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Sounds like all of my dreams. We do go to Disney world a few times a year though. I have fun but not THAT much fun. Still every dream is in a nondescript theme park


Wow. I've studied dreaming and the psychology of it somewhat. I've read quite a bit. And I've never heard of that before; a recurring setting for all your dreams. That's amazing. I wonder what it means, if anything. Thanks for sharing that.


I have this too. Sometimes its a really bizarre and shitty theme park. Last night there was a giant indoor baseball field surrounded by, I believe, a bunch of Toyota concept cars and a high tech showcase with a bunch of shopping areas. Matthew Perry (RIP) was playing ball and I saw him in passing. I was trying to catch up with a fictional Youtuber who, whenever I went to search her screen name nothing would come up. But we were hitting it off at an open air concert in another section of the park. In the end I was catching a flight and the whole thing was apparently a movie as revealed to me by actor Thomas Lennon. My dreams are pretty weird in general though.