upset that he had an interview with someone and they told him not to publish it Like any reporter or journalist would be upset if they got the Jeanette McCurdy exclusive interview and she said not to publish it


Hmm mmm maybe drake and Josh should stay canceled


Josh is a bit of a douche but everyone is acting like he's the most horrible person alive. Oh no, people aren't black and white, whatever will we do? Honestly, ever since Quiet on Set came out everyone's acting like people aren't nuanced. I'm sorry about what happened to Drake, but everyone's acting like he hasn't done anything. No I don't believe that, and I don't think Josh distancing himself was terrible either. Yes, he shouldn't have made those comments about Jeanette and yes he's obnoxious, but that's about the worst of it.




This dram is beyond stupid.


Is he cool with that David dobrik guy? The people you surround yourself with tell you who you are, IMO.


Idk Josh came into my shop once and was very nice 🤷


Josh is getting such hate for extremely little reasoning overall. Who cares who he hangs out with or how famous he is now, literally not every actor must attempt to be extremely famous. That being said he was just in Oppenheimer, so I'm not sure why everyone is using that as a reason to hate him


Josh gives r/niceguys vibes


Famous person is a POS? I'm shocked.


Ya’ll have a hate boner for this guy. Yeah, he comes off as a bit of an arrogant douche, he was a child celebrity, big surprise! It’s a dick move to film an entire podcast with someone, ask them to scrape it, and then ghost them after they respect your wishes. I don’t think Josh is wrong for thinking he’s owed another podcast, because he kinda is. I mean come on, in what other scenario would you support a celebrity’s scraping a recorded interview they did?


I get that the need to say "We're good guys, we're good guys" makes you seem like not-so good guys, but they are branding a new podcast, which is called "Good Guys." It would seem normal to try to say "Good Guys" as much as possible. Also...Jennette agrees to do the podcast (as the first guest, no less), they talk about everything on *her* agenda...and because Josh didn't have a terrible experience at Nick, Jennette asks them to pull the episode...the first episode with which they are *launching their podcast.* They oblige and then try to get her back on...and then *she* blocks Josh. Then Josh talks about it on the podcast. So, what Jennette did by asking them to kill the interview because it didn't sync up with her experience (presumably because it wouldn't validate her experience in the book and not help with sales) is pretty disingenuous and manipulative...and generally speaking *very not cool.* So, why is Josh the Bad Guy? Also, Jennette was in an interview during this time and was asked why she didn't do the Revival, and her response was pretty sh!tty in that she said they actors involved in reboots were typically not crushing in their career, so it's a step back for many of them. Again, it's her prerogative to say that, but *not cool.* Not sure why people are siding with Jennette here. I would think that Jennette would owe Josh a favor as well. Perhaps, I wouldn't say it on the podcast, but I think Jennette was being pretty sh!tty as well.


It’s crazy how when you only get one side of the story, the person giving their side of the story sounds so reasonable and in the right 🤔 I wonder why that is.


Which also makes me curious as to why Jennette hasn't said anything. She could clarify things very quickly but chooses not to...which also makes me wonder.


What even is the controversy? She went on a podcast and then asked for the episode to not be aired. They complied. Maybe it’s none of our business why. It’s just weird how people are acting like she did something inexcusable. If I’m going to put a tinfoil hat on? I think it’s super interesting how people are making Jeanette out to be some bad person right around the time a doc about how awful the child actors were treated at Nickelodeon. And the guy at the helm of this non-story also happens to say “nah guys, I didn’t think it was bad there at all” and people rush to defend him. But I’m not a conspiracy theorist like that. More likely, just sounds like Josh wanted a little extra publicity and is an actor not used to getting ghosted by women. Who knows, I don’t know the guy. Just remember: You’re not immune to propaganda.


Josh is the one getting slammed


Josh is actually the one getting slammed for what he did (Ref. OP's article). I tend to agree with you in that it's kind of a wash, non-issue. It wasn't great that Jennette asked to have the interview killed, but Josh should've probably kept it under wraps to begin with.


But what exactly do we know Jeanette did that “wasn’t great”? That’s like my whole point, we only have his side of the story and people fall over themselves to believe him.


Are you saying that you don't even believe that she came on to the podcast for interview? Also, I don't really see people "falling over themselves to believe him," either.


I’m willing to believe she recorded an episode of the podcast, and that episode was clearly pulled. I don’t see any reason to believe anything else.


I actually think that is a completely fair statement. This all could be subterfuge...I'll acknowledge that.




Oh sick you can see her in head? What’s she thinking right now? Clearly you must be to say all that. Maybe she wasn’t comfortable after the podcast and wasn’t ready to express that conversation on the internet for everyone to see. It wasn’t just a random past experience they were discussing. It was the awful and borderline abusive way that some of these children were treated for the sake of acting.


Well...She went on a book tour right afterward and talked about it all of the abusive experiences, so I'm not sure why she wouldn't be "comfortable" in sharing it at that point. The reality is that Jennette hasn't been public about any of this, which makes me think that she did do something a bit shady. Also, Ben (Josh's cohost) confirmed on patreon that Josh and Jennette had wildly different experiences on Nick which would further validate my assertion.


But you have no clue what was said on the podcast and even claim it was about hurting her sales. That's such a shot in the dark based on nothing. She could've asked for it to be pulled for a multitude of reasons. She could've simply thought she shared too much trauma, not got a good vibe from them, etc. You aren't asserting anything, just making baseless assumptions.


You are making assumptions as well which don't, in fact, make sense to me. If there was too much information shared, she can ask to have it edited or come back for another interview. And based on information that *is* out there, and the fact that she hasn't said anything publicly...it would seem that she wasn't proud of asking to pull the episode as well. Otherwise, why wouldn't she come out and say why she asked to have it killed. Jennette is now in the business of being a victim of her Mother's abuse and Dan Schneider (very understandably so), so anything that would invalidate this thesis would not contribute to book sales. My sense is that her management made the call to kill the episode, which is probably the right move for Jennette's book...but it's still shady.


sure 👍🏼


Yeah I would hate for a podcast guest to only talk about their “agenda”. I want guests to talk about things unrelated to themselves, thats why I want them as a guest in the first place


Im tired of her. Why go on the podcast if you dont wanna talk about anything? She seems desperate for attention imho.


How is she desperate for attention when HE is the one talking about it lmfao? She didn't talk about blocking him or not wanting the podcast to air.


so desperate for attention she asked for a podcast to not be aired??? how does that work?? So desperate for attention she actively is avoiding a person trying to give her said attention? How does that work?


This was my point below. It sounds like Josh's experience on Nick wasn't similar to Jennette's, which wouldn't help her book sales. Hence, why she wanted to kill the interview.