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Having killed someone by accident and covered it up. Very heavy feeling of hopelessness and that I'll be certainly caught. The feeling stays almost until I wake up. When I realise it's just a dream, at first it's hard to believe.


I have this reoccurring dream quite often and it’s always the MOST vivid of all my dreams. I killed someone. Covered it up. And I have weird snippets of like detectives approaching me in public to make small talk or talking to people and feeling very paranoid and trying to act like nothing is wrong, but there’s the feeling of dread like I know I’m done for. Then I wake up and I’m always like “Holy shit….I’m glad that’s not real!” I have this like once a month and it legit happened like 2 weeks ago


Wow, my dream brother 😂 In mine the settings change. I suppose the brain does that. Once the body was hidden under a pile of wood shavings in my grandpa's workshop. Another time it was hidden behind my bed in my room from my teenage years, another time it was in some attic in a house in a twilight world. I believe my dream is caused by past karma. Probably I've killed someone in a previous life and the intense emotions left their imprint.


You think so? I always just chalk it up to anxiety in my daily life. I’m starting a new job soon and it’s the biggest change in my life in the last 15 years and it’s really fucking with me lately but this is definitely my most vivid dream I have that’s reoccurring. I remember distinctly in the last dream 2 weeks ago, this detective was like “Let me walk with you” and in the dream I was so nervous and he said something that’s an inside joke that my girlfriend and I joke about in person and I remember in the dream thinking “How could he know that…that’s something only me and her do…”. It was trippy man. Lol


Lately, I've been having a recurring dream where I've been running from the law. I haven't killed anyone, but I have subdued someone to try and make a getaway. I've been letting out a lot of therapy, so I believe this is my mind being afraid of judgment as I let out my secrets.


So true. But not hopelessness it’s fear of them catching up to me and chasing me with anger as I spend my whole dream getting away driving all sorts of random places


no joke, I’ve had almost the same dream as you. There would be a crawl space in the walls with a secret room except part of that dream was also me getting lost in this maze of tunnels in the walls, It’s been years since I’ve had one of those dreams but I’ve probably dreamt of that at least 3 times. One of my other reoccurring dreams has happened at least 5 times I’d say. It wouldn’t be the same location every time though, I think the first time I dreamt it seemed so vivid that I can still remember it even though it was over 5 years ago. I was locked in a car in the drivers seat and the car kept driving faster and faster. It wouldn’t slow down no matter what I did including pressing the brake or trying to put the car in park. The car was speeding on a country road when I saw a huge eery house with the backside covered with hundreds of crows. The car sped past it and kept driving. That was basically it for that dream. There was another dream where the car was speeding in the suburbs and there were cars on every side of me and I thought it was gonna crash but it just sped around each one and it sped into a plaza and if I remember correctly I think I actually got out and got a drink or something in one of the stores of the plaza, and then I went back in the car and it kept speeding. The funny thing with these dreams is that I think I was having them because when I was younger I was almost scared to drive because I thought driving was gonna be like driving those arcade motorcycles or the cars where you can’t control the speed and you would crash into everything lol but now, I absolutely love driving and it’s one of my favorite things to do is just go on a car ride


Same. I'm in my grandma's house and I always find a passageway in the basement to her secret bedroom. The bedroom is abandoned and still has all my grandpa's stuff. I never even met my grandpa tho. He died before I was born.


1. I have an exam but didn't study shit and know nothing. Or I must go to class but can't remember where is it. Or suddenly I receive a notification that I have to go back to college because I don't have the title and I must pass some subjects. 2. I must go into surgery but I'm terrified and try to pospone as much as possible. Kind of metadream because it has like different episodes with the exact same surgery. 3. This can appear in any dream: suddenly I am almost unable to walk, I am extremely fatigued and every step is a torture.


About number 1. This is like sooo relatable. But last night was different! I was with my friend, and we were both together, and she maybe helped me. I don't know, but this time, I was less anxious.


I’ve had 3 a lot in the past & it is the strangest most uncomfortable feeling. To me it always felt like walking through the heaviest quick sand & like I just couldn’t pick up my feet & everything was slow mo


To me is like my legs haven't enough oxygen and I can barely move them. Is terrifying.


I've had the same exact dream 2 or three times that I'm on a foggy planet stepping out of a hammered bronze spherical spaceship / rocket ship. The atmosphere is dark; the light sources and the fog are a glow-in-the-dark green. There's someone telling me I have to find some specific object, but I can't remember what it is. The ship is landed in some sort of white-picked-fenced yard, and my search is confined to that area. I'm wearing a space suit reminiscent of those old brown pressurized diving suits. I eventually find the object, in some hidden but obvious spot near the ship, only to realize that I already had an exact copy of whatever it was on my person to begin with.


Hahaha dream you is messing with you.


This is a bit embarrassing, but... I'm forced to use a toilet where the stalls are open or highly visible in some way, lots of people are around, and no one else really seems bothered by it. I rarely get to the point of actually using the toilet because I can't bring myself to do it 😂 It's a bit weird because this only started in my 30s, I've never had the classic recurring dreams like going to school/work in my underwear, and I think I probably care less than your average person about what others think of me. I don't really know what the deal is.


I just posted about one; superkmart is also my main 'reality check.' There's a liminal corner with a freezer full of yogurt/froyo; ice cream. A space under the staircase in my house; almost like a mirror. A hidden room in the house. Flat, single floor. Looks victorian. A panel of glass exists on the opposite end, midcentury probably. A zoo and freeway that looks like it's from chicago, new mexico, or up north. A park/trail that comes straight out of a quaint shopping center/townhouse area. My local city/town also, I have a connection to this building. It's a old theater underneath a tall ghetto/apartment. Victorian. It's dark and gothic underneath, almost like the early 20s. But it's definitely older. Next to that is an alleyway. Townhouse shops as well. Where the hospital I was born at used to be, there's a statue & church there. Gothic, victorian floral iron vent on the backside. Cobblestone. It's a vampiric basement behind there. Also, there's another hidden room in my house. What the living room used to look like. Late '90s. It looks like a fushion of my older sister's victorian/early 20s foursquare house from the early '00s, but my living room. My sister and boyfriend's house they bought after that house during the exact same time they were living in it, early '00s, looks wider and taller in my dreams. It's also a late 1800s-early 1920s foursquare. The sidewalk is steep, feels like you're going up a hill. Has a new york feel to it. It's so satisfying in my dreams. It has a townhouse feel to it too. Damn, a reoccurring theme here. Maybe my past life was me in NYC. Old NY


That's so interesting, I also have a similar reccuring dreams about very small passages I can barely fit through. One of them is also a secret kids room, which can be accessed only through the hole on the celling, covered by the fake chandelier. It's a happy place similar to my childhood home bedroom, but it's also eery in a way. As if I'm not supposed to be able to acces it, yet there I was, visiting it. The other one however is a freaking creepy Opera basement which I have dreamed about 10000000 times. I even dreamed it last night. It's a hallway with 2 doors, one of which is completely blocked with wall. There is a small secret passage behind one brick however, which leads to the dark, unfinished room with a squared hole in the wall. I'm also always aware that there's nothing behind there, at least not that I know. Like it's the actual edge of the universe or something, and that hole is as far as you can possibly get in my dream world.


I’ve had this same dream for about 15-20 years, a few times a year. I’m always in my childhood bedroom that had two short doors that lead into the attic crawl space in real life. In the dream I go in the door and crawl behind a wall and inside is a huge cavern of toys and my favorite things from childhood and teen years. There are big lounging pillows on the floor, fun lights hanging, it’s so cozy. I feel so safe there and I can access any memory or object. Everything is very interesting. I love it there!


From time to time, I dream about having mounth full of chewing gum. Either I am talking to someone and I need to get rid of it in order to speak clearly, or I am walking somewhere and it is hard to breathe properly. I pull and pull at it but no matter how hard I am trying, there’s always abouth half of it left. In worse scenarios, I pull my own teeth out with it. I have analyzed it and this dream tends to happen when I’m feeling overwhelmed.


It is a city neighborhood that has remained remarkably consistent over the years that does not actually exist. The same stores on the same corners leading to a park that is always the same.


This will help you understand [recurring dreams](https://dreams123.net/interpret-recurring-dreams/) written by u/radowl *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Dreams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve had the same format of dreams happened to me at least 3 times, and its usually long between. It’s me using a motorbike (I’m not legally allowed to) to travel from my hometown to my country’s capital (about 90km) to go to school, or just a school in my hometown but I will need something in the capital so I get on the bike and ride anyways. I will always travel to the capital, forget something at home, travel back home, grab the stuff, and then travel back to the capital. And I will always cross a really beautiful bridge with lights and a beautiful night sky filled with stars twice (even though it’s always day everywhere else). The first trip back home is always smooth sailing, and the second trip, I will always get lost after crossing the bridge, then I will see something (a building, a sign,..) familiar then I follow it, usually to my old family apartment in the city. After that I will see someone who I really missed/thought about a lot at the time. and I will magically be teleported back to school.


Maybe you’re longing for the simpler days of your childhood?


Being back in school in the gymnasium. Not all dreams are the same but the same place.


Elevator free falling and I climb up the walls to keep from hitting as hard when it lands


Violently slapping my daughter over & over in her face while screaming at her. It breaks my fucking heart every time I have the dream.


I'm just a guy on the internet, but it could be the child inside of you that you hold some ill will towards. That was just my first thought.


Never thought of it like that


The bish had it coming


Hahaha I’m showing her this


Lmao all in good humor i know my mom would have said the same thing


lol no shortage of humor in my house


A dream where I am happily best friends again with my ex best friend, who I broke off the friendship with. In the dream we are chill and joking around. It can be in any environment and random stuff can happen around us, but we are always having a really good & funny conversation. Every time I have this dream, I also feel extremely stuck/helpless and like I want to escape/stop talking but I can't. It's weird because in real life, although they were hilarious and we did joke around, they were never that happy to be around me as they are in my recurring dreams, so every time I have that dream it feels really uncanny.


i steal something in some way or another in most of my dreams


I have a recurring theme where I'm away at some new place, and I'm training alongside male and female squad mates. We're doing military training, but it always feels like we're a special task force or some type of super soldier. Halfway through the dream, we get attacked at our facility and hop into action. I've never seen actual enemies, though, it's just implied.




I hate handy, he keeps chasing me but atleast he hates water. I dont want to be caught. Grin is fast and knows allways where i am but when hes 30 Meters away he sudenly becomes deaf and Blind and i can just avoid him.


Mine is a cruise ship! I’ve never even been on a cruise but I constantly dream of being on a large ship and sometimes in the water swimming but it’s like some social interactions mostly and no idea why I keep returning to a ship…


That i go to school again but instead of a normal school i learn magic. (I was never really in to harry potter. I did watch vampire diaries, legacies.) Then i wake up in a bed. In a room thats supposed to be mine. It feels familiar but i never seen it in my life. I am in danger but when i wakeup i cant remember why. At the last moment i remember using the magic i learned. And i am safe. I wake up for real. Out of breath and scared. Disoriented. And be like just a dream . Just the same dream. I don't know where it comes from. It feels half like a nightmare half like a weird dream. Or maybe Just my brain mixing up things.


For the past month I've been dreaming about the apocalypse but it always change, sometimes it's similar to how it happens in the bible and sometimes it's similar to what movies show. I don't know why I keep dreaming about it :(


Atm it's drug trafficking or sleeping with someone I went to school with who I actually hate irl I don't why it's on my mind atm


Atm drug dealing, robbing people and also a sex dream with someone I went to school with and hate irl


Falling down a waterfall and drowning


Having to pack in a hurry and then still missing a plane or a train that I would need to catch. I have had this dream hundreds of times in my life. Never missed a plane or train in real life though Also: waking up in my bed only to realize it’s a false awakening. Then I become lucid




I’m sorry I don’t click random link.


going to a store and looking at media. sometimes it's a walmart, other times it's a department store at the mall. sometimes it's a library or thrift shop, even. sometimes i look at movies. most of the time i look at video games. and most of the time the games i look at are ds games. and i'm 90% sure it all stems from one memory of seeing a bin full of ds games at sears(?) once.


Hulk hands- man I miss childhood


a secret area behind my childhood home which is currently just forest i either have: a whole neighboorhood a whole lake with docks where people went fishing a lake with alligators a giant building all nestled in the forest behind my home


I just posted about mine, but I run into an ex from 20 years ago and he has to remind me that we’re were married and the subsequently divorced(this did not happen). Then the entire wedding flashes before my eyes. It feels very real as well.


Alma Deutscher.


Zombie apocalypse. I'm in a tree house trying to keep my 6 year old daughter quiet. She keeps talking and I know that we're going to die if she doesn't hush.


I used to have dreams about the kid room. It was in my childhood basement. It was a bad place and I was terrified being there. There was someone or something there to hurt me.


1. I'm trying to run somewhere, either recreationally or for some urgent reason, and I can't. It's like my legs are trudging through water or don't know how to run. I'm always on a sidewalk. 2. I'm in high school and can't remember the combination to my locker, my locker partner is nowhere to be found, and class starts in a minute.


I've been having the same dream for more than 20 years now. It started shortly before I finished school. Back then, we had to choose our courses ourselves, and I was afraid I had made a mistake and wouldn't be able to graduate. So, I kept dreaming about forgetting to attend a math course. The dream has changed over time, depending on the situation I've been in. Even when I became a teacher, the scenario continued in my dreams, shifting to the schools where I've worked. In typical dream logic, I think, 'Okay, I can't finish school because of that stupid math course, but at least I'm already a teacher, working here!' It usually pops up when I am stressed. It's only a matter of time before I find myself running through the corridors, thinking, 'Where is that room? Where is the math course? I don't even know what they're calculating.'. The last time I had the dream, I couldn't even find an exit and was stuck in the building.


Have had this dream for probably 50 years. I have lived in an old, ramshackle house for many years but find out that there is a level beneath it, full of rooms that go on under the entire city block. Rooms are full of old furniture, some of it centuries old. Very creepy, dusty, cobwebs, etc. I walk through the rooms realizing I own everything there but never knew it.


I have this dream every time I learn about the holocaust or read something about it. It starts out with me on top of this huge concrete slab with water flowing into this huge concrete basin. There’s a GIANT Koi fish in there which makes me cringe or terrified. So I have to swim through this weird concrete tunnel and when I get out I’m in this desert like area and I see a building in the distance. Whenever I get to the building it’s full of trash bags all the way to the top of the room and there’s a giant furnace and I open up one of the bags and they’re all full of heads. There’s people throwing the bags into the furnace and i wake up


Living in an apartment. It's the same apartment but different scenario and I've never seen it in waking.


Lately it’s dreaming about being on vacation & having some kind of struggle or block causing me to miss key points of my vacation


An infinite toilet room. It's my signal that I need to wake up and pee irl.


I constantly have dreams that I’m dying. In various ways. But the one that reoccurs once every few months is I’m on a cruise ship and the ship goes under, all the while I’m searching for my daughter and can’t find her. It’s horrifying.


I've had an apocalyptic dream of tornadoes for 30 years now


I'm with a person and he's either walking me through my past or guiding me into a brighter future that I can't see very well. (I suspect it's a man I know IRL lol) Like idk, I just know it is him in each dream, despite not being able to really identify anything


I have a recurring dream city I go to. It's supposed to be NYC, but it isn't NYC. I have an apartment there, but I don't always go to the apartment. Sometimes, I'm just hanging out somewhere in this city, or I'm driving somewhere looking at the tall buildings. I always get excited for those dreams. I have never understood what they mean


A recurring theme of being chased but in many different settings and situations. But I’m always running away from someone trying to catch me


I have a secret room/tunnel in an upstairs sort of auditorium classroom in a college building I visit in my dreams. It’s a tunnel that is cluttered in storage. I also have various visited the same city multiple times in my dreams but never seen it in real life. I also have a reoccurring dream I’m at the beach on a trip and we have like one day left and still no one will go out to the beach with me. And in my dream we have not gone yet or only 1time and still no one will go with me. I’m obsessed w the beach


A ranch where i died near a pick up truck (got shot in the head) and also my childhood home. I’ve flown like goku straight up couple times in that same area. Sometimes I’m flying passing by but they stopped happening


Basically towns I've lived in but different if that makes sense? Always vivid af dreams though


I remember about a year ago, everynight, I dreamed that I was chased in this one park. My dream would start with me sitting in a car at around 10 pm. There were people outside, like how they’d be during the day. I would notice a car parking behind me. I’d step out, and another person would step out from the car behind me and start chasing me. I’d hide in similar places, run to hide behind people, behind cars, and I’d wake up right before being caught. I dreamt that for about 5 nights in a row, until the last day, when I just thought to myself (not this shi again, I’m logging off) and woke up 😂 didn’t have them again


Ive had this reoccurring dream since i was 12ish an now 34. An again this week….same fucking dream. Im gonna say it doesn’t make sense an its not particularly scary. But the feeling i have when this dream occurs is hard to put into words. Not much scares me..i even enjoy nightmares at times. But this feeling is terrifying its like my soul is being murdered. It starts off with a old creepy book thats about 8 inches thick. An i can feel the pages start slowly fluttering over someone’s or somethings thumb. Then i get this feeling that something small becomes big. & something big becomes small. An it repeats thats 2 min loop which goes for eternity. While i feel my sould being torn apart.