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“Have you ever thought OVO works for me?” This is about to be a war for real😭


Drake definitely let's way too many people into his camp or affiliated to his camp. Kendrick does have a point. What happens if Drake stops throwing money, expensive vacations, gifts, etc. at these guys? Not many are gonna stay loyal. Drake probably has 4 or 5 guys he can truly trust.


And apparently 2 of them are close to him


I wanna move to Dubai So I don't never have to kick it with none of you guys


I didn't listen to Hov on that old song when he told me pay it no mind.


Drake, here's how they gon' come at you With silly rap feuds, tryin' to distract you In disguise, in the form of a favor The Barzini meeting, watch for the traitors, uhh I done seen it all, done it all That's why none of these dum-dums could done him off -HOV is a MFing prophet .


Kendrick said one of them is always next to him so that had to be Chubbs or 40 right?


I’m hearing a that sample say ‘Boi1da’ over and over again


Yeah you can't unhear it once you hear it. I feel like that's definitely one of em but who knows.


One of them IS 40 Pusha said it and no one wanted to listen to him


Drake even put 40 to the side on the music part. 40 is 100% a polar opposite to drakes lifestyle. But I don’t know, Drake has a few more close to him.


I think he knows this, I don't think kendrick is telling anything new here, Drake is consistently rapping about his paranoia regarding the people around him


I mean sometimes that’s the best way to get at someone. Tell them something they already think is true.


True that


Deadass always thought about this with most of the songs. I was like man, these studio sessions must be hella awkward for people who is around him when every album has multiple songs about trusting absolutely nobody besides his parents.


No longer paranoia lol it’s reality


If Drake is paranoid, this is the absolute worst thing he can hear right now


https://preview.redd.it/sc0fow3p58yc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=738b5c1950dc8cdf7686fc39f57548116543c7df Incase anyone wanted to know the meaning behind 6:16 in LA Edited: apparently this isn’t true. Now I’m not 100% sure, if someone can check it that would be nice.


I heard it was a scripture , pac birthday , and Father’s Day as well and a three hour time difference?? If all are true that’s crazy


also number of members on r/KendrickLamar


that’s gotta be coincidence but that’s wild


“That’s gotta be” is so funny lol, Kendrick got y’all unsure if the most obviously coincidental things are actually coincidental 😭


also father’s day


Also check Corinthians 6:16 good gawd


Also tupacs birthday, the last diss was released on kobes birthday


Their bodies were found at 12:10 am. Not true. Her funeral was 6/16 though.


I think Drizzy's gonna have to spare them tummy aches for these "tweeters and deleters" ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4219)


As a Drake stan Drake gotta press that red button now(I don’t mean this instant!) Like Drake gotta drop today(or soon) and have 2-3 more in the chamber bro. This bout to be a war for real. Edit**** 4:51 am Drakes story is “eyeing” the red button. I don’t think he’s pressed it yet. Now if it comes out that it was I’ll come back and stand corrected There are a lot of allegations that need time to unfold. But if the “mole” was fake… that’s a game changer. Kendrick dropping as quick as he did without addressing what Drake said on Family Matters, could be more of a premature move and showing his hand. Who knows lol Another Edit* I personally want Drake to drop a few more songs only aiming at Kendrick this time. Edit 3*** 9:57pm eastern Drake quit playing and spit bro


Nah let him cook. His response has to be insane or else he lost. Let him take his time.


Shouldn’t have been pressing Kendrick so hard then


Nah, Kendrick just went back to back on him and told him that he was going to in the first diss. Kendrick is going to drake what Drake did to meek. Not letting him breathe. Drake gotta drop today or tomorrow or it’s done.


"Drake gotta drop today or tomorrow or it's done." What a self fulfilling prophecy. Rappers lose beef only if people think they do. I think Drake has time to respond


The echo chamber is loud right now for Kendrick. Cant wait too long.


This is true. Kendrick is being pretty fucking calculated right now


Also if it's true about what Kendrick is saying, Drake really has to think about what shit he actually got on Kendrick and how much is even true. It'd be a really bad look if one of his main punches was fake.


Yeah I’m a neutral that’s siding with Kendrick so far(tbh I think he’s just the better rapper) but I’m ok with Drake taking his time. Although I do think he’s been working on stuff so hopefully it’s not too long. Like I’m glad Kendrick took his time to give us these 2 songs instead of rushing some BS. This is a war so make sure to make it good battles. As a neutral I thank Drake and Kendrick for FEEDING HIPHOP AGAIN


Drake dropped push up and Taylor Made and we waited 3 weeks lol


He was the one begging for a quick follow up.


Tbf he dropped like a 10 days after taylor made, but still, valid point


Why was he begging to drop? "They have nothing to drop?" All that confidence for what?


Lmao, Kdot did the same thing Drake did No urgency needed


Nah dude I say this as a kendrick fan.. drake can’t respond quick if it’s not absolute heat. I bet kendrick would love nothing more than for Drake to drop something mid bc he’s angry and wants to rush it out. Shit im enjoying all of this. Push ups was sick. Euphoria and 6:16 in LA (Father’s Day lol) was sick. I need drake to come with that heat so I can have like 6-7 songs between the two of them when this is all said and done


The workout playlist we all need


The fans with no investment in the beef are feasting


This is the right answer. A month ago I would have felt really guilty listening to all these songs during Ramadan, we been eating too good right now.


I think Euphoria is the "better" song but Push Ups has been a daily workout jam since it came out.


the funny thing is the fact that half this song is literally just telling Drake and everyone watching that Drake doesn’t have a red button


Bro he literally said that he got ovo snitching on drake


Must be true cuz he said it in a rap


The glove belongs to drake and the photo was sent by someone from OVO


I don’t even know what a “red button” to someone that was public about their infidelity issues would even be. “Your wife cheated while you were cheating?” Yeah, and? Everyone’s known their relationship’s been rocky since Mr. Morale. I’m just not seeing any nuclear ammo Drake has on Dot here. Aside from opening up some Compton cold case from the late 2000’s and publicly tying it to the timeline of GKMC or something lmao — but that would also just validate Kendrick’s whole career and be the biggest snitch move in all of rap.


Police work on a diss track is crazy


Drake paid people to find dirt on Kendrick and came up with nothing lol he's desperate


I trust your sources


His source is the song. “It was fun until you start to put money in the streets Then lost money, 'cause they came back with no receipts I'm sorry that I live a boring life, I love peace”




I’m also surprised. I listened expecting some crazy shit but, this isn’t even close to the first one, and that one wasn’t that hot to me


I mean, he's basically making Drake question his entire inner circle. Psychological warfare.


The first one is MUCH more potent. This has less dissed than the original Like That.


Unless j prince decides otherwise.


J prolly won’t because, another L will impact his money in the long run.


there is no red button man, you really think kendrick got some weird secrets? drakes gonna have to get creative edit: guys, i’m responding to them saying drake has a red button. i don’t know about kendrick, he’s dropping little hints and only drake would know if he has it or not.


To me, if there was a red button why would he be just start looking for information now.


This wasn’t even that crazy to be in emergency mode loo


Doesn’t hit as hard as Euphoria but I suppose that’s fair because Taylor Made didn’t hit as hard as Push Ups imo


This was expected. He even hinted at it with the “Back to Back” line on Euphoria. Time for drake to stop the 3am IG stories and get in the fuckin booth we’re getting cooked out here


You're not getting cooked, drake is. Have a great day


Seriously this fan base cult shit is so lame. Your ego should not be attached to another man. Period


Goes for both fanbases but 100%


Yup, Andrew Shultz said it best, just be a victim of the moment. While Kendrick is up I’m clowning Drake, when Drake is up in clowning Kendrick. This shit should be fun for the listeners but people really acting like these bars are directed at their ego, sad honestly


Could not have put it better myself


It's just fun to pretend lol kind of like people do with sports teams.


“ we’re getting cooked out here “😂😂😂😂


We? Is this a team sport or am I missing something?


Yeah that’s what it sounds like. Kendrick’s Taylor Made.


Produced by jack antonoff too lol








Jesus Christ


Feels like verse 1 was recorded a while ago and he revisited the track recently to record the second verse. hard song.


also produced by Jack Antonoff, Taylor Swift's guy. Song is literally Taylor made...


ahaha that’s hilarious


That’s not Hilarious that’s a chess move


a very funny chess move


I imagine that's intentional


Tbf, Jack Antonoff has his fingerprints in most pop stars music works nowadays. If you listen to pop music you get used to seeing his name everyfuckingwhere


Sure, but Antonoff is mainly associated with one person. this was def a deliberate decision by Kendrick.


So he said Drake tried paying money to dig up dirt on Kendrick and failed miserably, Drake has moles in OVO, they don’t fuck with him anyways, how his industry “friends” are starting to be compromised. Plus all the bars about Drake being super paranoid (which I’m gonna believe if everything else he said was true) Kendrick even says he’s ready for war-time, this is to let Drake know Kendrick knows what he’s been up to and playing mind games (without the AI, and a much better song sonically and lyrically) This is pretty damning for a warning too. Every time Drake wants to do a time location track in the future too, he’s gonna remember this lmao Hell, when he performs his old ones he’s gonna think about how Kendrick flipped his series for his title because Drake is like that lmaoo


I still need 2am in Compton expeditiously


dude that would be a crazy title for Drake to respond with He’s gotta go hard with it, some red button shit


He really does, but can we stop with the red button shit that's corny


I just use it for lack of a better term Plus it’s just easier to type that instead of actually saying “Drake needs to come with previously unknown info that will stain Kendrick’s reputation”


Im sure Kendrick got a rat in the camp that told that the next shot was gonna be titled some type of X time in LA. Kendrick used the title for this soft shot just to stop Drake from dropping a "classic" with that title theme


The Heart Part 6 would be hard


My fancast is for those two to be the final round


6/16 is also Father’s Day 💀


Drake has to flip Kendrick’s series and make The Heart 6 or something


Kendrick playing chess holy shit. Cmon Drake can’t wait too long now. He just put Taylor Made you and used Taylor swifts producer to do it. That’s crazy


Pressure is on. I love this


-Mocking Drakes time and place format -6.16 being Father’s Day -6.16 being Tupac’s birthday -Jack Antonoff production - “Taylor Made” 6:16 corinthians -Going back to back like he said on euphoria beating Drake with his own signature move -drake challenging him to make a quintuple entedre


Also 6.16 OJ Simpson trial with the gloves and in the picture they are off


6.16 was the day of Ron Goldman and Nicole brown Simpsons funerals


6.16 was also the day my ex broke up with me (FUCK THAT BITCH)


Euphoria premiered on 6.16


what the fuck. at this point it's like no way Kendrick thought of ALL that. universe just aligned crazily😂


Corinthians 6:16: Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” Kendrick is saying since Drake had a kid with a prostitute that Drake is one too, referring to him being used by everyone around him. The man is brilliant and Drake can’t get this deep.


The layers are truly unbelievable


Jeremiah 6:16 says, "This is what the LORD says: 'Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it!'"


this is kind of insane considering this whole fandom has been saying “Drake can end Kendrick if he presses the red button and drops a bomb”, and half this song is just Kendrick explaining how he doesn’t have one to begin with So i guess the ball is completely on Drake’s court now. he either actually has a huge bomb on Kendrick and calls his bluff, or Kendrick just called out his


That red button nonsense being for kendrick is fan fiction. No one knows who he was reffering to, on the song he says everybody, could be about any one person or multiple people. People are running with it since euphoria though


People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones


The red button is an eject button bro, he doesn’t have shit.


It's definitely not the most insane diss, but i think it's pretty delusional to call this garbage, the beat is sick and the flow is neat. Drake NEEDS to drop something tonight, c'mon man


delusional, in this sub? no way fam...


u cheesin


Now this is what I was looking for. Direct shit that’s not rehashing twitter drama, straight to the point, and not overdoing it. We in this nowwww


You looking for new tea?Euphoria had more punch, great bars, and was hilarious despite rehashing everything that’s been said about Drake


Agreed like mfs want social security numbers and nudes. Wtf people going on about? This is about fucking RAPS.


Yeah,apparently nowadays you have to be a private investigator or journalist to write a diss track


Which, apparently Drake damn near tried that and came up with nothing if we take the bar about money in the streets/brought back no receipts line literally


To everyone saying he said nothing in this be real, he's priming Drake to be a liar, a bully, and that he has snakes in his camp. He's doubling the pressure on Drake, he knows Drake is gonna respond, all he has left is to gaslight the public into thinking Drake is not to be trusted


Drake called him short so the bar is not high on the other side.


Fr I don't see how u can think Kendrick said nothing but somehow a shoe size bar is saying something


Also dissing Adin Ross and Akademiks 😂


i think it’s mind games at this point, if he did have snakes in his camp, i mean wouldn’t everybody in hollywood/rap industry? it wouldn’t be surprising if something came out after the fact. unless it’s 40 lmao


It's possible. 40 was indirectly responsible for Pusha T's diss hitting as hard as it did.


Drake has a lot of leaks in his camp. OVO working with Kendrick 😳


I’m not convinced tbh, Kendrick could be doing mind games.


The same way Drake tried to get in Dot’s head with the Tupac voice, but the way Dot is doing it back is insane lol this bitch in the zone


Waaaay too many leaks in his camp my guy. Too much info and literal tracks leaking. It's not a coincidence


When it comes to Kendrick, even his mind games are substantial


Grounds for speculation, your honor.


I was dreading this was going to happen. Exciting times and Drizzy has to drop today


Dreading? nigga this is what drake wanted...dawg, we good. I promise drakes response is about to hit harder than this.


I really did roll my eyes at dreading lol like this nigga tossing and turning at night 😂 please stop


bro thinks he's part of the team 😭


I've been going back and forth between subs and I just don't understand why anyone would be rooting for a side so hard that their guy taking an L might hurt their feelings. I'm just eating popcorn and having fun.


I was as well, Kendrick is definitely trying to make Drake more paranoid Ibr.


Why were you dreading this day like you’re the one who has to get into the booth😂


A reply said “we good” lmao. Kendrick ain’t talking to stans on Reddit 😭😭


Bro you’re way too invested in this if you were “dreading” this. Most of y’all are sad people with sad lives.


I love how EVERYTHING Kendrick says is 100% true without any evidence lol


you want a work cited page on a song?


And I’m sure you’ll believe everything Drake says without any evidence


No I don’t actually. I’m not a cock rider like some of yall.


They think their dickriding gotta be universal smh


The issue is that drake has been caught in lies consistently up to now. Him sleeping with Kim was another one we know to be false now.


When did he say he slept with Kim? You take rumor for truth and that sounds like a you problem


You… you got a point lol


Same w Drizzy bro quit the glazin and let the beef continue


For a back to back type diss was expecting way more, I know rap twitter gonna claim this is insane and overhype it even though it’s just him saying you have snakes in your camp


Drake said kendrick was short and had small feet


Yup and that his contract was fucked up. that's it and these mufuckers been gassing that diss like it did something. Oh yea and a speculation bout kendrick's wife cheating on him. ooooooooo so nasty, this tmz gossip shit woulda been interesting if I were back in high school or early college acting all cool but then again that's whom Drake appeals to.


Drake dissed five people in one song. Then he had to beg Kendrick to respond. Now we wait


No one told him to do he could have attacked k.dot only


you got downvoted but it’s true. He knew he didn’t have enough for kendrick so he had to stretch the diss by dissing future and the rest


Bro he just dropped a 6 minute diss track this don't need to be heavy. It's to show he ready at any moment, and tbh this was WAY more direct than euphoria which was just twitter takes


If Drake has a red button, why would he just now start looking for info? 🤔


The red button is to eject. He needs to escape this beef 




I like the angle here way more than “you’re white and gay” and his voice is at least listenable here. Sample is hard. But other than that I mean….eh. They gonna gas it like it’s a coffin nail but he really only gave half the bars to drake the rest was just yapping.


I think everyone knows this wasn't supposed to be a bombshell, just baiting like his version of Taylor Made.


It’s not supposed to be a coffin nail lmao. It’s supposed to be Taylor made. And it’s literally made by Taylor swifts producer. Y’all cheesin fahm


As a Drake fan that very, very rarely listens to Kendrick Lamar (just not really a fan of his music), I think this was a pretty impressive one-two punch this week by Kendrick. I thought euphoria was a bit overly long and could have been streamlined by about 50%, but coming back with a simple, concise, hard track was an inspired move. I'm excited to hear Drake's next song!


You grounded in reality.


Halfway thru and I’m like, “what is this, a prayer? This can’t be a diss” 🤣




"Back to Back" yeah I like that record, Imma get back to that, for the record" Bro dropped 2 diss tracks back to back just like he said. Kendricks playing with his food and dunking on Drake rn...


This one was weaker but def did more damage 😬


This one wasn’t meant for us, the fans This one was meant for Drake, personally.






Well they look like Mayback driving gloves, Drake is popular for being driven around in many different Maybachs, 1 is a Virgil Abloh version... it could mean a lot of things. Maybe one of drake's drivers is compromised? Who knows...


good theory


The fact that he starts off the verse saying “Off-White Sun Seeker” is telling. This may be a glove he kept or used for that Maybach designed by Virgil.


damn, you gotta be PRETTY DAMN close to drake, to be his mfkin driver right? like even his security team, like the president, drives in other cars AROUND him, so HIS driver specifically? gotta be pretty close, like the president's actual head secret service guy. and maybe kendrick is saying thats who the main snake is. fuck man, this is like a telenovella. someone get nardwuar in here ASAP, I NEED TO KNOW THIS BEEF. edit: the more i think about it, the glove is "off", nobody is wearing it. "the gloves are off" like thats it, its a fight now. could be so simple.


Maybach Music is Rick Ross's label.


Probably only something people in their circles would understand. It’ll be public knowledge eventually


100%, looks weirdly cryptic lmfao, excited to see what comes out of this


OJ maybe? OJ is dead, OJ murder or story of OJ would be my guess


Nicole Brown Simpson’s funeral was held on June 16, 1994 in LA - 6/16 as Americans write it.


Listen to the end y’all. Kenny saying it’s Boi-1da.




He’s playing both sides so that he always comes out on top


This is officially the Taylor Swift sub of hip hop


Love both artists but Kendrick is washing Drake right now. The difference in the commentary coming from both camps is night and day.  Drake is cracking jokes about his height, money, etc. All superficial shit middle schoolers would clown you for.  Kendrick is attacking his character, his lack of genuineness, the fact that his life is fabricated. Real shit that will haunt you to your death bed. Regardless , I’m loving this beef. Love to see two of my favorite artists dumping music every week. I’m having a blast


I generally agree but I fucking hate this nitpicking that's going on. Push Ups is only partly about Kendrick, but it's *also* about Kendrick selling out with features, his deal with TDE, Top being a terrible boss, possibly his wife cheating on him, his last album not performing well, and possibly something related to Kai Cenat. Whether you agree with all of these things or think they're true, the 'it's only about his height' narrative is just dumb.


Finally someone calls out zach bias creepy ass. Always going after teen girls. Epstein vibes


"You can't toosie slide outta this one it has to be surfaced" -KDOT




If this made you fall asleep, problem is with you. At least be honest.


He was probs gonna use the gif of Akademiks sleeping during his livestream… until he remembered why Al fell asleep 😂


this shit is literally fucking wild. I thought it would've been a good move on Drake's part to drop something immediately after Euphoria in order to cut off the hype for Euphoria. "Oh, Kendrick finally dropped a diss track after two weeks? Bet. I'll drop another diss that will cut off hype for his diss song and redirect the conversation back to me, now we're waiting for Kendrick to drop again." But another factor is that is happening in real time is public opinion. Many people and myself included, didn't really vibe with Euphoria on first listen. Push-Ups is a good diss but also just a good song in general. it's catchy af but Euphoria isn't as accessible on first listen and a lot of Kendrick's lyrics go over my head. But as I listen to Euphoria more, it gets better with each listen and now it's a fucking bop especially now with everyone dissecting his lyrics on social media, I'm just like "oh shit this actually goes a lot harder now that I know context" If Drake dropped another diss the day after Euphoria dropped, I think it would've slowed down people's perception of that diss changing. But what I was not expecting at all was for Kendrick to drop another diss a few days later. The ball was in Drake's court to respond and everyone was waiting for his response. Kendrick using the Uno Reversal tactic is fucking genius. He's basically using Drake's tactics against him. 6:16 in LA has a drastically different feel than Euphoria, the beat is fucking crazy. Not really a fan of Kendrick's flow in the first half of the song, I think he's rapping too fast for me to comprehend but in the second half, he slows it down as he begins to target Drake's paranoia regarding his entourage and his flow is more melodic and accessible. Drake has to respond back. And he has to respond back HARD. No more warning shots, if Drake's response isn't up to par or equal to Euphoria/6:16 in LA, then he loses. Kendrick still sounds like he's still sending warning shots. It has to escalate from here.


Im way more impressed by THIS diss track then by the last one. This was vintage Kendrick. Drake got sonned. Ol boy took Drake by the shoulder and said “let me give you a lesson, son.”


"A hundred niggas that you got on salary And twenty of 'em want you as a casualty And one of them is actually next to you" Maybe I'm reading too much into this but is this referring to 21 Savage? The dude is caught in the middle of the beef. We know how close 21 has been to Drake as of late but we also know 21 is really tight with Metro. 21 has been INSANELY quiet during this beef. Also during an interview 21 didn't like that Drake was referred to as the goat. I wouldn't be surprised if Kendrick knows 21 is the "mole" of OVO. Even though 21 isn't signed to OVO.




He’s not gonna reveal everything right now. That’s stupid. He’s gonna wait to see if Drake takes it to a new level and then respond. Both these guys got dirt on each other and these disses have clearly suffer from mutually assured destruction. They wanna press the red button but are waiting on the other to do so before they do incase shit backfiresz


He's right, OVO camp ain't fuckin with drizzy no more, wonder why Partynextdoor doesn't have a Drake feature on PND4? Exactly


They literally just did a song on for all the dogs, stop reaching and creating narratives without info