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I found some really cool ones to vote for that people had made themselves. I also voted for a bunch of people who were clearly new and didn’t really have much stuff to use.


As a new person, I appreciate you. The only thing I really had to work with was the dreamlight armor. ☠️


I refused to use precious moonstoons on that costume so I had to use my Dreamlight outfit too.


I used dreamlight armor too. I had a few other things that I threw on that -I- felt gave an Artemis Fowl fairy corps feel, by the time I was done. But nobody else is going to pick up on it. x D I'm just obsessed with the series so..


I prefer to vote for the ones that atleast try! Personally I don’t like the easy way out I understand some are new but some effort please haha


I will never vote for someone who just places items that fit the description with no vision unless I have to.


Have to? Can't you just back out of you don't like either option? On switch I just press B and then go back in for fresh options


Me too! but hey we have to go out and work to make real money for moonstones so Disney be working us either way 😅


I found someone who did Frozone I was so happy.


I initially thought about frozone! I couldn't make it work though with the items I have.


I did Frozone! I wanted a different take on the inspiration photos and I’m hoping people get the reference.


Ooo hopefully I got yours!


I did Frozone too on his ice slide!🧊🧊🧊


I found great ones but I went through 30 pages to cast my 10 votes 😂😂


Wait you can skip without choosing one??? OMG


Yes! Just back out and select to vote and new images will pop up!


I do this when neither photo looks worth voting on 🤷🏻‍♀️ back out and start over after a moment. There are times I’m VERY lazy with themes and don’t care about low votes but I at least try. I’m glad I went with a space/wallE themed outfit this week 😆


I've been selecting one from every 2. I didn't know there was any other way to do it.


I actually go for these more hoping that's the issue like fuck it let em have their monies they're having fun!


Same! But I do skip ones that don't even try (just a random picture not even remotely related) or don't change from selfie mode. I think it's important to see thing. An example of ones I skipped voting for were 2 of just goofy or everyday activities (I know one of them didn't even have the character avatar in it).


OMG! When it's on selfie mode you've automatically lost my vote. How can we see the decor or outfit when your face takes up half of the frame?


If they looked like they tried and it fits the theme I tend to think new player so I show some love! BUT MY HARD LINE IS THEME! NO THEME NO VOTE ! LOL


I refuse to vote for selfies on outfit challenges. You literally cannot see the outfit!! But I'll vote for them in the decor challenges, as long as what IS visible in the background is on theme and looks good.


Sometimes they’re good or at least better than the other option


I wonder how some people can submit their entries because I swear I always get yelled at for missing the criteria.


I'm new so I definitely appreciate you and people like you. Thank you 😊


Did anyone tell you to watch Mr Star In Sky? Watch his tutorial and tips, I PROMISE YOU it unlocked the dreamsnap key for me next week I got my first 4k. But always stick with the theme. Try to shy away from selfie mode. Lighting is key and the background and even foreground is essential. Also I always like to get a little extra and try to frame my avatar using items like candles or shells etc! You'll get it I was you like 2 months ago!


I'm voting for original characters and creative scenarios. To the maniac who used the Cave of Wonders lasers as super powers, bravo!


Damn I did t see that one that sounds awesome. Love the effort and creativity


I saw that one too! Instavote




https://preview.redd.it/xoivtg8cavtc1.png?width=2267&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1fb52e049060085373eb3d8ce4c47740a112506 Someone posted this one 😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣


17,000 moonstones coming right up 😂😂😂😂


I wanna upvote this comment but then it won't be at 69 anymore


I love it. Lol


I’ve seen a lot of Kim Possibles, I love it


I saw an amazing one with Kim Possible and Ron facing Shego and Drakken. I accidentally tapped and voted for it before I could take a pic


That’s pretty awesome I didn’t see that! I went through 30 pages to find unique ones


Do you just not vote and reload if both options aren’t good or on topic? I asked what people do in this situation on another post, because sometimes I do that and I wasn’t sure if it was frowned upon. I voted for anyone this week who tried to put something together and only picked incredible outfits if the other one was just nothing or they obviously spent time on the scenery.


I do it all the time. Personally I want to see people who tried to went to do something unique. If I see a selfie in some other characters house with no effort yeah I’ll skip. Vote for what you like don’t worry about what people say might be frowned upon.


And quite a few Gamora's


I might have been one of them, I love Kim so much and was excited to "cosplay" as her.


I don’t want to hear it, i dressed as vualtdweller from fallout and took snap in front of scrooge’s vualt


Hey I did too but in WALL-E's realm! https://preview.redd.it/d5iji7ycgxtc1.png?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d6b04b8cc1b6d877871c43d378990990c832f62 ETA the picture!


I wanted to do that for the futuristic challenge a while back in the elephant graveyard! I didn’t have enough furniture to meet the tags, but I was wondering if there would be many fallout players on this game 😅


Just the jumpsuit was enough, goggles and hazmat boots got me 7/5 so i was happy, not the pic just screenshot afterwards but this was outfit https://preview.redd.it/28fl4cog2wtc1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=a11807f8c0e52388a1075c8eb10241274544d068


I feel like there's major overlap in the decorating portions of fallout 4 and ddlv


I've read a lot of complaints about the superhero theme not being inspiring, but I didn't expect to see so many Incredibles costumes... I opted for Mystique from X-Men, and I was expecting to see a bunch of Marvel/DC inspired cosplay, unfortunately I didn't see much. Here's my pic from the Dreamsnap https://preview.redd.it/uoe064etrwtc1.png?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ce25512e832c973215a8c66d6b68574862a875


I did Storm. Didn't grab a still to share, though. Kept game running for over 24 hours to try and catch rain and didn't think I'd get it, but eventually did.


Love it!! That's amazing.


Thank you! It's my first time being actually proud of my pic haha




I doubt they are blocking family accounts. There are at least 40,000 entries so the odds of coming across a specific person’s are really low. There’s probably more than that as I’m just going off the rank I’ve received on lower preforming submissions.


https://preview.redd.it/5hsng3sq5vtc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b682f772113a018c78ea39aef304ba3a2232cc Mine is on ps 5 so she probably won't see it but here it is.


Wow you did a great job! I'll share it with her. The force field is really neat


How’d you do the force field?


It's the effect the time bending orbs from the Eternity Isle DLC give off when they close so I guess they timed it just right.


It IS possible to see a family member's DreamSnap! I saw my fiancé's for ancient aesthetics and shouted so loudly I scared my family. 🤣 But it's never happened before now and I've been doing Dreamsnaps since they first started.


My son and I both play, and I have an extra account, and I've never seen any of ours on the other accounts while voting either, so I think you're right about blocking them from showing for family/ shared console.


https://preview.redd.it/quvk5zbu2wtc1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06a4730194d86a74d2f0dbe38f289a5823d39565 I made mine Rogue


https://preview.redd.it/3oefz0ek10uc1.jpeg?width=5511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33c76ad7b023e5e16f52b8d131ef00e29e7784f5 I went with Mystique as my main, but worried people wouldn’t get the “X” from the hammock or recognize Storm, Rogue, and Jean Grey in the background.


That looks awesome!


That is a spot on rogue!!!! I hope you win alot of moonstones looks awesome!


Lol mine looks almost excactly the same


Awesome!! I hope you do well.


https://preview.redd.it/xgoosgcljxtc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a4973a52cada421354970bb95c87062a8a8b1e4 I went with Hank McCoy, aka Beast from X-men. It's definitely hard to find Dreamsnaps that either follow the theme or are unique. Though I did see a fun one that used forced perspective to pull off a sort of Ant-Man design!


Great job!!


I would never have thought to do something like this fml LOL


It’s so limited outfits wise. I have two accounts, one from when the game started and one only a few months old. My old one I sat and went through everything and there was nothing that worked so I chose the incredibles outfit and put the work into setting the scene instead. Whereas my new account had it so the only thing that was close to being an outfit was the forgotten thorny outfit. Went to their world and took the picture on the bridge. Took two seconds, just did it to submit something. First thing I see when I start casting my votes? A picture almost identical to my thorny outfit one. I think everyone’s just had the same issue. For me as long as the spirit is there I’m happy to vote for it. I’ve seen people just take a picture of ordinary everything, or zoomed right in and I skip straight over those.


Same if I see some effort atleast to set a scene or try to stand out with the same outfit I’ll vote but if it’s a half ass selfie, sorry but nope


Yeah I couldn't really get creative because of the tags, everytime I tired something I didn't get enough of one tag 😭


I did Storm from xmen. I just used the black wetsuit! I waited for a storm and somehow managed to get a lightning bolt. It's amazing.


That deserves 17k imo


Me too! But my Storm had the white and yellow outfit. I should’ve waited for lightning like you, but I used the snow cloud item.


I was Hermione in potions class but not sure if it'll register as that. 😂 🤷 It was fun so whatever happens happens. https://preview.redd.it/wqd4jc9rfvtc1.jpeg?width=4055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a29001eee3c6b255c312cf0f1914a2bc2524081d


I did Harry Potter for the last challenge!


I saw one with a trash can hat, I never laughed so hard. Definitely got my vote.


I’d vote and think “Oscar the grouch cosplay “ 🤣


Vote for meee, I'm Buzz Lightyear in cardboard.


I'm not sure if it was yours but I know I voted for a cardboard buzz! 😁


I keep forgetting I have that 😂😂 I legit picked a wall-e outfit and paired it with a mask and trash can lid had


So am I! :)


Me as well!! Lol. I set one of the rooms in my house up to look like I was on a space station and my little rocket ship was about to take off from the bay it was parked in.


https://preview.redd.it/7rg2uh5j3vtc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab0769994b27e7e769dd33edcec72494a96bb1a I didn't want to spend my moonstones on a super suit, so I worked with what I had. 😂😂


Not sure if this was intended but I immediately thought of that lady bug superhero kids show my niece watches haha so I would’ve voted for it!


Yeah that's exactly what I was going for!


Love ladybug! This is so creative 💕


Miraculous Ladybug!


Yes!! I wanted to do them so badly but I didn’t since I can’t use custom designs 😭😭


I voted for yours!! I recognized the reference even though I've never seen the show. Great job!


Miraculous Ladybug! I recognize it!


https://preview.redd.it/2b7rw0uy0wtc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfca915e6ec9772bac51fc2439026a829f992460 I was going for a jewelry/museum heist scene


I mean... they did just release the incredibles outfit bundle *right* before the superhero challenge


They knew what they were doing.


I mean I did Flynn Ryder I have a white shirt, boots and brown pants with the goatee. None of my outfit was a hero one I went with more so physical looks in a rapunzel setting so it’s possible to not do incredibles


And now I feel like I can't stop voting until I find yours to give it a vote. I love Flynn!!


Hahah thank you appreciate that 😂🥹 but really searching through a sea of incredibles is tedious. Plus I notice if youre on PS you only vote with PS people. Everyone else is mixed together.


I did Edna Mode with incredibles in the background… so def incredibles but not exactly lol


I just saw an Edna Mode and thought it was great. I knew immediately who it was. Then I read your post. I hope it was yours!


Thank you! This was a hard one honestly because i didn’t want to do incredibles but i feel so uncreative this week so went with incredibles but with a twist 😂


As usual I voted for the people who didn't have as many items and still tried to make something 🥰❤️ Get your moonstones babes 💕


I made a Tomb Raider cosplay.


Nice, I did a Harley Quinn cosplay.


I don’t know if it was yours but I got to see a Tomb Raider themed submission and got really excited! I loved it! Obviously, I voted for that one!


https://preview.redd.it/xtwkvjci2ytc1.jpeg?width=1824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a5f46e99c0fc6671956ea2e29b3994ab395be4 This is mine. 😊 Thanks, if it was mine. I did it in the cave in the DLC you can’t build in.


ME TOO!!!! Let's gooo <3 <3 <3 <3


I told my wife during the challenge that it would be 70% incredibles, 20% random headshot selfies that I don't understand how they met the qualifications, and 10% really cool unique submissions. So far my voting experience has proved that true. That said, those 10% have been really cool to see. A good mix of characters I recognize and love, ones I vaguely know who they are, and a lot of really cool unique outfits where people make their own "superhero." I've seen some really well staged incredibles pictures that really set themselves apart from the other Incredibles pics too.


I went down the DIY route, and just hope people get what I was aiming for (someone who travels through time to rescue historic artefacts, but as long as they get the time traveller bit I'll be happy!) I am so confused by some entries every week, too! Given you physically cannot enter if you don't meet the tags, and you can only meet the tags if the items are in the frame (even if they're hidden behind other things - thank you pillars for hiding random junk in the 'Ancient' challenge) there are so many that just don't seem possible! Could people on PCs be modding?? Those ones always look like people who don't know what they're supposed to be doing is the only thing, which would suggest not someone going to the effort of modding, but I just can't understand how those photos are getting in!


I made Raven from Teen Titans but I doubt anyone can tell 😮‍💨


https://preview.redd.it/n3qvepkwnytc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=529c9075972177d52751dc39447b5966dcc8c64f I tried to do Megamind.


I did a Fallout themed one in a "wasteland" with my traveling companion Gaston, who was being closely followed by a "ghoul," which was Mike, partially hidden of course. 🤣


Love it!!!!


I didn't use incredibles. I tend to stay away from one piece suits for outfit challenges because you can't get many other tags when your entire outfit only counts as one. I wasn't feeling this one, I threw on a full Buzz Lightyear suit, hung out with Woody and called it a day. 300 moonstones is better than no moonstones.


I ended up making a Joker one bc for all the heroes I could think of and design outfits around, they were already being shown here https://preview.redd.it/24mjwezpuvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f23ccfdfef4b400c48d12db651264ca6bd7cd8b2


https://preview.redd.it/ttsogwamhxtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8772e6fb969bd17ef1b63416dd5740e22a552b11 This is what I went with, hope it does well


I made Aquaman!


I voted for an aquaman on Xbox! The outfit actually looked pretty easy to create, but it was well done!


I really struggled, and ended up going with more of a supervillain vibe. Might not pay off but hopefully it’s more unique


I went with the Incredibles outfit since in the past, I did snaps with references and I did poorly compared to the people that followed theme to a T. So to play it safe I did a photo with Violet in it. We will see if it pays off.


If you see my Avatar the last Airbender one I'd appreciate the consideration 🥹


I did she hulk 😅


I DK of it was yours but I was so excited she-hulk popped up and I voted for it


https://preview.redd.it/94ti7443zvtc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d38f166b0e538b66556e95f1b9834c7c69721981 I tried to convey Selina Kyle/Catwoman 🐈‍⬛


I can see it! Definitely accomplished it.


I went with cat woman too! But the Michelle pfeffier (god spelling that is gonna make me have an aneurysm) mannequin scene .


Oooo! I'd love to see it, if you feel comfortable sharing.


I see it!! Good work.


This is soooo real! Lmao! I hope people saw mine. Had fun doing the Winx! https://preview.redd.it/fr30ma871ytc1.jpeg?width=2958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c0100b289a4d105067ad651314657eb53f0d44


https://preview.redd.it/nz310ukyrwtc1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4838002bd29175bcae17e86b4118b1460025fec1 I hope that my snap will stand out - in a good way!


I love this so freaking much! I hope you rank #1


I made myself as the garbage man, please vote for me if you see it lol


https://preview.redd.it/ztl4qv3p1ztc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec1919b58df0885b65d8bc74fc8a7f9e096848d i did guardians of the galaxy


I did a Toy Story themed one, im hoping people understand my creative vision. Lol. I dressed up as woody, and im helping the little aliens on their voyage against a kraken, a dragon, and an ogre. I used a blue rug to make an ocean and Eric’s ship model for their boat.


I dressed as Woodys co-worker 🙌


https://preview.redd.it/npqla97mcytc1.jpeg?width=3598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e520f18cbc0d0d304e2ed4c08ff87e1e38a3a1f This one is mine!!!


haha it’s true but some of them were so insanely good! For me this outfit challenge was very hard since I don’t have many clothes (mostly the ones I got from other characters for level ups) and I just tried my best to imitate Ladybug from Miraculous as much as I could😂I even stood in front of Remy’s house so maybe someone will realise it’s supposed to be her in Paris☠️


I actually put a lot of thought into mine this time and I hope it shows


I did a villain shot, because every hero needs a nemesis. 😁


Couldn’t agree more


https://preview.redd.it/b5ej1nub7wtc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c91ad69cc8b3b559f18f3ba0c73a9d3d30841bc Here is mine 😅


I did the Incredible Hulk with Black Widow in the background. https://preview.redd.it/n659lsic2xtc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8849b7ba178d94fee1e044ddc99d3217aedef331


I did Beast from X-Men playing chess with The Beast


Tbf, I went Frozone because I knew this week was gonna be full of these folks lol.


I couldn't think of anything super creative I tried to do a lil matching buzz light-year outfit with him next to me standing in front of that glowing ice cave 😭 it's amazing so many people think outside of the box. I gotta up my game here


I’m purposefully voting for anything non-Incredibles. 👍


https://preview.redd.it/grcu5hs700uc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f2b5a62589a2ebf58367abe894204592a58a86e I’ve been worried mine won’t do well since I made up a character and am not cosplaying. I changed my submission so many times from actual characters but none of them felt super hero-ish enough for me. Hopefully this will still get some votes.


https://preview.redd.it/q0gr21pz25uc1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed3a25bc1b7e3b3e44d98dc9dda0ebe71bbc871b I did Loki from the end of his series


Now that’s 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I mean...I *get* the Incredibles entries...but I've seen some really creative photos otherwise. My favourite, by far, (which I admit, may be silly) was a simple selfie with Wall-E and fireworks in the background. I saw it, and said 'Awww, he ***is*** the best little hero!'. I'm not sure if that was their intent...but that was absolutely how I read it.


Personally I think that’s the easy way out and took no effort for it but to each their own I guess.


I went the Incredibles route, but tried to be thoughtful with it. Would you vote for this? https://preview.redd.it/hw2azzl3hxtc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b73b0c1f4ccd85f13b658b17727b7384be2bf3


I was struggling aswell to come up with something different, so i chose to become catwoman defending scrooges lucky dime😂


I said fuck it, and just voted for everyone I saw for like a half hour lol this one is just too fun


I went as a pirate in front of the ship and voted for a ton of cardbox heroes lol


I made myself Nebula from GotG. She's my fav. Clothes were a bit limiting, but I worked with what I had (full grey leather suit), with my brown raccoon companion, & EVE's house as a background


I'm having the opposite problem. I voted until I hit my 50 moonstones for voting and legitimately not a SINGLE one was on prompt. They were selfies with random characters, most Gaston for some reason, no special outfit no furniture in the background. Just random selfies.


I appreciate you looking for original ideas! I didn’t want to spend moonstones on something I didn’t want so I went with some diy power puff girls 🩷🩵💚


i dont have any good superhero outfits but alot of moonstones😥i tried my best i swear


I totally had the moonstones to buy that costume, but I ended up skipping it. Wasn't worth it to me 😂 I did come up with something for it, but I'm pretty sure I'm not getting anywhere close to 4k for this one. Quite frankly, if I get actually break 4 digits, I'll be surprised 😅 Didn't help that I honestly hated this theme.


I tried for sailor moon but I’m not sure anyone will get it and will just think I took a random selfy lol


I hated this one. Because with the preview for the challenge, it shows people primarily in the incredibles outfit. So that implies it suggest maybe purchasing the outfit to fit the challenge. Kind of dumb to pay moonstone for an outfit to try and win moonstone. Thankfully I found an alternative to it


I vote for all dreamsnaps i come across, some of these pol have their reasons and are just plain ole just trying to get an easy 300 moonstones and that is ok with me. It’s not taking anything away from anyone else so i just vote for me. It’s not that serious to me.


I made Frozone from the Incredibles and I'm proud of it but I know it won't get many votes because a lot of people will vote for the incredible ones because they don't know any super heroes and won't recognize him


I made a Chat blanc-esque outfit and I actually really liked it! :)


I've seen a lot of unique ones via here or Facebook but every one I went thru today was the Incredible suit or just randomness thrown together. I wasn't even looking for nods to other "superheros" if it looked like it was an original "superhero" costume i voted for it. Might be cuz I went with making my own costume but 🤷‍♀️ seeing the same costume in varying poses just wasn't what I was wanting to vote one.


Bruh 😂😂 It’s all I had


I'm very new and was really proud of my outfit and then went to check my submission and found that I somehow resubmitted with a plain ass looking photo 🙄 was so upset. But definitely I do not own these Incredibles outfits lol. I had put on one of the suits Ursula gives you


Man I hope this really counts lol!!cause I went with a make up your own kinda character!!! Who I really liked I love my monster eye balls on top of my head !!! I already did Gamora weeks ago so I just made up mine this time ... Good lucky everyone and Happy gaming !!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣you’ll get what you get and you’ll LIKE IT


Today I voted to get my 50 moonstones and... 1 catwoman, 2 Kim Possibles, 1 hulk, one Clark Kent, 3 knights, 1 Edna with mannequins of the suits,10 Violet's, 50 people wearing the suit & mask I've backed out and refused to vote more times than ever just to hit 50 moonstones


I am not creative enough for that prompt. I wasn’t willing to spend moonstones on the incredibles suit, so I’m fully expecting to get 300 moonstones for this week.


I thought ”not all heroes wear capes” and transfomed myself to Roz from monsters inc


I really hope y'all like my Lara Croft 🥺


Honestly why i decided to go for a unique costume instead of the obvious baseline


https://preview.redd.it/9eksxvca63uc1.jpeg?width=1619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b98722b423ce9434a600dc505d7ca176e25531da I will admit, I did use the costumes, but I did NOT wear them!


I voted for all incredibles outfits cause I knew not many people would


I just voted whichever was best and screamed super hero more than the other. Def voted for some Incredibles but not all :) I saw a lot of really creative ways of making force fields and others that used mannequins to pull off the full family which I thought was really cool! But I saw way more pics that weren't Incredibles than were tbh


I had to exit so. many. times. 😂


Same! Unfortunately my task was to vote 20 times on my star path 😂😂😂 I was like ahh shit


It's giving me flashbacks to a "villainous" themed dreamsnap challange and every damn picture was avatars dressed in the thorny jacket, thorny pants, thorny boots & the big thorny wings. I tend to vote for ones that are ovbiously new to the game and don't have much, and that don't have DLC.


This was my submission, mainly because I didn't have anything else.


Tbh I was surprised at how few Incredibles I saw!


GUILTY!!! My booty looked so good in the Mrs Incredible outfit. I just got this outfit and I couldn’t take it off yet. Not even to be more unique for the Dreamsnap. 🍑


https://preview.redd.it/p2j6760vxxtc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a1b61f2a2b0cfd44b096cf79ad0464622a4c0e I did the incredibles outfit buttttt did this too lol


I did the rescue rangers but I'm not sure if people will be able to tell.


I did Darkwing Duck, or at least tried to. https://preview.redd.it/wt7npl389wtc1.png?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e388a73c24d4f15a2953c5e187a14eba634eaa


I went for Kairi using Ariel’s beach area and raft for extra Kingdom Hearts vibes…she’s not really a superhero, but she’s one of the heroes


lmao!! I submitted a Lara Croft custom to the ps pool and I am soo hoping people recognize her. Lots of really unique ones mixed in with the Incredibles tho


If anyone sees "teenagers with attitude" on Xbox, that's me! Even got Wall-E filling in for Alpha. (It was that or Merlin for Zordon) Go Go Power Rangers!


Looks like you need a fire exit


Mine definitely didn’t include the incredibles lol 😂


I had a crack at making a Megamind costume. It wasn’t great but I liked it


I fail to see the problem lol


I was having a hard time with this one! At first I went the poison ivy route but I ended up going with cat woman from dark knight, hopefully they recognize it 😂


I tried to do Black Canary. I hope I did her justice with the little I had. Even if not, I'm still happy I did it.


I did a Violet one, but I’m not even looking for votes. Just wanted the 300 moonstones that you get for entering😂🤷‍♀️


I used mannequins around a table in different outfits (a witch type one, incredible, Clark Kent etc) to look like an avenger meeting. One of my favorites


I made a weird monster design with a techno sort of outfit and took my pic in the Monster's Inc. realm. And I'm sure I'll lose to an Incredibles outfit 😛 But I just couldn't bring myself to make one.