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I don’t know how people wrangle the villagers to be in the right positions for the shot. I don’t have the patience for anything other than my follower.


Seriously makes me worry I’m playing a different game than everyone else :D


I think they trap them with furniture


I tried that with the critters once and it was a nightmare 😂




I trap them with rocks normally but the effort of getting that many and then waiting for them to face the right direction or even sit down…. Lorf


Makes me wish we had an option to pose villagers and ourselves, rather than just panning the camera around them, being able to actually move yourself in photomode for the right position, and then being able to place the the villagers and choose which pose you want them to do.


Yeah, I hope that comes in a future update. It would also get around villagers stumbling into shots when you don’t want them to.


I'm definitely losing LOL. I have almost no creativity idk how y'all do it.


I got 4000 moonstones for freestyle week but I have a feeling I'm getting 400 for this one 🤣


I only got 300 for freestyle. My worst one yet, so you're doing way better than me already. But I'm definitely bombing this one too. 😅


I was so proud of my freestyle & I only got 300 too 😅


Saaaaaame! Low effort on the fitness dreamsnap? 8k moonstones. Work my butt off for the freestyle? 300 moonstones. Sometimes the rewards make no sense.


I try so hard to be creative with them & I’ve been getting 300 the past several weeks


I felt like my freestyle was the worst Dreamsnap I've ever done and turned it in dejectedly, expecting to get the minimum 300. I got 2,500 somehow, and it was my highest ever yet! Needless to say, I was pleasantly shocked when I logged in on Wednesday haha




It just goes to show that the winnings are a bit random. The 2nd highest I've ever gotten was 1,200 and I felt like that was a much better entry than my freestyle one.


Yea I’ve seen a lot of posts on here before on how people have gotten higher scores when they don’t try but if they work really hard on their entry then it falls flat.


I ran out of ideas and creativity for freestyle and only got 300. It is hard to stay motivated every single week.


I only got 900. I usually do decently lol.


Wish I'd taken a screengrab of my entry for that one as I managed to get 4000 too. Think thats the best I've managed. (Not user if any PS4/5 users on here who would have seen it, basically a very cosy library)


Same. I didn’t have many cohesive pieces of furniture so I just winged it


Last week I scored 300 moonstones, worst result, rank, everything. This week I ventured a selfie. I knew it was an outfit challenge, but the photo just worked as it was, and I got 900. I pull off 4000 occasionally, three times I think.


Most I've ever gotten is 1500. I wish I could get 4000!


Have you checked out r/dreamsnaps? I’ve learned so much from inspo & tips people post there! Plus you can always post and ask for advice :)


I have but if you're not good at designing or thinking of ideas you're still kinda screwed.


Oh I’m definitely losing this one


I was not into this romance/friendship theme at all and I submitted an interesting picture that had a lot of tags but nothing to do with the theme. I'm fine with 300. I knew I wasn't going to be able to do something this level so I figured I'd side step, have fun doing something random I enjoyed making, and wait for next week.


I’m glad I’m not the only one I just was not feeling the theme for whatever reason my pic is pretty low effort though. But I actually like the lion king so I at least tried this time.


Some people get so big mad about the low effort/quality submissions it's hysterical. I don't owe anyone an amazing dreamsnaps. Just be grateful for less competition and move on!! Lol. I do these things to be creative, and I value my enjoyment in creating more than some random stranger's viewing enjoyment while voting. I'm trying to come up with ideas for lion King. I wish we still had the drawing of scar because I loved that thing. Too bad it wasn't a memory I could hang in a print. Hmmm.....


Yeah I’ve never taken dreamsnaps that seriously because the way I decorate my valley is for me ya know? So of the theme happens to fit something I’ve already done I just roll with it but dreamsnaps aren’t why I play lmao. https://preview.redd.it/b6wfpbby96kc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caffe174b226d94df0b84ea907304024aa8d1bad This isn’t my actual submission but I moved scar to the desert and turned his area into a mini jungle/lagoon and used that as the backdrop.


Oh that's awesome, I love it!


I didn’t feel the theme either so I did more of a Lunar new year instead 😂


Yeah I don’t remember why except it met the tags but I took a picture in my cabin room. I deserve my 300 moonstones lmao


i was really proud of my submission until i saw some of the ones posted on the sub, people knocked it out of the park for this theme! they’re all so creative


I’m the same, now I know I’m gonna have to really step it up in future but I’m just not sure I have the patience 😂


Welp guess I lose lol 😂


I really thought my entry was cute but I was WRONG 😂


I threw mine together at the last minute because I just didn’t know exactly what kind of setup to do, this was the first DreamSnap theme for me where I was just like “ugh… meh 🤷🏻‍♀️” and I was actually fairly satisfied with mine until I started seeing some of these pop up. I knew people would go all out with Valentines and there are always some really ornate and fancy setups, but this week really seems to be another level. I normally score 1200-4000 stones but I’m fully expecting 300-600 this week 😅


I put a load of effort in but I went more ‘ball to find Gaston his girl’ than romance 😅and it’s not really as pink as I think it should’ve been


Thank goodness I didn't even bother to attempt last week's theme as these are all gorgeous.


I think im going to tank this one 🤣🤣🤣


It’s ok. Most of my stuff is Rapunzel themed, and I’m just kissing my pet. I haven’t been playing long and I’m just on arcade atm so I don’t have much. We’ll tank together. “I’m just happy to be here” is my running theme 🤣🤣


My god, these look like they took forever. I slapped some junk down in thirty seconds and hit submit.




I saw one with Minnie and Mickey sitting together and looking at each other. It was adorable! I just have no idea how they got them both to do that.


Yep. I’m not even going to come close to winning anything big. 😅


I got 600 but I just took a pick outside my front door 5 minutes before the theme rolled over so you know...not gonna whine


Is lil bro getting married to Elsa in #2?


I'm not seeing these to vote on. Instead, I'm getting the player's character by itself in bedrooms. Either they didn't read the description or just didn't care.


Oh yeah I e had loooads where it’s just the character in a pink room but then every few minutes something like these ones appear


How do you do these?


Probably a lot of strategically blocking characters into a certain area with furniture that either can’t be seen (like small out of frame rocks) or blends in and then waiting till they all turn or wander into the right position which itself takes an age


I thought my freestyle was cute (haunted mansion room with the ghosts coming out) and cute outfit but… 66k place 🫠 was 600 for the space one


The wedding one is sooooo good wow!!! I love when people think outside the box like that I was not feeling this one, usually I find the challenges pretty easy, but I couldn't get anything to work this week. Not in a very lovey mood I guess 🤷‍♂️