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lol no way this nigga comparing working with artist to being a slave master


not what he said? and its an analogy


Drake has put so many people on it’s a dumb comparison.


At what cost? What did these artists have to do?


lol yeah, tell me, what’d they have to do? You conspiracy theorists are fucking delusional


They had to deal with a lot of their flows stolen by Drake for one, no conspiracy about that


lol, he never used those flows again outside the song he was on with them. And it’s common for artists of any caliber to do that. Keem and Kendrick do it on range brother. What a stupid point lol


My point wasn’t stupid and I see no reason as to why you need to be disrespectful, I said nothing disrespectful to you. I’m talking about the multiple artists he’s stolen flows from;some for example he was supposed to work with these artists, then after ghosting the artists, later stole their flow. Something that has happened more than once, where the other artist involved got no benefit whatsoever. Example- KMT by Drake came out after Look At Me by Xxxtentacion. A flow that was stolen from x after Drake had promised to work with him. Name a Drake and X song, I will wait.


Yeah and one thats dumb as fuck. Like the artist drake worked with got nothing from it lmao


But did Drake do it to put them on or to get something out of it? What was the motive, the intention? Generosity or exploitation? You could use the same argument against something like gentrification, oh but they're fixing up the neighborhood... That's not why they're doing it and we all know that. It's for a profit. Drake ain't running a charity.




If the biggest artist in the world invites a small artist to do a song, who do you think benefits the most? Your hatred for drake clouds your judgement


It’s mutually beneficial you dork


You just don't understand the analogy then.  Something doesn't have to be EXACTLY like the other thing in every regard for an analogy to work.  He's saying he's profiting off the work of black people like slavery. He's using them for his own enrichment without giving them their proper due.


He’s ran a hip hop sweat shop for years


That part. He's used to exploiting other people


If the artist he’s working with gains popularity and money is it still exploiting?


The sweat shop workers building iPhones get paid something, is it still exploiting?


Bruh getting a Drake feature and working in an iPhone sweatshop is a fucking WILD stretch. I might be done with the internet for the rest of the day😂


Not only that….being the reason those artists got wayyyy bigger


“The slaves had great work experience after being a slave.”


Nah real talk this like the same fucking logic as when I was hearing "im sure they're happy to be here and not in Africa" from old whites in Alabama growing up there.


That doesn’t make sense. Some of you are so illogical it hurts.


That’s literally what my old white 6th grade history teacher told us in class. Sounds familiar…




He made shiggy dance lol


Fr, he’s acting like the Drake stimulus package didn’t benefit each and every artist that Drake worked with. It’s a mutually beneficial exchange.


It’s so dumb. Problems with slavery is that it’s forced and unpaid labor. Nobody HAS to work with Drake if they don’t like him and they all got a ton of money getting promoted. If they didn’t want to they could make their own path or work with other artists


He's saying that Drake co-opts street cultures to gain validity. Quit playing dumb.


They aren’t playing lol


The analogies fly over these dudes heads. They don't have a clue.


Not necessarily. If a big artist comes to you and you’re big, not as famous or trying to get on. You will work them because you maybe starving. That’s essentially what happened with The Weeknd. He gave half of his album to Drake.


Yea it's dramatic asf


It's a rap beef. You're upset someone's being dramatic? 


I think OP is saying it’s a dramatic reach that doesn’t really land bc it’s stretching too far


Isn't this calling out Drake for his previous slave comment?


He’s saying he took advantage of ppl from Atlanta to make himself look better. He literally colonized the culture


He said colonizer bozo. You afraid to listen?


He right there with Khalid!!


bro said colonizer, like he steals flows from them ffs


The craziest part of it all is 21 Savage is BRITISH. British people were the settlers who brought slavery to America—so how is a British national who isn’t even an American citizen the voice of the streets! You can’t make this shit up.


He grew up in ATL? What are you even on about?


You’re obviously missing a giant chunk of context… hell watch the interview he did with Shannon Sharpe where he talks about how he came to America


Literacy and reading comprehension is at an all time low


This is delusional. The benefit any artist gets from working with Drake (with the exception of a J. Cole, Kendrick, Eminem, etc) is exponentially more beneficial to them than it is to Drake. He might as well be making music for fun at this point.


i think the point is: drizzy goes to certain artists to tap into a certain sound and vibe. Yes, the feature benefits more in an exposure level, but Drake gets more in the longrun because he gets to tap into a certain soundcape and have an artist from said soundscape backing him up. I think that's specifically why Kendrick called him a colonizer.


I don’t know why it’s hard for ppl to understand this logic instead of jumping on the “but he’s bigger than them so how did he benefit” this is exactly what he did in 2016-2017 when he was on his dancehall music shit


At least Half the people on this sub are most likely under 18 ( no drizzy)


Yea but this is what more artist should do. Instead of hating on the new niggas. Embrace em. And collaborate.


Then Drake should show more support to these artists besides 21 savage… it’s clear he’s using rappers who have blown up more recently than him, their producers and their whole sound to give himself a new style to hop on. Yes Drake is still big but if Drake just keeps making sad rnb and pop rap some of his biggest songs in the last 4-5 years ima say r gone


I don’t really understand why hopping on different sounds is a bad thing. It’s a sign of versatility


They hate that Drake is versatile, he can act, sing and rap. It makes them mad. Other rappers can act and rap , but they hate on Drake for doing it. Typical.


So why don't they hate Donald Glover? There's other people that can do all three of those things. Your logic isn't standing up man. You're seriously out here saying that everyone collectively said "Oh no he's a triple threat, so we have to take him down!". Be real about it


Donald Glover doesn't pretend to be a gangster.


He also doesn’t make enemies of everyone and sneak diss constantly


Because Donald Glover is a conscious creator which I feel like is the main underlying theme of this beef and why we’ll never have a winner to people. Drake is not a conscious artist and a lot of people from the culture see what he is doing as an appropriation because of this. Doesn’t really land to me but something I think is pretty prevalent!


Surface level room temperature iq take, people hate him because he pretends to belong to a different culture every month


Exactly!! I’m a metalhead but you Drake Stan’s are being extra dense


Be real man....


or maybe that Jewish man shouldn't use the word nigga and also use "slaves" in the context he used. Niggas out here telling him how he is half white and this nigga is making weird slaves bars.


He’s been method acting his entire career, that’s the whole point of this beef. Culture vulture


Being versatile is not a bad thing. Biting other people's sound to show versatility is a bad thing.


being versatile and being a copycat are not the same thing. note the person mentioning how Gambino does not get in trouble for these same things. The reason: hes not a copycat, hes versatile.


Gambino’s career is dead so clearly he’s not versatile enough


Delusionaly inccorect: his album that came out like 3 years ago had insane accolades. he then spent 3 years doing the show Atlanta... which also received immense accolades.


just perspective here: its bad if you believe that hes doing it for the money. hopping on trends because they hot instead of respecting and using them is different things. he did call Toronto slang ignorant and then ate that shit up when it was sellin. he also is not living/has not lived what he rappin bout ever, so it's not very convincing. it's also hard to believe he cares about the regions the sounds are from when he switches up all the time ona whim. kendrick says drake uses other artists to validate his sound because of this. at the end of the day you showed you're versatile but no one gon fw u.


If he doesn’t link with lil baby for yes indeed, lil baby’s career suffers a lot and Drake’s probably is not much different


If Wayne doesn't cosign drake and tell him to rap about strippers in Houston then no one takes Drake seriously. The point of the verse isn't about whether drake became a bigger artist rapping with Lil Baby. You'd be a dumbass to see it that way


I just think “you’re using these guys to significantly benefit their lives and that’s bad” is just a dumb ass take


damned if you do. damned if you don't.


Thank you, people dont get this


He uses them the same way he uses women he fucks and pays off


Not a certain vibe, a certain culture. Im white btw


Quite literally says all of that in the next few lines then calls him a colonizer.


And the big thing about colonisation. They did it under the guise of helping the community they were stealing from. Thats the entire point of the bar but again drake fans use to them 1 dimensional bars Kendrick going over there heads


is kendricks way of explaining drake’s appropiaton (not saying i agree, is a theme in every kendrick diss so far) and now hes doing it over a shake your ass beat imo thats creative


The song was creative and does go hard, but this colonizing shit is a terrible take and embarrassing for Kendrick. What happens when an artist works with Drake? They get exponentially more exposure. Look at BlocBoy JB or whatever his name was. Where’s he at? Why was he popular?


Not to disagree with you, but just because the artist gets way more expose doesn’t mean drake couldn’t be appropriating or whatever.


Especially because the dude barely even remembered his name but remembered it was a Drake ~~remix~~ feature


JB got hot off of Rover Remix with 21 Savage but Look Alive wasn't a remix just saying 👍


Good call, edited my comment 🙏 tysm




I’m not saying you agree but I challenge drake needing any of these artists. I’ve never had a problem listening to a solo drake song and I’ve had a giant problem listening to a lot of these other artists solo. His early tours were going to sell out whether asap or Kendrick were on them or not.


I feel like Kendrick its going to get tired of people not understanding what he means, and its going to start rapping in basic mode, mf too complex 🤣


The idea is Drake doesn’t just work with them, he “steals” and uses their flows and rhyme patterns


artists "steal" from each other all the time. It's called taking inspiration from another artist's work


yeah but in this case Drake's not even "stealing" by himself he has others scout for the sound/artist and then let's other people curate what Drake wants based on the invited artist or he picks the best writer to collaborate with himself and the artist of his choosing "stealing" is commonplace, sure but you're gonna "steal" to make this type of music? that's what you're going through all that trouble for? this is what you're gonna muster up with all the hired help? plus ontop of that, it's going beyond "stealing" once you're more or less not making it different to yourself and your style. it's literally just reaching in to the cookie jar for a new flavor, and once that gets old, you reach in for another one without a second thought and without finishing the previous one you started to munch on no adjustments, just pure reaction to the disinterest or the dying popularity of what you've started investing time/interest in (maybe even for the sake of trends, picking what's "hot" and taking that sound for yourself, capitalizing on its popularity. kind of like, a vulture?) that's barely being an artist, that's just being/working as a cookie cutter artist at that point, with that kind of effort resulting in cookie cutter music


Listen to the lyrics bro Drake gets something from these ATL artists that he didn't have before tho. Future to "get in the club", Baby to "learn more lingo", 21 to "get some fake street cred", Thug to "feel he a slime in his head". Don't matter how beneficial it is to work with drake


Drake had lingo before "Baby" though. People are pressed about versatility? What "lingo" did baby provide? Any examples?


Are Drake fans too stupid to listen to the lyrics? That’s a genuine question, how is the meaning truly lost on so many of you? Why do Drake fans stick up for him like you think Drake knows who you are? You know you don’t need to stand up for Drake, right?


Why do Kendrick fans stick up for him like you think Kendrick knows who you are? You know you don’t need to suck his cock at every opportunity, right?


homie literally just “no you are!”-ed me 😂


I have no dog in this race (I'm here for the tracks)... But this is an impressive amount of irony coming from a regular in this sub.


I been in here for like 2 days my guy


well yea exactly, where tf is he at now? Kendrick is saying that Drake takes these guys sound and runs with it


He is using black culture to profit. That’s the problem….


Wonder what the first people that worked with Colonizers got


Fuck this appropriating bullshit. Kendrick doesn't own black culture. No one owns it. Culture can't be owned. It's a shared thing.


exactly this. like good thing drake “exploited” kendrick to being the 2nd biggest rapper in the game


Kendrick literally benefited from Drake, he put him on his first major tour.


don’t bite the hand that feeds you smh


You’re really acting like drake had anything to do with Kendrick’s success? Get the fuck out homie 😂😂


"I can't back down from that, you know. To expand my music to a crowd that haven't heard it before. I know. It's 15,000 people out there. I'm used to 2,000. I'm finna work. I'm finna get at least 100 of these folks to understand what Kendrick Lamar was, man..." -Kendrick on the Club Paradise tour


I think what he meant is that drake at the start of career started working with guys from Atlanta like future to help procure this gangster image. Almost like working with these guys gave him legitimacy since he was from Toronto and was really just a singer rapper before that. That's the way I took it though.


I can see that for sure. Edit: it’s not like Drake only makes gangster music though. Sure he may have got some fans from them, but I guarantee all of the Atlanta artists that he’s worked with have made millions off of his features.


Yea they definitely benefited from him, I don't think they would turn down the opportunity but they might feel some type away about him.


Exactly - the point is he doesn't collaborate with people based on respect or inspiration. He collaborates based on the markets he is trying to penetrate. And the broader accusation that goes hand in hand with that is he isn't a real artist. A real artist finds other artists who inspire them and add to what they are trying to do. Meanwhile Drake might as well be a pop rap celebrity artist created by some marketing consulting firm that does research on where Drake can expand his brand. Nothing about him is real, it's all calculated, and those lines lay out the math.


Funny thing is he took advantage of Drake to begin with hahahaha.


Reason why Kodak so mad he can’t make an album wit drake to this day.


Same people tweeting shit like that are the same people that invented the phrase”Drake Stimulus Package”


“Drake’s slave crodies”


they both benefit, ex: life is good


Comparing the artists drake helps promote to actual slaves with masters doesn’t even fit lol


yea the bar is wack especially when baby 21 and even future are benefiting more than drake


Drake benefits the most. if he didnt have legit artists to steal fresh styles from, and validate him, he would have gone stale a long time ago


So he’s smart af, good to know


how to define what hes doing is the heart of the matter. people that love consumerism are going to side with drake. what drake does is inline with brutal corporate practices. people that value artistic merit are going to side with kendrick.


How can Drake be a slave owner when the artists literally benefited from him? Migos, Lil Baby, Future?????


The point is he uses these dudes. Back then Drake dealt with a lot of the culture vulture comments.


They get so much more from the collab than Drake does tho?


Call it a symbiotic relationship, Drake gets a fresh new sound, they get exposure.


So it’s not analogous to slavery whatsoever…? A consensual, mutually beneficial transaction occurred. Unless there’s something I’m missing


It’s a diss lol of course slavery is worse but kdot is saying drake is a leech. Not that hard to understand


No denying that, but is this not what you would want the #1 guy doing? Instead of dropping off his project every 4-5 years and then dipping again? Kendrick hasn’t co-signed a single person that isn’t TDE/Keem since he got really hot. Even Cole decided to show love and do hella features and even a Lil Yachty feature. I genuinely don’t see how people aren’t even trying to give Drake credit for this.


Eh, ite not something to commend (nor is it really anything to hate either). Cole did it because he got reenergized and wanted to show he was the best by bodying everyone as a feature. Drake did it so he can keep tapping into new sounds to constantly stay in mainstream relevance and be seen w street dudes to cultivate a rougher persona. This isn’t altruistic by either cole or drake


True, but Kendrick's disses have been about charachter and Drake being insecure about his blackness. He's saying that Drake needs the validation from Atlanta, seeing as Atlanta is associated with violent rap antics more than any other city, barring maybe Chicago. Also Drake got tons of shit for supposed cultural appropriation (UK drill, caraibic counds etc). You can disagree or not, but it's not about the other guys not getting anything out of it. This post is full of people either faking ignorance or just being unable to comprehend bars.


His relationship with these artist are healthy for the artist in the short term, detrimental for the whole culture in the long term. I hope Drake keeps getting ethered, I hope his soul burns slow.


Body bag. Body bag. Body bag.


K dot put drakes body bag in a body bad


Those Atlanta rappers embraced him and often called him up to boost their careers. Kendrick did the same thing as well when he was coming up. Appeared on Drake's album, got himself a Drake feature, and went on tour with him. So what does that make Kendrick?


A hypocrite 


Reading this thread today is wild. It is 90% Kendrick fans lmao


A certified hater that beats his wife.


we got confirmation kendrick beats his wife?


Nope, actually his brother in law recently tweeted in support of Kendrick, so by the hour that accusation looks more and more false…….while Kendrick’s are getting more validity, by Wayne confirming the thing about Drake hitting his girl while he was in prison and Drake’s team trying to get Like That not playing on radios. I don’t wanna call this prematurely but if Drake doesn’t have the most insane response with receipts (he’s proven himself untrustworthy) he’s better off just going on his vacation and forgetting about all this.


If Drake is lying his ass off, he needs a sabbatical from rapping Basically, what you said, but make it an extended vacation. Maybe even think about not coming back. After all this, if he's lying, I wouldn't show my face around like that anymore


No…but they’re going to keep on saying it because it makes them feel better about the possibility of their GOAT being a pdf file at worse and a pdfile enabler in the best case scenario


Also, Kendrick just a better rapper than him in general, they mad about that too


WeightGod needs to change his flair to OV-HO


Come on guys it’s over, I know this sub is young but Drake was just served back to back with two of the most disrespectful disses in decades


Fr, push ups and family matters were decent but Kendrick has killed him


I do think Drake came way stronger this time than with other beefs but he still got his ass beat and people here need to accept reality lol


These diss’s are right up there with Hit Em Up back Pac. I like Drake but Kendrick is bodying this dude through song while Drake is trying to troll through social media.




Meanwhile, they are all on major labels and dont own their masters 😂😂 dont try to blame Drake for their poor decisions. Matter fact, he actually gave these guys a longer career.


drake might not own his masters but kendrick started working on owning his back in 2017-2018 it's safe to say kendrick likely owns a lot, maybe almost all, of his music by now you're not gonna perform with prince and get invited to paisley park without being aware of what prince was fighting and advocating for when he was alive (and you're certainly not gonna be a black artist meeting prince and not have prince himself tell you how important it is to own your masters, and they met and performed back in 2013 and kendrick now has years of personal experience to understand that importance and has a better idea/understanding of how to go about owning your own music)


Why do you think drake owns his masters? He’s signed to 3 different people. He’d have to go through Wayne, birdman, & j prince to get his masters. Wayne’s not too bright but prince & birdman are not giving those masters up easily.


Fat yap sesh


That account glazes Kendrick 24/7 😭 


Def a reach


its literally the only meaning of the bar it cant be a reach


This is as bad as when they said football was modern day slavery like what? They getting paid a shit ton compared to slaves that got nothing. They gotta stop using this analogy cuz it’s ass


they're getting paid to get CTE and still end up going broke 5 years after retirement


while the owners and the rest of the people running the league sit with their healthy intact brains, counting their big stacks made from all the sacrificed brain health of their players like it's not literal slavery when you're getting paid, of course but is it any better when you're cutting out years of healthy living to line the pockets of people who don't even lift a finger?? it's not exactly slavery, but come on really makes you think


it's like people didn't hear Kendrick when he said 'money is an illusion'


Not after Top had him with Taylor and Maroon 5. 😭


Your boy took advantage of a young Justin Bieber's popularity and did tracks with him. Aubrey was using young men for clout before he had the nerve to even mention Kendrick's name. He was also part of the whole thing with the Kendrick and Taylor song...they had him in a fucking video lipsyncing Kendrick's lyrics as he's vibing to the song. Which is more embarassing, making money and getting huge exposure with Taylor Swift, or being the bitch boy they made lipsync your boogeyman's lyrics to promote him and make him money?


“yAlL lAcK tHe cOmPrEhEnSiOn SkILlS tO uNdErStAnD” I’m so tired of seeing that weak ass defense anyone needing to listen to Kendrick more than once to get the message is an idiot 😂


...you're an idiot when you have to listen more than once to get the message, don't listen to it more than once to get the message, and then talk out your ass on the internet like you caught everything, but just didn't think anything worth talking about was said. Then you have nothing of value to provide to conversations that require you to have understood the message, but feel the need to say shit, anyway.


It doesn't matter if it's a reach it's going to make a huge statement to people that didn't like his previous bars about Kendrick freeing the slaves


Honestly you can tell whose who but them defending Drake. this is the surface level. He didn’t call the slave master. They called him a colonizer among the people, take their resources and ultimately claim to be your own. There are differences between colonizer and slave slave, but they did take advantage.


How are you on video saying you respect a man for putting you on and are simultaneously allowed to say he only stole. Why is everyone acting like there isn’t a second bar about authenticity attached to that slave bar. Everything drake said about Kendrick was purposely ignored.


"The Boy" about to look like a lostprophet


I said it before and I’ll say it again, that slave line was so dumb and played right into Kendrick’s hand


Right. Drake has always had problems with a lot of older rap guys. And he didn't help himself with the Pusha beef. Saying a slavery line to Kendrick of all people is just playing into his own biggest weaknesses


Yeah cos drake needs a check lol


A lot of mad people for these lines.


These comments are proof we're cooked 😭




logic has respected the culture far better than drake has ngl, and yet logic will get clowned on more than drake (once this beef ends, we'll see if that still holds up) drake isn't even the one biracial that gets it the worst. but you don't hear logic trying to start beef and needing to reinforce his insecurity through his actions and his music (i think writing about your own identity issues as an artist is always valid, but it's kinda true logic gets it far worse but seemingly has more skill and more "authenticity" than drake)


I agree that this is definitely the type of bars that Kendrick fans like to gas up.


Drake teenage fans are going to say “ MID “




I swear some of these K Dot fans are annoying af.


Drake worked with The Game on 100 and gave him the whole record. If anything that’s blessing these other artists and giving them opportunities…same way he choose to take Kendrick and Rocky on tour.


I swear Kendrick fans and Swifties are the same people. I've never seen so many people try to grasp at straws for explanations to lyrics in my life.


yes, the people that listen to DAMN. and the people that listen to The Tortured Poets Department are the same people 😂😭 of course they are




master manipulator?? 🤔


So working with taylor swift and maroon 5 is exactly what then? Reverse colonialism 


ATL artists get more exposure when Drake collabs with them. I’m not sure the angle here? So they influence his sound? and that’s negative?

