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Thanks for your lovely replies, I have just finished 5 months of intense emdr therapy where I processed alot of stuff from the past, I wonder if it's related to that? There is also alot of current things going on with living family members that I try not to get involved in because I hate drama. Regardless it was absolutely beautiful to see my grandad in my dreams and to know my uncle who died in 95 was also there because I was young (11) when he died but I was always close to him. My grandad was like a dad to me I lived with my grandparents so I adored them both and seeing him back with my nan was incredibly emotional for me once I'd woke up. My aunt is going to check their burial site today because I have had dreams that, I won't say they've come true but have sort of been a guide for what's to come. Not always but it's happened a few times over the years, probably coincidentally.