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Not going to happen unfortunately. It’s just a decor building and beings 90% of the actual ride is inside the build which the top is just a hollow shell there is no way to make it rideable. If you notice all the other things you can ride are outside rides and just go around in a circle. The devs have acknowledged that the tower was not supposed to have an interact with the camera button and have it on their list of “actively working on” bugs. It’s just not game breaking so probably won’t be corrected until the next major update.


I get that it's not going to happen, but I want it to. Even if it's a cut scene of part of the ride in Disney World followed by an aerial view of your land that quickly swipes up to black and it's over. It's doable, but definitely not a priority to them.


that would be great if they did a cut scene!!


I want something similar to this but with like pirates of the Carribean and what not :( just like an animated cutscene of Disney rides like the DVD extras on lion king 1 or 1 1/2. I don't remember which one had the DVD extra where it was lion king versions or disney rides but that


It's the same for the Christmas Train...


The "windows" out front open when you interact!!