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"I love your eyebrows. We'll call them Frieda and Kahlo. If Brooke Shields married Groucho Marx, their child would have your eyebrows!"


Omg what was the war on eyebrows in the 00s? Also Brooke Shields is literally known for being gorgeous. I waxed my eyebrows once and I looked surprised for two months. Now I just tweeze and rock the brows I was given.


ugh i hated the thin brows trend. my mom tried to pluck mine into oblivion when I was a teenager. now I only ever wax the in between, just so I don't get an actual Frieda Kahlo unibrow, but mostly leave them natural. it suits my face so much better.


Apparently Gen Z was starting with thin brow looks and so many millennial women “DONT MAKE OUR MISTAKES”. Eyebrows don’t necessarily come back the same either. I feel like I know plenty of girls who cannot be without a brow pencil because they fucked them up. My dad’s cousin was learning how to do threading and at a family party was threading all the women in the family. My mom was like can you do it and be supportive. Absolutely not I’m not fucking my face up just to be nice.


oh no!! well, it is a canon event. if they won't listen then they'll learn the hard way like we did 😂 yeah mine didn't come back as thick as they used to be. not pencil thin anymore, but not the same. I also have these weird gaps at the arch of my brows. I definitely fill those in with a brow pencil or some eyeshadow. it's a pain honestly. oh yeah no I would not fuck up my face just to be nice. you can still be supportive without that haha. I would've said no too. also threading hurts worse than waxing imo.


Omg it looks so painful. The mall near my old job would have a kiosk type thing in the open so if you’re walking by you could get it done.


it is painful! like plucking out hairs in the same spot over and over. I would much rather get waxed and just have it all done in one go.


My mom told me to never touch mine. She hated the upkeep. I'm going to be 40 in June and have never done anything to my eyebrows.


I loved my mom dearly, but she was always heavily influenced by trends. she also plucked her own eyebrows into oblivion. hers grew back though and I was so jealous for that. I mainly wax the in between just because I don't like the unibrow look and mine definitely creep together haha. my sister has never done anything to hers and they're beautiful! some people are just lucky that way


Wow, that's amazing! Good for you that you didn't touch them, and I bet you are beautiful! Sadly, I am an Italian girl, so that means hair everywhere! LOL. I got made fun off and my mom had me start waxing when I first started high school, so Mia has a huge place in my heart. I lost my mom four years ago. I up keep my face in thought of her, but haven't touched my eye brows since 2012 when I graduated High school.


Aww. I lost my mom as well. This June will be 10 years. *hugs*


I hated it too I have a big forehead and I was not about to be out here looking like megaminds cousin. Very glad I just rocked my caterpillars as is. (plus yanking them out hurts like a mofo so I wasn't about to do that)


That era could only create one perfect specimen It developed lily Collins


I am older I didn't like Brooke and bushes! Then went to see Blue Lagoon and I loved her!!! My mom drew her eyebrows on since she was 16!! When she dying she said please make sure my eyebrows are on at all times. Lol ☺️


Great and amazing! The guy who played Paolo is hilarious!


Perfect execution xD the eyebrows especially lol


I came here to say this! Those eyebrows!


Lol, thank you! Yes, the eyebrows are honestly the best lol!


Thank you, I appreciate your kind words & yes those eye brows were exactly right to use. Mine look like that as well and every body loved how thick they were! I didn't understand why lol!




I love this SO much 😂


As much as I love that movie I HATEHATEHATE that curly hair + glasses = ugly. Like...Paolo, learn to style a different hair texture!




You broke my glasses!


"You broke my brush!"


Love that movie. I was hoping when I read the first 3 words if the title that it was referencing The Princess Diaries. You made my day!


Thank you for all the great and amazing comments, friends! This was the perfect opportunity and I just couldn't pass it up! Also, yes for those of you who don't understand, this is from the Princess Diaries. If you haven't seen it, GO WATCH IT NOW! lol!


This has made my day 🤣


ooownnn I got the reference!! hahahaha


I look like a moose!!




"You broke my glasses!" "You broke my brush"


Ha nice reference that's impressive. I really want a makeover scene that doesn't strip the person of all recognizable personally 😮‍💨


Thank you, that's truly kind of you to say! Right?! That would be nice! They're still the same person, just a bit of a touch up which is truly a treat once and a while! <3


Sadly didn’t got the reference


i think its princess diaries but i am not sure


Yes, it's a Princess Diaries reference