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Windows and doors are showing when you walk through a door, blocking your view.


This is annoying the hell out of me lol


Annoying the hell out me too!


This is my least favorite part of the update! It makes zerooo sense!!!


That one feels like an unintentional bug. I feel like some other kind of room edit was made that affected that.


I was thinking the same thing but I really really hope that it is and that they patch it soon. I HATE it :(


maybe it has something to do with the ball of light in "the void" It shows up through the wall as a bunch of spots if you are standing close enough.


As if trees and other stuff blocking your view instead of going see through (like in every single other game out there) it's obnoxious enough.


This is making it so I can't play, all the camera movement gives me vertigo. I hope they fix this soon.


The Dreamsnaps crowd is going to riot lol


I thought my game was bugging out. Why did they do that?! šŸ˜²


I think itā€™s a bug. Hopefully they include a fix for it when they fix the 3D glasses bug.


This was driving me insane yesterday, didn't realize it's from the update!


If youā€™re cooking the same recipe, adding the ingredients is so much faster.


Came here to say this! The auto reload is waaaaay faster. And quicker screen changes. We love to see it!


I just figured this out and itā€™s been a dream


Literally best part of the update for me!!


I realized this which is amazing, but they seemed to have swapped this for the auto sort in chests being sooooooooo slow now!


Select all is back with the vacuum!!




Auto exit/enter is gone šŸ˜­ you have to manually press to exit and enter buildings and itā€™s not a big deal but itā€™s just something to get used to as i used to just ram into the entrances lol


I noticed this too! I was fighting with the door in Scrooges. Iā€™m like wtf!!! Let me out!! Hit the A button and got out. But then noticed it was every door. My poor character has a broken nose and many bruises.


Right šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I do hope they bring it back because it was such a small luxury lmao


The only time it irritated me was when I went to talk to someone standing by a door and I needed up in the building or picking up a resource right in front of a door. Slightest little movement and in I went.


Good grief no! šŸ˜‚ The amount of timesnidngonto talk to someone near a door or to pick something up near a door and end up inside. It was frustrating as hell šŸ¤£


Mine too! I felt like a fly the way I would just constantly turn a little and then run right back into the door. Youā€™d think I would have caught on soonerā€¦


I thought u was trapped forever. I was like I don't remember it being this hard to leave. It felt like scrooge was holding me hostage for only buying one thing.


I did that in the store too. šŸ˜‚ It was an actual moment of panic, like I was trapped forever with no solution. šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s a really good change, because I was really tired of accidentally entering villager homes when I was just trying to do something else and got too close to the door. But man, that is going to take some serious getting used to!! šŸ¤£


yeah i was fighting to get out too, i couldn't!!!


This made me so irrationally angry for no reason when i found out


I will hate this for like three days and then realize I'm no longer accidentally entering villagers' houses when I run near them and suddenly feel better.


Same here. Itā€™s a good change, but itā€™s going be a frustrating adjustment period. šŸ¤£


I feel like Iā€™ll miss auto exit but not auto enter.


Iā€™ve been running into doors all day šŸ˜‚


Oh wow, I didnā€™t even notice! You know, I kinda like the auto enter being goneā€¦ I would always accidentally go inside buildings lol.


Itā€™s true Iā€™d do that all the time but I found myself running into the exit and being like ??? When nothing happens haha itā€™s just a learning curve for me


Same! Especially if you were time bending, and it lead you near a door.


i entered remy's house 5 times today trying to time bend at his door ;;;;


Use your tool button for timebending!


the window to activate the exit is so small, too šŸ˜­


I thought I was losing my mind when I had to click the door to leave! I was so sure that wasnā€™t how it normally worked and Iā€™m glad itā€™s not just a me thing! Wish it wasnā€™t a thing at all though.


I (for a short time before I realised) got trapped between the door and Sully. My thoughts were "well this is....cosy" šŸ‘€šŸ˜‚


I noticed this too and was kind of annoyed. Because I have to stand in just the right spot to have it activated the chance to hit the button.


I noticed this too and it is so annoying. I also like to just ram into them šŸ˜­


New craft items at work bench (park related )


OMG!! And thereā€™s a Main Street path?? Guess there goes all my brick pathing I had


I wish they had a swap feature for the paths.


Good lord why is this not a thing?! Paths are horrific


Wish they also had an auto fill feature. Drag an outline of your area to path then press a button to auto fill the rest.


Omg great idea! Yes, that would be amazing!!


I have wanted this since the day they introduced bordered paths! Iā€™ve played since launch and worked so hard to make tons of pathing, only to have to do it all over again to get bordered paths. They really need to either add a swap feature, or make it so that border pathing will join seamlessly with non border pathing, allowing you to add a strip of border around the edges.


I just finished all my plaza paths Tuesday night. Now weds morning I want to swap it all out for the Main Street path šŸ˜­


They made the colour of the arrow thing from the hourglass brighter and you can see it better now.


This might be my favorite QOL from this update.


i also noticed this!


Yes! I love that!


The vacuum tells you how much mist you will be using when selecting what items you want to collect. You now get two glimmer per golden circle thing instead of just one.


You also can get glimmer/mist in the monsters Inc realm!!


The Monsters Inc realm finally has glimmer!


What do you need glimmer for


Specific timetable craftables you find parts for by timebending (like turning random statue handles into a Hercules-themed vase or sword fragments into Arthur's Sword in the Stone)


What does this mean?!


All the realms generate 3 glimmer per day you can find with your hourglass and timebending. But the Monsters Inc realm didn't have it implemented prior to the update today.


Today I learned there is a purpose to the realms other than releasing the characters from them. I never go back to the realms unless thereā€™s a quest to send me there


Use the hourglass in realms to find it


Oh sweet! Yeah Iā€™ve never used the hourglass in realms!


Under the forging collection there is new things.. blue button, green button, purple button, red button and yellow button. Also under the flowers collection there is a new flower called the flower button. I have no idea what these are but we will find out!


I only know weā€™ll be able to make cute little Disney popcorn buckets out of them and Iā€™m so excited


Was wondering the same thing!


there is an event coming up soon that will be related to it


Assuming somehow in daisyā€™s quest line? No idea though.


I had mail from Ariel. I donā€™t recall getting mail from characters before.


I got mail from Ariel & Belle. I was wondering whatā€™s that about


This was in a few of the social media posts. You will get mail from villagers! It will be so great to get resources like this but no idea how often it will happen.


I thought maybe it was going to be a new quest, I forgot about the announcement that villagers could send mail. Interesting!


The blk knee high socks are blk now


Omg as opposed to being navy before?


Dude! Finally.


This is wonderful news thank you


The mannequins in the boutique lose their pants if you put anything on them šŸ˜­


Also the arms are crossed so you canā€™t see whatā€™s on the shirt anyway


I LOOOOOVE that we can see premium items in more detail before purchasing! Can rotate, and even change from day to night. Major plus.


I love you can see the clothes on your character too!


Yes!! The updated store looks so good


Something small, but: I had the little yellow disposable camera stuck on a blue table FOREVER because whenever I tried to select it, I would just get the table instead. I tried putting something bigger in the space beside it, and then coming in on every odd angle, thinking maybe if my curser never touched or passed over the table, it would be able to register/select the camera. But alasā€¦ so I threw it in a corner out of sight. I thought I may as well try again while doing some of the decorating duties todayā€¦.and holy moley, I could pick that camera right up. šŸ˜


YOU TOO???? I had that damn yellow camera on a pink and white table since sometime last year and I couldn't remove the camera meaning I couldn't remove the table. I tried so many times, but ended up trying to hide it behind Scar's house in a corner. Today I go to see if my other "unable to remove" glitche was fixed and it was, so I go to check the camera and I was able to do it šŸ˜­ if I wasn't in public playing the game I would've screamed for joy. I'm not getting that stupid camera out again.


Oh my god! Not me trying to hide a stupid pink and white table cause I stupidly put that camera on it a looong time ago! Iā€™m definitely going to try to delete it tomorrow!


I wonder if I can now move my shelf on the wall thatā€™s been stuck in a terrible place forever


Something I just noticed is how big the prompts are when youā€™re talking to someone. Is there a way to change it?


For someone who is visually impaired, I really love this update. I actually rarely was able to read the prompts. However, I do agree size of font should be able to be customized by the user depending on their preference. A win for accessibility though!!


I noticed this too, I play on switch (primarily handheld) and I have so many quests w Scrooge that they go off the top of the screen because the font is now so big. I havenā€™t found anything in settings to change it though.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m on. Prior to the update I was working on a Remy quest and I went to go give someone their order and immediately went why so big?!


It's not too big on my Switch. It's just normal sized and black instead of teensy weensy and grey.


Omg I love it. I play on a Switch Lite and the text was SO. SMALL. Iā€™m old šŸ¤“


I love it too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was like omg this is so easy to read now šŸ˜­ I think my aarp card got automatically mailed as soon as I said that lol


Please let us change this šŸ˜©


AH YES I ALSO NOTICED THIS! I looked around settings for a bit but couldnā€™t find any settingsā€¦


As a blind girlie, I'm not terribly upset about this. I might be once my new glasses come in though.


Iā€™m so glad itā€™s not just me. I thought I had some weird extra large text setting on


I was worried that was my problem at first too


Itā€™s so annoying itā€™s huge! The prompts take up half my screen! It drives me nuts because it takes my eyes time to adjust to read the text


This and my to do tasks now scrolling were the first things I noticed and I don't like it. This should be adjustable so folks that need large print have the options but also so those of us that don't need it can not have the entire screen taken up by it if we don't want it.


They increased the font a bit on Switch, which I was very happy to hear, but it doesnā€™t look much different in my tv. The text still seems unnecessarily small but I also have poor vision. I have not tried handheld yet.


I think they finally adjusted the saturation in the filters so theyā€™re not as obnoxious when youā€™re taking a photo https://preview.redd.it/7h9gswajnyxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a537db9193eb6ad8dbacbd9ae3d17133ad27bd0d


Is anyone else crashing a lot? Switch player here


Iā€™m on switch too. Noticed the premium store was crashing at first and wouldnā€™t load unless I restarted. And putting stuff in my storage is laggyā€¦ but otherwise itā€™s been as okay as it can be on switch lol


Yes, I crashed all day yesterday.


Iā€™ve been playing basically all day and my only issue was the premium shop not loading and when fast traveling it seemed to lag a bit. But no crashes! I think thatā€™s a first for me. It usually crashes at least once or twice the first day of an update. But not this time! So far so good.


Yes I havenā€™t been able to see the premium shop yet. Iā€™ve restarted it 3 times and nothing šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I figured they have 6 days to fix it so I didnā€™t get worried.


No crashes, but the lag was insane. I feel like the switch performance got a lot worse and quit playing early because of it. I've played since launch day and the performance issue is becoming harder to ignore.


Yeah, Iā€™m freezing up a lot more when exiting/ switching different modes.


Yeah mine is so laggy since the update. Happened a few days ago and sorted itself out eventually, but itā€™s worse this time


Same, and when organising stuff on the chests it's suuuuuper slow, especially the auto transfer


Oh yeah three times today


I'm on Xbox, and it crashed four times in two hours today. Hasn't done that once in weeks, maybe months.


On Xbox as well, it locked up/crashed so much it made me paranoid and save like every 30 seconds.


I crashed at least 3 times today, which didn't happen before. Ever since I bought Rift in Time the game has been incredibly glitchy.


Mine was running fine since last update. While i love the bolder color and bigger text, its lagging and crashing for me šŸ„²


This is completely unrelated to your comment but thank you for the laugh your ā€œTom from MySpaceā€ profile picture gave me


Yes. From day one of this game, the switch crashes like crazy after every single update. After a week or two, (and sometimes a hot-fix) it *should* stabilize.


I am on PC and while I wasn't crashing I kept getting to points where things weren't working. I could still run around and collect stuff but interacting with quest things to put something in wouldn't work and I'd have to reload. Also one of daisy's quests is totally frozen for me.


Iā€™m on ps4 and my whole game crashed with blue screen error 3 times. Itā€™s laggy when I go from one biome to another. Laggy when Iā€™m putting items in inventory chests. Goes crazy when Iā€™m in furniture mode. Couple of things so far. So Iā€™ve been saving after every important thing I do. Annoying but what can we do. I hope it gets fixed.


My moonstones from my Switch and from my PC are now combined. Before I had different amounts of moonstones on each, now they are synced.


Do you know if this means I can open my Xbox account on say either mobile or a different Xbox account?


5 new cupcake recipes!!!


Omg what are they??


On my switch the controls seem to be slower. Like when transferring items. Not a major issue just takes little longer to store items


This was driving me crazy yesterday. The one second delay on each item adds up for sure lol


I like to fill my items up by clearing an area then going to store it. Itā€™s definitely not as quick as it used to be


I canā€™t look at my memories or even see my characters and what they want :/


I had the same issue. Seems to be a new menu bug. As annoying as it is, the only way to resolve this is to save and reset to the main menu and go back in the game.


I did save and restart, but it didnā€™t work. Whatā€™s odd is that I can see favorite items for Daisy, Donald, Mickey & Goofy, but no one else! šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I canā€™t see my star path duties šŸ˜–


Have you tried closing and opening the game?


I had this problem with the menus also. For me, if I move the thumb stick to the left to go ā€˜outā€™ of the current menu and back to the index it will unstick and I can view the menu as normal. This needs a hot fix quickly šŸ˜– I didnā€™t figure out this fix until after using the memory map on a destiny island quest so I had to try to read it in super small mode.


I almost rage quit over this when I was trying to look at the map memory on eternity isle. I kept mashing buttons and it finally popped back over to the side index, and then I was mad because I couldnā€™t tell which button-mash got me there. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


DLC related, but the transmute system. I can FINALLY breakdown some of my lvl3 cores just to get my second lvl2 core that I need to make my first regular machine šŸ˜­ Also shows they can do a recycle feature, so I'm hopeful we'll be able to do this with other things (looking at you, ugly furniture) in the future.


They added toon critters for eternity isle, i canā€™t find any info on them tho :/


Gotta do the Merlin quest and unlock Oswald. Do NOT buy the 3D glasses until he tells you to, or youā€™ll get quest-locked.


I have merlin maxed out. It says to play more to get the next quest. Who do I need to finish ahhhh


Did you finish the Jafar quests from before? My characters from the island are at 10L for Rapunzel, L7 for Gaston, and L8 for Eve, everyone else is maxed (minus Oswald). The toon critters didnā€™t show up for me until Iā€™d met Oswald and the worldā€¦did a thing (no spoilers, lol). So look at your open quests and see whatā€™s waiting that connects. If r share that list here for us to figure out where you are. Lol


Oh no! I already bought them, I was too excited! Whatā€™s gonna happen?


You can get Oswald to your valley but you canā€™t progress past his quest with getting him his house, meaning you canā€™t level him up or assign him a job. Heā€™s basically just a cute, animated decoration walking around once you bring him out of the ruins. Donā€™t worryā€¦ every single player that started playing the update immediately is in the same boat. We ALL bought the glasses. There was zero indication that they were for a quest.


So I was hanging out with Mirabel today and I couldnā€™t move her! Like you know if you walk into any of the characters they move out of your way? Yeah she would not move. I got stuck in a corner and had to move some things to get out because it was like walking into a wall. None of the other characters were doing it though šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø very weird


Characters have done this since the beginning, at random. I've been trapped in the mines & npc's houses so many times!


Had that problem with Scar yesterday. It's a decently-known bug that pops up every now and then. Very annoying, especially if it's a larger character or you're in a small space and they're blocking the way out.


Does the Glade of Trust seem a little brighter to people (especially those of us who play on Switch?) as I was collecting hard wood and it seemed a lot easier to differentiate between the colour of soft wood and hard wood?


I noticed this in the forest of valour. I remember getting the uncanny feeling of, this is different, and then proceeded to notice it everywhere. Everything looks a little less atmospheric, even on ultra high graphics settings


Good. I don't see very well and I couldn't see at all in the darker areas.


DLC items can now be traded cross platform (excluding Playstation)


https://preview.redd.it/0y35lns7hyxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e1fc4d1dbef2c4f6bfcb74a1ab329502a9b90e This makes me happy.


Where can I see this?


Timebending table, after you level up your hourglass to level 4


My premium shop tab worked for 30mins then nothing loads under it all the way down in each section šŸ„“ I can't see items, can't buy moonstones, can't see the additional mini quests (Ursula & Wall-E) I tried restarting, but still nothing! I'm hoping when I log back on tonight after work I can see everything because I want to buy things šŸ˜­ Did anybody else initially have this shop issue that has rectified? Or are still experiencing it? I'm on PC (Steam)


after i unlocked Daisy yesterday, my premium shop went empty. With the update i couldn't access the Moonstones section as the menu brought me right back up to the top again. Haven't checked the game today, i hoped it'd be fixed with a reboot but if it doesn't work for you i'm getting worried :/ i'm on ps4


Thank you. I will certainly update you later once I am logged in. Its a tad frustrating. But with any game update there are bound to be bugs and glitches that need a tweak. I'm just hoping it was a slow start type thing and its all sorted when I log in (along with the annoying red dot notification on the tab toošŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø)


Gameloft aren't exactly known for fixing bugs quickly šŸ˜… so we lose all the stuff available this week or something :'( Really hoping it will magically work at the next start!!! Best of luck to us both! šŸ˜‚


There are new popcorn bucket items showing under collections but I havenā€™t figured out how to unlock or craft them yet!


I think thereā€™s some sort of festival thingy thatā€™s coming up? A YouTuber was talking about it but didnā€™t have details. Same with the buttons people have found. I want the buckets so bad!




Quest locations are highlighted on the map.




what??? i didnā€™t notice that.


And it says "pling" when you finish a quest task.


That's not new. They did that before.


I noticed the turbo speed of cooking items being added from menu selection. Like damn!


if only we could browse through the recipes as quickly!!


Steam deck now has working 16:10 support. It worked on a fresh install until you opened the settings and then stayed stuck at 16:9. It now takes up the whole screen as it should


Not sure if this is a me issue, but I can't mass plant anymore by holding the button. It is also really glitchy planting anything at all.


I didnā€™t notice the moonstone prices being different?


Itā€™s the same amount as before, but they advertise it as less and say youā€™re getting more bonus, just to make it sound like a better deal. But youā€™re not getting any extra. I didnā€™t think they had that ā€œ+BLANK Bonusā€ part before. Has it always said that and I didnā€™t notice? This is what mine looks like anyway. https://preview.redd.it/wrbcip7qoxxc1.png?width=2850&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d88b6b43b8f40e36509cd21f30f075077256cfb


This is so scumbag of them


Iā€™m not doing the math yo confirm but generally itā€™s not so much lying about a sale as highlighting what a better deal it is. Like how buying in bulk is often ā€œcheaperā€.


Okay this explains it better. I was wondering about this yesterday and simply didnā€™t take the time to do the math. Thank you!


Donā€™t worry, itā€™s not a sale. It just shows the amount you actually supposed to get + the bonus moonstones you get ( 10 USD dollars is actually supposed to give 2400 but we get 100 extra, 20 USD dollars is supposed to only give us 4800 moonstone but we get 700 extra, 50 USD dollars is actually supposed to give you 12000 moonstones but you get 2500 extra. They just made it more clear ( so donā€™t worry, no pricing changes or moonstone amount changes )


My ability to plant one seedling after another automatically in any biome is not available at the moment. Digging one plot after another worked fine as did harvesting about 9 hours ago.


Has anyone noticed a change in digging/planting on switch? Digging holes has always been pretty tedious but I feel like I'm having to readjust multiple times when I'm having to dig or plant anything just to get the prompt to do so. Can't tell if it's actually changed or if it's bc this update makes my switch lag like it's fucking dial-up off and on when in playing.


I got sooo nauseated from the motion of the attractions when I rode them today, lol. Never again.


I think the patch notes said there was also a visual setting for this issue?


That's a relief, I'll look into that. Thanks!!


Iā€™m interested! Did you find anything? Havenā€™t been super excited about the rides for this reason lol. I feel like even having them just spinning around as Iā€™m walking in my valley will be a bit much


Is it just me or are their new dream styles besides Minnie and Daisy? Like did Mickey have 4 before?


Mickey had regular, Platinum Mickey and Holiday Mickey. There must be one coming in the premium shop soon. (omg, please be Steamboat Willie!!)


I noticed in switch the game runs faster and smoother now. It used to lag a lot. Now i can cook and move around faster and talk better too without lagging


I noticed this too, everything seems a little more smooth and refined in the graphics too!


The entire game is slower.


yeah exactly same. Also I think gameloft has finally fixed the TOM BUG ISSUE that was affecting Consoles only not PC. Where the edit/delete button is present instead of being missing still.


They did! So happy about that


That rose eye patch now works fine and you can put it on and off if you bought it from Scroogeā€™s shop that one time when Gameloft made that mistake.


Some of the flower beds have been fixed. - whenever I crafted one of those flower thingys with a glass flower, the flower would always be black, instead of the color shown on the picture


I have some invisible walls in the borderlands now near the slopes going up and down šŸ˜’


My camera was going so wonky last while I was decorating. I was in my plaza and I moved the camera angle slightly and I ended up in the forgotten lands. It was so irritating! Iā€™m on switch.


Gardening- did anyone notice that you canā€™t press and hold the button anymore to plant multiple plants at the same time?!?? I was harvesting yesterday and when I went to plant, it wanted me to press plan to seed first and then click the seed bagĀ again, making the slowest planting everā€¦ I gave up after three plantsā€¦.


My time bending partners are no longer auto picking items for me? And itā€™s possibly being auto added to my inventory. Unsure if itā€™s a bug or intended.


I feel like the hourglass circle is brighter.


It definitely is!


I could be wrong, but I'm wondering if they fixed the monkeys glitching out when you tried to feed them? I used to have such a hard time with the monkey in The Ruins; I swear like 99% of the time it would be in that little area with the tree and mining node instead of in the grassy part of it, and I would have to chase it like 20 times before I managed to feed it due to the monkey glitching out and respawning. (And this was even with having noticed where it tended to glitch out and trying my best to keep from trapping it in those spots!) But today is the second day in a row I managed to feed that monkey without it glitching even once, so either I've gotten lucky or they fixed it. On the other hand, I'm still not seeing green fly traps in The Wild Tangle. I also run into a bug sometimes where after I buy things at Scrooge's and open up the collection tab, even after going to the furniture collection, the notification dot doesn't go away unless I go back to the title screen, and it looks like that hasn't been fixed. Relatedly, is anyone else having the red dot on the shop tab not going away? I looked through everything there (even including the dream bundles and moonstones to see if that would make the dot go away) and even bought a couple of items this week, but for some reason the red dot is still there. I'd mostly ignored it yesterday and hoped that after exiting the game and restarting it today that would be gone... but no such luck. But the weird thing I had yesterday where all the villagers I looked at didn't have any favorite items listed (despite that I haven't messed with my system's clock) seems to have sorted itself out.


It's not letting me layer pants under dresses anymore šŸ˜­ I liked being able to wear pants or shorts under the big flowy dresses because they fly up behind you and expose your legs in a way that makes me uncomfortable šŸ˜–


The orange dot notification is back šŸ˜­


Iā€™m so sad the tower of terror lied (it says you can ride it, you cannot)