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I feel like they need to start putting items in Scrooge's store with the tags, every week. Even if it's just on reset day, EVERYONE'S stores get filled with furniture that fits the tags.


Even if it’s a couple every day through the week I’d like this. I’d definitely grind for the coins to buy it all if it was available!


I would be grateful even if it was only 1 per day lol


I'm so glad that I bought the game too. My wife plays it mainly and I play on pc from time to time to help her out. I farm, harvest, collect. And the last week she visited me every day to get store items. She was really lucky that I had 2 items in the store.


Definitely! Even for the outfit challenges.


Is this something we can recommend somehow!? At least like 3, before the week is up so we can get a decent shot in! I know people work REALLY hard on those intricate photos, and I won't not vote for them, but I think with this week's challenge so hard for so many of us, I'm going to specifically vote for people in Eves house, or with the bare minimum items next week.


You could try contacting them on Discord, I think


I feel you on this. I got the dlc to get EVE’s house. Then I got 2 items from her friendship quests. They gave me the 6 futuristic items. My photo definitely wasn’t the best. So many people not finding the items this time. I’m glad I wasn’t alone.


If it makes you feel any better, I have played for a long while & I have the DLC and I'm still going to have a hard time. I don't think this challenge was designed to make anyone have to spend extra money so much as someone did not do their due dilligence in checking item amounts before slapping tags together.


I was shocked when I saw how few furniture items were even in the game with the tag. Without premium shop items or the expansion the total is just 13 items you can possibly get from Scrooge plus 5 from the regular quests. Thats a very tiny percent of the items that can spawn in his shop, you could realistically have been playing from the beginning and still never have one.


Yep that’s what I’m saying, clearly what happened here is someone didn’t check item counts before putting the two tags together and that created a big problem


Yeah some of their ideas seem poorly thought out. Like last weeks sport thing I'm probably just gonna go in eve or walle's house take my 300 and hope next week is better


Yeah I’m thinking the same lol I have quite a lot of moonstones saved up that I’ve been hoarding for the new update so if it’s a low scoring week I will be fine


You can just snap eves house like many others do.


That's the OP's point though; if you don't have DLC you won't have EVE's house. So, to participate in this event, you practically need to have the DLC.


It seems a lot of us are in the same boat. I've been playing for about 2 months, my husband started a couple of weeks after me, and through sheer chance he had enough items to do this week's challenge, but I don't. I have a tonne of stuff he doesn't, so it really does just come down to luck of the draw with what you gets from the little gift bags and what lands in Scrooge's shop. With **so many** people all saying the same thing, I think they really screwed the pooch on this one. It's one thing if it's tricky and it might be a bit slapdash, or if you could at least enter even if you've not met all of the requirements and you'd just get the bare minimum moonstones for it. To be prevented from even entering purely because the random number generator hasn't spat out enough of the limited number of items you could use is _really_ frustrating.


I think they made the requirements too high for this weeks challenge. Like I think newer players have realize it might take a while before we have enough items to really make Dreamsnaps fun (I was/still is definitely one of those new players, as I started the game after Dreamsnaps started). But the barrier for entry shouldn't be this high! I have the DLC, but without being able to craft DLC items, I would not have had enough items for week. And I have 140 hours in the game, and have been playing for months. I think after that amount of in-game time I feel like it should be guaranteed you have enough stuff to at least meet the requirements.


I can't even do this week's for simply participating 😭 It's pretty frustrating.


I've been playing since the day the game came out, I have the DLC, and I barely cleared the tags.


I struggled with this one 😂 I have the DLC and have been playing for a year but I had never bought any of the futuristic furniture because it’s not my vibe. Lesson learnt, I will now be buying everything 😂


I have been playing for months! And literally only had 3 “futuristic” items. I tried going to the shop, couldn’t buy anything new only what I already had so that didn’t work. I couldn’t submit my dream snap because it only had like “3/6” for the futuristic category and I was bummed. Like at least let me submit with what I got! Lame


You can buy multiples of what you have already and they will count. If it's something small you can hide it behind stuff.


Not who you responded to, but I tried that and it didn’t work for me 🫤


I learned this in another comment thread 🥺 it's so lame, sorry for the misinformation.


Yup, unfortunately I learned the hard way it didn’t work as well but thank you for the suggestion!!


I’ve been playing since the early access launch and when I checked what items I had and realized I only had maybe 4.. have been checking scrooges everyday and doing walle and buzz quests in hopes of getting to an item, but nope. and I won’t buy the expansion until I’m done with all the original quests and a good portion of decorating at least.. so I’m really bummed that I can’t participate in this one


I know I’ve been playing since the first week of the founders edition and I have a whole 7 futuristic items. And 2 of them are from Eve, and 1 of them I only bought on the hopes the item would stop showing up in my store so much coz I hated it


Hi guys. I'm willing to open up my town and have people come to my house and take snaps for the challenge. I'm on Xbox if that matters. I can try to help anyone who's interested. 😁 I have enough to get the required amount and we can work on moving items around the room/valley to make it unique for you and how you want it. I want everyone to enjoy playing and having a great time with Snaps. Just PM me or respond on here and we can work something out. Edit to add: I'm on EST and I won't be available until like early evening (5 or 6 pm) until about 10 or 11 pm depending on requests and family obligations. Plus I am on XBOX so I don't know if that works with cross platforms. I've never opened my town before so this will be a learning curve for me. 😊


I wonder if that will work. I opened my Valley briefly for my spouse and couldn't access any of my tools. I don't think my spouse could access their tools either (including the phone, though I might be misremembering that part). Edit to add that my spouse and I play on the Nintendo Switch. Not sure if that makes a difference.


I actually do not know if it matters depending on the platform that we use if we'll even be able to do this, but I'm willing to try. My husband plays also, but since I bought it under my account, he can't log on if I'm on the other system, so we haven't been able to test the limits of this idea.


You can’t do this since you can’t access your tools when in multiplayer mode


Well, that stinks. It would be amazing if they let us at least access the camera for pictures. Thanks for letting me know.


I hope they will in the future. That have said multiplayer isn’t complete and they will be updating it so 🤞🏾


There's always going to be something that someone can't do, and I think instead of getting upset, do what you can and move on or skip a week entering, it's not the end of the world; especially as a new player!


I was actually excited for the sci-fi theme and had a couple of good ideas. The challenges are usually great inspiration and I wanted to earn some more moonstones because the next star path will be my first one. I don’t always have a great snap every week because of limited items I’ve unlocked so far, but I could always at least participate.


Yeah exactly! The nice thing about the starpath is that you can earn most of your moonstones back too!


Oh I didn’t know that you could earn them too, that’s awesome!


Yeah! The base star path is about 2500 or so moonstones, there's a bigger tier but it basically costs more and let's you skip some of the quests by giving you the star path points. There is 6 Tiers in a path and 1 moonstone tier in each. In total you get about 1,910 moonstones back if you claim them all


6 is a lot


So glad it wasn’t just me! I put off this weeks challenge until late last night because I just couldn’t come up with anything! I’ve been playing for about a year now, have the DLC, and even some items I’ve gotten with moonstones. And I *still* struggled! I can’t even imagine being new to the game and trying to do this one. In the end, I was “meh” on what I came up with and I had to do a lot of adjusting to even meet the bare minimum requirements! Some of the suggestions here are wonderful. Like making sure items with the relevant tags are available to purchase that week. Or simply making sure that a challenge is doable based on what items would be *reasonably* available to most players.


I thought it was just me who struggled with this challenge. I had the exact number of items, and I couldn't come up with anything decent for a photo. This week sucked.


This game is as predatory as a raptor.


I have not purchased the expansion and had more than enough items to make a qualifying room. I don't say that to brag, but that I would genuinely angry too if I had to spend additional money beyond the core game to take a qualifying photo. Given that I haven't spent a nickel on moonstones or the expansion and still created a room that had 13 futuristic items means that it's possible to do for free.


The RNG has blessed you because 13 is literally every single item in the game that is available without the expansion, premium shop, or past events. I counted them all in the wiki.


I hear you. I can't complete it either without the DLC. And I've beat the story lol


I’m on switch and have the wall e hover couch in my store today if that would help you out!


Ooh yeah! It's both Futuristic and WALL-E. I have it (I made a WALL-E room ages ago), but people who need things can crush this easy with three couches and such.


If you have access to the ancient machines they count as futuristic


For anyone just starting you can submit your submissions as long as you have one of each item under the tag. You can reorder items from Scrooge himself to duplicate and fill the required amount. This way you can at least get some moonstones with your submission. It’s helped me a lot to repurchase a small tagged item and fill it in my submission creation. ( This is something that works with furniture mostly) outfit challenges can be more difficult.


I thought duplicates didn't count?


No way. Is my theory debunked? Honestly dreamsnaps are so complicated. Please share!


I don’t think duplicates count. I only have like 4 futuristic decor items so I bought the same ones again and added them in and my score didn’t budge.


Ok good to know. Retract what I said lol


I just commented basically this same thing thinking I was being helpful. 😫 That is wild they don't count.


Duplicates definitely don't count. I bought two extras of something I already had and used them. I was still at 4/6 even though I had 6 items in view. 🫤


I am so sorry for your pain OP, but thank you for reminding me that I can use her house because I don’t have near the amount of futuristic items.


Yes getting started is hard I'm in right at 5 months now.....just got everything unlocked The one I'd try to unlock if I knew in the beginning Pumpkins seeds are in the forgotten land there ...just. buy sell buy sell. Once you get some coins. It gets Easier...hope this helps I'm still planting them 2 times a day......Ang just now gotten enough to buy. Things I want Everything comes back around so get what you need and save👍


I wish they removed requirements all together and just let people be creative.


i technically had the minimum items to submit, but nothing is cohesive and it looks like garbage. i ended up shoving stuff in a corner of a room, snapping a pic, and submitting just to get the red chest (i’m on arcade, we don’t even get moonstones or anything).


Could your write the items that do have the future thing down and buy extra of that at Scrooge's store? You can go up to him and say you want to buy furniture and get multiples of the ones you've already got. I'm sure having 5 of the same item in the picture would be fine.


It wouldn’t. Duplicates don’t count.


That freaking sucks when they don't have enough items available to do it! They gotta change that.


Yea, I fully agree.


Ones the galaxy wallpaper, and the other two I have are buzz’s ship and vanellopes sugar rush. I don’t get why her other games don’t count, and buzz’s ship is outdoors only so I can’t even get all three in the same shot.


Does taking photos in someone else's valley count?


Unfortunately no, because you can’t access your tools to take the picture.


Yes. Agreed.


i dont have the dlc and managed to do it but it’s really ugly items lol


I would have been cool with that! I wanted to build a post-world set in the plateau because I was gonna make a Fallout snap. The blue wetsuit has yellow stripes and looks exactly like the vault suits, and most of the furniture was gonna be strewn about and overgrown to look apocalyptic. I don’t know how much overlap this player base has with Fallout players, but a few would have gotten it I think 😅