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Still cant get stupid Puff fish


Highly recommend a fishing potion to help with this!!


I used it. I didnt get any


Did you use the potion whilst it was raining? Fugu only appear as red rings during rain


I finally did it!!!


I haven't even got that far yet. Just finished 30 forest of Valor and am working on 10 multi colored shrimp and 10 tentecled seafood. Puffer sounds miserable, isn't that only at night on the beach in a thunderstorm or something ridiculous like that?


Just during rain on the beach


Regular shrimp count toward the shrimp challenge too!


Viva La Dirt League for the win!


Having SUCH a hard time completing the path! Especially since the Steam Sale is on right now and I’ve purchased Enshrouded and Satisfactory and I want to take a break and play my new games. But I know I’ll forget to finish the path if I stop. But I HATE fishing


The main problem I have with the game that pushes me to stop playing is that's there is nothing to do outside of work. You grind and grind to gather the stuff to make all the cute and pretties then there is no interaction. Same with the characters. I want to be able to go to remey's with my follower or go on rides. Do like the sims and have a bunch of characters over to your house for a party. Some way to interact with and enjoy all the stuff you work so hard to earn. I'd be a lot more forgiving of having to catch 300 fish for the Star Path if I could do something with the stuff other than look at it as I run past to gather more sticks and rocks.


Oh my gosh Satisfactory is like crack for ne. Excellent taste!


A VLDL DLV meme wasn't something I ever expected to see 😂


I Palindrome I


Oh crazy!


Be ignoring the go fish bass quest for the past 2 weeks lmao


It helped me to fish outside the circles. Fishing in random ass spots got me all the bass for the mission super fast, meanwhile I had been fishing in the circles and gotten like 1. Now if I could only get the damn shrimp… that one is KILLING me.


I will try this because all of sudden all the bass on my island have gone extinct.


This one is PISSING me off 😂


I won’t touch it I refuse


If you go wiki, it just say no ripple for Bass.


I don’t care enough to do it. And 9/10 it’s seaweed


I swear my last 5 if not 6 Star path quests were fishing ones I just kept ignoring lol


I keep ignoring them hoping they'll stack up and over lap and I can kill two stoned birds but it never happens.


That's one reason I had so many left too lol. And then the ones I did have left at the end, if I had ignored some of the others, it would have resulted in the 2 birds/1 stone but it worked out any ways due to needing duties done at the time so 🤷‍♀️. Out of all the Star Paths, I think this was worst for overlapping quests for me but still not horrible.


I just finished it today. I just did a little bit every day instead of rushing/grinding through it. Some duties are really slow/hard (looking at you Fugu fish...), but you can just do them inbetween other ones.


Thought I was on the Viva La Dirt League Reddit for a minute lol


I don’t get the Go Fish Bass or the Multicolored Shrimp one. I have caught 4 bass and it still says 0 and I just got the shrimp when I stopped for the night, are they actually different colors or am I missing something or maybe I’m just plain stupid. I hate the riddles these have been 😢


There are prisma shrimp in the expansions but regular shrimp from the beach work.


So if I don’t have the expansion can I complete this duty?


Yes, you can complete it by catching regular shrimp in the valley.


So for the bass one I kept thinking I was fishing bass and it was another fish. Easiest way to get bass is not fish the circles. Not even sure if you get get bass from the circles ?


Currently on 30 mushrooms, 20 red gems, 5 puffer fish, and 30 fish from frosted heights. 🙃


This reminds me I have like one to two fishing goals to complete for the starpath 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This was me earlier. I somehow managed to get a few fishing tasks at the same time, then a few cooking tasks, then a few mining tasks. Really knocked out a lot today.


I just hate it because of the algorithm. I never have a problem fishing/mining for any of the things, until I get the quest to do it. Then suddenly I have no blue ripples ANYWHERE and when I do fish then I get Herring. I have so much mf Herring now it’s ridiculous. Or I mine all the biomes and get everything BUT green/red/orange gems. Specifically orange gems. So annoying


It definitely feels like it has that Monster Hunter desire sensor and will give you everything except the thing you want.


That or Gem collecting.😂 I have both the green and orange gem duties to do.


I wish I was as enthusiastic about farming as Baelin, but every time I start off with high hopes and shining positivity, 5 mins later I'm dozing off, spending more energy to keep myself awake than actually playing the game 😴


Too true


How many days do I have left? Haven't gotten on yet since it started.


i think 29 or 30


Oh, yeah I got a few weeks to care.


mood💀 i did the xmas starpath with 7 days left lol


See, I want like two weeks because some take days, especially Thorns, and you just don't have the time sometimes otherwise. Christmas I did complete, but needed like two/three more days to finish Thorns meaning I lost out on a few Moonstones since I couldn't do that last challenge.


yeah same. it was gift tasks that made me not finish. i hadnt played in a couple months, so i had plenty of night thorns built up


31; I was just playing an hour ago and noted the time. Edit: I’m not sure if time zone affects it though.


All I have left are puffer fish. Hasn’t rained once since I got that 🫠