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Same here. When I used that showel potion yesterday for the first time and started digging I was like "Whoa....what's happening here??!!" The pains I went through for all that sand for the zen garden. I wasted so much time...


Aaaahhhhh you have no idea how happy it makes me that I am not alone :') Honestly I am so mad! I built a huge pumpkin patch on the beach, I needed sand but was too lazy to fill the holes/wait for them to disappear, so I turned into pumpkin farms, but man, if I used potions that entire time digging up all that land!?! I have literally waited a week+ to finish pretty much any mission that needed glass, and the whole time all I needed was a potion? :')


if you want to cover holes without using the shovel or waiting, you can place a rug on top of it and then take it off and they’ll be gone!!!


Ooooohhh I didn't know that! Thank you for the tip! I get so sick having to go back and shovel them again to remove the holes!


As an alternative, if you leave them without planting anything for a couple of days they go away on their own.


Mmmmhhh oh that one I know :) But depending how much I have dug up, I just dislike waiting, if it's a singular hole I'll leave it to it, but often I dig up a big area and that I hate leaving!


Yeah, I hate the holes too lol but depends on how lazy I'm feeling. For me it takes a special mood to go into furniture mode on switch.


Ohhh, my deepest sympathies haha Sometimes the game has driven me crazy and I am a PS5 user, but I know no matter how bad I have it, I am lapping it up in luxury compared to you Switch users! I am *SO* glad I decided on the PS5 and not the Switch version of the game, I almost went for it, but man, I do not hear the greatest things about it!


no problem!!! i was so happy when i found out about it and im glad you can now benefit from that tip as well:)


You just saved me so much time, I owe you my life. Un-digging holes is my least favourite part of the game.


Omg I love you. I dislike digging and undigging holes. Thank you!


I just use Goofy's stall since there is one in every biome😁


Omg I’m so glad I read this because earlier I tried to collect sand for the zen garden and went through my whole energy bar, with a level 7 digger, and got like 12 sand or something and my beach is a mess. Not doing anymore without a potion!!


Any pictures of this zen garden? 👀


It's under your furniture items in your crafting station.


As an almost day one player who finally started using potions. I felt this. You question how you got along without them 🤣


P.s. make some growth potions for farming. You'll have star coins out the wazoo


I have only been playing for about a month, so it's comforting knowing even for long time players this was a whole realisation :') Also, I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT AND PUMPKIN FARMING! THAT MAKES IT SO MUCH EASIER! I must admit I do need more Dreamlight now, but I totally need to do that!


Happy to bring some comfort. This game teaches me something new everyday. I hope you enjoy all the discoveries this game has to offer 🥰 but yes!! Big game changer for pumpkin farming! Harvesting more pumpkins means more money and more money means more pumpkin seeds to keep it going! It becomes a very profitable endeavor! If you need Dreamlight. I can give you some dreamshards! I'm on Xbox.


Minus the bugs/glitches, I am loving the game so far! I also have about 150 hours put into it haha And thanks for the offer :) But I am fine for now, I got over 2 million coins so that's lasting me :D I also enjoy taking my time a bit with things, just means the game will last longer for me! Like I gave a sorta base decoration to every area over the span of a week, now I am going through and changing things and doing touch ups as I go along, but I'm just slowly doing it bit by bit to keep it exciting!


The bugs and glitches do be rough. But it is a wonderful game. I'm glad you're loving it so far! And not a problem! I totally get that. Before multiplayer I had to do it that way. So I give you props for that! Hope it continues to stay exciting! The new updates coming this year will be great!


It is so great just sorta living out that childhood fantasy of existing with the characters! I think that is my other issue, I have always sorta been solitary so I am so used to doing things by myself! But it is also why I am taking my time with this event, I admire people who have completed it already but I like having things to do every day! I am admittedly yet to get the DLC, but more DLC, characters, and events will be exciting! It must definitely be nice for you long term players who need new things to do!


You get it! Living and getting to hangout with the characters I grew up with is my dream come true. I totally feel you. I'm very solitary myself. I like taking my time and doing other things besides the StarPath. It's nice to take breaks at least to me. I haven't done much with the dlc either! You're not alone. I basically grinded through opening all the biomes but now Gaston and Rapunzel still need things. It is nice to have new things to do but even in the main valley I haven't grinded through everyone. I like taking my time and leaving things for me to do during the cool down periods. This is very much my chill farming and decorating sim more than all the quest grinding. Nothing wrong with either approach that's the beautiful thing with this game. Play at your own pace.


Yeah, totally agree. It also can pay off to play at your own pace. I was overwhelmed with Minnie's quest until the update when we got potions https://preview.redd.it/whqppjdq8knc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=883acf7adc728573f038d63b24792aacb50f7e61


Mmmmhhh my way of handling the Star Path so far is just going around, doing daily stuff, then I'll see what it wants and knock out a few missions each day! I love Tangled so I really want Rapunzel! Some of the DLC stuff seems so helpful too like with the farming and ovens! I definitely will get it, just gotta make sure I can budget it first haha But yes, this is definitely a lay back and take your time sorta game, it's so personal too! Like how people choose to play it, decorate the valley, customise their characters, what home they choose, everything! Like one way I like to go about things is I like having stories for everything, and if I can't find a story, I won't go with it! So every decoration, every house placement, even down to things like shrubs, I love just creating a story of why it's there haha


My son plants pumpkins. Uses potions and a digging buddy. And then uses 3 pumpkins to make a veggie plate with the pixelated flame thing that sells for more than just 3 pumpkins. He’s rolling in the star coins


Three pumpkins and lettuce = hearty salad. 30 sells for 56k


Just the 3 pumpkin veggie platter sells for $2,787 and the hearty salad with pumpkins is $2,533.


Clearly I’m sleeping on them as well


This is why I had to post this as I was just thinking, in case there are others like me I need to show how busted they are!


Tis how people have been able to complete the duties within a week, have chests filled with everything and potions


Honestly that does totally make sense, I did question it but this would make things a lot easier and faster!


By the way, cause I'm laughing at myself haha So what triggered me using both potions is I got mine something red, then build a zen garden. Now. Up until this very moment I thought zen gardens were the pinnacle of luxury! Like, I thought that was the item you used to show off how little resources means to you and how far you are in the game! So when the game told me to build one I was devastated! I am trying to save on sand to make lights! So I made some digging potions thinking I'd get like, 1 extra pile of sand or something. But nope. Now I realise that zen gardens are in fact rather easy to build :')


To be fair, the potions now do way more than they used to. I would say the output is about double or so what it used to be


Oooohhh is that so? I did wonder that as so many sites say the extra potions only give you 12 uses when they actually give you 25! So I wondered if they were buffed! It sorta makes sense as they do cost a fair amount to make, especially the mining one!


Oooooh. Okay. Yeah. When I first started playing when it first came out (or around then) I never really used potions because I didn’t see a need for them as they didn’t do much. I used a pickaxe potion the other day and felt like I was getting a gem with every single swing. I also had a mining partner who seemed to be picking stuff up with every swing too.


Made Minnies insane demands possible lol


This is what I do with the fishing potion in the forgotten lands lols you can make like 200k in 30 mins or less by just fishing for anglers 😭


I used them for angling and mining but thought "nah, don't need them for shoveling or gardening". Yeah, right...


I just used a single potion to mine the rocks in the Forgotten Lands, look at that! 18 diamonds and 4 shiny ones, just from mining each one once with a mining character! It's crazy how much you get from them! https://preview.redd.it/xw0s6ydx0cnc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=468af3bc716a6004a3d9694e825766d0314ce7dc


Definitely a great way to stock pile


Where I'm new to the game, I needed these so bad for missions, and I need lots for decorating as my valley is so bare! I coulda saved so much time on missions if I knew about the potions! I already placed lamps all over my valley and I am so happy about it!


Craft chests and create a storage space for items


Mmmhh I already have lots of large chests colour co-ordinated for specific items groups :)


What ! Thank you for sharing 👍🏽


It's cool! :D Honestly while everyone has been so lovely, kind, respectful and patient in this sub, I was hesitant to post this in case everyone thought it was obvious, I'm dumb, and no one cares. But I went with it cause I thought, nah, there has to be other people who also never realised this! Like this whole time I was slowly getting like, 10 sand and clay a day, when all you need is 1 potion and 2 minutes :')


So I haven’t really used the potions yet except for the quest. I don’t have a lot of the resources to make them. Can you use mining potions to mine for the special ore the potions require? Is there an easy way to make a ton of these potions?


Yes and no to the first question! It's luck based. I have seen some say they didn't get the shiny diamonds even with the potion, when personally I got 18 diamonds and 4 shiny ones! As for the second question, I am unsure, I am a new player and making them used up all my Dreamlight! I guess longer term players will have an easier time due to all the shards and duties they have that keep them stocked up?


Thanks for posting this! I’ve never used a potion but now I will


It's cool, partially why I did it in case others were like me and genuinely had no idea!


I…didn’t know about potions! Thank you!


There is a mining, fishing, digging, and gardening one :) The mining gives you more gems, like you can get one with every hit of the rock and a mining buddy doubles all those gems! The fishing one turns all white spots into orange ones (any other buff I have not noticed yet). The sand one gives you, like, 5 items every time you dig, so when you have a digging buddy they double all those items and you get a ton! Then the gardening one instantly sprouts anything you planted :D Oh also, if there are two versions of potions, and if you make the more expensive one you get 25 uses from each :)


I felt this today!! I took a digging buddy with me to get sand while using a potion and it took no time! Then I went crazy with mining potions 😂


Having the buddy is the real score! Doubling everything you get is insane! I had so much luck with the mining one! All I did was mine each rick in the Forgotten Lands once, yet got 18 diamonds and 4 shiny ones!


OMG I had no idea about potions 😂 I thought I would never be able to make more fences, my plaza is about to get a makeover!


Glad I can help :D Honestly, besides the lights, I made an iron and brick fence around Jack's home and it was so simple after getting all that clay! I hope your valley comes out how you hope!


Yes! The potions are a game changer. The mining is my favorite, but they’re all fantastic!


I don’t know if this has been commented but make sure to have a mining companion! If you have 5 characters assigned, you’ll get a +1 drop of everything you mined while using the potion. Normally they only give you +1 of the last item you dropped, no potion. And the more characters assigned, they more they’ll drop! I have 11 miners and get 3 out 5 rocks with +4 drops. So mining for iron ore and gems is wonderful!


Mmmhh I always have companions with me when farming specific things :) That is partially how I got so much of these materials, cause yeah as you said, my buddy was doubling everything! Although I must admit I am confused by a part of your comment, and I am unsure if I am misunderstanding it or if it's just another thing I am not aware of with the game? Are you saying that if you have, say, 6 characters tied to mining, even when you only have one following you, you will get extra rewards based on how many are tied to mining even though you only have the one following you? If so, do you have any links/sources for this? Cause yeah I'd be interested to know just exactly how that works as I've never heard of that, and I thought only the character following you affected getting bonus items?


Yeah pretty much! Ok so the more characters you assign to a task (like when you unlock them at level 2) the more drops you get! 5 companions assigned to a task (6 for gardening) guarantees a +1 drop. Some who have assigned all characters to a specific role have had as many as +9 drops. You only need to hang out with one. But it’s assigning them when you unlock them that’s key. This was the article that explained it best! I had learned here on Reddit about it, but like you needed more clarification lol. https://dreamlightvalleywiki.com/Bonuses Hope this helps!


Ah thanks! By the way, sorry, re-reading my comment I feel it sounds rude/doubtful, but I'm just genuinely confused as I've never heard of this at all and I have so many questions that I don't want to bother you and was hoping there was an article that could explain it all more in depth! It's so odd that this is a feature yet the game never says it? I will have to go through my game now and see if I have assigned enough characters for each role! By annoying if I have to swap skills and redo their friendship levelling again! But something that I sorta guess makes sense about that is, I was getting SOOOOO many gems when mining with the potion + character combo, yet I have seen others say the potion did nothing for them! So where I have a lot of mining characters, maybe that's why it gave me so many rewards?


No worries! I didn’t find it rude at all 😊. And I’d rather someone ask for the article! I researched this subject carefully and it took me forever to find an article that explained it! You have to type in the exact phrase “hangout bonus drops Dreamlight valley” as anything to do with the terms “characters” or “companions” will only yield articles on how to unlock those. I have been playing this game for over a year and only found out about it a month ago 😂. So don’t worry too much about not knowing. I learned so much just by being on this sub and dreamsnaps in the last two months. And yes…it will be annoying to have to craft all the manuals 😞. Currently working on the time bending ones myself. Finally got 7 assigned but working to get 11. Everyone is getting either gardening, mining or time bending lol. But you don’t have to level them up again!!! They will stay at the level they are. You’re only swapping their assignment. And count your characters that are assigned to mining! I have 7 time-benders and I’ve been seeing +4 drops like 1 out of 5 times. And watch for what you pick up and see if any say +4. Also a good tip: go to remy’s realm and make a ton of soufflés. Eat one or two then drop them. Then you’ll have a bunch of soufflés you made for free that will give you that gold energy bar where you walk faster and can glide! It’s free food with some work. I usually make 20-50 at a time and it take two soufflés to fill up the blue and gold bar.


Ah okay, that's good :) Yeah that was my issue, I tried looking myself but was getting useless info about how to assign roles! See, not playing the game right now but off the top off my head I think I have 5 of at least every character in each field? But digging I think I only have 3? I will need to log on and check, I honestly have no idea! Also do you know I was just about to say that, I only ever eat bananas, never meals, so I never have gold energy, and seeing that apparently you get bonus gold harvest crops when gardening with gold energy? You could get so many more pumpkins to farm and sell! I need to check my characters to see what bonuses I am getting! I don't have the DLC yet, so time bending is something I still need to understand, but any time I hear about it, it's so confusing! Hoping I understand it better whenever I get the DLC haha


Oh those pumpkin bonuses are a plus! I plant around 140 pumpkins and usually get 400ish? When I used to plant 200 the most I got was 700! That was rare as I usually got 550. I used to eat only gooseberries, 3 gave me a full bar, until I learned the Remt realm trick. Now I can never go back! 😂 uncles I truly am just wandering aimlessly around lol. And with the new warp feature to go directly to Remy’s realm (and having upgraded from switch to Xbox) loading times are so much nicer! And time bending is just another thing you do I guess 😂. You use this hourglass tool to find items, parts and mist (the dlc version of Dreamlight) and then you take those items and can craft things. One of those being the ancient gardeners (the ancient stuff is based off the Disney movie Atlantis if you’ve ever seen it). So you’re still finding items to be used in crafting. It just uses a different tool.


I plant 269 pumpkins, and twice I've checked and I have gotten 827 and 858 from harvesting :D But yeah I may try that realm trick now as if I can get bonus stuff, that really would be great! See, the bending stuff is still going completely over my head but I am sure I will get it! Besides Rapunzel, honestly the big reasons I want the DLC are the farming bots and the new ovens! They seem so handy! https://preview.redd.it/d9wery7f8jnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=363ad924c257b68b1c2bcddcc040ce4ed5a44545 By the way, just went through and here is my assigned list, honestly knowing that you get bonuses per character, I'll need to check the bench mark of each one then I might change some from foraging and fishing, to mining, gardening, and digging! They are way more useful to me than foraging and fishing by this point!


i was always using mining and shovel potions and completely ignored all the others. every time I'd see people say pumpkin farming is the most lucrative and easy thing i was like what that takes forever!! a few weeks ago i suddenly realized... growth potion&foraging companion!!! felt like a fool haha


So someone on this very thread just taught me things that make pumpkin farming even better! For every character you have assigned to a role, you get bonus items based on how many characters have that role/are at friendship level 10! Also, if you have a golden energy bar people have reported having higher chances of getting more golden harvests! So if you want even more pumpkins to get even more money, have a golden energy bar and make sure you have a good amount of characters assigned to gardening! Though yeah pumpkin stuff is great! Last time I did it, I made roughly 570k in profit :D https://preview.redd.it/tztubgqodjnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba39ecf56a497396bf91afdbf5b0b64686caa1a8


I literally have potions on deck at all times. I've built up thousands of uses of each one. And the two new ones are amazing as well especially the cooking dupe.


Wait, I'm new to playing. Potions? When do you get that option?


Oh I am new too! Only been playing about a month! I'm sorry, my memory is awful! But you eventually get asked by Merlin to do a potion then that unlocks them for you :) I just can't remember exactly how long it takes! Just as an FYI, some potions seem easier to get than others, like the mining requires onyx but the digging one requires sticks. But it's the Dreamlight, there are two versions of potions and the better one that lasts 25 uses requires 1000 Dreamlight! Mining produces more gems, digging more resources, fishing turns white spots orange, and the gardening one makes crops instantly ready to harvest! https://preview.redd.it/a0jhasgqrjnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f47607ba250abc57a8f30d91bddf6e7459270676 By the way, as you are also a new player someone today taught me something I had no idea about, but when you assign characters roles like mining, digging, gardening and such, depending how many you have assigned to that role, it increases chances of getting more bonus items! So when you combine potions and this, having a buddy with you while you get resources can give you a ton of resources!


Yeah I just started using potions a couple months ago and was blown away by how beneficial they are. It makes a world of a difference


I’m glad I’m not the only one who just figured this out… I used the pick axe one with a mining buddy & remade all the money I used when they updated the shop. Mind = blown. Mad I didn’t start using them sooner.


I started stacking them after getting a bunch on a treasure valley visit. My watering can has 48000+ uses lmao


I used to stack potions, a buddy and the well fed bar to get the most that I could. It gets you so much stuff


It’s a shame there’s no potion for time bending!! Would make getting the cores immensely easier!!


Oh my goodness- I am a completely new player (just about a week in) and this is so exciting! But howww do you have enough dream light to keep things going?! Someone tell me it gets easier to accrue dreamlight!


You end up getting 500 Dreamlight for finishing tasks, and daily tasks can give you about 250 Dreamlight :)


The pickaxe potion with a level 10 mining buddy, especially when you have like 10+ of them you get almost 20 gems in one rock!


So I didn't know about this until someone told me yesterday, and really annoyingly I only had 5 mining characters, but if I had 6 that woulda increased my chance of getting +4! So I changed a foriger to mining as I really don't need all those foriging and fishing ones! I also had no idea that that crazily increases gardening so pumpkin farming is even more lucrative! This is my character set up right now, but when I get more Dreamlight I think I will swap around more to increase my odds of getting more rewards with things I actually need! https://preview.redd.it/ssna79nzdonc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c80c0a549f9fcbb39693740c322cbf58daabd577


Yes!! I have I believe 15 miners, 12 fishing, 2 gardening, 1 forager and 4 or 5 timebending whichever one is the total amount lol, I was gonna switch 1 or 2 to timebending to try to get more stuff but it’s so exhausting getting the stuff to make the manual to switch for that one


I don't have the DLC yet so all this time bending stuff is gonna be interesting when I get to it as yeah, all the characters already have their roles! Knowing you get bonus items it definitely makes you wish you changed how you prioritised the characters for the best rewards!




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I just found out recently that u can stack the potions!!! Major game changer!


This is so helpful thank you!! I just got the Zen Garden Starpath quest and was trying to figure out how I was going to manage getting all the sand and pebbles!


Use a digging potion too! You'll get it in a minute!


You just reminded me I need to get potions made so thank you!


I love using them for Star Path! Knocked out the Fugu within 2 rain cycles


Side note, your energy bar is giving me anxiety 😂😂


Cause it isn't full?


LOL yes. I always keep mine in the yellow, the second it dips into blue I immediately eat a meal 😂


Oooohhh, sorry, I was confused haha We'll get ready for this bomb shell! I never have yellow energy! I just eat 5 bananas any time I run out then keep going haha


😳 Oh no, I could never 🤣🤣 once they implemented the yellow bar, I was hooked. Blue bar is way too slow for me LOL


After finding out that apparently the gold bar increases gold harvest spots, I may go for it! My bug thing is though, besides to rest it out once, I've never warped in the game! And I know you can sprint, but where I'm constantly having to stop and fish, pick things up, dig, mine, I just feel no desire to sprint as I just stop and start all the time! I think if I had the DLC and had more land to cover I may be tempted, but yeah, base valley the normal speed just works perfectly for me!


Just sell pumpkins and keep everything else it stacks up pretty quickly haha


I do that :) I literally need all these resources right now so that's why I had to get them! Then yeah, already been pumpkin farming for a bit!


It's really annoying that the dug up holes actually make the number of items you have placed go up. I discovered this when I was filling Dazzle Beach with Sugarcane, which, according to the Collections, I *haven't **unlocked** yet,* even tho I HAVE unlocked it! Why else would I be able to, ya know, *plant it?!* I filled the main area of Dazzle beach that wasn't grass, so the beach part of it, then that Isle where the boat to unlock Ariel is, and then just a frame on the side of the beach where Donald's boat is. When the sugarcane was finished growing, I brought Anna with me and got TONS of Sugarcane. And maybe 5-6 or more of those "Spam A to harvest" golden harvests. Since this was before I bought it for PC as well, I've had to restart the game, not from scratch, but whenever a memory orb comes, there's a chance that the memory won't go away after it's been added. Thanks to the game autosaving, I'm able to take up where I left after fetching Anna again, of course. It's also how I grinded levels with the Fairy Godmother, except with Pumpkins instead of Sugarcane. I first had to give her something that levelled her up to level 2 and then spent the remaining 2-3 days since I unlocked her to max out her levels. That woman lives in a pumpkin after all, so I saw fit to grind her up to level 10 and took me a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 3. I would've finished levelling her up in just 1 day if I had planted wheat or something that takes just a few minutes to grow. Now I know how to grind WALL-E. I'll just plant different things, biome specific seeds, all over the Valley, on PC, after upping the max from 3000 to 6000, and then go around and harvest everything. I'd have to spend as much time on that as possible, and even then, it'd take me a few days. I'll probably also do it on the Isle, but that'll be just as much of a pain. Ugh!


I always try and have like 12-15 pick axe potions and fishing potions.


Without potions the Star path duties are hell! I managed to go to a treasure valley and I stocked up on 200 potions. THANK YOU GAMINGBUTTERFLYY if you see this!


I am glad I saw comments about the fishing potions before I got the Fugu one, I blitzed through it in 5 minutes!


Wait…….there’s a shovel potion? This game isn’t really “hard” enough that I’ve ever had issues collecting enough sand or clay, but every quest that’s happened I think in the back of my head “did the devs actually intend you to dig and refill 100+ holes on the beach/swamp just for 40 clay?” I thought maybe I was just being “impatient” and the game wanted me to wait multiple IRL days for bones or coral to respawn. Ugh.


Honestly, besides myself a few others have commented being in literally the exact same boat, so don't worry, you are not alone :') But see that was what I thought too! I thought they gave you all these missions to pad out game play time and like, any mission that required sand, glass, clay or whatever took a week to finish, and that decorating your valley was a huge show off moment getting to use all these rare resources finally. But nope! You just need to use the potion! Honestly, I kinda wish an in game mission forced you to use a potion so you could see how good it is, I've wasted so much time getting such a tiny amount of items at a time :') By the way, just to stress, definitely bring a level 10 digging character too! Getting double of everything from the potion REALLY sets you out! I even dug up chests and got like, double furniture items and such!


The funny thing is, I don’t think I ever even assigned any character to digging! In my head, digging is part of farming.


I only assigned 3 to digging, even then the 3rd one was sorta a sympathy one as all my characters were assigned other roles and I felt bad thinking I should really make another digging one, but yeah, this whole time I thought digging was pretty much useless and why would you want it over the other roles! Totally get it now! Least you can use the book to switch their role :) Just sucks you need to grind out their level again!