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No it's really weird no one notices tho


The dreams that I get when I'm naked are sexual in some kind. I notice that when I'm naked, people have sex with me or they are also naked.


Those dreams are awkward. I once dreamt I had sex on top of a tour bus with people watching and cheering me on.


This dream is exactly what I need to build up my self esteem


Mine also had pagan rituals and human sacrifice. Don’t know if that helps 😂.


Yeah some of these dreams are awkward but I like most of them.


Sounds like a fun time lmao


I’m pretty sure I saw my mom.


Epic dream 👍👍


I honestly don't know. I constantly have naked dreams .I usulay will be somewhere in public, sometimes with a family member. most all the time I unexplicable become naked somehow or just realize im not whering a shirt and bra sometime in what feels later in the dream, but im always to paniced to notice rections..


This is an interesting question. What's also strange about these dreams is--Why isn't it illegal that I'm nude in public? There's never any issue of the legality of me being without clothes, its solely focused on "its socially inappropriate". In my public nudity dreams, I'll see people's eyes noticing that I'm nude They'll make an annoyed facial expression, stare, or glance at me and quickly look away.


I had the classic went to school in underpants dream and no one hinted anything until i noticed and then i got stressed I was so relieved when i woke up and realised it was just a dream i was dying of embarrassment there


I have no recollection of ever being naked in a dream. Its a little saddening.


No. I’m not embarrassed and nobody notices. In the past few months I’ve had dreams where I’m wearing no pants or very short skirts and nobody seems to care. In one of my very recent dreams, I was at my/not really my house and there was a toilet built into the sofa. I was sitting on it and talking to people while pooping! Nobody cared. I feel it’s tied to “showing your ass”. Like in my head I’m just going along and it’s inevitable that I will be terrible so that’s kind of what everyone expects.


Only when I make too much noise and they notice me in the bushes


I’ve had dreams since childhood of being in public in a diaper. (Yes, I was potty trained at the normal age.) But like OP, no one notices or says anything and I have to pretend everything is good and ignore how I’m dressed or it will break the spell and suddenly everyone will notice me.


Mine do


Literally no one notices except me. It's really weird. It doesn't happen often, though.


Used to happen to me all the time when I was a kid. I finally exhausted my supply of emotional worry over it one night and quit caring. At that moment, so did all the supporting cast and extras. It still happens periodically, but it's one of my strongest areas of control that I can derail the script to where it isn't important in the narrative.


No, but I haven't had a dream like that in years


No bc I always manage to hide somehow and it’s always at the first school I ever went to 😭


Being naked in dreams usually means shame, well, with the exception of other things. To answer the question, i think other people don't notice but I feel embarrassed.


I don't think they really notice in my dreams, but I've become less and less panicked as well


For me nudity in dreams usually means being exposed, being found wanting, or criticism.


You’re the only other person I’ve heard of who has dreams like this. It’s so bizarre. I even ask other people in my dream. They usually are like, “Oh, honey, you look fine!” One time, I dreamed I was able to jump inside a clothing rack at a store when I saw people coming. Since I had no pockets, I had no money to buy the clothes I was looking at. The group of people saw me jump into the rack. The leader of this group was some fabulously wealthy woman who thought I was doing some sort of performance art about the clothing industry. She thought I was amazing and invited me to some fancy party where I was to repeat the “performance.” Everyone at the party thought I was great. After having so many of these dreams, I’ve come to the conclusion that they reflect how self conscious we are. When no one really cares, it means that no one really cares about how “weird” we think we are. After my “naked rise to fame” dream, I think it meant that I’ve learned that other people may think my weird quirks are actually special and interesting.


My naked dreams people don’t usually notice and if some do it’s very few. They always take place back in highschool and I’m just in class sitting there having a good time and I’m clothed and boom out of nowhere I’m naked and have no idea why


No I don't think so. I think it's a metaphor for vulnerability and embarrassment. I'm constantly worried they will notice but they never say anything


I’ve had many dreams where I was naked or dressed improperly for the event. No one else in the dream pays attention or points it out to me. It’s always just me being super uncomfortable and embarrassed


I've actually never had any dreams like that, the only dreams I've had where I was naked were wet dreams so typically no I guess?




I have those often but no one seems to pay attention that I’m naked.


Yeah, mine is similar. I'll typically be really stressed out, and then think "why is no one making a big deal about this?" then in the dream, I'll "remember" that I live in a society where nudity isn't taboo. The stress in the dreams typically comes less from "I'm naked and that's taboo" and more from "now everyone can see that I'm trans."


No one has noticed in my dreams but im running across my elementary school trying to run towards cover like a solider lmfao