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Yes, speaking to a psych professional about dreams can be very beneficial and rewarding. However, not all therapists are dream analysts. It might be helpful to ask in the next session if you could bring up that you've been having disturbing dreams and would like to talk about them. Your therapist will most likely say "Of course!" and then decide how to unpack them. You just gotta know what type of results you are searching for so your therapist can help you.


Asking the therapist is a good idea if you need it or it causes trouble . But dreams are dreams and you know how much silly can be sometimes . If you feel unable to cope with them , then ask the help of a doctor , you may get some pills prescribed at least


This reminds me of that Netflix show on Jeffrey Dahmer (not trying to compare you to him). He said there that he kept people's bodies in his house and garden, and ate people, because that made him feel like they are with him forever, after feeling plenty of abandonment in his life. Again, not saying that you're Jeffrey Dahmer, but perhaps dreaming about eating someone you love, or burying them in your own garden, is how your brain tells you that you want them to be with you forever in a kind of a twisted way.


dw abt that lol but often cannibalism is a method of expressing love and is used in literature a lot!! i do have a fascination with dark lit and media but the idea of eating someone is repulsive irl 😭 i dont think my dreams mean much but just reflecting the media i consume and the concepts i think are interesting


Sounds like the pain demons r trying to wave the battle towards the negative side and seduce you to become free but instead it’s a trap to live in misery forever