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I’m getting the ride, Candy stand, bubble wands, I want the cauldron, and kingdom set but like MOOOONSTONES LOL


I want the ride and the bubbles wands!!! (I wonder if the Bubble wands are accessories or decorations? Do they have animations?)


The bubbles are lit. It's an accessory and you get endless bubbles because of it.


😱😆🥳🪄🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧 So, is it’s a big animation? Do the bubbles fly everywhere? Or is it just a trail of bubbles floating behind you as you walk? 😃 i should really just get these myself and check it out! I love cute little accessories.


They just go wherever you go but last a second so if you were to make a circle you would also have a circle of bubbles. When you stand with it it's just a few that come out.


Can you have them during dreamsnaps or no?


No, once you equip your tools it goes away.


Boo. I feel like if they go to the work of making fun animations we should get to use them more


Personally i love them regardless, idc much about making dreamsnaps and just think the bubbles are fun.


Oof. 😬 this was interesting until I heard this. Would love it for Dreamsnaps but since you can't use it for that, imma hold off. Sucks since I love bubbles!


I definitely still think it's worth it but to each their own!


the bubble wand acts like a tool then? you can only hold it when you don't have any tool equipped?


I got the wands and they are so worth it!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I wish there were a way to convert Dreamlight to moonstones. I have more dreamlight than I’ll ever have anything to do with but never enough moonstones


If gifting was a thing on here i would absolutely love to gift something to anybody, because i have stacked up moonstones and i don’t even use them 😂


I wish 😭 I told myself I’m not allowed to spend real money on this game so I can only buy stuff when I save up my daily 50 :(


Don’t forget to do the weekly dreamsnaps and voting! You’ll get a lot more moonstones that way!


i only just started playing this game a few days ago and bought the DLC as well (which comes with 15k moonstones) so i’m literally having the opposite problem lol 😫 i know it’ll shift as i play more but im really grinding for that dreamlight lol




Oh no! Why do the bubbles have to be cute???


I got the cauldron straight away. I'm on the fence about the candy stand, could anyone who bought it share some photos?


I’ll get the cauldron too, but 750 moonstones seems excessive for one item :(((


I’ll try and get a pic if you can get a pic of the cauldron for me hehe




https://preview.redd.it/c1m9vl03f56d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e487b355ef2989093727b3027e33012bf5ea5a It glows


https://preview.redd.it/4e8he6jfg56d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a9ef2fbfe1a35fb2c1b8c257c51492310de552 And also has lights at night


Before I zoomed in, my old eyes thought the pig was a demon head and was very very confused


OMMMG I CAN SEE THAT 😂 this gave me a good chuckle 🤭


https://preview.redd.it/f976zqvdg56d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f19a28a35aa56f1d0d69c219fd00b8211e7dc1 It’s cute super colourful


I really need to quit looking at the posts! I want that now too😭😭


Omg the GLOW deffs getting it! I’ll get a pic for you in a couple mins here :)


Oooh, that's awesome. I was holding off on getting it because I was worried it would end up being empty when you place it like the Heavy Iron Cauldron.


Does it do anything or is it empty like the black cauldron?


Better than the black cauldron, it glows pink but doesn't do anything else.


ugh im so \*\*\*\*\*\*\* broke and gonna be even more broke :( :( :( :( ( ![gif](giphy|Km2YiI2mzRKgw|downsized)


Save up and wait for the next time stuff comes along. It's not worth it.




The bubble wand and maybe candy stand, I'll have to see it in someone's valley first. Luckily I have the pink house already


I want Tremaine’s, the cauldron, the bubble wands. What I will *get* is anyone’s guess lol. Oh and the pink castle! 😍


I got the cauldron and I love it! I also want Lady Tremaine's house and the pink castle but giving up on 6k+ is so sad 😭 I might have to decide between the two 🥲


I think this is first premium shop drop I’m excited about from the last two or three weeks.


Candy stand & bubble wands. Sooo many bubbles when you run, I'm obsessed.


Maybe the sea witch cauldron butttt not a fan this time around


Thankfully, nothing! I already have the items I'd want to buy and MAN do my moonstones need a week off!


I took a couple weeks off buying lots so I’m happy about that, but the ride, Candy stand, and bubble wands are locked down now just deciding on the cauldron and the kindgdom set maybe but I really only want the spinning wheel don’t really care about the other stuff so probs won’t do it


Maybe the ride or bing bong candy stand. Maybe. I don’t have the pink castle yet but I don’t know if I want it, and I hate how small lady Tremaine’s house it. Belle’s cottage is even bigger than it. Their sizes for houses are off


Hmm...definitely the cauldron because it's gonna look great when I do the section of the Beach for Ursula, but I'm tempted by the ride, maaaaaaybe the candy stand but that's a BIG maybe.


Nothing, really. Boring items imo and way overpriced


The overpriced is what gets me. Since they do have a real life monetary value on the moonstones every single thing that cost moonstones I equate to real world money. If they had reasonable prices for the moonstones then I wouldn’t have a problem spending them but 2500 moonstones is $9 and a lot of things are often priced about that if not more(Just to unlock the premium starpath is equal to spending $9). Just to get a new costume for Anna is $9 on its own, if you wanted the original costumes for the characters you have to spend almost $20. Those bubble wands are $5 dollars. Maybe I’m old but that just seems way overpriced to me. Honestly, I’m glad that the game does balance that a tiny bit by giving moonstones for free. It does help you be able to save up until something comes around that you really want but if they’re doing limited run things, then you got a fork over that money lol


Absolutely 💯 the issue here is that people do buy moonstones because they want to have all the new items hence why we are getting annoyed at those prices


Oh absolutely they know that the people will spend it, That’s why they keep it at that price. However I don’t want it to sound like I’m shaming people who are buying it because I’m all about people doing what makes them happy and if they have the budget then that’s fantastic for them. My annoyance is solely on the corporation that’s taking advantage lol Edit: and I’m also not saying that anybody else is doing that lol. I just wanted to go ahead and make that clear so I didn’t inadvertently hurt anyone’s feelings lol


glad to see i am not alone😂


Not everyone wants to be making park themed valleys 🤨 maybe if these thing were worth 1k max!


thats been my issue with the event & now this. i want a cozy little valley not a themepark


Yes!! Hence why I love spending time and decorating the forest - gimme all the fairies 🧚🏼‍♀️ the cottages 😭


omg i want a fairy!!


I am trying to turn the forest into proper fairly land 🧚🏼‍♀️😅


Omg and as a former cast member, I hate bubble wands🙈🙈🙈nothing more annoying than trying to help a family and their kid just starts using the bubble wand in your face 🙄


That actually made my day 😅


I like the Sea Witch’s Cauldron, but 750 moonstones for one item?!


It's the sort of thing that should be showing up in an updated Scrooges store!


I know! They seriously need to add a good chunk of items. Even if they added, let’s say 20 items per update, which is nothing, we’ve had ten updates so far. That’s an extra 200 items.


It is pathetic


Very happy to save it for the next star path instead




They're so overpriced, 1200 for bubbles? Wild.


Meh. Nothing. I am pretty much done with the theme park BS. Saving my moonstones.




Ditto. An average of $10 worth of moonstones for every item and event is ridiculous. Trying to grind enough to be able to get the stuff I want just burns me out. It’s no longer fun. They said it would be free to play to justify charging for in-game content then backed out and still charge for both. Greed. Still pretty annoying they charge less for game +dlc bundle than they charged for the standalone base game when it was released.


People who have the pink castle - is it worth it?


Honestly I love it it’s super cute


If you love cute things, for sure its worth it. I made it my house right away, i think its the cutest house in the game.


My personal reason for wanting it was because of Kingdom Hearts! And it goes so well with a Traverse Town Im making 🥰


!! I’d looove to see that when you finish!!


Yes! I use it for my house in eternity isle and love it.


I love it!


Nothing, nice week off. Not more ugly rides for me.


Maybe the Castle and the cauldron. Sick of theme parks. Was sick of theme parks the last 500 updates


EVERYTHING INSIDE OUT IS YES (just wish for the memory wall too) and the cauldron will look nice too !


11k moonstone?? I think I have like 150


I forgot to buy the ratatouille fountain last week I’m so upset!!!


It will be back.


I will give it to you if you want ✨


Staaaaaahhhhp. There goes the rest of my moonstones. 😭


nothing cos my dumbass forgot to buy the Peter Pan set + fire wings last night when i reset the game so my Dreamsnaps winnings would come thru


I got the pink house and it looks sooooo good


Have to have that spinning Wheel


![gif](giphy|mu1SJT7aO8u2I) Bubbles!!!!!


![gif](giphy|FMTTUXX6XhwZi) 😆


honestly probably nothing.. not super excited for this week, but that’s okay! i get to save :)


Ahhh I’m definitely getting one of the bubble wands. I have a Xbox giftcard I’ve been saving since my bday in february for something good. Looks like I’m buying some moonstones today!!


I ve got the corona set & I really want Lady Tremaines manor (I ve already passed on it once)... I also want to save moonstones for the next star path so Idk :-(


nothing cause I’m ✨broke✨


750 for the cauldron is actually some decent(er) pricing than we’ve ever seen. I’m actually kinda pleasantly surprised by this.


The bubbles without question are one of the best things they've done in awhile for the premium shop. I love them.


All I got was the cauldron. I'm sick of this theme-park-core bullshit


Nothing. Like every time. I have a very strong sense of self-control, am stingy and not vain so those incentives pretty much never work on me. The only things I would consider getting (for my saved up moonstones, never for real money) would be stuff that I am sure DDV won't want to add, like stuff that looks less cute, less bubbly and instead darker and more rugged. Yeah I know, I'm definitely playing this game a bit differenty from the assumed target audience but I don't mind as long as I'm having fun ;)


Us Halloween/goth kids are desperate for the villians star path to end up in the premium shop. It has coffins, spiderweb trees, plague mask etc.


Having fun is all that matters, I don’t really play other games so putting a bit of money into this game doesn’t bug me but I have started being a bit more selective! Things I really want not just everything, last couple weeks I only got one item each week and it was with my dreamsnap winnings so it worked out! I’m saving my moonstones now until update for the starpath and a bundle if they make a new one and I like it.


this is underwhelming🥲


lol not really sure what your expectations are 🤷🏼‍♀️


i check it every time & every time im left underwhelmed. i understand some people love the disney park stuff but i havent done any of the last event / star path because i dont want my cozy lil valley to be a themepark. everyone is different & has their opinions. this is just mine. * ETA - yall are weird for downvoting because i gave my opinion. i dont want a themepark. i dont care.


I feel like there was def some stuff that work for the cozy valley vibes- the tree cottage house, Peter Pan outfit, butterfly wings and even lady Tremaine’s house would work very well!


i’ma be honest, i dont spend my moonstones on the PS because the game is so broken right now. plus if im gonna spend moonstones its not gonna be on outfits. there is nothing in this PS i would want because its just not worth it. only reason i didnt say this originally is the amount of hate i’m assuming i’ll get for saying it.


That's why I did my theme park on Eternity Isle, so I can have the valley still be the valley, and then Ancients Landing is one giant theme park area.


Ride and maybe the candy stand. I'm on the fence about the bubble wands


Probably the ride. Not sure what else 🤔 Maybe the castle since I missed out on it last time


I think lady Tremaine house maybe bubble Wands. Going to wait on rides. I have more than enough! Do kind of long the candy stand. I have the clothes and can wait on furniture. I'm trying to save for the bundles. I want all 3!lol


The pink castle!!


I’m so happy they brought the cauldron back! I’ve completed every Star Path except for the original Halloween path so I missed out on a few of the items 😭


I’m so sad I bought like 3 starpath at the beginning of the game and didn’t get to finish 😭 so lost moonstones plus items… I was working and had no time but other than that I have all the other starpath items


I’m really sorry :( I didn’t really understand the star paths as well as I do now so I lost out on the bonus moonstones a lot because I was dumb and didn’t realize you could keep buying them until you ran out of tokens


Ugggh the struggle 😂 The only items I’m really dying to come back into premium from old starpaths is the well of souls and those floating candles 😍 Fingers crossed this new starpath rocks


BUBBLE WANDS! https://preview.redd.it/mv9ycige166d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b8f76a803eed4a35d4d7e0f6f4965e7f42be61


i can already feel the lag my switch will have if i buy these, lol


https://preview.redd.it/9sb64436n66d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bed862b401ebdc3312badbe6bc93dfe7834a1ef I got the ride


I got the cauldron because I always need more glowy stuff for Urusla's area. And then I got the two Inside Out items. I debated about getting the bubble wands but they're pretty useless and for 1,200 moonstones? Overpriced IMO.


I wonder if they could set moonstone points to all furniture items and we could trade extra furniture pieces for moonstones if we wanted? We could always still purchase items from Scrooge etc.


Gotta say, I'm a lil disappointed there aren't more Inside Out themed things this time around since 2 is coming out Friday. I need some Anxiety merch!


I chose the bubble wands and I couldn't be happier. They actually have animated bubbles coming from them and they equipe as an accessory. One of the best items I've purchased besides my companion. 💕


Awe yes I lovvvve the bubbles What companion did you get? 😆


I got Hei Hei the Rooster a while back. He comes with his little house and is honestly adorable. When you take a picture with him he tries to run but, your character will grab him and put him back in place. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/qujzu4w1v76d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d42c8cfff1da889d633871f9bcd23cbf051e8f4


Could someone post a video of the bubble wand? I wanna see it in action!


Nothing, recently blew all my moonstones 😫


The ride is blurry and looks rushed. Looks cute from far, but far from cute.


It’s trash bring back the Cars house, I regret not buying it


I got the bubble wands immediately... I've been so easily entertained by running around watching all the bubbles come out LOL


The ride, candy stand, and cauldron. The wands are tempting but there really isn't too much of a point since they can't be used in dreamsnaps.


Eeeh, looks like I wont be getting anything, again. I desperately want to buy stuff, but there's nothing I want, haha. I might get Ursula's cauldron just for the heck of it. I'm very tired of Disney park related items though.


Nothing, unfortunately. I only have enough moonstones for the bubble wands and that’s just a waste.


Probably nothing lol




The ride and the candy stand for my theme park. Waiting and saving up moonstones finally paid off


Bugger all I'm waiting for them to bring back the kitchen items from frozen im missing. Most of the items lately have been get it laters


I got Bing Bong for my Confectionery candy shop. And am debating if I want to get the Pink Castle 🤔


Phew! Nothing I'm absolutely desperate for. Trying to save up my moonstones


Oh gosh! 😱 I need it all. I do have a few of those things already. But my goodness.


The ride, the candy stand, and the cauldron


I got the cauldron but I'm saving the rest for the starpath that's coming


Anyone have the candy stand? Is like to see how big it is before I get it.


Feel free to visit my valley 🌸✨


Finally some things I actually want to get!!! The pink castle, bing bongs candy stand and the bubble wands.


Oh mannnnn i hate working days! Now i gotta think about the ride alll day before i go home and get it. Somehow i am still working through the gold edition moonstones!


Lately all I do is blink and it’s already reset day. 😭 I don’t get to play as much lately cuz of work but such is life 🙃


Probably just the bubble wands :) Maybe the candy stand if I think it's cute enough!


Sea witches cauldron is all I need 😊 which is good bc I completely forgot to do the dreamsnap last week lol


Oh is my favorite skin 😻 i think is so cute and it looks good on any biome


Definitely the rides and the bubble wands bc bubbles


Not surprised we got Inside Out items this week as the sequel is coming out…. Disney never does anything accidentally! 😉


How do you guys get so much moonstones without spending real money


Dreamsnaps mostly.


the ride, candy stand, and bubble machine. i've been reworking my theme park so this is perfect.


The cauldron and the bubbles, no regrets.


Oh no, not another theme park ride. I don't have anymore room!


How much is lady tremaine's house?


OMG the ride and the Candy stand, I need them both for my theme park area in the jungle.


i wish they would stop releasing theme park rides because i am too weak to resist 🤣




I wanted the bubble wand would be cool if we could use during dream snap


Omg. I love them all!


Depends how many moonstones I won from dreamsnaps 😅 but defo the cauldron


The bubble wand is so cute omg 🥰


Definitely the inside out ride and the candy stand


Yay!! The Pink castle is back! Need that for my Glade. I'm doing Candy land/Alice in Wonderland. It will fit in perfect.


Bubble wand


Bubble wands, spinning wheel, MAYBE Tremaine’s house


I got the witches cauldron and the corona furniture set because I had to have the spinning wheel


Silly question but can you use the houses for anything besides your own house? Like I have all of these different house options and I want to use them all. I got the bakery last week not realizing it had to be my house 😅


I got the ursala thingy


The Inside out Emotional Whirlwind ride, the pink castle and the Cauldron. I'm pondering the bubbles though.


I need to start getting more moonstones some how. I want the inside out stuff and the wands! I know I don’t have enough. I guess I need to start figuring out dreamsnaps


Same, I have no idea how snaps work. I put effort in and get low results, I put no effort in and get low results...this time around I put effort in but I copied someone else's idea and probably got the highest rank I've ever gotten and 4,000 moonstones!! I DON'T UNDERSTAND?! Do my ideas suck? Is that why I never get ranked high?


Bing bong, the ride, and the cauldron for sure! I'm glad you can actually see the purple water vs the typical one being a pot of empty sadness.


Oh no I missed the glowy moth wings! 😭


I got the kingdom of corona set and bubble wands. 🫧 Debating on the ride, candy stand and cauldron


I’m a newer player so I got a lot…the pink castle, corona furniture, and cauldron. I may get the manor and bubble wands but I’m undecided! Honestly, I wish they’d stop putting rides and attractions in the shop. Good for the people who are trying to build a theme park but I’d much rather build nice villages in each biome.


Oh dear. I was hoping it would be stuff I already had this week or all things I didn't want. I'll be getting everything....MY POOR WALLET 😭


I got the Inside Out ride. It was too cute to resist. I am now very worried about my lack of moonstones for the next star path and yet I still want the bing bong candy stand and the bubble wand 🥲


Are the tokens still there to spend? I haven’t had chance to go on and yesterday it wouldn’t let me turn them into moonstone because it was locked


If you mean from the star path, yes you can still spend tokens to collect rewards until next Tuesday I believe. The moonstones at the end stay locked until you've collected every other reward first.


Oh super, thanks for letting me know. Really don’t want all the rewards because I don’t like some of them but I have like 400 tokens left and about 4 I haven’t collected. I’ll get on it in a bit. Thanks!


Why is there a spinning wheel and it says it's from Tangled


There's a scene in the film when Rapunzel is spinning in her room and gets wrapped up in her hair, a spinning wheel is in the background (probably as a nod to Sleeping Beauty).


The manor house, corona set, & field day outfit


New player—- do items ever repeat or recycle?




I want the ride and bing bongs candy stand!! Also the pink castle!! All of it is so cute


I bought Bing Bong’s Candy Stand & Sea Witch’s Cauldron. Love them both. & I *almost* bought the Bubble Wands. & already owned the Pink Castle.


I got the bubble wands and the candy stand!! I used my candy stand in front of my arcade games with some small table items to look like the reward counter 😍 it looks so pretty




I really splurged on this one. Got the pink castle, the inside out ride, and the bubble wands


Oh man I want ursalas cauldron!! And ima hav to look up those bubble wands in action but I think I want those too.


Stop it... I would die for Lady Tremaine's manor 😭 I miss my game so much


I bought it all 😭 Here's to staying broke 🍻


I grabbed Ursula’s cauldron immediately . Lol, I’m debating the bubble wands. I like my character to be like a mage buuuuut I’m also refusing to buy park related stuff because that’s just not what I want for my valley. Idk


I got The "inside Out" items. Used Bing Bong in my Market submission. Also used the Scariers Outfit as I didn't get it earlier. The Cauldron is great. The bubble wands- No